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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1990

A History of the World Semiconductor Industry by Morris, P. R.
Coal and Politics in Late Imperial Russia by Fenin, Aleksandr I.
The Money Chase: Congressional Campaign Finance Reform by Nelson, Candice J., Magleby, David B.
Winning Office Politics: Du Brin's Guide for the 90s by Du Brin, Andrew
People′s Reactions to Technology: In Factories, Offices, and Aerospace by
People′s Reactions to Technology: In Factories, Offices, and Aerospace by
The Political Economy of Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia by Wurfel, David, Burton, Bruce
The Political Economy of Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia by Burton, Bruce, Wurfel, David
Generalized Convexity and Fractional Programming with Economic Applications: Proceedings of the International Workshop on "Generalized Concavity, Frac by
Stochastic Project Networks: Temporal Analysis, Scheduling and Cost Minimization by Neumann, Klaus
Integer Programming and Related Areas: A Classified Bibliography 1984-1987 Compiled at the Institut Für Ökonometrie and Operations Research, Universit by
When Giants Learn to Dance by Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Privatization and Deregulation in Global Perspective by
Stochastic Models: Volume 2 by
Time Series and Statistics by
Monopoly Capital Theory: Hilferding and Twentieth-Century Capitalism by Zoninsein, Jonas
Critical Issues in Business Conduct: Legal, Ethical, and Social Challenges for the 1990s by Shrode, William, Manley, Walter, II
Managing Socialism: From Old Cadres to New Professionals in Revolutionary Cuba by Fitzgerald, Frank T., Fitzgerald, F. T.
Cooperation and Conflict in Occupational Safety and Health: A Multination Study of the Automotive Industry by Wokutch, Richard E.
The Might of the Multinationals: The Rise and Fall of the Corporate Legend by Rubner, Alexandr, Rubner, Alex
Computer-Organized Cost Engineering by Samid
Urban Poverty in the Caribbean: French Martinique as a Social Laboratory by Laguerre, Michel S.
Intellectual Properties and the Protection of Fictional Characters: Copyright, Trademark, or Unfair Competition? by Howell, Dorothy J.
Economic Restructuring of the American Midwest: Proceedings of the Midwest Economic Restructuring Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland by
Der Erweiterte Maskengenerator Eines Software-Entwicklungs-Systems: Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle Und Funktionalität Eines Integrierten Systems Zur So by Rosenthal, Wolfgang
Labour Relations and Economic Performance: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association in Venice, Italy by Dell'aringad, Carlo
Decision Processes in Dynamic Probabilistic Systems by Gheorghe, A. V.
Deregulation of the World Financial Markets: Myths, Realities, and Impact by Khoury, Sarkis J.
Innovation and Regional Development: Strategies, Instruments and Policy Coordination. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Innovation by
Arbeitslosigkeit: Ökonomische Und Soziologische Perspektiven by
Debt, Taxes and Corporate Restructuring by
In the Shadow of the Mountain: The Spirit of the CCC by Hill, Edwin G.
Gesellschaftsrecht by Maiberg, Hermann
Sensitivity Analysis in Multi-Objective Decision Making by Rios Insua, David
The Human Resource Crisis in the Public Sector: Rebuilding the Capacity to Govern by Wolf, James F., Lane, Larry M.
American Management and British Labor: A Comparative Study of the Cotton Spinning Industry by Cohen, Isaac
The Arbitration of Rights Disputes in the Public Sector by Deitsch, Clarence R.
Compstat: Proceedings in Computational Statistics, 9th Symposium Held at Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1990 by
Ethiopia: Failure of Land Reform and Agricultural Crisis by Mengisteab, Kidane, Kidane
Canadian-American Trade and Investment Under the Free Trade Agreement by Crookell, Doreen, Crookell, Harold, Crookell, H.
