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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1994

Effective Management and Evaluation of Information Technology by Thierauf, Robert J.
The New European Automobile Industry by Rawlinson, Michael, Wells, Peter
Social Organizations: Interaction Inside, Outside and Between Organizations by Ahrne, Goran
Studies in Newspaper and Periodical History, 1993 Annual by
Understanding the Self-Help Organization: Frameworks and Findings by
Black Women, Writing and Identity: Migrations of the Subject by Davies, Carole Boyce
Black Women, Writing and Identity: Migrations of the Subject by Davies, Carole Boyce
Economics of Technology: Symposium: Selected Papers by
The North American Free Trade Agreement by
Topics in Case-Based Reasoning: First European Workshop, Ewcbr-93, Kaiserslautern, Germany, November 1-5, 1993. Selected Papers by
Control and Game Models of the Greenhouse Effect: Economics Essays on the Comedy and Tragedy of the Commons by Cesar, Herman S. J.
Management in China During the Age of Reform by Child, John
Voices of Diversity: Real People Talk about Problems and Solutions in a Workplace Where Everyone Is Not Alike by Slipp, Sandra, Blank, Renee
Local Government Information and Training Needs in the 21st Century by Slack, James D., Faerman, Sue R., Desario, Jack
Computergestützte Produktionsplanung: Datenmanagement Und Informationsverarbeitung in Pps-Systemen by Gubitz, Klaus-Martin
Good Manufacturing Practice in Transfusion Medicine: Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Symposium on Blood Transfusion, Groningen 1993, Organ by
Why Market Socialism?: Voices from Dissent by Belkin, David, Heilbroner, Robert L., Roosevelt, Frank
Trade, Innovation, Environment by
Nonpoint Source Pollution Regulation: Issues and Analysis by
Coevolutionary Economics: The Economy, Society and the Environment by Gowdy, John
Why Market Socialism?: Voices from Dissent by Belkin, David, Heilbroner, Robert L., Roosevelt, Frank
Incentive Regulation and the Regulation of Incentives by Blackmon, Glenn
Computer Science 2: Research and Applications by
Europe Between East and South by
Safety Nets, Politics, and the Poor: Transitions to Market Economies by Graham, Carol L.
Capitalism and Development by
Crime at Work Vol 1: Studies in Security and Crime Prevention by
Was the Industrial Revolution Necessary? by
Japanese Industrialization and the Asian Economy by
Conserving Natural Value by Rolston III, Holmes
How the Maya Built Their World: Energetics and Ancient Architecture by Abrams, Elliot M.
Was the Industrial Revolution Necessary? by
Forest and Land Managment in Imperial China by Menzies, N.
Economy, Environment and Technology: A Socioeconomic Approach: A Socioeconomic Approach by Burgenmeier, Beat
Downscoping by Hoskisson, Robert E., Koskisson, Robert E.
Capitalism and Development by
Soap Opera: The Inside Story of Procter & Gamble by Swasy, Alecia
Reciprocity and Retaliation in U.S. Trade Policy by Bayard, Thomas, Elliott, Kimberly Ann
Giant Steps: Small Changes to Make a Big Difference by Robbins, Tony
Deutsch-chinesische Joint-ventures by Schuchardt, Christian
Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems by
Auftragsleittechnik Für Konstruktion Und Arbeitsplanung by Lindl, Michael
The Power of Commerce by Koehn, Nancy F.
The New Production of Knowledge: The Dynamics of Science and Research in Contemporary Societies by Nowotny, Helga, Gibbons, Michael, Limoges, Camille
Capital and Entrepreneurship in South-East Asia by Brown, Rajeswary Ampalavanar
Poverty, Inequality and Rural Development: Case-Studies in Economic Development, Volume 3 by
Environmental NGOs in World Politics: Linking the Local and the Global by Finger, Matthias, Princen, Thomas
Markt- Und Preistheorie by Güth, Werner
Accounting for Effective Decision Making: A Manager's Guide to Corporate, Financial, and Cost Reporting by Mellmen, Martin
Understanding Companies and Markets: A Strategic Approach by Lowes, Bryan, Sanderson, Stuart, Pass, Christopher
International Marketing by Groves, Len
Principles of International Physical Distribution by Sherlock, Jim
Principles of Management in Export: The Institute of Export by Conlan, James
Collaborative Leadership: How Citizens and Civic Leaders Can Make a Difference by Larson, Carl E., Chrislip, David D.
