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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1989

A Guide to Proper Old Ed by Choa, G. H., Tian, Shou-He
Between Miti and the Market: Japanese Industrial Policy for High Technology by Okimoto, Daniel I.
Dangerous Pursuits: Mergers and Acquisitions in the Age of Wall Street by Adams, Walter, Brock, James W.
Macy's For Sale by Barmash, Isadore
An Open Approach to Information Policy Making: A Case Study of the Moore Universal Telephone Service ACT by Jacobson, Robert
Communications at the Crossroads: The Gender Gap Connection by Rush, Ramona R., Allen, Donna
Classrooms and Literacy by Bloome, David
Private Rights, Public Wrongs: The Computer and Personal Privacy by Rubin, Michael Rogers
Communication in Everyday Life: A Social Interpretation by Leeds-Hurwitz, Wendy
The Pay-Per Society: Computers and Communication in the Information Age by Mosco, Vincent
Communication in Everyday Life: A Social Interpretation by Leeds-Hurwitz, Wendy
Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume 9 by
Doing Research on Women's Communication: Perspectives on Theory and Method by Spitzack, Carole, Carter, Kathryn, Unknown
Fair Use and Free Inquiry: Copyright Law and the New Media by Lawerence, John Shelton, Timberg, Bernard, Lawrence, John Shelton
Organizational Life on Television by Vande Berg, Leah R., Trujillo, Nick, Berg, Leah Vande
Organizational Life on Television by Berg, Leah Vande, Vande Berg, Leah R., Trujillo, Nick
Doing Research on Women's Communication: Perspectives on Theory and Method by Carter, Kathryn
The New Environmental Age by Nicholson, Max
Automated Inspection and Quality Assurance by Miller, Richard Kendall, Robinson, Stanley L.
Markets for Federal Water: Subsidies, Property Rights, and the Bureau of Reclamation by Wahl, Richard W.
Political Censorship of the Arts and the Press in Nineteenth-Century by Goldstein, Robert Justin
Industry and Underdevelopment: The Industrialization of Mexico, 1890-1940 by Haber, Stephen H.
Informationen Und Versicherungen: Produktionstheoretische Grundlagen by Seng, Peter
Ein Praktischer Führer Für Das Datenbank-Management by
Quality Circle Und Lernstatt: Ein Integrativer Ansatz by Deppe, Joachim
Techno-Diplomacy: Us-Soviet Confrontations in Science and Technology by Schweitzer, Glenn E.
Transfer in Language Production by Raupach, Manfred, Dechert, Hans W.
The Small World: A Volume of Recent Research Advances Commemorating Ithiel de Sola Pool, Stanley Milgram, Theodore Newcomb by Kochen, Manfred
Westdevisen und Devisenschwarzmärkte in sozialistischen Planwirtschaften by Wingender, Perdita A.
Interactive Learning & The New by
Techniques of Writing: Business Letters, Memos, and Reports by Bovee, Courtland L.
The Political Economy of International Air Safety: Design for Disaster? by Golich, Vicki L.
The Multinational Enterprise: Theory and Applications by Buckley, Peter J.
Information Security for Managers by Caelli, William, Longley, Denis
Economic Reforms in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe Since the 1960s by Adam, Jan
Japan's Agro-Food Sector: The Politics and Economics of Excess Protection by Rothacher, Albrecht
The International Farm Crisis by
Personal Consumption in the USSR and the USA by Birman, I.
Die Sowjetische Rüstungsindustrie by Albrecht, Ulrich
Bäuerliche Freiheit Und Genossenschaftliche Koordination: Untersuchungen Zur Landwirtschaft in Der Vertikalen Integration by Dirscherl, Clemens
Capitalist Development and Crisis Theory: Accumulation, Regulation and Spatial Restructuring by
Swiss Banking in an International Context by Blackman, W.
Managing Change in the Excellent Banks by Davis, Steven I.
MacMillan Directory of Business Information Sources by
Aktive Medienarbeit Mit Jugendlichen: Theorie Und PRAXIS by Schell, Fred
Geld- und Währungspolitik, Stabilität nach innen und aussen by
From Industry to Alchemy: Burgmaster, a Machine Tool Company by Holland, Max
Preventing Derailment: What to do before it's too late by Lombardo, Michael M., Eichinger, Robert W.
