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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2000

The Down to Earth: A Breakthrough Process to Reduce Risk and Seize Opportunity by Reinhardt, Forest L.
Legal Aspects of Globalisation: Conflicts of Law, Internet, Capital Markets and Insolvensy in a Global Economy by Kono, Toshiyuki, Basedow, Jurgen
The State of the Environment in Asia: 1999/2000 by
Producing Nature and Poverty in Africa by
The State of the Environment in Asia: 1999/2000 by
Import Propensities of Industrialized Countries: Comparisons and Evaluations by Lutz, J.
Technological Change in Agriculture: Locking in to Genetic Uniformity by Hogg, D.
Working Women and State Policies in Taiwan: A Study in Political Economy by Chen, Fen-Ling
The Politics of Telecommunications in Mexico: The Case of the Telecommunications Sector by Clifton, J.
Threatening Europe: Britain and the Creation of the European Community, 1955-58 by Ellison, James
Agrarian Policies in Central America by
Rethinking Economic Behaviour: How the Economy Really Works by Simpson, D.
Global Strategies and Local Realities: The Auto Industry in Emerging Markets by
China's Agriculture at the Cross Roads by
The Social Impact of the Asia Crisis by
Business Information Technology Management: Alternative and Adaptive Futures by
Beyond Organizational Change: Structure, Discourse and Power in UK Financial Services by Morgan, G., Sturdy, Andrew
New Regulation of the Financial Industry by Chorafas, D.
Open States in the Global Economy: The Political Economy of Small-State Macroeconomic Management by Moses, J.
The Origins of the National Recovery Administration by Himmelberg, Robert
International Dictionary of Banking and Finance by Clark, John
International Encyclopedia of Technical Analysis by Qureshi, Anique A., Siegel, Joel G., Shim, Jae K.
The International Encyclopedia of Mutual Funds, Closed-End Funds, and REITs by Sykes, Thomas K., Madlem, Peter W.
The International Handbook of Electronic Commerce by Qureshi, Anique A., Siegel, Joel G., Shim, Jae K.
Corporate Capitslism in Japan by Okumura, H.
Creative Problem-Solving: The Door to Progress and Change by Dombroski, Thomas W.
Alamance: The Holt Family and Industrialization in a North Carolina County, 1837--1900 by Beatty, Bess
Doing Business with Japan: Successful Strategies for Intercultural Communication by Nishiyama, Kazuo
Dangerous Dreamers: The Financial Innovators from Charles Merrill to Michael Milken by Sobel, Robert
The Capital Markets and Financial Management in Banking by Largan, Mark, Hudson, Robert, Colley, Alan
Glücksspiele by Bosch, Karl
The Development of Modern Agriculture: British Farming Since 1931 by Martin, J.
A Primer on Quality in the Analytical Laboratory by Kenkel, John
Zimbabwe: A History of Manufacturing 1890-1995 by
The Productive Edge: A New Strategy for Economic Growth by Lester, Richard Keith
Do Federal Regulations Reduce Mortality? by Viscusi, Kip W., Hahn, Robert W., Lutter, Randall W.
Did Microsoft Harm Consumers?: Two Opposing Views by Rubinfield, David M., Fischer, Franklin L., Shmalensee, Richard L.
Winning the Mental Game on Wall Street by Magee, John
The Code of the Executive: Forty-seven Ancient Samurai Principles Essential for Twenty-first Century Leadership Success by Schmincke, Don
Evolve: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Technologies to Enable Superhuman Capabilities by Daniels, Sharon
How to Get Rich When You Ain't Got Nothing: The African-American Guide to Gaining and Building Wealth by Miller, Melvin B.
Almanac of Online Trading by
The Problem of Herbal Medicines Legal Status by Brady, John Luis
Becoming a Reflective Educator: How to Build a Culture of Inquiry in the Schools by Reagan, Timothy
Evaluating Teachers for Professional Growth: Creating a Culture of Motivation and Learning by Beerens, Daniel R., Beerens, Loe
Beyond the Learning Organization by Gilley, Jerry W.
