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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1992

Beyond the Limits of the Law: Corporate Crime and Law and Order by McMullan, John
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2 Volume Set) by
The Exploding Political Power of Personal Media by Ganley, Gladys D.
Spinning the Symbolic Web: Human Communication as Symbolic Interaction by Wood, Julia T.
Spinning the Symbolic Web: Human Communication as Symbolic Interaction by Wood, Julia T.
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Vol. 1)) by Cooper, Cary L.
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Vol. 2) by
International High-Technology Competition by Scherer, Frederick Michael
Regulating the Financial Services Sector by Gilligan, George P.
Industrialisation and Social Change by Kaeble, H.
Industrialisation and Social Change by Kaeble, H.
Informatics and Society: The New Challenges by Gonzalez Manet, Enrique
Television and Nuclear Power: Making the Public Mind by Wober, Mallory
Reader Stance and Literary Understanding: Exploring the Theories, Research and Practice by
Rogerian Perspectives: Collaborative Rhetoric for Oral and Written Communication by Teich, Nathaniel
Rogerian Perspectives: Collaborative Rhetoric for Oral and Written Communication by Teich, Nathaniel
Produktions-Management by Adam, Dietrich
Early Retirement: Promises and Pitfalls by Blank, Thomas O., Williamson, Robert Clifford, Rinehart, Alice Duffy
Erdgas Ante Portas?: Die Ökologische Betroffenheit Der Erdgaswirtschaft by Steger, Ulrich
Educating Economists by
Reader Stance and Literary Understanding: Exploring the Theories, Research and Practice by
Übungsprogramm Zur Statistischen Methodenlehre by Reichardt, Ágnes
Letters for Every Occasion by Tozer, Thomas
Die Kernkraftdebatte: Eine Analyse Von Risikokonflikten Und Sozialem Wandel by Wörndl, Barbara
Wirtschaftlichkeit Industrieller Zuverlässigkeitssicherung by Brunner, Franz J.
Vom Zentralplan Zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft: Erfahrungen Der Deutschen Beim Systemwechsel by
Asian Trade Routes by Haellquist
Southeast Asian Capitalists by McVey, Ruth T.
The State and Agriculture in Africa by
Unternehmungsformen Und -Verbindungen: Rechtsformen, Beteiligungsformen, Konzerne, Kooperationen, Umwandlungen, Verschmelzungen Und Spaltungen in Betr by Rose, Gerd, Glorius-Rose, Cornelia
Tarifbestimmungen in Der Kraftfahrtversicherung: Ein Leitfaden Für Praktiker by Roth, Klaus
Quality Circle Und Lernstatt: Ein Integrativer Ansatz by
The Biotechnologists: And the Evolution of Biotech Enterprises in the USA and Europe by Jones, Stephanie
Recent Developments in the Theory of Industrial Organization by
Trade, Industrial Restructuring and Development in Hong Kong by Yin-Ping, Ho
Japanese Targeting: Successes, Failures, Lessons by Woronoff, Jon
Minerals Handbook 1992-93: Statistics and Analyses of the World's Minerals Industry by
International Business and Global Integration: Empirical Studies by
Transforming Buyer-Supplier Relations: Japanese-Style Industrial Practices in a Western Context by Imrie, Rob, Morris, Jonathan
The Grants Register 1993-1995 by Williams, Lisa
The Industrial Revolution: A Macroeconomic Interpretation by Fisher, Douglas
Industrialization and China's Rural Modernization by Fureng, Dong
Measuring the Quality of Education by Vedder, P.
Oligopoly and Dynamic Competition: Firm, Market and Economic System by
Biotechnology: A Hope or a Threat? by
MacMillan Directory of EC Industry Information Sources by Hogan, James
Studies in International Business by Buckley, Peter J.
Enterprise Reforms in a Centrally Planned Economy: The Case of the Chinese Bicycle Industry by Zhang Xun-Hai
Schroders: Merchants & Bankers by Roberts, Richard
Human Nutrition: A Continuing Debate by Edwards, Christine E., Parry, Doreen, Eastwood, M. a.
Food Intolerance by Lessof, Maurice H.
Salt and Civilization by Adshead, S. A. M.
Economic Reform and Third-World Socialism: A Political Economy of Food Policy in Post-Revolutionary Societies by Utting, Peter
Umwelt Wirtschafts Forum by Institut Fur Umweltwirtschaftsanalysen
Verkehrshaftungsversicherungen by Schneider, Edgar
Industry, Services, and Agriculture: The United States Faces a United Europe by Perlman, Mark, Barfield, Claude E.