A Passion for Excellence: The Leadership Difference by Peters, Tom, Austin, Nancy
Improving Government Performance: Evaluation Strategies for Strengthening Public Agencies and Programs by Newcomer, Kathryn E., Wholey, Joseph S.
Entrepreneurial Systems for the 1990s: Their Creation, Structure, and Management by Morningstar, Gersh, Tropman, John E.
Der Roggenpreis Und Die Kriege Des Großen Königs: Chronik Und Rezeptsammlung Des Berliner Bäckermeisters Johann Friedrich Heyde 1740 Bis 1786 by
Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country by Greider, William
The First Amendment--The Challenge of New Technology by Mier Y. Teran, Elena
Domestic Trade Politics and the Uruguay Round by Nau, Henry
Unfair Competition: The Profits of Nonprofits by Dilorenzo, Thomas J., Bennett, James T.
Chinese Banking in Asia's Market Economies by
The Brush and the Spur: Chinese Culture and the Cockfight by Cutter, Robert Joe
Strategic Executive Decisions: An Analysis of the Difference Between Theory and Practice by Stahl, Michael J.
Economic Reforms in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe Since the 1960s by Adam, Jan
Mathematik für Ökonomen by Horst, Reiner
Capacity Oriented Analysis and Design of Production Systems by Koster, M. B. M. De
Cournot Oligopoly by
Natural Monopoly Regulation: Principles and Practice by Tschirhart, John, Berg, Sanford V.
Preference, Production and Capital by Uzawa, Hirofumi
Contracting Out in Government: A Guide to Working with Outside Contractors to Supply Public Services by Rehfuss, John A.
The Business of Research by Graham, Margaret B. W.
Essays: On Entrepreneurs, Innovations, Business Cycles and the Evolution of Capitalism by Schumpeter, Joseph A.
Petroleum Investment Policies in Developing Countries by
Hosts and Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism by
Poka-Yoke: Improving Product Quality by Preventing Defects by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun
Creative Organization Theory: A Resourcebook by Morgan, Gareth
Organization: A Guide To Problems and Practice by Child, John
U.S. Commercial Opportunities in the Soviet Union: Marketing, Production, and Strategic Planning Perspectives by Carvounis, Brinda Z., Carvounis, Chris C.
Mass Communications and the Modern World by Ward, Ken
The Balance Between Industry and Agriculture in Economic Development by
Privilege and Profit: A Business Family in Eighteenth-Century France by Bamford, P. W.
Entwicklung Eines Expertensystems Für Das DV-Controlling by Nonhoff, Jürgen
U.S. Export Control Policy: Executive Autonomy vs. Congressional Reform by Long, William
How to Make Money Growing Trees by Vardaman, James M.
Suicidal Corporation by Weaver, Paul H.
US Trade Policies in a Changing World Economy by
Managers as Employees by
Guerrilla Marketing Attack by Levinson, Arnold Ed, Levinson, Jay Conrad
From Organizational Decline to Organizational Renewal: The Phoenix Syndrome by Guy, Mary E.
Social Security Policies in Industrial Countries by Gordon, Margaret S.
Managing the Service Economy: Prospects and Problems by
Prime Times, Bad Times by Joyce, Ed
Knowledge Base for the Beginning Teacher by Reynolds, Maynard C.
A Critical Evaluation of the Chicago School of Antitrust Analysis by Schmidt, I., Rittaler, J. B.
Markets and Justice: Nomos XXXI by
Readings in Decision Analysis by French, S.
Changing the Rules: Technological Change, International Competition, and Regulation in Communications by
Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow: Discovering Your Right Livelihood by Sinetar, Marsha
Juran on Leadership for Quality by Juran, J. M.
Sustainable Corporate Growth: A Model and Management Planning Tool by Olson, Gerard T., Clark, John J., Chiang, Thomas C.
Getting Down to Business: Baruch College in the City of New York, 1847-1987 by Berrol, Selma Cantor
Computer Assisted Writing Instruction in Journalism and Professional Education by Williams, Frederick
Windows on a New World: The Third Industrial Revolution by Finklestein, Joseph
Apl2-Handbuch by Lochner, Hans
Managerial Economics: The Analysis of Business Decisions by Hill, Stephen
Strikes by Hyman, Richard
Lösungsheft Zu Den Aufgaben Der Vierten Auflage Des Buches: Betriebswirtschaftstheorie Band 1 by Busse Von Colbe, Walther, Laßmann, Gert
Our Own Time: A History of American Labor and the Working Day by Roediger, David R., Foner, Philip S.
