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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1988

Indian Anthropology by Narayan, S.
Board Games: The Changing Shape of Corporate Power by Mason, Paul Z., Hazard Geoffrey, Fleischer, Arthur
Advances in Writing Research, Volume 2: Writing in Academic Disciplines by Jolliffe, David
Behind the Telephone Debates by Weinhaus, Carol L., Oettinger, Anthony G.
On Communication: Essays Is Understanding by Thayer, Lee
Human Communication and Its Disorders, Volume 2 by Winitz, Harris
The Technology Gamble: Informatics and Public Policy-A Study of Technological Choice by Hamelink, Cees J.
Talking American: Cultural Discourses on Donahue by Carbaugh, Donald
Designing Writing Tasks for the Assessment of Writing by Murphy, Sandra, Ruth, Leo
A Handbook for the Study of Human Communication: Methods and Instruments for Observing, Measuring, and Assessing Communication Process by Tardy, Charles H.
The General Mills/Parker Brothers Merger: Playing by Different Rules by Wojahn, Ellen
Gablers Wirtschafts Lexikon by Sellien, Reinhold, Sellien, Helmut
Strategieplanung Für Die Technische EDV: Baustein Zur Realisierung Von CIM-Systemen by Lindheim, Wolfgang
Advances in Writing Research, Volume 1: Children's Early Writing Development by Farr, Marcia
On Communication: Essays Is Understanding by Thayer, Lee
Current Research in Film: Audiences, Economics, and Law; Volume 4 by Austin, Bruce a.
Designing Writing Tasks for the Assessment of Writing by Ruth, Leo, Murphy, Sandra
Dialogue Journal Communication: Classroom, Linguistic, Social, and Cognitive Views by Peyton, Joy Kreeft, Staton, Jana, Shuy, Roger W.
Handbook of Organizational Communication by Barnett, George A., Goldhaber, Gerald M.
Cableviewing by Greenberg, Bradley S., Heeter, Carrie
Women Communicating: Studies of Women's Talk by
Advances in Natural Language Generation: An Interdisiplinary Perspective, Volume 1 by
Advances in Natural Language Generation: An Interdisiplinary Perspective, Volume 2 by Zock, Michael
The Social Construction of Written Communication by Rafoth, Bennetta A., Rubin, Donald L.
Press Concentration and Monopoly: New Perspectives on Newspaper Ownership and Operation by
Allgemeine Haftpflichtversicherung: Leitfaden Durch Die Ahb by Kuwert, Joachim
Unfallversicherung Und Aub 88 by Riebesell, Horst
Informationsmanagement in Der Organisationsplanung by Wedekind, Eberhard E.
Ablage: Die Organisation Der Information by Gätjens-Reuter, Margit
Communication and Power in Organizations: Discourse, Idealogy, and Domination by Mumby, Dennis K.
Talking American: Cultural Discourses on Donahue by Carbaugh, Donald
Minerals Handbook 1988-89: Statistics and Analyses of the World's Minerals Industry by
Economics, Growth and Sustainable Environments: Essays in Memory of Richard Lecomber by
Comparative Technology Choice in Development: The Indian and Japanese Cotton Textile Industries by Itsuka, Keijiro, Ranis, Gustav
The European Armaments Market and Procurement Cooperation by
Government Innovation Policy: Design, Implementation, Evaluation by Roessner, D.
National Income and Economic Progress: Essays in Honour of Colin Clark by Van Hoa, Tran, Perkins, J. O. N., Ironmonger, Duncan
Tabellenkalkulation Mit Microsoft Multiplan 3.0 Auf Dem PC by Tiemeyer, Ernst
Foreign Direct Investment by Smaller UK Firms: The Success and Failure of First-Time Investors Abroad by Thurwell, Jane, Buckley, Peter J., Newbould, Geral D. D.
How to Survive a Training Assignment: A Practical Guide for the New, Part-Time or Temporary Trainer by Ellis, Steven K.
Consultation: A Universal Lamp of Guidance by Kolstoe, John E.
Men's Lives by Matthiessen, Peter
Modellgestützte Strategische Planung Für Multinationale Unternehmungen: Konzeption, Potential Und Implementierung by Schober, Franz
Economics, Growth and Sustainable Environments: Essays in Memory of Richard Lecomber by
Intrusion Detection Systems by Barnard, Robert
Descent Directions and Efficient Solutions in Discretely Distributed Stochastic Programs by Marti, Kurt
Decision Synthesis: The Principles and Practice of Decision Analysis by Watson, Stephen R., Buede, Dennis M.