International Directory of Archives / Annuaire International Des Archives by
Betriebswirtschaftslehre der öffentlichen Verwaltung by Reichard, Christoph
World Economy: A Textbook in International Economics by Williamson, Joel, Milner, Chris
What to Say to Get What You Want: Strong Words For 44 Challenging Types Of Bosses, Employees, Coworkers, And Customers by Sussman, Lyle, Deep, Sam
Guide to the Wto and Developing Countries by Gallagher, Peter
The New Leadership Paradigm by Lorenzi, Peter, Sims, Henry P., Jr.
At America's Service: How Your Company Can Join the Customer Service Revolution by Albrecht, Karl, Albrecht
TPM for Workshop Leaders by Kunio, Shirose
Dynamics of Organizational Populations by Hannan, Michael T.
The Industrial Heritage: Managing Resources and Uses by Putnam, Tim, Alfrey, Judith
Managing a Foreign Exchange Department: A Manual of Effective Practice; Second Edition by
Umweltgestaltung in Der Bergbaulandschaft by
Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology by Olsen, Wallace C.
Betriebliche Nutzeffekte Und Strategiebeiträge Der Großintegrierten Informationsverarbeitung by Schumann, Matthias
Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Methods and Applications by Chen, Shu-Jen, Hwang, Ching-Lai
Blades in the Sky: Windmilling Through the Eyes of B. H. Tex Burdick by Burdick, B. H., Baker, T. Lindsay
The Inside History of the Carnegie Steel Company: A Romance of Millions by Bridge, James Howard
Research in the Economics of Mental Health: 6th Biennial Research Conference on the Economics of Mental Health - Papers by
Hidden Conflict in Organizations: Uncovering Behind-The-Scenes Disputes by Kolb, Deborah M.
Economic Reforms and Development by Hsueh, Tien Tung
Western Press Coverage of News in the Third World: A Bibliographical Review of Literature (1976-1988) by Li, Sunny Tszesun
Simulation ALS Betriebliche Entscheidungshilfe: Band 3 by
Simulation and Optimization: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Computationally Intensive Methods in Simulation and Optimization Held at by
The Age of Discontinuity: Guidelines to Our Changing Society by Drucker, Peter
Everyone's Problem Solving Handbook: Step-by-Step Solutions for Quality Improvement by Kelly, Michael R.
Nutrition Issues in Developing Countries: Part I: Diarrheal Diseases, Part II: Diet and Activity During Pregnancy and Lactation by Food and Nutrition Board, Committee on International Nutrition Programs, Institute of Medicine
Time Horizons and Technology Investments by National Academy of Engineering, Committee on Time Horizons and Technology Investments
Dispelling the Manufacturing Myth: American Factories Can Compete in the Global Marketplace by National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Board on Manufacturing and Engineering Design
Neem: A Tree for Solving Global Problems by National Research Council, Board on Science and Technology for International Developmen
Human Factors Specialists'education and Utilization: Results of a Survey by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Board on Human-Systems Integration, National Research Council
U.S.-Japan Technology Linkages in Biotechnology: Challenges for the 1990s by Policy and Global Affairs, Office of International Affairs, National Research Council
U.S.-Japan Strategic Alliances in the Semiconductor Industry: Technology Transfer, Competition, and Public Policy by Policy and Global Affairs, Office of International Affairs, National Research Council
Competition and Currency: Essays on Free Banking and Money by White, Lawrence H.
Antitrust, the Market and the State: Contributions of Walter Adams by Elzinga, Kenneth G., Brock, James W.
Dynamische Produktionstheorie Auf Basis Der Aktivitätsanalyse by May, Eugen
Business Information by Lavin, Michael
The Changing U.S. Auto Industry: A Geographical Analysis by Rubenstein, James M.
Television in Europe by Noam, Eli
Transforming Organizations by
Managing Nonprofit Organizations in the 21st Century by Gelatt, James
Rational Interaction: Essays in Honor of John C. Harsanyi by
Price Trends of Royal Tribute Commodities in Nueva Galicia: Volume 55 by Borah, Woodrow
International Business and Global Integration: Empirical Studies by
Agrarian Transformations: Local Processes and the State in Southeast Asia by
Prune Book: The 60 Toughest Science and Technology Jobs in Washington by Trattner, John H.
Ökonomische Theorie der Verhandlungen by Holler, Manfred J.
The Macroeconomics of Populism in Latin America by
How Chinese Managers Learn: Management and Industrial Training in China by Warner, Malcolm
Risikoproduktivität by Konrad, Kai A.
