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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1985

The Media Revolution in America and in Western Europe: Volume II in the Paris-Stanford Series by Rogers, Everett M.
Modeling as Negotiating: The Political Dynamics of Computer Models in the Policy Process by Kraemer, Kenneth L., Unknown, Dutton, William H.
Critical Communication Review: Volume 3: Popular Culture and Media Events by Unknown, Wasko, Janet
Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume 6 by Unknown
Perspectives on Silence by Tannen, Deborah, Saville-Troike, Muriel
Continuity and Change in Communication Systems: An Asian Perspective by Dissanayake, Wimal, Unknown, Wang, Georgett
Einfuhrung in Das Programmieren in FORTRAN: Auf Der Grundlage Von FORTRAN 77 by Spiess, Wolfgang E., Rheingans, Friedrich G.
Current Research in Film: Audiences, Economics, and Law; Volume 1 by Unknown
Information Und Wirtschaftlichkeit: Wissenschaftliche Tagung Des Verbandes Der Hochschullehrer Für Betriebswirtschaft E. V. an Der Universität Hannove by Ballwieser, Wolfgang
Operations Research Mit Basic Auf Dem IBM PC: 12 Vollständige Programme by Kastner, Gustav
Newspaper Use and Community Ties: Towards a Dynamic Theory by Stamm, Keith R.
The Electronic Scholar: A Guide to Academic Microcomputing by Lawrence, John Shelton
Casebook Management For Non-Profit Organizations: Enterpreneurship & Occup by Young, Dennis, Slavin, Simon
Werbewirkungsanalysen Für Neue Produkte by Sebastian, Karl-Heinz
Optimal Decisions Under Uncertainty: Methods, Models, and Management by Sengupta, J. K.
Die Optimierung Der Kontrolle Regelmäßig Wiederkehrender Arbeitsprozesse by Erfle, W.
Rechnungswesen Und EDV Saarbrücker Arbeitstagung /85: Personal Computing - Kostenrechnung Und Controlling - Forschung Und Entwicklung - Standardsoftwa by
The Atlantic City Gamble: A Twentieth Century Fund Report by Hughes, James W., Sternlieb, George
Thermodynamik by Haase, R.
Forschungsmanagement -- Steuerungsversuche Zwischen Scylla Und Charybdis: Probleme Der Organisation Und Leitung Von Hochschulfreien, Öffentlich Finanz by
Multivariate Statistik in Den Natur- Und Verhaltenswissenschaften: Eine Einführung Mit Basic-Programmen Und Programmbeschreibungen in Fallbeispielen by Haf, Cord-Michael
Perspectives on Silence by Tannen, Deborah, Saville-Troike, Muriel
Internationale Währungspolitik Im Sozialistischen Staat: Theoretische Grundlegung Und Empirische Überprüfung Am Beispiel Der DDR by Schmidt, Paul G.
Konjunkturkrisen im Sozialismus by Paraskewopoulos, Spiridon
Steuerlastindizes: Theorie Und Empirische Evidenz by Genser, B.
Technology, Economic Growth and the Labour Process by Green, Kenneth, Blackburn, Phil, Coombs, Rod
Excellence in Banking by Davis, Steven I.
Change and Challenge in the World Economy by Balassa, Bela
Location and Layout Planning: An International Bibliography by Drexl, A., Domschke, W.
Asymptotic Distribution Theory in Nonparametric Statistics by Denker, Manfred
Information and Communication Vol 2 by
Tao of Leadership by Heider, John
Fire in the Hole: Miners and Managers in the American Coal Industry by Seltzer, Curtis
Buddhism in Late Ch'ing Political Thought by Chan, Sin-Wai
The Competitive Status of the U.S. Civil Aviation Manufacturing Industry: A Study of the Influences of Technology in Determining International Industr by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, Committee on Technology and International Economic and Trade, National Research Council
Office Workstations in the Home by Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
The Anti-Monopoly Persuasion: Popular Resistance to the Rise of Big Business in the Midwest by Piott, Steven L.
Organisation Und Betrieb Der Informationsverarbeitung: 6. Gi-Fachgespräch Über Rechenzentren, Kassel, 21./22. März 1985 by
Industriebetriebslehre by Weber, H. K.
Microeconomic Models of Housing Markets by
Planung in Der Datenverarbeitung: Von Der DV-Planung Zum Informations-Management Informations- Und Fachtagung Für Das DV-Management Wissenschaftszentr by
Contributions to Operations Research: Proceedings of the Conference on Operations Research Held in Oberwolfach, West Germany February 26 - March 3, 19 by
The Global Factory: Foreign Assembly in International Trade by Grunwald, Joseph, Flamm, Kenneth
Cities and the Wealth of Nations: Principles of Economic Life by Jacobs, Jane
Change Masters by Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Business and Technological Dynamics in Newly Industrializing Asia by Ting, Wenlee
Measuring the Unmeasurable by
The New Urban Reality by
Decision Making with Multiple Objectives: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Multiple-Criteria Decision Making, Held at the Case Wes by
Integer Programming and Related Areas: A Classified Bibliography 1981-1984 by
Limits to Bureaucratic Growth by Meyer, Marshall W.