Competence-Based Competition by
Good Novels, Better Management: Reading Organizational Realities in Fiction by
Umweltökonomie by Tischler, Klaus
Ethics and Economic Affairs by
Raumklimatechnik: Grundlagen by
The Perpetual Enterprise Machine: Seven Keys to Corporate Renewal Through Successful Product and Process Development by Boeen, H. Kent, Bowen, H. Kent
Uncaging Animal Spirits: Essays on Engineering, Entrepreneurship, and Economics by Landau, Ralph
Just-In-Time Systems for Computing Environments by Ludin, Irwin S., Kliem, Ralph L. Pmp
Organisation Des Umweltschutzes in Industriebetrieben by Jacobs, Rolf
Entwicklung Der Telekommunikation in Den Neuen Bundesländern: Beispiel Einer Erfolgreichen Strukturanpassung by Szafran, Uwe, Schnöring, Thomas
The Economic Consequences of Immigration to Germany by
Rural Enterprises in China by Wu, Harry X., Findlay, Christopher, Watson, Andrew
State and Law in the Development Process: Problem-Solving and Institutional Change in the Third World by Seidman, Ann
Rural Enterprises in China by Watson, Andrew, Wu, Harry X., Findlay, Christopher
Time Tactics of Very Successful People by Greissman
The Race by Goldratt, Eliyahu M., Fox, Robert E.
Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Technology-Based Firms by Martin, Michael J. C.
Modelle Und Verfahren Zur Innerbetrieblichen Standortplanung by Bölte, Andreas
The Learning Alliance: Systems Thinking in Human Resource Development by Gill, Stephen J., Brinkerhoff, Robert O.
Advanced QFD: Linking Technology to Market and Company Needs by Shillito, M. Larry
Making Groups Effective by Zander, Alvin
Restaurant Service: Beyond the Basics by Litrides, Carol A., Axler, Bruce H.
Cognitive Systems Engineering by Pejtersen, Annelise Mark, Goodstein, L. P., Rasmussen, Jens
Energizing the Energy Policy Process: The Impact of Evaluation by
Research Methods in Special Education by Mertens, Donna M., McLaughlin, John a.
Making Customer Satisfaction Happen by McNealy, R. M.
The Medieval Super-Companies: A Study of the Peruzzi Company of Florence by Hunt, Edwin S.
Quantitative Pareto Analysis by Cone Separation Technique by Kaliszewski, Ignacy
Future Risks and Risk Management by
Soviet Workers and the Collapse of Perestroika: The Soviet Labour Process and Gorbachev's Reforms, 1985 1991 by Filtzer, Donald, Donald, Filtzer
Good Practice in Supervision by
Union Resilience in Troubled Times: The Story of the Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO, 1960-93: The Story of the Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO, 1960-93 by Walsh, Jack, Mangum, Garth L.
The First-Time Supervisor's Survival Guide by Fuller, George
The Winner Within: A Life Plan for Team Players by Riley, Pat
Thick Face, Black Heart: The Warrior Philosophy for Conquering the Challenges of Business and Life by Chu, Chin-Ning
Graphisch Gestützte Datenanalyse by Schnell, Rainer
Practical Sanitation in the Food Industry by Maddox, Ian S.
Resplendent Sites, Discordant Voices: Sri Lankans and International Tourism by Crick, Malcolm
Debt and Adjustment in the World Economy: Structural Asymmetries in North-South Interactions by Vos, Rob
Maastricht and Beyond: Building a European Union by
Consumption and the World of Goods by
States and Social Evolution: Coffee and the Rise of National Governments in Central America by Williams, Robert G.
A Nation of Salesmen: The Tyranny of the Market and the Subversion of Culture by Shorris, Earl
Systemplanung. Planung und Realisierung von Informatik-Projekten by Heinrich, Lutz J.
