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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1997

Notes from the Netshed by de Cosmos, Mrs Amor
Colloquium: Dilemmas of Academic Discourse by Tracy, Karen
The Computer and the Page: The Theory, History and Pedagogy of Publishing, Technology and the Classroom by Unknown, Kalmbach, James Robert
Capitalism: An Ethnographic Approach by Miller, Daniel
Business Cycles and Depressions: An Encyclopedia by
Encyclopedia of Language and Education: Volume 8: Research Methods in Language and Education by
How to Tell When You're Tired: A Brief Examination of Work (Revised) by Theriault, Reg
The Feminist Dollar: The Wise Woman's Buying Guide by Katz, Margaret, Katz, Phyllis a.
Projektkompass Sap(r): Arbeitsorientierte Planungshilfen Für Die Erfolgreiche Einführung Von Sap(r)-Software by Blume, Andreas
Strategisches Management: Theoretische Ansätze, Instrumente Und Anwendungskonzepte Für Dienstleistungsunternehmen by
Personalwesen 1: Grundlagen, Entwicklung, Organisation, Arbeitszeit, Fehlzeiten by Neuberger, Oswald
Immigrants and Cultural Adaptation in the American Workplace: A Study of Muslim Employees by Alkhazraji, Khalid M.
Capitalism: An Ethnographic Approach by Miller, Daniel
Ecotaxation by O'Riordan, Timothy
Speditionsbetriebslehre und Logistik: Die wichtigsten Prüfungsfragen mit Lösungen by Oelfke, Wolfgang
Abandoning Keynes: Australia's Capital Mistake by Battin, Tim
Intellectual Capital: Navigating the New Business Landscape by Edvinsson, Leif, Dragonetti, Nicola C., Roos, Johan
External Economies and Cooperation in Industrial Districts: A Comparison of Italy and Mexico by Rabellotti, Roberta
China's Economy: From Revolution to Reform by Pyle, David J.
Competition, Cooperation, Research and Development: The Economics of Research Joint Ventures by
Financial Markets Regulation: A Practitioner's Perspective by Jeunemaître, Alain
Regionalization and Labour Market Interdependence in East and Southeast Asia by
Merchants and Markets in Revolutionary Russia, 1917-30 by Banerji, Arup
The Privatization of Public Utilities: The Case of Italy by
Produktions-Management by Adam, Dietrich
High-Performance Networks, Personal Communications and Mobile Computing by Chorafas, Dimitris N.
The Future of Europe: Problems and Issues for the Twenty-First Century by
Household Welfare in Central Asia by
Perspectives on Economic Integration and Business Strategy in the Asia-Pacific Region by
International Technology Transfer by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Country Studies by
Kundenzufriedenheit: Konzepte -- Methoden -- Erfahrungen by
Cases in Climate Change Policy: Political Reality in the European Union by Lofsted, Ragnar E.
Education and Employment in Southern Africa: Defusing the Time-Bomb? by
101 Biggest Mistakes Managers Make and How to Avoid Them by Carr, Clay, Albright, Mary
Mistake-Proofing for Operators: The Zqc System by Productivity Press Development Team
The New Organizational Wealth: Managing and Measuring Knowledge-Based Assets by Sveiby, Karl Erik
The Future of Staff Groups by Henning, Joel P.
Minority Executives' Handbook (Revised) by Cameron, Randolph W.
On Corporate Governance by Novak, Michael
A Single European Currency? by
The Advanced Technology Program:: A Case Study in Federal Technology Policy by Yager, Loren, Schmidt, Rachel
Managing Environmental Risk Through Insurance by Freeman, Paul K.
Generation to Generation: Life Cycles of the Family Business by Hampton, Marion McCollom, Davis, John A.
Health Care and its Financing in the Single European Market by
Public Administration and Development: Improving Accountability, Responsiveness and Legal Framework by
Performance-Based Curriculum for Science: From Knowing to Showing by Burz, Helen L.
Taking Charge of Change: 10 Principles for Managing People and Performance by Smith, Douglas K.
Miller's Bolt by Stirr, Thomas
Words at Work by Benjamin, Susan
Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century by Celente, Gerald
Reliability Centered Maintenance by Moubray, John
Paying for the Piper: Capital and Labour in Britain's Offshore Oil Industry by Woolfson, Charles, Foster, John, Beck, Matthais
Paying for the Piper: Capital and Labour in Britain's Offshore Oil Industry by Foster, John, Woolfson, Charles, Beck, Matthais
Harley Davidson Motorcycles, 1930-1941: Revolutionary Motorcycles and Those Who Made Them by Wagner, Herbert
Granta 56 by
The Gains of Listening by Feltham, Colin, Feltham
Planters Peanut Collectibles, 1906-1961: A Handbook and Price Guide by Lindenberger, Jan
This Was Sawmilling by Andrews, Ralph W.