Micro -- Qualiflex: An Interactive Software Package for the Determination and Analysis of the Optimal Solution to Decision Problems by Ancot, J. P.
Applications of Modern Production Theory: Efficiency and Productivity by
Decision Analysis by Gregory, Geoffrey
Sustainable Development of Agriculture by
X-Efficiency: Theory, Evidence and Applications by Frantz, Roger S.
Technology in Services: Policies for Growth, Trade, and Employment by National Academy of Engineering
Managing Innovation: Cases from the Services Industries by National Academy of Engineering
Technology in Services: Policies for Growth, Trade, and Employment by National Academy of Engineering
Managing Innovation: Cases from the Services Industries by National Academy of Engineering
Building for Tomorrow: Global Enterprise and the U.S. Construction Industry by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Serious Money: New Edition by Churchill, Caryl
Innovation in New Markets: The Impact of Deregulation on Airlines, Financial Markets, and Telecommunications by
Ethics and Professionalism by Kultgen, John
The Agrarian Question Volume 1 by Kautsky, Karl
The Agrarian Question, Volume 2 by Kautsky, Karl
The Political Economy of West Germany, 1945-85: An Introduction by Leaman, Jeremy
The Political Economy of West Germany, 1945-85: An Introduction by Leaman, Jeremy
The Good and the Bad News about Quality by Schrock
Aktionsorientierte Datenverarbeitung Im Fertigungsbereich by Hofmann, Jürgen
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics: Proceedings of the Fifth Japan-USSR Symposium, Held in Kyoto, Japan, July 8-14, 1986 by
Business and Religion in the American 1920s by Lunden, Rolf
Petrochemicals: The Rise of an Industry by Spitz, Peter H.
Threats of Quotas in International Trade: Their Effect on the Exporting Country by Stockhausen, Gerard Lawrence
Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Einsatz in Der Mittelständischen Wirtschaft Fachtagung, Saarbrücken, 24.-25. Februar 1988 by
Mechanization and Maize: Agriculture and the Politics of Technology Transfer in East Africa by Anthony, Constance
Comparable Worth, Pay Equity, and Public Policy by
Micro-Electronics and Clothing: The Impact of Technical Change on a Global Industry by Hoffman, Kurt, Rush, Howard
Integral Global Optimization: Theory, Implementation and Applications by Chew, Soo H., Zheng, Quan
Grundlagen Der Statistik: Amtliche Statistik Und Beschreibende Methoden by Anderson, Oskar, Popp, Werner, Schaffranek, Manfred
Private Interests, Public Policy, and American Agriculture by Browne, William P.
Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World: Responses to Risk and Crisis by Garnsey, Peter
The Theory of Environmental Policy by Baumol, William J., Oates, Wallace E.
Multiregional Input -- Output Models in Long-Run Simulation by Toyomane, N.
Mentoring at Work: Developmental Relationships in Organizational Life by Kram, Kathy E.
Kausalmodelle in Geographie, Ökonomie Und Soziologie: Eine Einführung Mit Übungen Und Einem Computerprogramm by Güssefeldt, Jörg
Entwicklungsländerorientierte Internationalisierung Von Industrieunternehmen: Eine Theoretische Und Empirische Analyse Des Entscheidungsverhaltens Am by Peters, Joachim
Advances in Optimization and Control: Proceedings of the Conference "Optimization Days 86" Held at Montreal, Canada, April 30 - May 2, 1986 by
Non-Conventional Preference Relations in Decision Making by
Ethics of Criticism by Siebers, Tobin
Public Relations Programming and Production by Brody, E.
The Development of a Postmodern Self: A Computer-Assisted Comparative Analysis of Personal Documents by Wood, Michael R., Jr, Louis A. Zurcher
Controlling Von Informations- Und Kommunikationssystemen by Roithmayr, Friedrich
Mentally Tough: The Principles of Winning at Sports Applied to Winning in Business by McLaughlin, Peter, Loehr, James E.
Hierarchische Produktionsplanung Bei Losweiser Fertigung by Stadtler, Hartmut
Forecasting Sales with the Personal Computer: Guidelines for Marketing and Sales Managers by Berry, Dick
United States Service Industries Handbook by Candilis, W.
Palm Oil and Protest: An Economic History of the Ngwa Region, South-Eastern Nigeria, 1800 1980 by Martin, Susan M.
Textiles in Transition: Technology, Wages, and Industry Relocation in the U.S. Textile Industry, 1880-1930 by Kane, Nancy Frances
Ethical Issues in Professional Life by Callahan
Innovation and the Productivity Crisis by Alok K Chakrabarti, Baily, Martin Neil
Mill Family by McHugh, Cathy L.
