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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1993

Accounting for Success: Designing Corporate Boards for a Complex World by Allen, David G.
Computer Wars: How the West Can Win in a Post-IBM World by Ferguson, Charles H., Greenberg, Warren R., Morris, Charles R.
Unique Value: The Secret of All Great Business Strategies by Dunham, Andrea, Marcus, Barry
Competition, Regulation, and Rationing in Health Care by Greenberg, Warren
Coping with Speech Anxiety by Ayres, Joe, Hopf, Tim
The Press and China Policy: The Illusion of Sino-American Relations, 1950-1984 by Chang, Tsan-Kuo
Communication and Democracy by
Communication and Democracy by
The Global Media Debate: Its Rise, Fall and Renewal by Mowlana, Hamid, Nordenstreng, Kaarle, Gerbner, George
The World of Talk on a Fijian Island: An Ethnography of Law and Communicative Causation by Arno, Andrew
Coping with Speech Anxiety by Hopf, Tim, Ayres, Joe
Illuminating the Blindspots: Essays Honoring Dallas W. Smythe by Mosco, Vincent, Pendakur, Manjunath, Wasko, Janet
Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume 12 by Barnett, George, Richards, William D.
The Press and China Policy: The Illusion of Sino-American Relations, 1950-1984 by Chang, Tsan-Kuo
The State of World Rural Poverty: An Inquiry Into Its Causes and Consequences by Stanier, John, Jazairy, Idriss
The Global Media Debate: Its Rise, Fall and Renewal by Nordenstreng, Kaarle, Gerbner, George, Mowlana, Hamid
Bibliography on Publishing and Book Development in the Third World, 1980-1993 by Choi, Hyaeweol, Altbach, Philip G.
Organizational Decision Making and Information by Browne, Mairead, Unknown
The Ethical Nexus: Communication, Values and Organization Decisions by Conrad, Charles
Advances in Organizational Development, Volume 2 by Massarik, Fred
Organizational Decision Making and Information by Browne, Mairead, Unknown
Mastering the Changing Information World by Branscomb, Anne W., Oettinger, Anthony G., Ernst, Martin L.
Illuminating the Blindspots: Essays Honoring Dallas W Smythe by Mosco, Vincent, Pendakur, Manjunath, Wasko, Janet
Beyond National Sovereignty: International Communications in the 1990s by Schiller, Herbert I., Nordenstreng, Kaarle
The Social Organization of Doctor-Patient Communication, Second Edition by Todd, Alexandra Dundas, Fisher, Sue
Mastering the Changing Information World by Ernst, Martin L., Oettinger, Anthony G., Branscomb, Anne W.
Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume 11 by
Competences for School Managers by Esp, Derek
Joint Operating Agreements: The Newspaper Preservation ACT and Its Application by Busterna, John C., Picard, Robert G.
Beyond National Sovereignty: International Communications in the 1990s by Schiller, Herbert I., Nordenstreng, Kaarle
Handbuch Simulationsanwendungen in Produktion Und Logistik: Mit 194 Abbildungen by
Organizational Communication Imperatives: Lessons of the Space Program by Tompkins, Phillip K.
Stand the Storm: A History of the Atlantic Slave Trade by Reynolds, Edwards
Einkaufsverhandlungen Souverän Führen - Gewinn Aushandeln: Ein Praxisratgeber Für Alle, Die Verkäufern Gegenübertreten by Strache, Horst
Energie- Und Co2-Bilanzierung Nachwachsender Rohstoffe: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Fallstudie Raps by Reinhardt, Guido A.
Image Und PR: Kann Image Gegenstand Einer Public Relations-Wissenschaft Sein? by
The Transformation of Corporate Control by Fligstein, Neil
Verläßliche Informationssysteme: Proceedings Der Gi-Fachtagung Vis'93 by
Regulating Unfair Trade by Nivola, Pietro S.
Trade Negotiations In The OECD: Structures, Institutions and States by Blair, David J.
Stammkunden-Management: Strategien Zur Umsatzsteigerung by Lasko, Wolf W.
Energie- Und Co2-Bilanzierung Nachwachsender Rohstoffe: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Fallstudie Raps by Reinhardt, Guido A.