Lexikon der englischen Wirtschafts- und Rechtssprache, Band 2, Deutsch-Englisch by Salízites, Hans-Joerg
Interpreting Objects and Collections by
Interpreting Objects and Collections by
Fundamentals of Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognition by
NAFTA: What Comes Next? by Center for Strategic and International S, Weintraub, Sidney
Betriebswirtschaftliche Umweltkostenrechnung: Gestaltung Einer Flexiblen Plankostenrechnung ALS Betriebliches Umwelt-Informationssystem by Piro, Andrea
Reform and Development in Rural China by Runsheng, Du
Computergestützte Tourenplanung Mit Zeitkritischen Restriktionen by Gietz, Martin
Großes Lehrbuch Der Mathematik Für Ökonomen by Bosch, Karl, Jensen, Uwe
Museum Management by
Museum Provision and Professionalism by
Non-Cooperative Planning Theory by Bogetoft, Peter
Museum Management by
Care of Collections by
Winning the Chain Restaurant Game: Eight Key Strategies by Paul, Ron, Bernstein, Charles
Working the Shadow Side: A Guide to Positive Behind-The-Scenes Management by Egan, Gerard
Colony and Empire: The Capitalist Transformation of the American West by Robbins, William G.
Quality Facility Management: A Marketing and Customer Service Approach by Cotts, David G., Friday, Stormy
Statistics and the Law by
Whistleblowing: Subversion or Corporate Citizenship? by
Women in Management: Current Research Issues by
Damodaran on Valuation, Study Guide: Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance by Damodaran, Aswath
State Lotteries and Legalized Gambling: Painless Revenue or Painful Mirage by McGowan, Richard
NAFTA: What Comes Next? by Weintraub, Sidney
Recent Industrialization Experience of Turkey in a Global Context by
Skadden: Power, Money, and the Rise of a Legal Empire by Caplan, Lincoln
Applied Industrial Organization: Towards a Theory-Based Empirical Industrial Organization by
Models and Experiments in Risk and Rationality by
Fuzzy Preference Modelling and Multicriteria Decision Support by Fodor, J. C., Roubens, M. R.
Small Business Total Quality by Huxtable, N.
Delighting Customers: How to Build a Customer-Driven Organization by Samler, T., Donovan, P.
Pecan Technology by Santerre, C. R.
Opportunities, Use, and Transfer of Systems Research Methods in Agriculture to Developing Countries: Proceedings of an International Workshop on Syste by
Economic Instruments for Air Pollution Control by
Adjusting to Volatile Energy Prices by Verleger Jr, Philip
Moral Development in the Professions: Psychology and Applied Ethics by
Levers of Control by Simons, Robert
Moral Development in the Professions: Psychology and Applied Ethics by
Green Budget Reform: An International Casebook of Leading Practices by
Creative Compartments: A Design for Future Organization by Fairtlough, Gerard, Fairlough, Gerard
The Structure of the Japanese Economy: Changes on the Domestic and International Fronts by
Global Players in Telecommunications: Proceedings of a Congress Held in Munich, April 20/21, 1994 by
Grundzüge Des Informationsmanagements by Brenner, Walter
Groupware in the 21st Century: Computer Supported Cooperative Working Toward the Millennium by
Chinese Firms Between Hierarchy and Market: The Contract Management Responsibility System in China by Chen, D.
The Federal Civil Service System and the Problem of Bureaucracy: The Economics and Politics of Institutional Change by Johnson, Ronald N., Libecap, Gary D.
Privatization and Economic Performance by
The Failure of Agrarian Capitalism: Agrarian Politics in the Uk, Germany, the Netherlands and the Usa, 1846-1919 by Koning, Niek
Privatization and Economic Performance by
Strategic Acquisitions: A Guide to Growing and Enhancing the Value of Your Business by Robinson, Bruce R.
Chinese Foreign Investment Laws and Policies: Evolution and Transformation by Jia, Wei
Groupware in the 21st Century: Computer Supported Cooperative Working Toward the Millennium by
The Fall of the U.S. Consumer Electronics Industry: An American Trade Tragedy by Curtis, Phillip J.