Optimization, Parallel Processing and Applications: Proceedings of the Oberwolfach Conference on Operations Research, February 16-21, 1987 and the Wor by
Programming in Networks and Graphs: On the Combinatorial Background and Near-Equivalence of Network Flow and Matching Algorithms by Derigs, Ulrich
The Economics of Multispecies Harvesting: Theory and Application to the Barents Sea Fisheries by Flaaten, Ola
Power, Protection, and Free Trade by Lake, David A.
An Audit of the Case Study Method by Masoner, Michael
Ideological Control in Nonideological Organizations. by Joerges, B., Czarniawska-Joerges, Barbara
A Slippery Slope: The Long Road to the Breakup of AT&T by Henck, Fred W., Strassburg, Bernard, Henck, Betty
Housing Policy and Finance by Black, John, Stafford, David
The Structure of British Industry by
Housing Policy and Finance by Stafford, David, Black, John
Decision, Probability, and Utility: Selected Readings by
The Great Merger Movement in American Business, 1895 1904 by Lamoreaux, Naomi
The Corporate Reconstruction of American Capitalism, 1890 1916: The Market, the Law, and Politics by Sklar, Martin J.
Operational Efficiency in Forestry: Vol. 1: Analysis by Sundberg, B., Silversides, C. R.
An Introduction to Cryptology by Van Tilborg, Henk C. a.
Techniques of Structured Problem Solving by VanGundy, Arthur B.
Management Dimensions: New Challenges by Hardy, Hardy, Owen B., McWhorter, Clayton R.
Understanding Industrial Relations in Modern Japan by Koike, Kazuo, Saso, Trans Mary
The End of Conversation: The Impact of Mass Media on Modern Society by Ferrarotti, Franco
Informationstechnik: Automation Und Arbeit by Rasmussen, Thomas
Umweltschutz Für Luft Und Wasser by
Where Two Worlds Meet: The Great Lakes Fur Trade by Gilman, Carolyn
Us-China Trade: Problems and Prospects by Lawson, Eugene
Advertising Self-Regulation and Outside Participation: A Multinational Comparison by Boddewyn, Jean J.
Import/Export Can Make You Rich by Lanze, L. B., Lanze, Laura B.
Progress for Food or Food for Progress?: The Political Economy of Agricultural Growth and Development by Dovring, Folke
Educating Managers of Nonprofit Organizations by Young, Dennis R.
Entrepreneurship and Public Policy: Can Government Stimulate Business Startups? by Mokry, Benjamin W.
On Model Uncertainty and Its Statistical Implications: Proceedings of a Workshop, Held in Groningen, the Netherlands, September 25-26, 1986 by
Community Organizations: Studies in Resource Mobilization and Exchange by
International Mineral Economics: Mineral Exploration, Mine Valuation, Mineral Markets, International Mineral Policies by Gocht, Werner R., Zantop, Half, Eggert, Roderick G.
New Information Technology and Industrial Change: The Italian Case by
Personal Productivity by Kendrick, John W., Kendrick, J. B.
Classical Insurance Solvency Theory by
Costs and Effects of Managing Chronic Psychotic Patients by
Benutzergerechte Software-Entwicklung by Oetinger, Ralf
Produktionsplanung Variantenreicher Erzeugnisse Mit EDV by Zimmermann, Gero
Liability: Perspectives and Policy by
The Lobster Gangs of Maine by Acheson, James M.
Organizations and Ethical Individualism by Kolenda, Pauline
Computer-Aided Transit Scheduling: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Computer-Aided Scheduling of Public Transport by
Dgor/Nsor: Papers of the 16th Annual Meeting of Dgor in Cooperation with Nsor/Vorträge Der 16. Jahrestagung Der Dgor Zusammen Mit Der Nsor by
Harvard University Press: A History by Hall, Max
Always Under Pressure: A History of North Thames Gas Since 1949 by Falkus, Malcolm E.
Interest and Profit in the Theories of Value and Distribution by Panico, Carlo
Business, Money and the Rise of Corporate Pacs in American Elections by Eismeier, Theodore J., Pollock, Philip H.
Marketing Real Estate Internationally by Hines, M. A., Hines, Mary Alice
Knights, Raiders, and Targets by
Guide to International Real Estate Investment by Hines, M. A.
Innovation and Management by
Elektrizitätsversorgungsplanung Für Ländliche Gebiete in Entwicklungsländern: Ein Optimierungsmodell by Lorenz, Ulrich
And the Wolf Finally Came: The Decline of the American Steel Industry by Hoerr, John
U.S. International Competitiveness: Evolution or Revolution? by Nelson, Philip B., Hilke, John C.