Restaurant Planning, Design, and Construction: A Survival Manual for Owners, Operators, and Developers by Katz, Jeff B.
Collectible Beer Trays by Straub, Gary
American Jewelry Manufacturers by Rainwater, Dorothy T.
Tourism Community Relationships by Pearce, P. L., Moscardo, G. M., Ross, G. F.
Absentismus: Der Mißbrauch der Entgeltfortzahlung als Folge motivationsbedingter Abwesenheitszeiten im Betrieb: Reduzierungsmaßnahm by Eckert-Schwegler, Paul-Gerhard
Nutrition Support by Shikora
Drucker on Asia by Drucker, Peter, Nakauchi, Isao
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 1997: Proceedings of the International Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1997 by
The Discipline of Market Leaders by Treacy, Michael, Wiersema, Fred
Growth, Trade and Endogenous Technology: A Study of OECD Manufacturing by Ochoa, O.
Capitalism from Above and Capitalism from Below: An Essay in Comparative Political Economy by Byres, T.
Management Decision-Making in Chinese Enterprises by Lu, Yuan
Economic Growth, Low Income and Housing in South Korea by Woo-Jin, Kim
Time Series and Dynamic Models by Gourieroux, Christian
The Drama of Leadership by Pitcher, Patricia
Modeling the Market: New Theories and Techniques by Focardi, Sergio M.
Market and Institutional Regulation in Chinese Industrialization,1978-94 by Lo, D.
Dress, Culture and Commerce: The English Clothing Trade Before the Factory, 1660-1800 by Lemire, B.
Moving Beyond Abuse: Stories and Questions for Women Who Have Lived with Abuse by Fischer, Kay-Laurel
Moving Beyond Abuse: Stories and Questions for Women Who Have Lived with Abuse by Fischer, Kay-Laurel
Umwelt, Bevölkerungsdruck Und Wirtschaftswachstum in Den Entwicklungsländern by Heer, Burkhard
Optimierung Der Qualität Von Gruppenentscheidungen: Ein Simulationsbasierter Beitrag Zur Principal-Agent-Theorie by Lindstädt, Hagen
After Fordism by Durand, Jean-Pierre, Boyer, Robert
Meßtechnik in Der Versorgungstechnik by
Timber: Toil and Trouble in the Big Woods by Andrews, Ralph W.
Funktionen Und Management Der Forschung in Unternehmen by
Passion Profit Power by Sylver, Marshall
Beyond Leadership: Balancing Economics, Ethics and Ecology by Parikh, Jagdish, Lessem, Ronnie, Bennis, Warren
Beyond the Numbers: How Leading Companies Measure and Drive Success by Simon, William L.
Managing to Have Fun: How Fun at Work Can Motivate Your Employees, Inspire Your Coworkers, and Boost Your Bottom Line by Weinstein, Matt
Objektorientierte Datenbanken: Die C++-Anbindung Des Odmg-Standards by Schader, Martin
Commitment in the Workplace: Theory, Research, and Application by Meyer, John P., Allen, Natalie J., Meyer, David R.
Simulation, Planning, and Society by Unknown, Branch, Melville C.
Das Kreislaufwirtschafts- Und Abfallgesetz: Neue Regelungen Und Anforderungen by
Hungary Since Communism: The Transformation of Business by Bogel, Gyorgy, Edwards, Vincent, Wax, Marian
Encompassing: Formulation, Properties and Testing by Dhaene, Geert
Standortplanung Für Thermische Abfallbehandlungsanlagen: Administrative Vorgaben, Konzepte Zur Standortplanung, Technische Verfahrensalternativen, Pol by
The Industrial Revolution in Scotland by Whatley, Christopher A.
The Uruguay Round and the Developing Countries by
The Industrial Revolution in Scotland by Whatley, Christopher A.
Communication Ethics and Universal Values by Christians, Clifford, Traber, Michael
Monetary Policy: International Strategies by
Reflections on Commercial Life: An Anthology of Classic Texts from Plato to the Present by
The Warp of Ulster's Past: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Irish Linen Industry, 1700-1920 by
Evaluation of R&D Processes: Effectiveness Through Measurements by Ellis, Lynn W.
