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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2002

Ecrire pour agir au quotidien by Marret, Annick, Simonet, Renée
Boulot j'ai toujours le bon plan: Ma vie dans l'entreprise by Roy, Frédéric, Apec
Intangible Management: Tools for Solving the Accounting and Management Crisis by Standfield, Ken, Torre, Andrew
Arrêtez de râler !: Contre les petits énervements quotidiens by Brahic, Mireille
Faciliter la communication de groupe by Stern, Patrice, Gruère, Jean-Pierre
N'obéissez plus ! by Nguyen Nhon, Daniel, Albert, Eric
La fin du risque zéro by Guilhou, Xavier, Lagadec, Patrick
Tous les secrets d'un conseil en recrutement: L'envers du décor enfin dévoilé aux candidats by Labeille, Maryvonne
Les remarques à l'épreuve de la pratique: Identifier et analyser les dérives et les erreurs couramment observées dans la pratique des marques, pour ap by Kapferer, Jean-Noël
L'impossible éthique des entreprises: Réflexions sur une utopie moderne by Boyer, André
Leur nom est une marque by Logié, Bernard, Logié-Naville, Dora
Comprendre et gérer les risques: Stratégiques, humains, éthiques, informatiques, projets by Moreau, Franck
Produire vraiment sans gaspiller: L'après juste à temps by Bouzekouk, Salim
Le guide de la gestion par programmes: Vers une culture du résultat by Trosa, Sylvie
Le management territorial à l'ère des réseaux by Prax, Jean-Yves
Je veux du temps pour moi !: Ma vie dans l'entreprise by Venhorst, M.
Ce que coaching veut dire: Comprendre. Comment faire. Prendre du recul by Forestier, Gilles
Le pilotage stratégique: Comment mobiliser l'énergie collective by Mettling, Bruno, Castelnau, Jacques, Daniel, Loïc
Le coaching by Gellman, Charles, Higy-Lang, Chantal
La polyvalence sous toutes ses facettes: Une gestion des compétences plus efficace by Micheletti, Patrick
Finance de marché by Ramage, Pierre
Le guide du e-learning: L'organisation apprenante by Mingasson, Michel
La responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise: Comprendre, rédiger le rapport annuel by Igalens, Jacques, Joras, Michel
Tous managers du savoir !: La seule ressource qui prend de la valeur en la partageant by Ballay, Jean-François
La logique de l'informel: A la découverte des jeux de pouvoir dans l'entreprise by Pavy, Gérard
Recruter Français Anglais by Levanti, Patricia, Studer-Laurens, Joselyne
Planned Giving Essentials, 2nd Edition: A Step-By-Step Guide to Success by Ware, Molly E., Barrett, Richard D.
Critiques of Capital in Modern Britian and America: Transatlantic Exchanges 1800 to the Present Day by
International Business: Adjusting to New Challenges and Opportunities by McDonald, Frank, Wheeler, Colin
Corporate Environmentalism in China and Taiwan by Tsai, T.
Modelling the Survival of Financial and Industrial Enterprises: Advantages, Challenges and Problems with the Internal Ratings-Based (Irb) Method by Chorafas, D.
Transition Strategies: Cases from the East German Industry by Hungenberg, H., Wulf, T.
Challenges for European Management in a Global Context: Experiences from Britain and Germany by
Ethnicity and Economy: 'Race and Class' Revisited by Bradley, H., Fenton, S.
Smart Sourcing: International Best Practice by Kakabadse, A.
Inside the EU Business Associations by Greenwood, J.
Action Learning Worldwide: Experiences of Leadership and Organizational Development by
Organization of R&d: An Evaluation of Best Practices by Mrinalini, N., Nath, P.
Understanding How Issues in Business Ethics Develop by
Management Consultancy: What Next? by Czerniawska, F.
Private Business-Public Battleground: The Case for 21st Century Stakeholder Companies by Egan, John, Wilson, Des
Strategy, Value and Risk - The Real Options Approach: Reconciling Innovation, Strategy and Value Management by Rogers, J.