Technikpolitik Angesichts Der Umweltkatastrophe by
Biotechnology: Assessing Social Impacts and Policy Implications by
Joint Ventures in the People's Republic of China: Can Capitalism and Communism Coexist? by Ho, Alfred K., Ho, Alfred Kuo-Liang
International Finance and Financial Policy by
The Expanding Role of Esops in Public Companies by
Out of Thin Air: A History of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 1940-1990 by Butrica, Andrew
Strategic Management in Non-Profit Organizations: An Administrator's Handbook by Hay, Robert
People in Corporations: Ethical Responsibilities and Corporate Effectiveness by
Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence: The Integration of Problem-Solving Strategies by
The Economics of Trade Protection by Vousden, Neil
Research in Organizational Change and Development by
Business Ethics Pbk by
Education and Quality of the American Labor Force by
Genethics: The Clash Between the New Genetics and Human Values by Suzuki, David, Knudtson, Peter
Quality Function Deployment: The Practitioner's Approach by Bossert, James L.
Obliging Need: Rural Petty Industry in Mexican Capitalism by Cook, Scott
How to Write and Publish Engineering Papers and Reports: Third Edition by Michaelson, Herbert B., Michaelson
The Theory of Technological Change and Economic Growth by Gomulka, Stanislaw
Human Resource Forecasting and Strategy Development: Guidelines for Analyzing and Fulfilling Organizational Needs by
Costs and Benefits in Health Care and Prevention: An International Approach to Priorities in Medicine by
Restructuring American Corporations: Causes, Effects, and Implications by Alkhafaji, Abbass F., Alkharaji, Abbass F.
U.S. Agricultural Groups: Institutional Profiles by
United States Business History, 1602-1988: A Chronology by Robinson, Richard
Chesapeake Gold by Brait, Susan
Dutch Primacy in World Trade, 1585-1740 by Israel, Jonathan I.
Business Through the Eyes of Faith by Chewning, Richard C.
Project Leadership by Hastings, Colin, Briner, Wendy, Geddes, Michael
Ein Mathematischer Countdown Zur Wirtschaftswissenschaft by Trockel, Walter
Made in America: Regaining the Productive Edge by Dertouzos, Michael L.
Pod- Food Allergies & Adverse Reactions by Anderson, John A., Perkin, Judy E., Perkin Judy
The Carnival of Images: Brazilian Television Fiction by Mattelart, Armand, Mattelart, Michele
Government, Ethics, and Managers: A Guide to Solving Ethical Dilemmas in the Public Sector by Austern, David, Steinberg, Sheldon
Entrepreneurship Education: Current Developments, Future Directions by
Government, Ethics, and Managers: A Guide to Solving Ethical Dilemmas in the Public Sector by Steinberg, Sheldon S., Austern, David T.
Institutional Sustainability in Agriculture and Rural Development: A Global Perspective by Magrabi, Frances, Goldsmith, Authur A., Sook Chung, Young
Successful Industrial Product Innovation: An Integrative Literature Review by Calantone, Roger J., Dibenedetto, C. Anthon
Manufacturing: A Historiographical and Bibliographical Guide by
Strategische Absatzmarktplanung: Kunden- Und Wettbewerbsanalyse Für Logistikunternehmen by Zöllner, Werner A.
Protectionism and Economic Revival: The British Inter-War Economy by Solomou, Solomos, Kitson, Michael J., Michael, Kitson
Perspectives in Industrial Organization by
Coherent Structures and Simple Games by Ramamurthy, K. G.
Interpersonal Skills Training: A Handbook for Funeral Service Staffs by Wolfelt, Alan
Expertensystem Zur Beurteilung Von Anzeigenwerbung by Esch, Franz-Rudolf
World Labour Market by Potts, Lydia
Neue Medien und Erwachsenenbildung by Treumann, Klaus P., Baacke, Dieter, Schäfer, Erich
My Years with General Motors by Sloan, Alfred
Optimale Wirtschaftlichkeit Und Durchlaufzeit Im Büro: Ein Verfahren Zur Integrierten Optimierung Der Büroinformations- Und -Kommunikationstechnik by Götzer, Klaus G.
Locality and Inequality: Farm and Industry Structure and Socioeconomic Conditions by Lobao, Linda M.
Trade and Transitions: A Comparative Analysis of Adjustment Policies by Chandler, Marsha, Howse, Robert, Trebilcock, Michael
International Research Management: Studies in Interdisciplinary Methods from Business, Government, and Academia by
An Experiential Learning Approach to Employee Training Systems by Sims, Ronald R.
Making All the Difference: Inclusion, Exclusion, and American Law by Minow, Martha
Small Farmers, Big Business: Contract Farming and Rural Development by Kusterer, Ken, Glover, David
Machine That Changed the World by Womack, James P.
