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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1998

Specters of Capitalism: A Critique of Current Intellectual Fashions by Amin, Samir
The Health Care Marketplace by Greenberg, Warren
The Talent Solution: Aligning Strategy and People to Achieve Extraordinary Results by Gubman, Edward L.
Managing and Communicating: Your Questions Answered by Longridge, Lyn
Food, Eating and Obesity: The Psychobiological Basis of Appetite and Weight Control by Rogers, P. J., Mela, David J.
The Ethical School: Consequences, Consistency and Caring by Haynes, Felicity
Process Mastering by Harsin, Paul, Wilson, Ray W.
Institutions and the Evolution of Modern Business by
Religion and the Rise of Capitalism by
The Dictionary of International Business Terms by Siegel, Joel G., Levine, Marc H., Shim, Jae K.
The Dynamics of the Modern Brewing Industry by
Bioavailability and Analysis of Vitamins in Foods by Ball, G. F. M.
Geomed '97: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Geomedical Systems Rostock, Germany, September 1997 by
Spectres of Capitalism: A Critique of Current Intellectual Fashions by Amin, Samir
Management der Verkehrsunternehmungen by Kaspar, Claude
Personalwesen 2: Personalplanung, Beschäftigungssysteme, Personalkosten, Personalcontrolling by Neuberger, Oswald, Wimmer, Peter
Kleine Unternehmen in Rußland by Schulze, Rüdiger
Wingwalkers: The Story of Canadian Airlines International by Pigott, Peter
Agrargeschichte: Positionen Und Perspektiven by
European Monetary Union: The Way Forward by
The Second Conquest of Latin America: Coffee, Henequen, and Oil During the Export Boom, 1850-1930 by
The Family Business: Its Governance for Sustainability by Neubauer, Fred, Lank, Alden G.
China's Price and Enterprise Reform by Xiao-Qiang, Wang
E-Shock: The Electronic Shopping Revolution: Strategies for Retailers and Manufacturers by de Kare-Silver, Michael
Contemporary Economic Issues: Regional Experience and System Reform by
The Politics of Fishing by
At Arm's Length: The European Union and Europe's Defence Industry by Guay, Terrence
The Diffusion and Consumption of Business Knowledge by
Bancassurance by Genetay, N., Molyneux, P.
How to Manage Your Global Reputation: A Guide to the Dynamics of International Public Relations by Morley, Michael
The Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy by
The Environment and Economic Development in South Asia: An Overview Concentrating on Bangladesh by Alauddin, Mohammad, Tisdell, Clement
Project Management for Environmental, Health and Safety Professionals: 18 Steps to Success by Pierce, F. David
Microfoundations of Economic Growth: A Schumpeterian Perspective by Eliasson, Gunnar, Gre, Christopher, McCann, Charles
Quiet Pioneering: Robert M. Stern and His International Economic Legacy by
Going Digital! by Litan, Robert E., Niskanen, William a.
Taxation by Telecommunications Regulation:: The Economics of the E-Rate by Hausman, Jerry
Rate Regulation of Worker's Compensation Insurance:: How Price Controls Increase Costs by Danson, Patricia M., Harrington, Scott E.
Xenophon: Oeconomicus VII-XIII by Xenophon
The Publisher in the Changing Markets: Proceedings of the IPA Fourth International Copyright Symposium by
Insisting on the Impossible: The Life of Edwin Land by McElheny, Victor K.
All Corvettes Are Red by Schefter, James
Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century by Celente, Gerald
Care to Compete?: Secrets for America's Best Companies on How to Manage with People and Profits in Mind by Rosenbluth, Hal F., Peters, Diane McFerrin
Employing Qualitative Methods in the Private Sector by Mitchell, Marilyn L.
Charismatic Leadership in Organizations by
Improving Organizational Performance: A Practical Guidebook for the Human Services Field by Sluyter, Gary V.
Power Tools by Deep, Samuel D., Deep, Sam
The New Supervisor: How to Thrive in Your First Year as a Manager by Broadwell, Martin M.
Knowledge, Difference, and Power: Essays Inspired by Women's Ways of of Knowing by Goldberger, Nancy, Clinchy, Blythe, Belenky, Mary Field
Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy by Davis, Stanley M., Davis, Stan
The Starr Report: The Findings of Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr on President Clinton & the White House Scandals by Starr, Kenneth
Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions by McCraw, Thomas K.