Chinese Negotiating Style: Commercial Approaches and Cultural Principles by Pye, Lucian
Management Analysis in Public Organizations: History, Concepts, and Techniques by Oman, Ray, Damours, Stephen, Uscher, Andrew
Individual Commitment and Organizational Change: A Guide for Human Resource and Organization Development Specialists by Boyd, Charles, Carvounis, Brinda
Boards of Directors and the Privately Owned Firm: A Guide for Owners, Officers, and Directors by Ford, Roger
The New City by Durham, Kenneth
Dgor: Papers of the 19th Annual Meeting / Vorträge Der 19. Jahrestagung by
The Breakthrough Illusion by Florida, Richard
The Labor Market Dynamics of Economic Restructuring: The United States and Germany in Transition by Schettkat, Ronald
Origins of the Crisis in the U.S.S.R.: Essays on the Political Economy of a Disintegrating System by Ticktin, Hillel
The Fruits of Revolution: Property Rights, Litigation and French Agriculture, 1700 1860 by Rosenthal, Jean-Laurent
Antitrust, the Market and the State: Contributions of Walter Adams by Brock, James W., Elzinga, Kenneth G.
Origins of the Crisis in the U.S.S.R.: Essays on the Political Economy of a Disintegrating System by Ticktin, Hillel
The End of Laissez-Faire: National Purpose and the Global Economy After the Cold War by Kuttner, Robert
The Economics of American Higher Education by
Research in Organizational Behavior: Volume 14 by Staw, B. M.
Lineare Und Nichtlineare Anreizsysteme: Ein Vergleich Möglicher Konsequenzen by Schenk-Mathes, Heike, Laux, Helmut
Rationing America's Medical Care: The Oregon Plan and Beyond by
Diamonds Are Forever: The Business of Baseball by
All Teams Are Not Created Equal: How Employee Empowerment Really Works by Ketchum, Lyman D., Trist, Eric, Trist, E. L.
International Business Taxation: A Study in the Internationalization of Business Regulation by Picciotto, Sol
Restructuring Canada's Health Systems: How Do We Get There from Here?: Proceedings of the Fourth Canadian Conference on Health Economics by
Modern Methods of Optimization: Proceedings of the Summer School "Modern Methods of Optimization", Held at the Schloß Thurnau of the University of Bay by
International Banking, 1870-1914 by
Planung: 2 Konzepte Der Prozeß- Und Modellgestaltung by Schneeweiß, Christoph
Tracking Your School's Success: A Guide to Sensible Evaluation by Herman, Joan L.
Computerized Management of Multiple Small Projects: Planning, Task and Resource Scheduling, Estimating, Design Optimization, and Project Control by Westney, Richard E.
Schooling in Modern European Society: A Report of the Academia Europaea by
Labor and Economic Growth in Five Asian Countries: South Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, and the Philippines by Galenson, Walter
Evaluating Interpersonal Skills in the Job Interview: A Guide for Human Resource Professionals by Weitzul, James
Extraterritorial Employment Standards of the United States: The Regulation of the Overseas Workplace by Zimmerman, James Michael
Guerrilla Selling: Unconventional Weapons and Tactics for Increasing Your Sales by Levinson, Jay Conrad, Wilson, Orvel Ray, Gallagher, Bill
International Productivity and Competitiveness by
Philosophical Issues in Journalism by Cohen, Elliot D.
Regulating Big Business: Antitrust in Great Britain and America, 1880 1990 by Tony, Freyer, Freyer, Tony Allan, Freyer, Tony
Studies in International Business by Buckley, Peter J.
Public Employee Compensation and Its Role in Public Sector Strategic Management by Siegel, Gilbert B.
The New Foundations of Management Accounting by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed, Righi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
Entwicklung Von Regelbasierten Expertensystemen in Apl2 by Küsters, Ulrich
Betriebswirtschaftliche Schwachstellendiagnosen Im Fertigungsbereich Mit Wissensbasierten Systemen by Hildebrand, Rudolf J. N.
The Foundations of Islamic Political Economy by Malik, Uzir Abdul, Choudhury, Masudul Alam
Henri Theil's Contributions to Economics and Econometrics: Econometric Theory and Methodology by
Henri Theil's Contributions to Economics and Econometrics: Volume II: Consumer Demand Analysis and Information Theory by
Henri Theil's Contributions to Economics and Econometrics: Volume III: Economic Policy and Forecasts, and Management Science by
Industrial Valley: The Politics of Bureaucratic Socialism by McKenney, Ruth
Research in Organizational Behavior: Vol 4 by Barry M. Staw
Beyond Spinoff: Military and Commercial Technologies in a Changing World by Alic, John A.
Lehrbuch der Allgemeinen Geographie, Band 9, Bevölkerungsgeographie by Kuls, Wolfgang, Bähr, Jürgen, Jentsch, Christoph
Narcissistic Process and Corporate Decay: The Theory of the Organizational Ideal by Schwartz, Howard S.