Delivering Profitable Value by Lanning, Mike
E-Leader: Reinventing Leadership in a Connected Economy by Hargrove, Robert
Counting What Counts by Epstein, Marc J., Birchard, Bill
All Hat and No Cattle: Tales of a Corporate Outlaw by Turner, Chris
The Workplace Law Advisor: From Harassment and Discrimination Policies to Hiring and Firing Guidelines -- What Every Manager and Employee Needs T by Narvell, Stephanie, Covey, Anne
Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities: A Practical Guide for Due Diligence by Green, Richard P., Carroll, James J.
On Being a Superpower: And Not Knowing What to Do about It by Deitchman, Seymour J.
Strategic Alliances Among Health and Human Services Organizations: From Affiliations to Consolidations by Koney, Kelly McNally, McNally Koney, Kelly, Bailey, Darlyne
Missing Organizational Linkages: Tools for Cross-Level Research by Goodman, Paul S.
Psychological Contracts in Employment: Cross-National Perspectives by
Sole Influence: Basketball, Corporate Greed, and the Corruption of America's Youth by Wetzel, Dan
How to Find Money Online by
The Art of Focused Conversation: 100 Ways to Access Group Wisdom in the Workplace by
Creating Strategic Innovation 5th Edition: Achieving Profitable Growth & Innovation Through Competency Development & Action Plans - The Workbook For T by Veale, Jack
Mission Critical: Realizing the Promise of Enterprise Systems by Davenport, Thomas H.
Reforming Markets in Health Care by Smith
"Ist die Hinterziehung von Vermögenssteuer strafbar?": Zur Strafbarkeit der Hinterziehung verfassungswidriger Steuern am Beispiel der Vermögensteuer by Loewy, Michael
Gouvernement des entreprises et informations comptables: Rôle de la normalisation dans la régulation de l'opportunisme des dirigeants by Ayari, Mohamed
Der EURO: Chancen der Neuausrichtung einer börsennotierten AG by Buchwitz, René
Aktienoptionsprogramme: Theoretische Grundlagen, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen by Fischer, Gunter
Alternative Internationalisierungsstrategien für Integrators: Kurier-, Expreß-, Paketdienste by Haaken, Stefan
Coordinacion de Politicas Macroeconomicas en el Mercosur by Carrera, Jorge
Benchmarking Strategies: A Tool for Profit Improvement by Reider, Rob
24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success: Learn the Most Important Investment Techniques from the Founder of Investor's Business Daily by O'Neil, William J.
Key Issues in the Pharmaceutical Industry by Craig, A. M., Malek, M.
Strategien europäischer Linienfluggesellschaften zur Sicherung ihres wirtschaftlichen Erfolges im liberalisierten europäischen Luftverkehr: Eine empir by Schnell, Mirko
Winning the Talent War: A Strategic Approach to Attracting, Developing and Retaining the Best People by Woodruffe, Charles
Managing Knowledge: Building Blocks for Success by Probst, Gilbert J. B., Romhardt, Kai, Raub, Steffen
Working with Emotional Intelligence by Goleman, Daniel
The American Way of Death Revisited by Mitford, Jessica
Assembled in Japan: Electrical Goods and the Making of the Japanese Consumer by Partner, Simon
Produktpolitische Innovationen am Kreuzfahrtmarkt by Perner, Anja
Information Graphics: A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference by Harris, Robert L.
Chinese Capitalism, 1522-1840 by
The Nebi Yearbook 1999: North European and Baltic Sea Integration by Lindstrom, B., Hedegaard, L.
Business Telecom Systems: A Guide to Choosing the Best Technologies and Services by Peterson, Kerstin
Die Umsetzung der Mitarbeiterintegration bei Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen als personalpolitische Herausforderung by Leu, Ulrike
Corporate Identity von Wohnungsgenossenschaften by Biermann, Marko
Die Umwandlung eines Einzelunternehmens in eine GmbH: Unter Berücksichtigung der vorweggenommenen Erbfolge by Janke, Annett
Modeling Structural Change in the U.S. Textile Industry by Yang, Shu, Goodwin, Barry K.