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond: Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety by Peck, M. Scott
Die Entscheidung zum Abbruch bei FuE-Projekten by Happel, Michael
Finanzierungsaspekte bei geschlossenen Immobilienfonds by Sagmeister, Karl
Arbeitszufriedenheit und individuelle Handlungsspielräume: Eine empirische Untersuchung in teilautonomen Arbeitsgruppen by Wieland, Gabriele
Organising Innovative Research: The Inner Life of University Departments by
Industrial Research and Innovation Indicators: Report of a Workshop by Board on Science Technology and Economic Policy, National Research Council
Gabler Wirtschafts Informatik Lexikon by
Science of Secrecy / La Science du secret by Stern, Jacques
Möglichkeiten der Ausgliederung von Teilfunktionen der Personalwirtschaft im Industriebetrieb by Renner, Frank
Conflicting Accounts: The Creation and Crash of the Saatchi and Saatchi Advertising Empire by Goldman, Kevin
Managing Channels of Distribution: The Marketing Executive's Complete Guide by Rolnicki, Kenneth
Clicking: 17 Trends That Drive Your Business--And Your Life by Marigold, Lys, Popcorn, Faith
Vorfälligkeitsentschädigung bei vorzeitiger Kreditrückzahlung by Urbanczyk, Anne
Your First Year in Network Marketing: Overcome Your Fears, Experience Success, and Achieve Your Dreams! by Yarnell, Mark, Yarnell, Rene Reid
The Alliance Revolution: The New Shape of Business Rivalry by Gomes-Casseres, Benjamin
The Economics of the European Union and the Economies of Europe by Barbezat, Daniel, Neal, Larry
Urbanization in Large Developing Countries: China, Indonesia, Brazil, and India by Jones, Visaria
Formen des Engagements internationaler Unternehmen in Transformationsländern: Rahmenbedingungen Mittel- und Osteuropas und deren Einfluß auf Markteint by El-Hussein, Khaled
Unequal Freedoms: The Global Market as an Ethical System by McMurtry, John
The SPSS Guide to the New Statistical Analysis of Data: By T.W. Anderson and Jeremy D. Finn by Voelkl, Kristin E., Gerber, Susan B.
Tele-Stress: Relief for Call Center Stress by Coscia, Stephen
Against the Tide: An Intellectual History of Free Trade by Irwin, Douglas a.
Transaction Management: Managing Complex Transactions and Sharing Distributed Databases by Chorafas, D.
Contemporary Economic Issues: Volume 2: Labour, Food and Poverty by
Verbesserung Von Geschäftsprozessen Mit Flexiblen Workflow-Management-Systemen 1: Von Der Erhebung Zum Sollkonzept by
Doing Business in Today's India by Bullis, Douglas
International Perspectives on the New Public Management by
Protecting Your Company Against Competitive Intelligence by McGonagle, John, Vella, Carolyn
Analyse des chinesischen Pharmamarktes hinsichtlich der Produkte eines pharmazeutischen Unternehmens und Ansatzpunkte zur Markterschließung in China by Preißler, Anja
Agricultural Reform in China by Huang, Yiping
New Directions in the Economic Theory of the Environment by
Commerce and Economic Change in West Africa by Lynn, Martin
Wirtschaftlichkeitsuntersuchung von Telearbeitsplätzen: Dargestellt an einem Telearbeitsplatz der Siemens AG by Hansch, Martina
Risk Management by Focardi, Sergio M., Jonas, Caroline
Telekommunikation Im Bankgeschäft: Ein Ganzheitliches Gestaltungskonzept Für Innovative Telekommunikationssysteme Im Elektronischen Bankgeschäft by Kerscher, Bernhard A.
Elektronische Bankfilialen Und Virtuelle Banken: Das Privatkundengeschäft Von Universalbanken Im Elektronischen Markt by Stockmann, Carsten
Elektronische Bankvertriebswege: Die Zukünftige Entwicklung Und Bedeutung Elektronischer Kommunikationskanäle Und Ihre Eignung Zum Absatz Von Bankleis by Kreuzer, Martin
Cutting Edge: Technology, Information Capitalism and Social Revolution by
Sustainable Rural Development by Shepherd, A.
Taking Charge: Management Guide to Troubled Companies and Turnarounds by Whitney, John O.
Corporate Turnaround: How Managers Turn Losers Into Winners! by Bibeault, Donald B.
Bewertung Von Optionen Unter Transaktionskosten by Reiß, Ariane
Die Analyse Von Wettbewerbsbeziehungen Mit Scannerdaten by Klapper, Daniel
Leistungsanalyse Von Produktionssteuerungssystemen by Gstettner, Stefan
Spc Simplified: Practical Steps to Quality by Amsden, Robert T., Amsden, Davida M., Butler, Howard E.
Transforming Leadership: Equipping Yourself and Coaching Others to Build the Leadership Organization, Second Edition by Anderson, Terry
The Structure of Women's Nonprofit Organizations by Bordt, Rebecca L.