Wertpapier-Investmentfonds in Lebensversicherungsunternehmen: Ein Leitfaden Für Praktiker by Pflaum, Rainer
Microelectronics and Third-World Industries by
Change in the Chilean Countryside: From Pinochet to Aylwin and Beyond by
The Role of Competition in Economic Transition by Saunders, Christopher
Multinationals in the Global Political Economy by
North American Free Trade Agreement: Opportunities and Challenges by Fatemi, Khosrow
State Holding Companies and Public Enterprises in Transition by Kumar, Anjali
The Distribution of Income in China by
Privatization Processes in Eastern Europe: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Results by
China: From Revolution to Reform by Luo, Xiaopeng, Zhang, Xiejung, Hua, Sheng
Competition: Forms, Facts and Fiction by Cvitkovic, Emilio
Financial Strategies and Public Policies: Banking, Insurance and Industry by
Quality Assurance Management by Fox, Michael J.
South-South Trade and Development: Manufactures in the New International Division of Labour by Fold, Niels, Folke, Steen, Enevoldsen, Thyge
The Politics of Economic Change in Postwar Japan and West Germany: Volume 1: Macroeconomic Conditions and Policy Responses by
The Japanese Experience of Economic Reforms by
Guerrilla Marketing Excellence: The 50 Golden Rules for Small-Business Success by Levinson, Jay Conrad
20 Claves Para Mejorar La Fábrica by Kobayashi, Iwao
Guerrilla Marketing Excellence: The 50 Golden Rules for Small-Business Success by Levinson, Jay Conrad
Executive Defense: Shareholder Power and Corporate Reorganization by Useem, Michael
Private Choices and Public Health: The AIDS Epidemic in an Economic Perspective by Philipson, Tomas J., Posner, Richard A.
Ethnography in Organizations by Schwartzman, Helen B.
City Schools: Leading the Way by
Teacher as Decision Maker: Real Life Cases to Hone Your People Skills by Brubaker, Dale L.
The Genius of American Corporate Law by Romano, Roberta
Getting Past No: Negotiating in Difficult Situations by Ury, William
The Japanization of British Industry: New Developments in the 1990s by Oliver, Nick, Wilkinson, Barry
Planung Von Fertigungssystemen Unterstützt Durch Wirtschaftlichkeitssimulation by Dilling, Ulrich
Fashion Design and Product Development by Carr, Harold, Pomeroy, John
Rival Capitalists: Death in a Sicilian Landscape by Hart, Jeffrey A.
The Privatization Process in Central Europe by Rapaczynski, Andrzej, Frydman, Roman
The Privatization Process in Russia, the Ukraine, and the Baltic States by Rapaczynski, Andrzej, Frydman, Roman
The Economics of Rationality by
Standards in Rechnernetzen by Prosser, Alexander
South-South Trade and Development: Manufactures in the New International Division of Labour by Folke, Steen, Enevoldsen, Thyge, Fold, Niels
Organization Theory and the Multinational Corporation by Ghoshal, Sumantra
The Paradox of Continental Production by Jenkins, Barbara
Creative Computer Software for Strategic Thinking and Decision Making: A Guide for Senior Management and MIS Professionals by Thierauf, Robert J.
Recent Developments in Decision Support Systems by
Softwars: The Legal Battles for Control of the Global Software Industry by Clapes, Anthony L.
Development Versus Stagnation: Technological Continuity and Agricultural Progress in Pre-Modern China by Deng, Gang, Deng, K. Gang
Black Business in the New South: A Social History of the NC Mutual Life Insurance Company by Weare, Walter B.
The Corporation as Anomaly by Schrader, David E.
Glaxo by Davenport-Hines, R. P. T., Slinn, Judy
The American Pulp and Paper Industry, 1900-1940: Mill Survival, Firm Structure, and Industry Relocation by Ohanian, Nancy Kane
Concept of the Corporation by Drucker, Peter
American Capitalism: The Concept of Countervailing Power by Galbraith, John
Managing Large Systems: Organizations for the Future by
Government Risk-Bearing: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, May 1991 by
Theory, Modeling and Experience in the Management of Nonpoint-Source Pollution by
Nonlinear Optics in Signal Processing by
Elliptically Contoured Models in Statistics by Varga, Tamas, Gupta, Arjun K.