Mikrocomputer-Graphik: Eine Unterprogrammsammlung Für FORTRAN Und Gks by Spiekermann, Klaus, Wegener, Michael
Auto Safety: Assessing America's Performance by Graham, John D.
The Nonprofit Sector in International Perspective: Studies in Comparative Culture and Policy by Estelle James
Trade Policy and Market Structure by Krugman, Paul, Helpman, Elhanan
Hierarchische Produktionsplanung: Konzeption Und Einsatzbereich by Switalski, Marion
Facility Location and the Theory of Production by Martinich, Joseph S., Hurter, Arthur P.
Principles of Agricultural Economics: Markets and Prices in Less Developed Countries by Young, Trevor L., Colman, David Etc
The State, Trade Unions and Self-Management: Issues of Competence and Control by
Governments and Small Business by Bannock, Graham, Peacock, Alan, David Hume Institute
Multinationals, the State, and the Management of Economic Nationalism: The Case of Trinidad by Singh, Chaitram
Friends in High Places: The Bechtel Story: The Most Secret Corporation and How It Engineered the World by McCartney, Laton
Institutional Search: A Practical Guide to Executive Recruitment in Nonprofit Organizations by Garrison, Stephen A.
Aufgabenintegrierte Büroinformationssysteme: Allgemeines Datenmodell Und Probleme Der Realisierung by Jacob, Olaf
The Ethics of Organizational Transformation: Mergers, Takeovers, and Corporate Restructuring by
Soziale Kosten Des Energieverbrauchs: Externe Effekte Des Elektrizitätsverbrauchs in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Hohmeyer, Olav
Regulatory Interventionism in the Utility Industry: Fairness, Efficiency, and the Pursuit of Energy Conservation by Barkovich, Barbara R.
Touch Typing in Ten Lessons: A Home-Study Course with Complete Instructions in the Fundamentals of Touch Typewriting and Introducing the Basic Comb by Ben'ary, Ruth
Innovationsorientierte Umweltpolitik Bei Komplexen Umweltproblemen by Walter, Johann
American Journalism History: An Annotated Bibliography by Sloan, William, Sloan, W. David
South-South Trade: Trends, Issues, and Obstacles to Its Growth by
Historicl Studies Int Corp Bus by
Towards a Strategic Management and Decision Technology: Modern Approaches to Organizational Planning and Positioning by Sutherland, J. W.
The Evolution of International Trade Agreements by Winham, Gilbert R.
Marlin Firearms: A History of the Guns and the Company That Made Them by Usar, William S. Brophy
The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia 3: The Soviet Economy in Turmoil 1929-1930 by Davies, R. W.
Liberalizing Service Trade: Strategies for Success by Nicolaides, Phedon
Aspiration Based Decision Support Systems: Theory, Software and Applications by
Deregulation and Competition in the Insurance Industry by McDowell, Banks
Conservation Today: Conservation in Britain since 1975 by Pearce, David
Die Einflusse Von Verfahrensvariationen Und Der Art Des Kaufentscheidungsprozesses Auf Die Reliabilitat Der Ergebnisse Bei Der Conjoint Analyse by Weisenfeld, Ursula
Women's Employment and Multinationals in Europe by
Women's Employment and Multinationals in Europe by
The Political Economy of Singapore's Industrialization: National State and International Capital by Rodan, Garry
The Risk Ranking Technique in Decision Making by Hayns, Michael R., Chicken, John C.
Einführung in Die Warenanalyse by Hölzl, Josef
Information Technology: Agent of Change by F. J. Murray, Laver, Laver, F. J. M., Laver, Murray
Information Technology: Agent of Change by Laver, Murray, F. J. Murray, Laver, Laver, F. J. M.
Good Grief, Good Grammar: The Business Person's Guide to Grammar and Usage by Booher, Dianna
The Meeting: Gatherings in Organizations and Communities by Schwartzman, H. B.
Integrated Urban Systems Modeling: Theory and Applications by Tschangho John Kim
Spatial Data Configuration in Statistical Analysis of Regional Economic and Related Problems by Arbia, Giuseppe
The Economics of the Indian Ocean Slave Trade in the Nineteenth Century by Clarence-Smith, William Gervase
Lagerhaltung: Modelle Und Methoden by Bartmann, Dieter, Beckmann, Martin J.