The Politics of Production by Burawoy, Michael
Electronic Mail and Message Handling by Vervest, Peter, Unknown
Political Risks in International Business: New Directions for Research, Management, and Public Policy by Brewer, Thomas, Nichols, Lawrence
Multinational Distribution: Channel, Tax and Legal Strategies by Gilbert, Ralph
Industrialization in Nineteenth Century Europe by Kemp, Tom
Hair Matters by Galvin, Joshua
Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean by Chaudhuri, K. N.
Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean: An Economic History from the Rise of Islam to 1750 by Chaudhuri, K. N., K. N., Chaudhuri
Aufbruch ins Industriezeitalter, Band 1, Linien der Entwicklungsgeschichte by
The Rural Workforce: Non-Agricultural Occupations in America by Skipper, James K., Bryant, Clifton D., Shoemaker, Donald J.
Ethics in Planning by
The Measurement of Efficiency of Production by Färe, Rolf, Grosskopf, Shawna, Knox Lovell, C. a.
Foundations of Business Information Systems by Doswell, Andrew
Dgor: Papers of the 13th Annual Meeting / Vorträge Der 13. Jahrestagung by
Plantation Agriculture and Social Control in Northern Peru, 1875-1933 by Gonzales, Michael J.
Professionals in Organizations: Debunking a Myth by Guy, Mary E.
International Trade and Lending by Connolly, Michael, Wallman, Kathleen
Research in Technical Communication: A Bibliographic Sourcebook by
The Zoning Game Revisited by Siemon, Charles L., Babcock, Richard F.
Struktur Und Tendenzen in Der Industriellen Energiebedarfsdeckung: VDI/Vde/Gfpe-Tagung in Schliersee Am 6./7. Mai 1985 by Schaefer, Helmut
The Competition: Dealing with Japan by Unknown
Transnational Corporations and Underdevelopment by Chase-Dunn, Christopher, Bornschier, Volker, Dunn, Christophe C.
Corporate Policy, Values and Social Responsibility by Buono, Anthony F., Nichols, Lawrence T., Lawrence, T. Nichols
Barter in the World Economy by Wallman, Kathleen M. H.
The Prospects of American Industrial Recovery by Ullmann, John E.
Antiquarian Bookselling in the United States: A History from the Origins to the 1940s by Stern, Madeleine B., Unknown
At Home on the Range: Essays on the History of Western Social and Domestic Life by Wunder, J.
Ideology and Soviet Industrialization by Luke, Timothy W.
Menschen - Arbeit Neue Technologien: Iao-Arbeitstagung 11.-13. Juni 1985 in Stuttgart by
Business Letters Made Simple: A Practical, Up-to-Date Guide to Writing Clear, Effective Business Letters that Get Results by Hutchinson, Betty, Hutchinson, Warner A.
Soviet Statistics of Physical Output of Industrial Commodities: Their Compilation and Quality by Unknown, Grossman, Gregory
Einlage von Nutzungen und Leistungen by Wismeth, Siegfried
China's One-Child Family Policy by
China's One-Child Family Policy by
Technology, Institutions and Government Policies by
Rationale Akteure und soziale Institutionen by Voss, Thomas
Typing for Beginners by Owen, Betty
The Information Explosion: The New Electronic Media in Japan and Europe by
Macroeconomic Prospects for a Small Oil Exporting Country by
Automobile Insurance: Actuarial Models by Lemaire, Jean
Advances in Information Systems Science: Volume 9 by Tou, Julius T.
Moderne Warenwirtschaftssysteme Im Handel: Internationale Fachtagung 25.-27. Oktober 1984, Rüschlikon-Zürich by
Plural Rationality and Interactive Decision Processes: Proceedings of an Iiasa (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis) Summer Study on by
Produktionsplanung Mit Verdichteten Daten by Wittemann, Norbert
Phil Weyerhaeuser: Lumberman by Twining, Charles E.
Swidden Agriculture in Indonesia: The Subsistence Strategies of the Kalimantan Kant by Dove, Michael R.
Ending Hunger: An Idea Whose Time Has Come by Hunger Project, The, Preager, Frederick A., Praeger, Frederick A.
Computer Work Stations: A Manager S Guide to Office Automation and Multi-User Systems by Holtz, Herman R.
