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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2003

Multi-Access-Portale: Ziele, Prämissen, Geschäftsmodelle und Umsetzungsprobleme für Mobilfunknetzbetreiber by Unland, Frank
International Management: Cross- Boundary Challenges by Gooderham, Paul, Nordhaug, Odd
The Future of Retail Banking by Divanna, J.
Innovations in Professional Education for Speech and Language Therapy by Brumfitt, Shelagh
Authentic: How to Make a Living by Being Yourself by Crofts, Neil
Free Gift Inside!!: Forget the Customer. Develop Marketease by Brown, Stephen
Troublesome Commerce: The Transformation of the Interstate Slave Trade by Gudmestad, Robert H.
Business ER by Krempl, Stephen
Choosing Civility: The Twenty-Five Rules of Considerate Conduct by Forni, P. M.
Personalentwicklung im Verbund kleiner und mittelständischer Unternehmen: Ein Konzeptentwurf für das Solar Info Center Freiburg by Kühle, Geb Theuer Carolin
Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz: Ansätze zur Prävention und Intervention by Diedrich, Kristina
Hedge Funds für Privatanleger by Berg, Bernd
Hedging und Konsolidierung ausländischer Tochtergesellschaften by Scheidegger, Sandra
What does it take to SUCCEED in business?: Only 2.5% of businesses still exist after 10 years, will you be one of them? by Wittmack, James S.
Sun Tzu Strategies for Selling: How to Use the Art of War to Build Lifelong Customer Relationships: How to Use the Art of War to Build Lifelong Custom by Michaelson, Gerald A., Michaelson, Steven W.
German Industry and Global Enterprise: Basf: The History of a Company by Von Hippel, Wolfgang, Johnson, Jeffrey Allan, Abelshauser, Werner
Knowledge and Competitive Advantage: The Coevolution of Firms, Technology, and National Institutions by Murmann, Johann Peter
Full Employment and High Growth in Europe: A New Cycle of Reforms to Play a Leading Role in the New World Economy by Baldassarri, M., Busato, F.
Hedge Funds by Clashinrichs, Ralf
Auswirkungen unmittelbarer Versorgungszusagen auf das Bonitätsrating von börsennotierten Unternehmen by Lüke, Marc
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Einführung eines Risikomanagements in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Anforderun by Naumann, Jörg
Full Employment and High Growth in Europe: A New Cycle of Reforms to Play a Leading Role in the New World Economy by Busato, F., Baldassarri, M.
Structural Macroeconomic Change and the Size Pattern of Manufacturing Firms by Trau, F.
Disaster Recovery Planning for Nonprofits by Robinson, Michael K.
Fondsklassifizierung und Erfolgsfaktoren für Real Estate Private Equity Fonds by Murer, Alexander
Corporate Treasury and Cash Management [With CDROM] by Cooper, R.
The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison: *God Doesn't Think He's Larry Ellison by Wilson, Mike
Die Baustellenverordnung (BaustellV) als Steuerungselement by Deufel, Matthias
Ausschüttungspolitiken im neuen Körperschaftssystem by Kube, Detlef Armin
Konsequenzen der Entgeltumwandlung für das Einkommen im Alter by Kube, Detlef Armin
Supply Chain Management for Refurbishment: Lessons from High Street Retailing by Male, Steven P., Kelly, John, Groengvist, Marcus
Managing Software Deliverables: A Software Development Management Methodology by Rittinghouse Phd Cism, John
Made Possible by: Succeeding with Sponsorship by Martin, Patricia
Statistik mit R by Dolic, Dubravko
Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa: Museums, Architecture, and City Renewal by Zulaika, Joseba
Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa: Museums, Architecture, and City Renewal by Zulaika, Joseba
Mobile Datendienste in Japan: Eine Analyse des Erfolgs von i-mode by Radner, Markus
Chinese Capitalism in a Global Era: Towards a Hybrid Capitalism by Wai-Chung Yeung, Henry
Futures Beyond Dystopia: Creating Social Foresight by Slaughter, Richard A.
British Technology and European Industrialization: The Norwegian Textile Industry in the Mid-Nineteenth Century by Bruland, Kristine
Chinese Enterprise, Transnationalism and Identity by
A Distinctive Industrialization: Cotton in Barcelona 1728 1832 by J. K. J., Thomson, Thomson, J. K. J.
Salt of the Desert Sun: A History of Salt Production and Trade in the Central Sudan by Lovejoy, Paul E.