Mastering a New Role: Shaping Technology Policy for National Economic Performance by Committee on Technology Policy Options in a Global Economy, National Academy of Engineering
American Dreams, Rural Realities: Family Farms in Crisis by Barlett, Peggy F.
Winning the Insurance Game: The Complete Consumer's Guide to Saving Money by Nader, Ralph
The Patriarch: The Rise and Fall of the Bingham Dynasty by Tifft, Susan
Cleaning Up the Mess: Implementation Strategies in Superfund by Nakamura, Robert T., Thomas W Church
Economic Policies at Cross Purposes: The United States and Developing Countries by Kruger, Anne
The Deal Decade: What Takeovers and Leveraged Buyouts Mean for Corporate Governance by
Tourismus-Management: Tourismus-Marketing Und Fremdenverkehrsplanung by
Monocultures of the Mind: Perspectives on Biodiversity and Biotechnology by Shiva, Vandana
Lincoln on Leadership: Executive Strategies for Tough Times by Phillips, Donald T.
A Message to Garcia by Hubbard, Elbert
Turning Around: Keys to Motivation and Productivity by Potter, Beverly A.
Applied Simulated Annealing by
User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support: Proceedings of the International Iiasa Workshop Held in Serock, Poland, Sep by
The Agrarian Origins of Commerce and Industry: A Study of Peasant Marketing in Indonesia by Hayami, Yujiro, Kawagoe, Toshihiko
Colowin by Derigs, Ulrich, Grabenbauer, Gregor
When Businesses Cross International Borders: Strategic Alliances and Their Alternatives by James, Harvey S., Weidenbaum, Murray
International Agricultural Trade and Market Development Policy in the 1990s by
Leadership for the Twenty-First Century by Rost, Joseph C.
Dry Farming in the Northern Great Plains: Years of Readjustment, 1920-1990 by Hargreaves, Mary W. M.
Arbeitsmarktflexibilität by Kraft, Kornelius
The Market and Beyond: Cooperation and Competition in Information Technology by Fransman, Martin
Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Settings by Drew/Heritage
Structural Economic Dynamics by Pasinetti, Luigi, Pasinetti, Luigi L.
The Critical Press and the New Deal: The Press Versus Presidential Power, 1933-1938 by Best, Gary D.
Professional Law Enforcement Codes: A Documentary Collection by Kleinig, John, Zhang, Yurong
Managing the New Public Services by
Fuzzy Sets and Interactive Multiobjective Optimization by Sakawa, Masatoshi
Good Money: A Guide to Profitable Social Investing in the '90s by Lowry, Ritchie P.
Wirtschaftsinformatik ′93: Innovative Anwendungen, Technologie, Integration. 8. - 10. März 1993, Münster by
Control Through Communication: The Rise of System in American Management by Yates, Joanne
Women in Management: Trends, Issues, and Challenges in Managerial Diversity by
International Review of Strategic Management 1993, Volume 4 by
The Changing Geography of China by Leeming, Frank A.
Financial Regulation: Changing the Rules of the Game by
Sales Force Dynamics: Motives, Management, Money, Marketplace by Weitzul, James
The Age of Giant Corporations: A Microeconomic History of American Business, 1914â "1992 by Sobel, Robert
Business Ethics: Violations of the Public Trust by Hartley, Robert F.
Business Alliances Guide: The Hidden Competitive Weapon by Lynch, Robert Porter
Creating the New American Hospital: A Time for Greatness by Sherman, V. Clayton
Technological Innovation and Third World Multinationals by Tolentino, Paz Estrella
Workers in Industrial America: Essays on the Twentieth Century Struggle by Brody, David
Heritage and Tourism in The Global Village by Boniface, Priscilla, Fowler, Peter
Heritage Gardens: Care, Conservation, Management by Goulty, Sheena Mackellar
Old-Age Security in Comparative Perspective by Williamson, John B., Pampel, Fred C.
The Four Little Dragons: The Spread of Industrialization in East Asia by Vogel, Ezra F.
Successful Strategic Planning: A Guide for Nonprofit Agencies and Organizations by Reuss, Suzanne, Burkhart, Patrick J.
Action Research and Organizational Development by Cunningham, J. Barton
Effective Supervisor's Handbook by Imundo, Louis
The Future of the Accounting Profession: A Global Perspective by Most, Kenneth S.