Organization Transformation Theorists and Practitioners: Profiles and Themes by Fletcher, Beverly R.
Labor Market Adjustments to Structural Change and Technological Progress by
Guide to the National Environmental Policy Act: Interpretations, Applications, and Compliance by Fogleman, Valerie
The Antitrust Experiment 1890-1990: Critical Studies by Dewey, Donald
The Past and Future of Affirmative Action: A Guide and Analysis for Human Resource Professionals and Corporate Counsel by Turner, Ronald
Smokeless Tobacco in the Western World: 1550-1950 by Rogozinski, Jan
The Executive's Handbook of Trade and Business Associations: How They Work--And How to Make Them Work Effectively for You by Mack, Charles
The Challenge of British Management by Lawrence, Peter, Barsoux, Jean-Louis
The Fruits of Fascism: Burgundian Ceremony and Civic Life in Late Medieval Ghent by Reich, Simon
Japan's New Imperialism by Steven, Rob
The Fruits of Fascism: Burgundian Ceremony and Civic Life in Late Medieval Ghent by Reich, Simon
Privacy in the Workplace: A Guide for Human Resource Managers by Bible, Jon D., McWhirter, Darien A.
Advertising and the Transformation of American Society, 1865-1920 by Norris, James D.
Hitler and the Peasants by Corni, Gustavo
CIM-Strategie ALS Teil Der Unternehmensstrategie by
The Future of Amazonia: Destruction or Sustainable Development? by
Corporate Law and Economic Analysis by
Statistische Datenanalyse mit dem Programmsystem SPSSx und SPSS/PC+ by Steinhausen, Detlef
Trade in Services and Imperfect Competition: Application to International Aviation by Weisman, E.
Competition and the Regulation of Utilities by
Uncertainty and Quality in Science for Policy by Funtowicz, S. O., Ravetz, J. R.
Multiperson Decision Making Models Using Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory by
Stochastic Versus Fuzzy Approaches to Multiobjective Mathematical Programming Under Uncertainty by
The Co-Operation Phenomenon - Prospects for Small Firms and the Small Economies by
Food Product Development: From Concept to the Marketplace by Graf, Ernst, Saguy, I. Sam
The Good Intentions Aside: Critical Success Strategies for New Public Managers at All Levels by Nash, Laura L.
The Critical Path to Corporate Renewal: Integrating Product, Sales, and Service by Beer, Michael
Decision-Making under Uncertainty: An Applied Statistics Approach by Chacko, George
The World Economic Crisis and Japanese Capitalism by Itoh, Makoto
The World Economic Crisis and Japanese Capitalism by Itoh, Makoto
Professional Ethics in Context: Institutions, Images and Empathy by Mount Jr, Eric
Ethical Issues in Counseling by Stein, Ronald H.
Enhancing the Volunteer Experience: New Insights on Strengthening Volunteer Participation, Learning, and Commitment by Ilsley, Paul J.
Guns for the Tsar by Bradley, Joseph
You'll Never Get No for an Answer by Carew, Jack
Einlastungsplanung Von Flexiblen Fertigungssystemen by Kuhn, Heinrich
Theorie Kollektiver Entscheidungen: Eine Einführung by Stehling, Frank, Bossert, Walter
Automatic Tools for Designing Office Information Systems: The Todos Approach by
Persuasive Encounters: Case Studies in Constructive Confrontation by Woodward, Gary C.
Interactive Human Resource Management and Strategic Planning by Lengnick-Hall, Mark L., Lengnick-Hall, Cynthia A.
Junk Bonds: How High Yield Securities Restructured Corporate America by Yago, Glenn
The Timber Bubble That Burst: Government Policy and the Bailout of 1984 by Mattey, Joe P.
Food Processing Operations and Scale-up by Levin, Leon, Valentas, Kenneth J., Clark, J. Peter
The Maquiladora Industry: Economic Solution or Problem? by
Modern American Capitalism: Understanding Public Attitudes and Perceptions by Kozmetsky, George, Peterson, Robert A., Albaum, Gerald
Business, Ethics, and the Environment: The Public Policy Debate by
Workforce America!: Managing Employee Diversity as a Vital Resource by Loden, Marilyn, Rosener, Judy B.