Insurance in Socialist East Europe by Rogers, Paul, Schronfelder, Bruno
The Virtuous Journalist by Klaidman, Stephen, Beauchamp, Tom L.
Surviving in the Newspaper Business: Newspaper Management in Turbulent Times by Willis, William James, Willis, Jim
Abundance of Life: Human Development Policies for an Aging Society by Moody, Harry
Effective Information Centers: Guidelines for MIS and IC Managers by Thierauf, Robert J.
Rexford G. Tugwell: A Biography by Namorato, Michael
National Income+economic Progress by Ironmonger, Duncan, Van Hoa, Tran, Perkins, J. O. N.
Combining Fuzzy Imprecision with Probabilistic Uncertainty in Decision Making by
Fundamentals of Production Theory by Färe, Rolf
Bounded Rational Behavior in Experimental Games and Markets: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Experimental Economics, Bielefeld, West Germany, by
The International Political Economy of Coffee: From Juan Valdez to Yank's Diner by Lucier, Richard L.
The Management of Innovation in High Technology Small Firms: Innovation and Regional Development in Britain and the United States by Rothwell, Roy, Oakey, R. P., Oakey, Ray
Pollution and the Struggle for the World Product by Leonard, H. Jeffrey
The Success of Competitive-Communism in Japan by Kenrick, Douglas Moore
Applied Production Analysis: A Dual Approach by Robert G., Chambers, Chambers, Robert G.
Operations Management of Distributed Service Networks: A Practical Quantitative Approach by Ahituv, Niv, Berman, Oded
Industries, Firms, and Jobs: Sociological and Economic Approaches by
Cooperative Games, Solutions and Applications by Driessen, Theo S. H.
Inside Corporate Innovation: Strategy, Structure, and Managerial Skills by Burgelman, Robert a.
Effective Writing for Engineers, Managers, Scientists by Tichy, H. J.
Voluntary Corporate Liquidations by Kudla, Ronald J.
A Historical Dictionary of American Industrial Language by Mulligan, William H.
Small Business in a Regulated Economy: Issues and Policy Implications by
The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor by Abbott, Andrew
Non-Traditional Agriculture and Economic Development: The Brazilian Soybean Expansion, 1964-1982 by Soskin, Anthony B.
Creating the Welfare State: The Political Economy of Twentieth-Century Reform; Second Edition--Revised and Expanded (REV and Expanded) by McQuaid, Kim, Berkowitz, Edward D.
Women's Attitudes Towards Work by Dex, Shirley
Communist Neo-Traditionalism: Work and Authority in Chinese Industry by Walder, Andrew G.
The State and American Foreign Economic Policy by
The State and American Foreign Economic Policy by
Government Policy Towards Industry in the United States and Japan by
From Monopoly to Competition: The Transformations of ALCOA, 1888 1986 by George David, Smith, Smith, George David, Smith, George D.
Linked National Models: A Tool for International Food Policy Analysis by Fischer, Günther, Frohberg, Klaus, Keyzer, Michiel A.
The Political Economy of Marx (2nd Edition) by Howard, M. E.
Business Basics in Hawaii REV. Ed. by Kondo, Dennis
Interpersonal Communication for Technically Trained Managers: A Guide to Skills and Techniques by Jackson, Dale E.
Small Business, Banks, and Sba Loan Guarantees: Subsidizing the Weak or Bridging a Credit Gap? by Rhyne, Elisabeth Holmes
Steuerplanung des Mitunternehmers by Karsten, Jürgen
Enterprise, Management and Innovation in British Business, 1914-80 by Davenport-Hines, R. P. T., Jones, Geoffrey
Biotechnology: The University Industrial Complex by Kenney, Martin
Strategic and Tactical Decisions by Radford, K. J.
Economic and social effects of multinational enterprises in export processing zones by Ilo
Freight Transport Planning and Logistics: Proceedings of an International Seminar on Freight Transport Planning and Logistics Held in Bressanone, Ital by
Simplicial Algorithms on the Simplotope by Doup, Timothy M.
Doing the Business: Entrepreneurship, the Working Class, and Detectives in the East End of London by Hobbs, Dick
The Transport Revolution 1770-1985 by Bagwell, Philip
College Cash: How to Earn and Learn as a Student Entrepreneur by Hutchinson, Van
The Economics of Health Care: A Reference Handbook by Broyles, Robert W., Rosko, Michael D.
The Anatomy of Industrial Decline: Productivity, Investment, and Location in U.S. Manufacturing by Ullmann, John E.
See More