The Organizational Dynamics of Creative Destruction: Entrepreneurship and the Creation of New Industries by Mezias, S., Boyle, E.
Energy in the Caspian Region: Present and Future by
Innovation and Social Learning: Institutional Adaptation in an Era of Technological Change by
Logistik-Management: Strategien -- Konzepte -- Praxisbeispiele by
Making Supply Chain Management Work: Design, Implementation, Partnerships, Technology, and Profits by Ayers, James, Ayers, Ayers B.
Multi-stakeholder Processes for Governance and Sustainability: Beyond Deadlock and Conflict by McHarry, Jan, Hemmati, Minu, Enayati, Jasmin
Profit Strategies for Air Transportation by Radnoti, George
Operate a Successful Day Care in Your Home by Ellen, Ellen, MS Ellen
The Life and Death of a HiTech Patriot by Faybish, Yossi
Das Ende vom Lied?. Zum Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf die internationale Musikindustrie by Bauckhage, Tobias
Funding Health Care by Mossialos, Elias
Handbook of International Mergers and Aquisitions: Planning, Execution and Integration by
Islam - Institutioneller Wandel Und Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung by Leipold, Helmut
Multi-stakeholder Processes for Governance and Sustainability: Beyond Deadlock and Conflict by Enayati, Jasmin, McHarry, Jan, Hemmati, Minu
The Work Connection: The Role of Social Security in British Economic Regulation by Grover, Chris, Stewart, J.
Microregionalism and World Order by
Supply Chain and Liberalisation of the M by Mbabazi, Pamela
Nigerian Capital Market by Dada, Isaac Olusola, Isaac Olusola Dada
Africa's Inland Fisheries. the Management Challenge by
The Caribbean Banana Trade: From Colonialism to Globalization by Clegg, P.
First and Last Editions by Allan, Gordon
Earthsummit.Biz: The Corporate Takeover of Sustainable Development by Bruno, Kenny, Karliner, Joshua
La stratégie en citations: 500 citations d'Aragon à Saint-Augustin by Boyer, Luc, Marchesnay, Michel
Sales Forecasting A New Approach by Stahl, Robert a., Wallace, Thomas F.
Technological Entrepreneurship (PB) by
Technological Entrepreneurship (Hc) by
Project Management for Planners: A Practical Guide by Clark, Terry A.
Economic Growth Versus the Environment: The Politics of Wealth, Health and Air Pollution by Cherni, J.
Saving Maine: An Album of Conservation Success Stories by Silliker, Bill
Whom the Gods Would Destroy or How Not to Deregulate by Kahn, Alfred E.
Liberalizing Global Trade in Energy Services by Evans, Peter C.
Cutting Taxes for Insuring: Options and Effects of Tax Credits for Health Insurance by Herring, Bradley, Pauly, Mark V.
Transforming Work: The Five Keys to Achieving Trust, Commitment, & Passion in the Workplace by Boverie, Patricia
Spooked: Espionage in Corporate America by Penenberg, Adam L.
Working Together: 12 Principles for Achieving Excellence in Managing Projects, Teams, and Organizations by Lewis, James P.
A Practical Guide to Call Center Technology: Select the Right Systems for Total Customer Satisfaction by Waite, Andrew
Locating Capitalism in Time and Space: Global Restructurings, Politics, and Identity by
Locating Capitalism in Time and Space: Global Restructurings, Politics, and Identity by
Statistical Consulting by Cabrera, Javier, McDougall, Andrew
Strategisches Rabattcontrolling by Erlenkämper, Stephan
Einsatzmöglichkeiten von derivaten Instrumenten im Zinsmanagement von Kreditinstituten by Göhl, Manfred
Fundamentalfaktoren versus sich selbst erfüllende Erwartungen: Traditionelle und neuere Erklärungsansätze für Währungskrisen by Slopek, Ulf Dieter
Auktionen als alternative Preisfeststellungs- und Plazierungsverfahren bei Aktienemissionen?: Eine ökonomische Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigu by Reiff, Sebastian
Case Histories in Business Ethics by
Hochschulkostenrechnung: Einführung von Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung in die Hochschule by Hartmann, Martin
The Call Center Dictionary: The Complete Guide to Call Center and Customer Support Technology Solutions by Bodin, Madeline
An Innovator's Tale: New Perspectives for Accelerating Creative Breakthroughs by Hickman, Craig
The Complete Guide to Customer Support: How to Turn Technical Assistance Into a Profitable Relationship by Fleischer, Joe
Leaders and Leadership in Education by Gunter, Helen
The Six SIGMA Way Team Fieldbook: An Implementation Guide for Process Improvement Teams by Neuman, Robert P., Cavanagh, Roland R., Pande, Peter S.