Grundlagen der betrieblichen Steuerplanung by Hauer, Georg
Steuerbasic by Schult, Eberhard
Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure by Schor, Juliet
Small Firms and Entrepreneurship: An East-West Perspective by
Incomparable Worth by Rhoads, Steven E.
Pension Mathematics with Numerical Illustrations by Winklevoss, Howard E.
Work Design for the Competent Organization by Hugentobler, Margrit, Schurman, Susan, Frei, Felix
A State Within a State: Industrial Relations in Israel, 1965-1987 by Chermesh, Ran
United States-Japan Trade in Telecommunications: Conflict and Compromise by
Cost-Effectiveness in the Nonprofit Sector: Methods and Examples from Leading Organizations by
Rail Transit Station Area Development: Small Area Modeling in Washington DC by Green, Richard T., James, David M.
Modeling by Object-Driven Linear Elemental Relations: A User's Guide for Modler(c) by Greenberg, H. J.
A Computer-Assisted Analysis System for Mathematical Programming Models and Solutions: A User's Guide for Analyze(c) by Greenberg, H. J.
Diffusion and Use of Geographic Information Technologies by
The Customer Driven Company by Whiteley, R. C.
Progress in Intercalation Research by
Progress in Intercalation Research by
Mortgaging Women's Lives: Feminist Critiques of Structural Adjustment by Sparr, Pamela
Joseph A. Schumpeter: His Life and Work by Swedberg, Richard
Marketing Livestock and Meat by Lesser, William H.
Regulation for Revenue: The Political Economy of Land Use Exactions by Altshuler, Alan A., Gomez-Ibanez, Jose A., Howitt, Arnold M.
Capitalism Against Capitalism by Albert, Michael
Information Handling in Offices and Archives by
Imaginization: New Mindsets for Seeing, Organizing, and Managing by Morgan, Gareth, Moran, Gareth
Bioeconomic Analysis of Fisheries: An Fao Fishing Manual by Hannesson, Rognvaldur
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Organization Studies by
Event History Analysis in Demography by Courgeau, Daniel, Leli?vre, ?Va
Interpersonal Conflicts at Work by Edelmann, Robert
Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices by Drucker, Peter F.
Operations Research '92: Extended Abstracts of the 17th Symposium on Operations Research Held at the Universität Der Bundeswehr Hamburg at Augu by
Retail Security and Shrinkage Protection by Purpura, Philip
Making the Right Decision: Ethics for Managers by Hall, William D.
Competence at Work: Models for Superior Performance by Spencer, Signe M., Spencer, Lyle M.
Knowledge for Action: A Guide to Overcoming Barriers to Organizational Change by Argyris, Chris
Thinking Strategically by Dixit, Avinash K., Nalebuff, Barry J.
Einführung in die Systemforschung by Hanssmann, Friedrich
Sustaining Development in Mineral Economies: The Resource Curse Thesis by Auty, Richard
State and Market in the Chinese Economy: Essays on Controversial Issues by Nolan, Peter, Nolan, P.
Management Control and Organizational Behaviour by Johnson, Phil, Gill, John
Research and Development Statistics by Young, A., Wilson, R. a., Bosworth, D. L.
Business and the Culture of the Enterprise Society by Deeks, John
Quantitative Models for Project Planning, Scheduling, and Control by Badiru, Adedeji Bodunde
Ethics in Public Administration: A Philosophical Approach by Sheeran, Patrick
Managers and National Culture: A Global Perspective by
The Ethics of Business in a Global Economy by
A Systems-Based Approach to Policymaking by
Who Owns Whom: The Southern African Edition by
Communicating in Science: Writing a Scientific Paper and Speaking at Scientific Meetings by Vernon, Booth, Booth, Vernon, Booth
The History of Capitalism in Mexico: Its Origins, 1521-1763 by Semo, Enrique
Urban Policy and Economic Development: An Agenda for the 1990s by World Bank, Policy, World Book, Inc, World Bank, Bank
Road Signs for Success by Whitt, Jim
Improving Organizational Surveys: New Directions, Methods, and Applications by
Mehrkriterielle Entscheidungen by Weber, Karl
The Nature of the Firm: Origins, Evolution, and Development by
Small Firm Management: Ownership, Finance and Performance by Watson, Robert, Keasey, Kevin
Organizations by March, James G., Simon, Herbert A.
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