Revolution in the World Petroleum Market by Tetreault, Mary Ann
Nonextrapolative Methods in Business Forecasting: Scenarios, Vision, and Issues Management by Pessolano, F. John
Tender Offers: Developments and Commentaries by
Economic Theory and the Construction Industry by Hillebrandt, Patricia M.
On the Use of Stochastic Processes in Modeling Reliability Problems by Birolini, Alessandro
Logistische Informatik Für Güterverkehrsbetriebe Und Verlader: Computergestützte Systeme Zur Planung, Steuerung Und Kontrolle Verkehrsbetrieblicher Tr by
Preference Modelling by Vincke, Philippe, Roubens, Marc
Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sale by Ziglar, Zig
Multinationals, Technology and Exports: Selected Papers by Lall, Sanjaya
Multinationals, Technology and Exports: Selected Papers by Lall, Sanjaya
Thinking Unth 80sp by Kahn, Herman
Competition and Diversification in the United States Petroleum Industry by Ghosh, Arabinda, Ghosh, Arvin
Managerial Issues in Productivity Analysis by
Economic Theory and International Trade in Natural Exhaustible Resources by Withagen, Cees
Deskriptive Statistik by Ferschl, Franz
Wissensbasierte Systeme: Gi-Kongreß, München, 28./29. Oktober 1985 by
Trends in American Economic Growth by Denison, Edward
Organisationsspielraum und Büroautomation by Sydow, Jörg
The Economics & Politics of Health by Ricardo-Campbell, Rita
Labour in Power 1945-1951 by Morgan, Kenneth O.
Einführung in Die Sozialwissenschaftliche Statistik by Patzelt, Werner J.
The Untapped Power of the Press: Explaining Government to the People by Wolfson, Lewis W.
Foreign Exchange and Money Markets: Managing Foreign and Domestic Currency Operations by Riehl, Heinz
Sources of International Comparative Advantage: Theory and Evidence by Leamer, Edward E.
Comecon Foreign Trade Data 1984 by Vienna, Lsi
Change and Challenge in the World Economy by Balassa, Bela
News, Newspapers and Television by Hetherington, Alastair
The Art of Planning: Selected Essays of Harvey S. Perloff by
Insurance Development in the Arab World:: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Available Domestic Retention Capacity and the Demand for Internation by
The Management of Productivity and Technology in Manufacturing by
Organisation Und Wandel: Konzepte - Mehr-Ebenen-Analyse (Mea) - Anwendungen by Steinle, Claus
International Business in the Middle East by
Peace and Disputed Sovereignty by Rohrlich, Paul, Kratochwil, Friedrich, Mahajan, Harpreet
Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis: Elements of the Sociology of Corporate Life by Morgan, Gareth, Burrell, Gibson
Strategic Planning for Sponsored Projects Administration: The Role of Information Management by McClure, Charles R., Harman, Keith
Paralegals: Progress and Prospects of a Satellite Occupation by Johnstone, Quintin, Wenglinsky, Martin
The Art of Decision-Making by Davis, Morton
Transnationals and the Third World: The Struggle for Culture by Mattelart, Armand
Realismus Und Strukturalismus. Anwendungen: Literaturtheorie. Tauschwirtschaft. Entscheidungstheorie. Neurosentheorie. Kapital- Und Mehrwerttheorie by Stegmüller, Wolfgang
International Broadcasting by Satellite: Issues of Regulation, Barriers to Communication by Powell, Jon T.
Willing Workers: The Work Ethics in Japan, England, and the United States by Sengoku, Tamotsu
Small-scale processing of beef (Technology Series. Technical Memorandum No. 10) by Ilo
Small-scale processing of pork (Technology Series. Technical Memorandum No. 9) by Ilo
Stress in Organizations: Toward A Phase Model of Burnout by Stevenson, Jerry, Golembiewski, Robert
Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use by Chomsky, Noam
Early California Oil: A Photographic History, 1865-1940 by Franks, Kenny Arthur
Service Industries: A Geographical Appraisal by Daniels, Peter W.
The Economic Intstitutions of Capitalism by Williamson, Oliver E.
Applications of Quality Control in the Service Industries by Rosander, A. C.
Internationale Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistik by Zwer, Reiner
Licensing in International Strategy: A Guide for Planning and Negotiations by Contractor, Farok J.
Practical Techniques of Business Forecasting: Fundamentals and Applications for Marketing Production, and Financial Managers by Kress, George
New Developments in Analysis of Market Structure: International Conference Proceedings by
Wirtschaftsgeschichte Und Mathematik: Beiträge Zur Anwendung Mathematischer, Insbesondere Statistischer Methoden in Der Wirtschafts- Und Sozialhistori by