Marketing im liberalisierten Strommarkt: Die Regionalen Versorger in Deutschland by Merzenich, Melanie, Lange, Oliver C., Veit, Alexa
Die Veränderung des Business to Business (B2B) Marketing bei Automobilzulieferbetrieben durch Strategien der Hersteller und Electronic Business by Herberts, Patrick
Numeracy for Teaching by Haylock, Derek
Ability Grouping in Education by Hallam, Susan, Ireson, Judith
Stochastic-Process Limits: An Introduction to Stochastic-Process Limits and Their Application to Queues by Whitt, Ward
Exporting Paradise: Tourism and Development in Mexico by Clancy, M.
Deleteyourbroker.com: Using the Internet to Beat the Pros on Wall Street by Byron, Christopher
Sonar en Grande: Una Guia Para Enfrentar los Desafios de la Vida y Crear la Vida Que Te Mereces = Dream Big! = Dream Big! by Shaw, Deborah Rosado
Observational Studies by Rosenbaum, Paul R.
Make a Name for Yourself: Eight Steps Every Woman Needs to Create a Personal Brand Strategy for Success by Roffer, Robin Fisher
Auswirkungen des Electronic Business auf die Wertschöpfung traditioneller Industriebetriebe by Gröber, Daniel
Preisagenturen im Internet aus Sicht der Prinzipal-Agent-Theorie by Reuter, Jens
Investor Relations im Internet: Eine empirische Analyse der Informationsbedürfnisse von Privatanlegern am Beispiel des Neuen Marktes in Deutschland by Schwach, Stefan
The Experience: How to Wow Your Customers and Create a Passionate Workplace by Arussy, Lior
The Experience: How to Wow Your Customers and Create a Passionate Workplace by Arussy, Lior
Regional Development in Greece by Konsolas, N., Papadaskalopoulos, A., Plaskovitis, I.
The Nebi Yearbook 2001/2002: North European and Baltic Sea Integration by
Der Bankbetriebliche Zahlungsverkehr: Infrastruktur-Innovationen Und Wandel Der Zahlungsverkehrsabwicklung by Riedl, Gerald R.
Multiple Objective and Goal Programming: Recent Developments by
Multimediales Lernen Im Netz: Leitfaden Für Entscheider Und Planer by Bruns, Beate, Gajewski, Petra
The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success by Tracy, Brian
The Pathology of the U.S. Economy Revisited: The Intractable Contradictions of Economic Policy by Perlman, M.
Die Bedeutung der Beteiligungskriterien einer Venture Capital Finanzierung in Abhängigkeit der Beteiligungsphasen: Eine empirische Analyse deutscher ( by Habermann, Markus
Marketing Places by Kotler, Philip
The Secret Handshake: Mastering the Politics of the Business Inner Circle by Reardon, Kathleen Kelley
Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance: Transforming Food Production in Cuba by
People, Performance, & Pay: Dynamic Compensation for Changing Organizations by Hofrichter, David A., Platten, Paul E., Flannery, Thomas P.
Managing in Developing Countries: Strategic Analysis and Operating Techniques by Austin, James E.