Die Bilanzierung von Rückstellungen nach HGB und IAS37 im Vergleich by Schlüter, Jens
An Anthropology of the European Union: Building, Imagining and Experiencing the New Europe by
Global Literacies: Lessons on Business Leadership and National Cultures by Rosen, Robert H.
Conquering Chaos at Work: Strategies for Managing Disorganization and the People Who Cause It by Schechter, Harriet
Winning in the Women's Health Care Marketplace: A Comprehensive Plan for Health Care Strategists by James, Genie
Managing Selection in Changing Organizations: Human Resource Strategies by
Competing on Internet Time: Lessons from Netscape and It's Battle with Microsoft by Cusumano, Michael A., Yoffie, David B.
Ethnic Economies by Light, Ivan, Gold, Steven J.
Informationswirtschaft by Stock, Wolfgang G.
Grundlagen der Software-Entwicklung by Koreimann, Dieter S.
The Brazilian Amazon Rainforest: Global Ecopolitics, Development, and Democracy by Barbosa, Luiz C.
Reluctant Champions: U.S. Presidential Policy and Strategic Export Controls, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush and Clinton by Cupitt, Richard T.
Making a Life, Making a Living(r): Reclaiming Your Purpose and Passion in Business and in Life by Albion, Mark
Leasinggeschäfte im Jahresabschluß nach HGB und nach IAS by Bolik, Andreas
Die Umsatzsteuerreform 1999: Neuregelung der Eigenverbrauchsbesteuerung und privaten Fahrzeugnutzung im Lichte von Theorie und Praxis by Bolik, Andreas
Flawed Advice and the Management Trap: How Managers Can Know When They're Getting Good Advice and When They're Not by Argyris, Chris
The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses by Bhid?, Amar V., Bhide, Amar
Marketization and Democracy: East Asian Experiences by Ravich, Samantha Fay
Moderne Methoden in Der Spektroskopie by Hollas, J. Michael
The Profession of City Planning: Changes, Images, and Challenges: 1950-200 by Rodwin, Lloyd
Berlin, Vom 1. Bis 4. August 1899 by
Finanzdienstleistungen für auslandsentsandte Mitarbeiter deutscher Unternehmen (Expatriates): Informations- und Beratungsbedürfnisse und deren Umsetzu by Freyer, Peter
Der Einsatz computergestützter Lernmedien in der betrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildung by Krug, Petra
Entwicklung einer Markteintrittsstrategie für küchenfertige Frischeprodukte des Lebensmitteleinzelhandelsbereich in Österreich by Ogiermann, Markus
Revitalisierung von Bahnhöfen: Der Bahnhof als Handelsimmobilie by Bauschmann, Thorsten
The Corrosion of Character: The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism by Sennett, Richard
Der mobile Telekommunikationssektor Chinas: Chancen und Risiken für multinationale Unternehmen by Junghänel, Matthias
Consumers Benefit der Liberalisierung des Telekommunikationsmarktes: Und die zukünftige Entwicklung für den privaten Verbraucher by Niederlaak, Ralf
From The Ground Up by Lawler, Edward E.
Optimale Rechtsformwahl: Für ein mittelständisches deutsches Unternehmen in Ungarn by Schad, Kristin
Technical Communication, Deliberative Rhetoric, and Environmental Discourse: Connections and Directions by
Legal Protection Against Breaches of Duty on the Part of the German Works Council -- A Fata Morgana? by Belling, Detlev W.
The Turnaround Manager's Handbook by Sloma, Richard S.
Manufacturing Rationality: The Engineering Foundations of the Managerial Revolution by Shenhav, Yehouda
The It Value Quest: How to Capture the Business Value of It-Based Infrastructure by Renkema, Theo J. W.