The Enneagram Personality Portraits, Trainer's Guide: Improving Problem Solving Skills by Aspell, Patrick J.
Decision Analysis: An Integrated Approach by Golub, Andrew Lang
Information Technology in Educational Management for the Schools of the Future: Ifip Tc3/ Wg 3.4 International Conference on Information Technology in by
Global Economic Competition: Today's Warfare in Global Electronics Industries and Companies by Piyu Yue, Kozmetsky, George
The Travel Industry by Choy, Dexter J. L., Gee, Chuck Y., Makens, James C.
What Matters in College?: Four Critical Years Revisited by Astin, Alexander W.
Managing Change in the Postal and Delivery Industries by
Critical Systems Thinking by
Computational Issues in High Performance Software for Nonlinear Optimization by
New Foundations for a Science of Text and Discourse: Cognition, Communication, and the Freedom of Access to Knowledge and Society by Unknown, De Beaugrande, Robert
Collective Memory of Political Events: Social Psychological Perspectives by
The Engineer's Cost Handbook: Tools for Managing Project Costs by Westney, Westney E., Westney, Richard E., Westney
Mixed News: The Public/civic/communitarian Journalism Debate by
Mixed News: The Public/civic/communitarian Journalism Debate by
Einstieg in Die Wirtschaftsmathematik by Würker, Uwe
New Foundations for a Science of Text and Discourse: Cognition, Communication, and the Freedom of Access to Knowledge and Society by De Beaugrande, Robert
Enterprise Clusters and Networks in Developing Countries by
Napoleon Hill's Positive Action Plan: 365 Meditations For Making Each Day a Success by Hill, Napoleon
Law and Industrial Relations: China and Japan After World War II: China and Japan After World War II by Io Lo, Vai
Triumph Of The Market by Herman, Edward
Triumph of the Market by Herman, Edward
The Korean Electronics Industry by Searls, Damion, Pecht, Michael, Bernstein, Joseph B.
Reflections on Commercial Life: An Anthology of Classic Texts from Plato to the Present by
The Practical Guide to Environmental Community Relations by Forrest, Carol J., Mays, Renee Hix
Proversity: Getting Past Face Value and Finding the Soul of People -- A Manager's Journey by Graham, Lawrence Otis
Italian/English Business Correspondence by Edwards, Vincent, Shepheard, Gianfranca Gessa
French/English Business Correspondence: Correspondance Commerciale Francais/Anglais by Williams, Stuart, McAndrew Cazorla, Nathalie
Spanish/English Business Correspondence: Correspondecia de comercio Espanol/Ingles by Gorman, Michael, Henson, Maria-Luisa
German/English Business Correspondence: Geschaftskorrespondenz Deutsch/Englisch by Hartley, Paul, Robins, Gertrud
Journal Für Die Erziehung 1807 Mit Nachgelassenen Texten Zu Den Darin Enthaltenen Briefen Der Damals Geplanten Neuen Auflage Der Schrift: Wie Gertrud by
Nachtrag by
Sämtliche Werke und Briefe. Registerband 1 by Friedrich, Leonhard, Springer, Sylvia
A Tramp Shipping Dynasty - Burrell & Son of Glasgow, 1850-1939: A History of Ownership, Finance, and Profit by Cage, R. a.
Environmental Policy: Transnational Issues and National Trends by
Vietnam's Rural Transformation by Porter, Doug J., Kerkvliet, Benedict J. Tria, Uniack, Ford Foundation- Martha
Ethical Dimensions of Diversity by Hopkins, Willie E.
Steel Phoenix: The Fall and Rise of the U.S. Steel Industry by Hall, Christopher G. L.
Escalation in Decision-Making: The Tragedy of Taurus by Drummond, Helga
Die Repräsentation ökonomischen Zusammenhangswissens in ausgewählten Unternehmensplanspielen: Eine wirtschaftspädagogische Untersuchung by Kathmann, Jürgen
Japan Works by Price, John
Total Quality Management: A pictorial guide for managers by Morris, Peter, Oakland, John S.
Critical Issues in Fund Raising by
Investitionsrechnung: Mit Aufgaben Und Lösungen by Voigt, Kai-Ingo, Jacob, Herbert
Steuerbegünstigte Kapitalanlagen: Ein Leitfaden Zur Analyse Von Beteiligungsangeboten by
The Cultural Crisis of the Firm by Schoenberger, Erica
To Do Doing Done: A Creative Approach to Managing Projects and Effectively Finishing What Matters Most by Snead, G. Lynne, Wycoff, Joyce
The Enneagram Personality Portraits, Participant Workbook: Improving Problem Solving Skills by Aspell, Patrick J.