Virtual Selling: Going Beyond the Automated Sales Force to Achieve Total Sales Quality by Siebel, Thomas M., Malone, Michael
Water Quality Surveillance: A Practical Guide by Howard, Guy
eCRM-Gestaltung von Kundenbeziehungen in eBusiness by Klang, Matthias
Wirtschaftspädagogische Aspekte bei der Vorbereitung von Auslandseinsätzen in Industrie- und Dienstleistungsbranchen by Burmeister, Brita
Kombinierte Budgets in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung by Schöndube, André
The Making of Modern Tourism: The Cultural History of the British Experience, 1600-2000 by
The Making of Modern Tourism: The Cultural History of the British Experience, 1600-2000 by
Cots-Based Software Systems: First International Conference, Iccbss 2002, Orlando, Fl, Usa, February 4-6, 2002, Proceedings by
How to Become a Porn Director: Making Amateur Adult Films by Ryder, Nick
The Control of Corporate Europe by
Vergleichsanalyse Warenwirtschaftssysteme einschließlich Produktionsplanung und -steuerung für klein- und mittelständige Fertigungsunternehmen by Friis, Marina, Schache, Jan
Human Rights in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan by Neary, Ian
Cooperative Strategy: Economic, Business, and Organizational Issues by
Endkonsolidierung: Erfolgswirkungen des Ausscheidens von Unternehmen aus dem Konzernverbund und konsolidierungstechnische Abbildung im Konzernabschluß by Ullrich, Thomas
The Big Red Fez: Zooming, Evolution, and the Future of Your Company by Godin, Seth
Ergebnisse der Verbraucherforschung: und deren Berücksichtigung im Wirschaftslehreunterricht der Hauptschule in Baden-Württembergq by Nagel, Werner
Profit and the Environment: Common Sense or Contradiction? by Stone, Hilary, Washington-Smith, John
Critical Evaluation of the Strategies of Privatization and Public Offerings: Illustrated by Examples of Deutsche Telekom by Hohmann, Lea-Maria, Schlüter, Björn, Albers, Sylvia
Creativity and Leadership in the 21st Century Firm by
Make It Big!: 49 Secrets for Building a Life of Extreme Success by McKinney, Frank E.
Attracting Capital from Angels: How Their Money-And Their Experience-Can Help You Build a Successful Company by Power, Dee, Hill, Brian E.
Museum Economics and the Community by
Creativity in Product Innovation by Jacob, Goldenberg, Goldenberg, Jacob, Mazursky, David
Innenrevision in Banken: Chancen einer Neuausrichtung by Hammer, Thomas
Die Auswirkungen der Unternehmenssteuerreform auf die ertragsteuerliche Bewertung von Verlustverträgen by Emhart, Otmar
Modellierung und Bewertung von Bonitätsrisiken by Puhle, Michael
Das Internet als Instrument der Unternehmenskommunikation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Investor Relations: Eine theoretische und empirische A by Krüger, Jörn
Networks: Standardization, Infrastructure, and Applications by
Technological Change and Regional Development in Europe by
Supply Chain Management Based on SAP Systems: Order Management in Manufacturing Companies by Mertens, Peter, Zeier, Alexander, Knolmayer, Gerhard F.
Database Marketing als Erfolgsfaktor moderner Call Center-Konzepte by Schön, Annika
The Boundaryless Organization: Breaking the Chains of Organizational Structure by Jick, Todd, Ashkenas, Ron, Ulrich, David
Statistik-Trainer by Schlittgen, Rainer
It's Not Business, It's Personal: The 9 Relationship Principles That Power Your Career by Lichtenberg, Ronna
Strategic Management for Nonprofit Organizations by Courtney, Roger
Strategic Management for Nonprofit Organizations by Courtney, Roger
Understanding the Digital Economy: Data, Tools, and Research by
Managing Operational Risk: 20 Firmwide Best Practice Strategies by Hoffman, Douglas G.