Advances in the Management of Organizational Quality by
The Quest for Exchange Rate Stability in the Next Millennium by
Oligopoly by
Value Drivers, Mass Market: The Manager's Guide for Driving Corporate Value Creation by Scott, Mark C.
What's the Use of Lectures?: First U.S. Edition of the Classic Work on Lecturing by Bligh, Donald A.
Verkauf beratungsintensiver Bankdienstleistungen über den Vertriebsweg Internet by Seubert, Michael
The Theory of Capitalism in the German Economic Tradition: Historism, Ordo-Liberalism, Critical Theory, Solidarism by
Elektronische Handelssysteme: Innovative Konzepte Und Technologien Im Wertpapierhandel by Gomber, Peter
Wisdom of the CEO by Means, Grady, Price, Colin, Dauphinais, G. William
Relationship Marketing: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention by
Recycling Aus Produktionstheoretischer Sicht by Pitz, Thomas
China's Futures: Scenarios for the World's Fastest Growing Economy, Ecology, and Society by Schwartz, Peter, Ogilvy, James
Probleme der Erstellung einer Eröffnungsbilanz: Bei der Umstellung von Regiebetrieben auf kaufmännische Buchführung im Rahmen einer Rechtsformänderung by Baußmann, Josef
Hyperwars: 11 Essential Strategies for Survival and Profit in the Era of On-Line Business by Judson, Bruce
Einführung von gesundheits- und umweltfreundlichen Technologien, insbesondere in kleineren und mittleren Betrieben: Dargestellt am Beispiel der Substi by König, Vera
Women in Management: Current Research Issues Volume II by
Developing Writing for Different Purposes: Teaching about Genre in the Early Years by Riley, Jeni, Reedy, David
Die Ausarbeitung eines Controllingkonzeptes: Im Rahmen des einzuführenden QM-Systems im KB-Kreisbau Bischofswerda, Hoch-, Tief- und Ausbau GmbH by Fischer, Denise
Rechtsfragen des elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs im Internet: Einrichtung eines Vertriebssystems und Gestaltung der Kundenbeziehungen by Helf, Andrea
A Guide to United European Union Competition Policy by Gardner, N.
What Every Principal Would Like to Say . . . and What to Say Next Time: Quotations for Leading, Learning, and Living by Benshea, Noah
Trade Shocks in Developing Countries: Volume 1: Africa by Collier, Paul
Trade Shocks in Developing Countries: Volume 2: Asia and Latin America by Collier, Paul, Gunning, Jan Willem
Paradise for Sale: A Parable of Nature by McDaniel, Carl N., Gowdy, John M.
Enviroment, Ethics and the Corporation by Broadhurst, A., Ledgerwood, G.
The Congruent Life: Following the Inward Path to Fulfilling Work and Inspired Leadership by Thompson, C. Michael
Strategic Business Forecasting: The Complete Guide to Forecasting Real World Company Performance, Revised Edition by Shim, Jae K.
Trade and Fiscal Adjustment in Africa by
Turbo-Capitalism: Winners and Losers in the Global Economy by Luttwak, Edward
Grain Markets in Europe, 1500 1900: Integration and Deregulation by Persson, Karl Gunnar
The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes, Contagion and Consequences by Vines, David, Miller, Marcus, Agenor, Pierre-Richard
The Globalization of Multinational Enterprise Activity and Economic Development by
Renewable Resources for Electric Power: Prospects and Challenges by Kaul, Sanjay, Edinger, Raphael
New Rules of Corporate Conduct: Rewriting the Social Charter by Wilson, Ian
Laser Satellite Communication: The Third Generation by Mott, William H., IV, Sheldon, Robert B., Sheldon, L. Philip
Managing Power Through Lateral Networking by Mainiero, Lisa, Brindle, Margaret
Unternehmensbewertung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Konzeptes des Economic Value Added by Riedler, Harald
Organizational Politics by
Innovation Systems in the Service Economy: Measurement and Case Study Analysis by
Cross-Cultural Risk Perception: A Survey of Empirical Studies by
Energy Economics: A Modern Introduction by Banks, Ferdinand E.