Measuring and Improving Organizational Productivity: A Practical Guide by Pritchard, Robert D.
Airline Safety: An Annotated Bibliography by Miletich, John J.
Genossenschaftswesen: Hand- Und Lehrbuch by
Free to Choose: A Personal Statement by Friedman, Milton, Friedman, Rose
Friends But No Allies: Economic Liberalism and the Law of Nations by Neff, Stephen
The Age of Information: The Past Development and Future Significance of Computing and Communications by Saxby, Stephen
What Every Manager Should Know about Quality by Pyzdek, Thomas
The Predatory Society: Deception in the American Marketplace by Blumberg, Paul
Agents of Opportunity by Shropshire, Kenneth L.
Regional Interest Magazines of the United States by
Labor Productivity Control: New Approaches for Industrial Engineers and Managers by Martin, John C.
Legal Relationships Between Transnational Corporations and Host States by Bondzi-Simpson, P. Ebow, Bondzi Simpson, Philip E.
The Organizational Hologram: The Effective Management of Organizational Change by MacKenzie, Kenneth D.
Expert Systems for Scanner Data Environments: The Marketing Workbench Laboratory Experience by McCann, John M., Gallagher, John P.
Operations Research and Management in Fishing: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Operations Research and Management in Fishing Póvoa by
Practical Handbook of Industrial Traffic Management by Morse, Leon
Transportation-Logistics Dictionary by
Manager's Guide to Freight Loss and Damage Claims by Barrett, Colin
Dimensions of Project Management: Fundamentals, Techniques, Organization, Applications by
Competition in Europe: Essays in Honour of Henk W. de Jong by
Lift Truck Fleet Management & Operation by Cohan, Bud
Agricultural Marketing Enterprises for the Developing World: With Case Studies of Indigenous Private, Transnational Co-Operative and Parastatal Enterp by Abbott, John Cave, Abbott, John C.
Japan's New Imperialism by Steven, Rob
Building Procurement by Turner, Alan
Personnel Administration in an Automated Environment by Leinbach, Philip E.
Emergency Planning for Maximum Protection by Jason, Ronald, Gigliotti, Richard
Strategy of a Megamerger: An Insider's Account of the Baxter Travenol-American Hospital Supply Combination by Cody, Thomas G.
From Industry to Arms: The Political Economy of High Technology by Difilippo, Anthony
Technological Competition in Global Industries: Marketing and Planning Strategies for American Industry by Methe, David T.
Reale Input-Output Tabelle Und Ökologischer Kreislauf by Kratena, Kurt, Katterl, Alfred
Optimal Design of Flexible Manufacturing Systems by Tetzlaff, Ulrich a. W.
Beyond Blue Economic Horizons: U.S. Trade Performance and International Competitiveness in the 1990s by Lenz, Allen
Saudi Arabian Industrial Investment: An Analysis of Government-Business Relationships by Mayer, Richard T., Soufi, Wahib A.
Timothy Eaton and the Rise of His Department Store by Santink, Joy L.
The Beauharnois Scandal: A Story of Canadian Entrepreneurship and Politics by Regehr, T. D.
Mini-Cement: A Review of Indian Experience by Sinha, Sanjay
Household and Class Relations: The Peasant Economy of the Northern Peruvian Highlands, 1900-1980 by Deere, Carmen Diana
Manufacturing Engineering: An Introduction to the Basic Functions, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded by Tanner, John P.
Industrielle Energieversorgung ALS Betriebswirtschaftliches Planungsproblem by Funk, Markus
Japanese Corporate Philanthropy by London, Nancy R.
The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism by Novak, Michael
The Corporation, Ethics, and the Environment by
Stochastic Games and Related Topics: In Honor of Professor L. S. Shapley by
Inventory Models by
Econometrics of Health Care by
The GATT Uruguay Round: A Negotiating History (1986-1992): Trade-Related Investment Measures by Fennell
Klaus Fuchs - Sein Erbe Bewahren: [Akademisches Kolloquium Der Klasse Physik Der Akademie Der Wissenschaften Der DDR Zum Gedenken an Akademiemitglied by Rambusch, Karl, Flach, Günter