Free Agents: People and Organizations Creating a New Working Community by Weiner, Kerry J., Levin, Barbara R., Gould, Susan B.
Secrets of Successful Grantsmanship: A Guerrilla Guide to Raising Money by Golden, Susan L.
Working Toward Strategic Change: A Step-By-Step Guide to the Planning Process by Lujan, Herman D., Dolence, Michael G., Rowley, Daniel James
Power Pricing by Simon, Hermann, Doan, Robert J.
Megatrends Asia by Naisbitt, John
Restructuring Networks in Post-Socialism: Legacies, Linkages and Localities by
Moving Ahead with ISO 14000: Improving Environmental Management and Advancing Sustainable Development by
The ISO 14001 Implementation Guide: Creating an Integrated Management System by Jackson, Suzan L.
Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference Hagen (Germany) by
Artful Leadership: Managing Stakeholder Problems in Nonprofit Arts Organizations by Tschirhart, Mary
Economics, Ethics and Religion: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Economic Thought by Wilson, R.
Subtle Sexism: Current Practice and Prospects for Change by Benokraitis, Nijole V.
The Differentiated Network: Organizing Multinational Corporations for Value Creation by Ghoshal, Sumantra, Nohria, Nitin
Strategic Change in Colleges and Universities: Planning to Survive and Prosper by Dolence, Michael G., Rowley, Daniel James, Lujan, Herman D.
The Greatest Networker in the World: The story that has changed the lives of millions Now it can change yours! by Fogg, John Milton
The Procurement and Management of Small Works and Minor Maintenance: The Principal Considerations for Client Organisations by Headley, Jeremy, Griffith, Alan
Change at Work by Cappelli, Peter, Bassi, Laurie, Katz, Harry
Food Industries Manual by Ranken, M. D., Kill, R. C., Baker, Christopher G. J.
Modelling Techniques for Business Process Re-Engineering and Benchmarking by
The Practice of Quality Management by
A History of Corporate Finance by Miranti, Jr., Baskin, Jonathan
Theory of Production: A Long-Period Analysis by Kurz, Heinz D.
Umweltschutz, nachhaltige Entwicklung und Freihandel by Knorr, Andreas
Quotas in International Environmental Agreements by Wolf, Amanda
Administrative Behavior, 4th Edition by Simon, Herbert A.
Work Types by Barger, Nancy J., Kirby, Linda K., Kummerow, Jean M.
Cultural Complexity in Organizations: Inherent Contrasts and Contradictions by
Writing at Work: Professional Writing Skills for People on the Job by Bernhardt, Stephen A., Smith, Edward L.
Ecology and Natural Resource Management: Systems Analysis and Simulation by Marín, Sandra L., Pedersen, Ellen K., Grant, William E.
Entrepreneur Magazine: Bringing Your Product to Market by Debelak, Don
Adjustment and Agriculture in Africa: Farmers, the State and the World Bank in Guinea by Clapp, J.
Business Law by Vaughan, John, Clevinger, Jim, Handley, Peter
Alliance Capitalism and Global Business by Dunning, John H.
Current Issues in Business Ethics by
Fidelity's World: The Secret Life and Public Power of the Mutual Fund Giant by Henriques, Diana B.
Current Issues in Business Ethics by
How Nations Choose Product Standards and Standards Change Nations by S, Krislov
Behandlung der Auswirkungen von Jahres- und Lebensarbeitszeitmodellen in der Handelsbilanz by Honert, Andreas
Research in Organizational Behavior: Volume 19 by Staw, Barry
Lexikon der Statistik by Bosch, Karl
Von Der Idee Zum Dokument - Einführung in Tex Und Latex by Katzenbeisser, Stefan
Japanese Labour and Management in Transition: Diversity, Flexibility and Participation by
Technology, Culture and Competitiveness: Change and the World Political Economy by
Management of the Absurd by Farson, Richard
The Book That's Sweeping America! by Thomas, Stephen Michael Peter
Dress, Culture and Commerce: The English Clothing Trade Before the Factory, 1660-1800 by Lemire, B.
Dress, Culture and Commerce: The English Clothing Trade Before the Factory, 1660-1800 by Lemire, B.
The Board Member's Guide to Strategic Planning: A Practical Approach to Strengthening Nonprofit Organizations by Howe, Fisher
Interorganisationssysteme in Der Logistik: Interaktionsorientierte Gestaltung Von Koordinationsinstrumenten by
Globalism and Localism in Telecommunications by
See More