The Pursuit of Wow!: Every Person's Guide to Topsy-Turvy Times by Peters, Tom
Facing West: Americans and the Opening of the Pacific by
Was Kostet Uns Die Mobilität?: Externe Kosten Des Verkehrs by Bickel, Peter, Friedrich, Rainer
Acquiring, Adapting and Developing Technologies: Lessons from the Japanese Experience by
Hard Facts about Soft Machines by
Marktorientierte Neugestaltung Des Einkommensteuersystems by Richter, Holger
Eda Explorative Datenanalyse: Einführung in Die Deskriptive Statistik by Polasek, Wolfgang
Operations Research Models in Quantitative Finance: Proceedings of the XIII Meeting Euro Working Group for Financial Modeling University of Cyprus, Ni by
Undermining the Japanese Miracle: Work and Conflict in a Japanese Coal-Mining Community by Allen, Matthew
Regulation and the Revolution in United States Farm Productivity by Clarke, Sally H.
The Single Market Programme as a Stimulus to Change by Hart, Peter, Mayes, David G.
Mastery Teaching: Increasing Instructional Effectiveness in Elementary and Secondary Schools, Colleges, and Universities by Hunter, Madeline
Directory of Spanish and Portuguese Film-Makers and Films by Espaana, Rafael De
Road Pricing: Theory, Empirical Assessment and Policy by
Modeling and Control of Logical Discrete Event Systems by Kumar, Ratnesh, Garg, Vijay K.
Privatization of Agriculture in New Market Economies: Lessons from Bulgaria by
Prehistoric Exchange Systems in North America by
Handbook of Global Optimization by
Management of Design: Engineering and Management Perspectives by
Fundamentals of Uncertainty Calculi with Applications to Fuzzy Inference by Walker, E. a., Hung T. Nguyen, Grabisch, Michel
Facing West: Americans and the Opening of the Pacific by Perry, John C.
Financial Regulation in the Global Economy by Litan, Robert E., Herring, Richard J.
Psychology and the World of Work by Statt, David A.
Construction Economics in the Single European Market by
Die Struktur Kleiner Familienunternehmen in Baden-Württemberg by Ballarini, Klaus, Keese, Detlef
Mobile Farmers: An Ethnoarchaeological Approach to Settlement Organization Among the Raramuri of Northwestern Mexico by Graham, Martha
Reforming Private Health Insurance by Hall, Mark A.
Postoptimal Analyses, Parametric Programming, and Related Topics by Gal, Tomas
So You Want to Write a Novel by Stanek, Lou W.
The New Spain: From Isolation to Influence by Maxwell, Kenneth
Mobile Farmers: An Ethnoarchaeological Approach to Settlement Organization Among the Raramuri of Northwestern Mexico by Graham, Martha
The Control Theory Manager by Glasser, William
Trade and Environment: The Regulatory Controversy and a Theoretical and Empirical Assessment of Unilateral Environmental Action by Steininger, Karl W.
Business Process Reengineering: Basic Principles, Concepts, and Applications in Chemistry by Johansson, Henry J., McHugh, Patrick, Pendlebury, A. John
Ecotourism: A Sustainable Option? by
Zeitreihenmodelle by Harvey, Andrew C.
Power and Influence: Enhancing Information Services Within the Organization by St Clair, Guy
How to Conduct Your Own Survey by Dillman, Don A., Salant, Priscilla
Realizing the Educational Potential of Residence Halls by Schroeder, Charles C., Mable, Phyllis, Mable, Phyllis, Schroeder, Charles C.
Adult Education in the American Experience: From the Colonial Period to the Present by Stubblefield, Harold W., Keane, Patrick
Discontinuous Change: Leading Organizational Transformation by Walton, A. Elise, Nadler, David a., Shaw, Robert B.
Work and Motivation by Vroom, Victor H.
Manager's Official Guide to Team Working by Torres, Cresencio, Spiegel, Jerry
Innovation in Professional Education: Steps on a Journey from Teaching to Learning by Kolb, David a., Boyatzis, Richard E., Cowen, Scott S.
Empire or Republic?: American Global Power and Domestic Decay by Petras, James, Morley, Morris
What Every Engineer Should Know About Project Management by Ruskin, Arnold M., Estes, W. Eugene
Livestock and Land-Use Surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa by Bourn, William
The Technological Transformation of Rural India by Reddy, A., Bhalla, A. S.
Flexible Specialization: The Dynamics of Small-Scale Industries in the South by Sverrisson, Arni, Van Dijk, Meine Pieter, Pedersen, Poul Ove
See More