Ausländische Direktinvestitionen in der S. R. Vietnam by Ngo, Huy-Truc
The Mission: Journalism, Ethics and the World (International Topics in Media) by
Service Engineering: Klassifikation von Dienstleistungen, Vorgehensmodelle und Methoden der Dienstleistungsentwicklung im Vergleich zur Pro by Speckmann, Stefan
Executive Stock Options und Manageranreize unter Berücksichtigung "nicht-traditioneller" Varianten von Stock Options by Posselt, Jörg
Credit Rating im Mittelstand: Eine Betrachtung der zukünftigen finanzwirtschaftlichen Situation mittelständischer Unternehmen unter der besonderen B by Brockhaus, Miriam
Jesús Ejecutivo by Jaramillo Cárdenas, Luciano
Business Related Services in Central and Eastern Europe: A Cross Country Approach by
Non-Profit-Management Im Aufwind?: Festschrift Für Karl Oettle Zum 75. Geburtstag by
Das Mitarbeiterfördergespräch als innovatives Instrument des "Lernenden Unternehmens" by Mertens, Werner
Pensionsfonds als Instrument zur innovativen Ausgestaltung von Versorgungswerken im Rahmen der betrieblichen Altersversorgung by Wojtysiak, Christian
Dictionary of Transport and Logistics by Roobeek, Annemieke
Pacific American Fisheries, Inc.: History of a Washington State Salmon Packing Company, 1890-1966 by
Negotiating at an Uneven Table: Developing Moral Courage in Resolving Our Conflicts by Kritek, Phyllis Beck
Competition and Cooperation in Taiwan's Information Technology Industry: Inter-firm Networks and Industrial Upgrading by Poon, Teresa
Entwicklung eines standardisierten Reportingsystems für mittelständische Unternehmen zur Erfüllung der Rating-Anforderungen von Fremdkapitalgebern by Ludwar, Christian
American Shockwave: Entrepreneurial Capitalism and Its Global Impact by Shienbaum, Kim Ezra
Information Literacy and Workplace Performance by Goad, Tom
Principles of Forecasting: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners by
Mobile Portale - Lösungsvorschlag im Bankensektor: Exemplarisch diskutiert am Beispiel einer Bank by Dietrich, Bernd
Considerations for an Equity Underwriting on Nasdaq from the Perspective of an Investment Bank by Kann, Johann Sebastian
Technological Systems in the Bio Industries: An International Study by
Politische Bildung Und Globalisierung by
Economics as a Political Muse: Philosophical Reflections on the Relevance of Economics for Ecological Policy by Deblonde, M. K.
The End of Management and the Rise of Organizational Democracy by Cloke, Kenneth, Goldsmith, Joan
Dragon Multinational: A New Model for Global Growth by Mathews, John A.
The Company of the Future: How the Communications Revolution Is Changing Management by Cairncross, Frances
Crisis and Renewal in France, 1918-1962 by
Leading Quietly: An Unorthodox Guide to Doing the Right Thing by Badaracco, Joseph L.
Critical Issues in Tourism 2e by Williams, Allan M., Shaw, Gareth
Crisis and Renewal in France, 1918-1962 by
The Price of Death: The Funeral Industry in Contemporary Japan by Suzuki, Hikaru
E-Management @ Work: The Internet and the Office Productivity Revolution by Beauvallet, Godefroy U., Ball, Michael
The Finest Kind: The Fishermen of Gloucester by Bartlett, Kim
Advancing Women's Careers: Research in Practice by
Critical Issues in Tourism 2e by Shaw, Gareth, Williams, Allan M.
The Economics of Qwerty: History, Theory, Policy: Essays by Stan J. Liebowitz and Steven E. Margolis by
Environmental Regulation Through Financial Organisations: Comparative Perspectives on the Industrialed Nations by Richardson, Benjamin J.
Pathways to Nonprofit Excellence by Light, Paul C.
Managing Across Borders: The Transnational Solution by Bartlett, Christopher A., Ghoshal, Sumantra
Partnerships for Profit: Structuring and Managing Strategic Alliances by Lewis, Jordan D.
Group Work with Overwhelmed Clients: How the Power of Groups Can Help People Transform by Hopps, June Gary, Pinderhughes, Elaine
Silent Spill: The Organization of an Industrial Crisis by Beamish, Thomas D.
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