Great Session Openers, Closers, and Energizers: Quick Activities for Warming Up Your Audience and Ending on a High Note by Caroselli, Marlene
Management and Marketing / Management Und Marketing: Encyclopedic Dictionary. English-German / Enzyklop Disches Lexikon. Englisch Deutsch by Koschnick, Wolfgang J.
The Economics of Life: From Baseball to Affirmative Action to Immigration, How Real-World Issues Affect Our Everyday Life by Becker, Guity Nashat, Becker, Gary S.
Cumulative Sum Charts and Charting for Quality Improvement by Olwell, David H., Hawkins, Douglas M.
Transforming the Character of Public Organizations: Techniques for Change Agents by Rusaw, A.
McDonaldization Revisited: Critical Essays on Consumer Culture by
End of Agriculture in the American Portfolio by Blank, Steven C.
Management of Technology, Sustainable Development and Eco-Efficiency: Selected Papers from the Seventh International Conference on Management of Techn by
A World Without Famine? by
Umweltschutz in Der Schlanken Produktion: Analyse Der Schlanken Produktion in Ihrer Relevanz Für Den Betrieblichen Umweltschutz Und Ableitung Von Gest by Fleig, Jürgen
European Monetary Integration: 1958 - 2002 by Apel, Emmanuel
Die unternehmerische Betriebsaufspaltung by König, Jürgen
European Monetary Integration: 1958 - 2002 by Apel, Emmanuel
The Economics and Politics of International Trade: Freedom and Trade: Volume Two by
Time Out: Using Visible Pull Systems to Drive Process Improvement by Smith, Wayne K.
Beyond Certainty by Handy, Charles
Franchise Organizations by Bradach, Jeffrey L.
The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First by Pfeffer, Jeffrey
An Ocean Apart: Explaining Three Decades of U.S.-Japanese Trade Frictions by Cohen, Stephen D.
Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know by Davenport, Thomas H., Prusak, Laurence
The Business Knowledge Repository: Consolidating and Accessing Your Ways of Working by McGann, John, Breslin, Jud
The Fair Value of Insurance Liabilities by
Multicriteria Decision Aid Methods for the Prediction of Business Failure by Paraschou, Dimitra, Zopounidis, Constantin
Environmental Accounting in Theory and Practice by
Institutions and the Evolution of Modern Business by
Operational Tools in the Management of Financial Risks by
Anomalien in Handlungs- Und Entscheidungstheorien by
Produktionsstrukturen Des Ostdeutschen Maschinenbaus in Der Transformation by Ostendorf, Barbara
Advances in Production Management Systems: Perspectives and Future Challenges by Fujii, Susumu, Okino, Norio, Tamura, Hiroyuki
Europe's Franco-German Engine by
Ask The Right Question by Eales-White, Rupert
Desegregating the Dollar: African American Consumerism in the Twentieth Century by Weems, Robert E.
Durable Goods by Herman, Stewart W.
Foucault, Management and Organization Theory: From Panopticon to Technologies of Self by
Organizational Justice & Human Resource Management by Cropanzano, Russell 2006-2008, Folger, Robert
The Magic of Conflict: Turning a Life of Work Into a Work of Art by Crum, Thomas
The Platinum Rule: Discover the Four Basic Business Personalities--And How They Can Lead to Success by Alessandra, Tony, O'Connor, Michael J.
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchung der CargoLifter AG als exemplarisches Beispiel der Umsetzung der Theorie der virtuellen Unternehmung in die Praxis by Röger, Svenja
How to Deal With Difficult People by Markham, Ursula
The Confidence Course: Seven Steps to Self-Fulfillment by Anderson, Walter
Strategic Sourcing of Information Systems: Perspectives and Practices by Willcocks, Leslie P., Lacity, Mary C.
Information Technology and Organizational Transformation: Innovation for the 21st Century Organization by
Nutzungspotential einer Personalvermögensrechnung für das Neue Steuerungsmodell in den Kommunalverwaltungen by Wilke, Ulrich
The New Market Indonesia: Analysis about the Economic, Political and legal System especially for Small and Middle Exporting Companies (gekürzt u by Windfelder, Stephan
Innovationsfinanzierung durch Venture Capital: Ein Vergleich zwischen Konzepten in den USA und Deutschland by Nonnen, Arno
The QFD Handbook by Cox, Charles A., Moran, John W., Revelle, Jack B.
Europe's Economic Dilemma by Mills, J.
Managing Cultural Differences: Effective Strategy and Execution Across Cultures in Global Corporate Alliances by
Demographic Responses to Economic Adjustment in Latin America by
You Can Make It Happen: A Nine-Step Plan for Success by Graham, Stedman
Luxury Industries in France / Les Industries du luxe en France by Bergeron, Louis
A Critique of Orthodox Economics: An Alternative Model by Lydall, H.