Entrepreneurs and Politics in Twentieth-Century Mexico by Camp, Roderic Ai
The Economic Design of Control Charts by Collani, Elart Von
Qualität Und Qualitäts-Management: Aus Der PRAXIS Für Die PRAXIS by Kürzl, Albert
The Predators' Ball: The Inside Story of Drexel Burnham and the Rise of the Junkbond Raiders by Bruck, Connie
Eighty-eight Assignments for Development in Place by
Successful Cold Call Selling: Over 100 New Ideas, Scripts, and Examples from the Nation's Foremost Sales Trainer by Boyan, Lee
Capitalist Development and Crisis Theory: Accumulation, Regulation and Spatial Restructuring by
Latin American Land Reforms: A Retrospective Analysis by Dorner, Peter
The State & Rural Transformation in Northern Somalia, 1884-1986 by Samatar, Abdi Ismail
Neuklassische Und Keynesianische Modelle: Theoretische Analyse Und Empirischer Vergleich by Nakhaeizadeh, Gholamreza
Group Decision Support Systems for Effective Decision Making: A Guide for MIS Practitioners and End Users by Thierauf, Robert J.
The Nature of Unemployment in Britain: Studies of the Dhss Cohort by Nickell, Stephen, Narendranathan, Wiji, Stern, Jon
Computer-Based Management of Complex Systems: Proceedings of the 1989 International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Stuttgart, July 10-14, by
Venezuelan Oil: Development and Chronology by Martinez, A. R.
Dgor: Papers of the 17th Annual Meeting / Vorträge Der 17. Jahrestagung 1988 by
Economic Decisions Under Uncertainty by Sinn, Hans-Werner
Inside Magazines: A career builder's guide by Barnard, Michael
Growing Up in the Oil Patch by Schmidt, John
The Richest Man in Babylon: The Success Secrets of the Ancients by Clason, George S.
Political Economy and International Money by Williamson, John Harold
Interaktive betriebswirtschaftliche Informations- und Steuerungssysteme by
Managing Under Pressure: Industrial Relations in Local Government by Laffin, Martin
Leistungs- Und Lastbedarfssteuerung: VDI/Vde/Gfpe-Tagung in Schliersee Am 2./3. Mai 1989 by
Multinationals in Latin America by Grosse, Robert
Einkommensteuer - Lohnsteuer - BASIC by Porsche, Ernst
The Nonprofit Problem Solver: A Management Guide by Lord, Richard
Cost Analysis Applications of Economics and Operations Research: Proceedings of the Institute of Cost Analysis National Conference, Washington, D.C., by
The Market for Energy by
Knowledge and Class: A Marxian Critique of Political Economy by Resnick, Stephen a., Wolff, Richard D.
Women-Owned Businesses by
Information Technology and Global Interdependence by
30-Second Politics: Political Advertising in the Eighties by Kern, Montague
Kostenoptimale Verfahren in Der Statistischen Prozeßkontrolle: Eine Praxisorientierte Untersuchung by Bonneval, Detlev
Industrialisation in the Non-Western World by Kemp, Tom
Ethics in the World of Business by Braybrooke, David
From Domestic Manufacture to Industrial Revolution: The Case of the Rhineland Textile Districts by Kisch, Herbert
Figured Tapestry by Scranton, Philip
MacMillan Directory of Lloyd's of London by
Statistical Analysis of Random Fields by Ivanov, A. a., Leonenko, Nicolai
Inside the Us Treasury Market by Wann, Peter
Advances in Econometrics and Modelling by
Econometric Model Selection: A New Approach by Grasa, Antonio Aznar
Social Decision Methodology for Technological Projects by
Price Level Regulation for Diversified Public Utilities by Braeutigam, Ronald, Hillman, Jordan J.
Specification Writing and Management by McRobb, M.
Umweltstaat by
Third World Debt: The Next Phase by
Merchants and Manufacturers: Studies in the Changing Structure of Nineteeth Century Marketing by Livesay, Harold C., Porter, Glenn
Teamwork: What Must Go Right/What Can Go Wrong by Larson, Carl, Lafasto, Frank M. J.
The Limits of Biological Treatments for Psychological Distress: Comparisons With Psychotherapy and Placebo by
Teamwork: What Must Go Right/What Can Go Wrong by Larson, Carl E., Lafasto, Frank M. J.
Optimization: Volume 1 by Nemhauser, George L.
Labor and Industrial Relations Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Cameron, Lucille, Vocino, Michael C.
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