At Personal Risk: Boundary Violations in Professional-Client Relationships by Peterson, Marilyn R.
American Samurai: A Warrior for the Coming Dark Ages of American Business by Lareau, William
The Corporate Board: Confronting the Paradoxes by Neubauer, F. -Friedrich, Demb, Ada, Neubauer, Franz-Freidrich
Scientific Literacy and Environmental Policy: The Missing Prerequisite for Sound Decision Making by Howell, Dorothy J.
International Review of Strategic Management 1992, Volume 3 by Hussey, David
How to Write a Winning Business Report by Mancuso, Joseph R.
Guide to Technical Editing: Discussion, Dictionary, and Exercises by Eisenberg, Anne
Asia's Next Giant: South Korea and Late Industrialization by Amsden, Alice H.
How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling by Bettger, Frank
The Lever of Riches: Technological Creativity and Economic Progress by Mokyr, Joel
Successful Team Building: A Worksmart Book by Thomas Nelson
Entwicklung Und Einsatz Von Expertensystemen: Eine Anwendungsorientierte Einführung in Wissensbasierte Systeme by Kurbel, Karl
Invariance and Structural Dependence by Odelstad, Jan
Grinding It Out by Kroc, Ray
Beyond Rational Management: Mastering the Paradoxes and Competing Demands of High Performance by Quinn, Robert E.
Protecting Your Organization's Tax-Exempt Status: A Guide for Nonprofit Managers by Bookman, Mark
Managing Construction Contracts: Operational Controls for Commercial Risks by Gilbreath, Robert D.
Managing People (Including Yourself) for Project Success by Smith, Anne, Culp, Gordon
Retaining Your Foodservice Employees: 40 Ways to Better Employee Relations by Drummond, Karen E.
Creating Strategic Leverage: Matching Company Strengths with Market Opportunities by Lele, Milind M.
Construction Business Management by Volpe, S. Peter, Volpe, Peter J.
Statistical Methods for Testing, Development, and Manufacturing by Breyfogle, Forrest W.
The Ultimate Advantage: Creating the High-Involvement Organization by Lawler, Edward E.
Marketing Tourism Destinations: A Strategic Planning Approach by Heath, Ernie, Wall, Geoffrey
Changing the Essence: The Art of Creating and Leading Environmental Change in Organizations by Beckhard, Richard, Pritchard, Wendy
Expanding Free Expression in the Marketplace: Broadcasting and the Public Forum by Caristi, Dom
Tales of Terror: Television News and the Construction of the Terrorist Threat by Dobkin, Bethami
Global Development: Post-Material Values and Social Praxis by Mohan, Brij
Technology and the Future of Work by
Costs and Productivity in Automobile Production by Fuss, Melvyn A., Waverman, Leonard
Merchant Enterprise in Britain: From the Industrial Revolution to World War I by Stanley, Chapman, Chapman, Stanley
Canada and the Gold Standard by Dick, Trevor J. O., Floyd, John E.
Zukunftsweisende Konzepte Für Die Edv-Ausbildung: Dargestellt Am Beispiel Der Strategischen Edv-Ausbildungsplanung Der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien by Alkier, Lore
The Polish Economy: Legacies from the Past, Prospects for the Future by Shen, Raphael
Employee Participation and Labor Law in the American Workplace by Hogler, Raymond L., Grenier, Guillermo J.
The Quest for Utopia: Jewish Political Ideas and Institutions Through the Ages by Gitelman, Zvi Y.
Services in Economic Thought: Three Centuries of Debate by Delaunay, Jean-Claude, Gadrey, Jean
Beyond the Twin Deficits: A Trade Strategy for the 1990's: A Trade Strategy for the 1990's by Blecker, Robert A.
Contributions to Insurance Economics by
Grundlagen Des Operations Research: 2 Graphen Und Netzwerke Netzplantechnik, Transportprobleme Ganzzahlige Optimierung by
Technology Infrastructure and Competitive Position by Tassey, Gregory
Economic Hierarchies, Organization and the Structure of Production by Tullock, G.
Beyond the Twin Deficits: A Trade Strategy for the 1990's: A Trade Strategy for the 1990's by Blecker, Robert A.
The Quest for Utopia: Jewish Political Ideas and Institutions Through the Ages by Gitelman, Zvi Y.
Developing Capital Markets in Eastern Europe: A Business Reference by Lindsay, Margie
Mariners and Markets by
Bad Medicine: The Prescription Drug Industry in the Third World by Silverman, Milton, Lydecker, Mia, Lee, Philip R.
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