The Root Cause Analysis Handbook: A Simplified Approach to Identifying, Correcting, and Reporting Workplace Errors by Ammerman, Max
One World, Ready or Not: The Manic Logic of Global Capitalism by Greider, William
Organization-Representation: Work and Organizations in Popular Culture by
Liquiditätsvergleich des Frankfurter Präsenzhandels mit dem elektronischen Handelssystem IBIS im Vorfeld der Einführung der elektronischen Handelsplat by Amann, Hubert
Prospects for Middle Eastern and North African Economies by
Mathematik-Taschenbuch by Bosch, Karl
Statistik-Taschenbuch by Bosch, Karl
Competitive Intelligence: How to Gather Analyze and Use Information to Move Your Business to the Top by Kahaner, Larry
Energiewirtschaft: Einführung in Theorie Und Politik by Pfaffenberger, Wolfgang, Ströbele, Wolfgang, Hensing, Ingo
The Infinite Resource: Creating and Leading the Knowledge Enterprise by
The Ethics of Bankruptcy by Kilpi, Jukka
Ertragswertverfahren und Discounted Cash-flow-Verfahren by Marbler, Birgit
Chinese Firms and Technology in the Reform Era by Shi, Yizheng
Tomorrow's Organization: Crafting Winning Capabilities in a Dynamic World by Lawler, Edward E., Mohrman, Susan Albers, Galbraith, Jay R.
Steueroptimale Gestaltung der Unternehmensbeendigung by Wallesch, Stephan
Churchill's Horses and the Myths of American Corporations: Power, Stakeholders, and Governance by Bogie, Mord
Government Is Us: Strategies for an Anti-Government Era by King, Cheryl Simrell, Stivers, Camilla
Finding an Academic Job by Sowers-Hoag, Karen M., Harrison, Dianne F.
Applied Methods for Trade Policy Analysis: A Handbook by
Zur kombinierten Nutzung von internationalem Steuergefälle und sozialrechtlichen Regelungen by Schreier, Claus-Dieter
Transaction Management by Chorafas, D.
Transaction Management: Managing Complex Transactions and Sharing Distributed Databases by Chorafas, D.
The Corporation and Its Stakeholders: Classic and Contemporary Readings by
Government Regulation of the: Employment Relationship by
Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth by
Bestandsregelung ALS Basis Für Eine Neugestaltung Von Pps-Systemen by Missbauer, Hubert
TQM Der Softwareentwicklung: Mit Prozeßverbesserung, Kundenorientierung Und Change Management Zu Erfolgreicher Software by Mellis, Werner, Herzwurm, Georg
Trade Liberalisation in Sri Lanka: Exports, Technology and Industrial Policy by Wignaraja, Ganeshan
Debating Rationality by
Möglichkeiten und Risiken der Universalbanken durch Electronic Commerce by Schnoor, Isabel
Jahresabschluß: Eine vergleichende Betrachtung nach deutschem und US-amerikanischen Recht by Krüger-Ohl, Monika
Nuts!: Southwest Airlines' Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success by Freiberg, Kevin, Freiberg, Jackie
Adventures of a Bystander by Drucker, Peter F.
The Family Business: Its Governance for Sustainability by Lank, Alden G., Neubauer, Fred
Europe and the Japanese Challenge: The Regulation of Multinationals in Comparative Perspective by Mason, Mark
Europe's Economic Dilemma by Mills, J.
Aircraft Partnership by Szurovy, Geza
5s Pocket Guide by Peterson, James, Smith, Roland
Climates of Global Competition by Bengtsson, Maria
Writing Effective Policies and Procedures: A Step-By-Step Resource for Clear Communication by Campbell, Nancy
Its a Job Not a Jail: How to Break Your Shackles When You Can't Afford to Quit by Hochheiser, Robert M.
Railroad Mergers and the Language of Unification by Burns, James B.
Comprehensive Planning for the 21st Century: General Theory and Principles by Branch, Melville C.
Gesundheitsökonomie: Betriebswirtschaftliche Kosten- Und Leistungsrechnung by Koch, Joachim
Möglichkeiten der Bearbeitung der südostasiatischen Märkte für kleine und mittlere deutsche Unternehmen durch eine Niederlassung in Singapur oder Mala by Hug, Michael
Analyse nutzbarer logistischer Dienstleistungsangebote für Kleingut (KEP) und Gefahrgutsendungen für ein Dresdner Unternehmen by Meise, Kerstin
Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien bei Banken: State-Of-The-Art und zukünftige Entwicklungen im computerge by Seifried, Kristian
Economic Organization, Capabilities and Coordination by
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