Spanish Agriculture: The Long Siesta, 1765 1965 by James, Simpson, Simpson, James
Service Quality: Research Perspectives by Schneider, Benjamin, White, Susan Schoenberger
Private Altersvorsorge: Langfristige Finanzplanung Für Die Eigene Zukunft by Schmitz, Volker
Power and Status by
What Every New Manager Needs to Know: Making a Successful Transition to Management by Gaynor, Gerard H.
irs Best Practice in HR Handbook by
Joy in the Workplace by Alexander, Chris
International Applications of U.S. Income Tax Law: Inbound and Outbound Transactions by Larkins, Ernest R.
Enterprise Programme Management: Delivering Value by Parr, T., Williams, D.
Instant Case Studies: How to Design, Adapt, and Use Case Studies in Training by Barbazette, Jean
Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education by McGee Banks, Cherry A., Banks, James A.
What Is Lean Six SIGMA by Rowlands, David T., Kastle, Bill, George, Michael L.
Genes and Insurance: Ethical, Legal and Economic Issues by Radetzki, Marcus, Radetzki, Marian, Juth, Niklas
Religion and the Workplace: Pluralism, Spirituality, Leadership by Hicks, Douglas A., Douglas a., Hicks
Reinventing the Bazaar: A Natural History of Markets by McMillan, John
Applications and Science in Soft Computing by
Locating Global Advantage: Industry Dynamics in the International Economy by
Financial Statistics No 499 November 2003 by Na, Na
Die Banksektoren der EU-Beitrittskandidaten 2004: Funktion, Entwicklung und Bedeutung für die Volkswirtschaft by Zeinlhofer-Schriefl, Monika
Global Markets, Domestic Institutions: Corporate Law and Governance in a New Era of Cross-Border Deals by
Agricultural Biodiversity in Smallholder Farms of East Africa by
The Land Question: What It Involves, and How Alone It Can Be Settled by George, Henry
Information Society and the Workplace: Spaces, Boundaries and Agency by
Harvest of Grief: Grasshopper Plagues and Public Assistance in Minnesota, 1873-78 by Atkins, Annette
Decentralization and Development Partnership: Lessons from Uganda by Saito, Fumihiko
Kundenparadies Deutschland: Aktuelle Spitzenleistungen Und Konzepte Für Die Zukunft by
The Call Center Handbook: The Complete Guide to Starting, Running, and Improving Your Call Center by Dawson, Keith
Prospects for Pastoralism in Kazakstan and Turkmenistan: From State Farms to Private Flocks by
Unbundled Government: A Critical Analysis of the Global Trend to Agencies, Quangos and Contractualisation by
The Application of Econophysics: Proceedings of the Second Nikkei Econophysics Symposium by
Konzeption, Durchführung und Evaluation einer Verkaufsschulung zur Steigerung der Kundenorientierung: Dargestellt an einem mittelständischen Familienb by Lorenz, Ulrike
Economic Development in Saudi Arabia by Al Salamah, Abdullah, Malik, Monica, Al Rajhi, Ahmed
Banana Wars: Power, Production, and History in the Americas by
Service Quality: Research Perspectives by Schneider, Benjamin, White, Susan Schoenberger
European Works Councils: Pessimism of the Intellect Optimism of the Will? by
Unite the Tribes: Ending Turf Wars for Career and Business Success by Duncan, Christopher
Konzeption eines integrierten Planungs- und Kontrollsystems für Nonprofit Organisationen am Beispiel des Deutschen Komitee der AIESEC e.V. by Von Der Osten, Ulf-Wedig
Thank God It's Sunday!: The Gospel of Customer Service by Smalls, O. Bernard
Land, Labour and Agriculture, 1700-1920: Essays for Gordon Mingay by Holderness, B. a., Turner, Michael
Informelles Lernen am Arbeitsplatz und Kompetenzentwicklung: Möglichkeiten zur Anpassung von formalen Bildungsangeboten am Beispiel eines Unternehmens by Fink, Daniela
Bilanzierung von Websites nach HGB, IFRS und US-GAAP by Braun, Wolfgang
Finanzanalyse von Pensionsverpflichtungen by Van Treeck, Daniel
Hedge Fonds: Eine ideale Portfoliobeimischung?: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Wirkung von Hedge Fonds auf ein Portfolio traditio by Nodop, Jens Michael
On Staffing: Advice and Perspectives from HR Leaders by
Personalmangement im Umbruch: Veränderungen im unternehmerischen Umfeld und deren Konsequenzen für erfolgreiche Personalarbeit by Schneider, Antje
Information Technology for Manufacturing: Reducing Costs and Expanding Capabilities by Ake, Kevin, Clemons, John, Cubine, Mark
Territories of Profit: Communications, Capitalist Development, and the Innovative Enterprises of G. F. Swift and Dell Computer by Fields, Gary
The Political Economy of Craft Production by Sinopoli, Carla M.