Innovative Planning for Electronic Commerce and Enterprises: A Reference Model by Hsu, Cheng, Pant, Somendra
International Space Station: The Next Space Marketplace by Rycroft, M., Rycroft, Michael J.
Real Estate Agent by Clark, Betty
Inside Chinese Organizations: An Empirical Study of Business Practices in China by Schlevogt, Kai-Alexander
Civic Discourse and Digital Age Communications in the Middle East by
Technical Communication, Deliberative Rhetoric, and Environmental Discourse: Connections and Directions by
The Course of Industrial Decline: The Boott Cotton Mills of Lowell, Massachusetts, 1835-1955 by Gross, Laurence F.
The Community Tourism Guide: Exciting Holidays for Responsible Travellers by Mann, Mark
The Social Life of Information by Brown, John Seely, Duguid, Paul
Immigrant Businesses: The Economic, Political and Social Environment by
Reliability Management: An Overview by Eqe, International
Work as a Spiritual Practice: A Practical Buddhist Approach to Inner Growth and Satisfaction on the Job by Richmond, Lewis
Contrary Opinion: Using Sentiment to Profit in the Futures Markets by Hadady, R. Earl
To Fish in Common: The Ethnohistory of Lummi Indian Salmon Fishing by Boxberger, Daniel L.
Tinker Belles and Evil Queens: The Walt Disney Company from the Inside Out by Griffin, Sean P.
Charisma: Seven Keys to Developing the Magnetism That Leads to Success by Alessandra, Tony
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Supply Chain Management (SCM) by Möller, Dirk
Research in Transportation Economics: Volume 5 by
Miracle to Meltdown in Asia: Business, Government, and Society by Flynn, Norman
Der deutsche Telekommunikationsmarkt - Eine Analyse nach Porter by Meyer, Joerg
What Every Principal Would Like to Say . . . and What to Say Next Time: Quotations for Leading, Learning, and Living by Benshea, Noah
Research in Organizational Change and Development by
Knowledge and Social Capital by Lesser, Eric
Capitalists in Spite of Themselves by Lachmann, Richard
Talking about Organization Science: Debates and Dialogue From Crossroads by Frost, Peter J., Lewin, Arie Y., Daft, Richard L.
Einsatz eines integrierten Point-of-Service-Systems im Versicherungsunternehmen by Hohenthaner, Johannes
Kritische Betrachtung von Büroimmobilien am Beispiel der Telekommunikationsbranche: Analyse, Auswertung und Ausblick by Nahrath, Tilo T.
Abfallentsorgung in gewerblichen Küchen: Möglichkeiten der Verminderung und Vermeidung by Schäfer, Ellen
Higher Education Research: Its Relationship to Policy and Practice by
The Drucker Foundation: The Community of the Future by
Energize Your Audience!: 75 Quick Activities That Get Them Started . . . and Keep Them Going by Ukens, Lorraine L.
Civic Discourse and Digital Age Communications in the Middle East by
Projektcontrolling im Dienstleistungsunternehmen: Gesellschaft für Umwelttechnik und Unternehmensberatung by Costa, Matthias
Ansätze zur Risikobeurteilung und Risikobegrenzung der Kreditinstitute in der gewerblichen Immobilienfinanzierung: Am Beispiel einer Seniorenimmobilie by Schiefenhövel, Ulrike
Insolvenzgründe und Vermeidungsstrategien in mittelständischen Unternehmen by Tomaschek, Pascal
Bedeutung der Möglichkeiten von Kundenbindungskonzepten in der Kreditwirtschaft by Altefrohne, Markus
Fördermöglichkeiten und Förderprogramme für Existenzgründungen, Existenzsicherungen und Erweiterungen von KMU innerhalb der EU sowie in den Beitrittsl by Ose, Thomas
Glass Ceilings and Asian Americans: The New Face of Workplace Barriers by Woo, Deborah
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