Territories of Profit: Communications, Capitalist Development, and the Innovative Enterprises of G. F. Swift and Dell Computer by Fields, Gary
Rechtsform und Steuerbelastung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien (KGaA) by Braemer, Markus
Defending Interests: Public-Private Partnerships in WTO Litigation by Shaffer, Gregory C.
Corporate Governance: Financial Responsibility, Controls and Ethics by Banks, E.
Property Rights and Managerial Decisions in For-Profit, Nonprofit, and Public Organizations: Comparative Theory and Policy by Carroll, K.
Locating Global Advantage: Industry Dynamics in the International Economy by
The Ethics of Stakeholding by
Supply Chain Management Erfolgreich Umsetzen: Grundlagen, Realisierung Und Fallstudien by Corsten, Daniel, Gabriel, Christoph
Call Center Management in Der PRAXIS: Strukturen Und Prozesse Betriebswirtschaftlich Optimieren by Helber, Stefan, Stolletz, Raik
Strategisches Logistikmanagement: Ein Markt-, Prozess- Und Ressourcenorientiertes Konzept by Mikus, Barbara
Innovationsmanagement Durch Internes Risikokapital: Zur Sicherung Der Rationalität Des Aufbaus Neuer Ventures by Lohfert, Oliver Toennies
Essays on Microeconomics and Industrial Organisation by
Flexible Gestaltung Des Analyseprozesses Technischer Probleme Mit Triz-Werkzeugen: Theoretische Fundierung, Anwendung in Der Industriellen Praxis, Zuk by Wenzke, Sven
Produktinnovationserfolg Und Target Costing by Meyer, Jens Wilhelm
Reverse Logistics: Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains by
Güterklassifikation ALS Semantisches Standardisierungsproblem by Hepp, Martin
Breakthrough IT Change Management by Lientz, Bennet, Rea, Kathryn
Delta Air Lines: 75 Years of Airline Excellence by Jones, Geoff
Chinese Women-Living and Working by McLaren, Anne
German and Japanese Business in the Boom Years by
Research Skills for Management Studies by Thomas, Alan Berkeley
Research Skills for Management Studies by Thomas, Alan Berkeley
Mathematics Education: Exploring the Culture of Learning by
Flottenpolitik von Luftverkehrsgesellschaften: Produktionsfaktor Flugzeug by Poss, Tobias
So You Want to Be A . . .Landlord? by Renee, T.
Mathematics Education: Exploring the Culture of Learning by
Information Asymmetry: A Unifying Concept for Financial and Managerial Accounting Theories by
So You've Networked - Now What?: A Guide for Gaining and Retaining Clients by Treadway, Juli
Coaching for Meaning: The Culture and Practice of Coaching and Team Building by Lenhardt, V.
La seguridad social en el mundo by González Roaro, Benjamín
Driven by Time: Time Orientation and Leadership by Thoms, Peg
Toward a Global Business Confederation: A Blueprint for Globalization by Jain, Subhash
Die Bewertung von Aktienoptionen nach IFRS ED 2: Share-based Payment by Williams, Tim
Die Entwicklung und Bedeutung des Personalmanagements: Ihre Neustrukturierung und ihr wertschöpfender Beitrag by Jahn, Jessica
New Directions: Efficiency and Productivity by Färe, Rolf, Grosskopf, Shawna
Optimization Methods for a Stakeholder Society: A Revolution in Economic Thinking by Multi-Objective Optimization by Brauers, W. K.
Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government in East Asian Industrialization by Wade, Robert
Hitler's U-Boat Fortresses by Bradham, Randolph
Process and Operation Planning: Revised Edition of the Principles of Process Planning: A Logical Approach by Halevi, G.
Competitive Transformation of the Postal and Delivery Sector by
Compatibility Breeds Success: How to Manage Your Relationship with Your Business Partner by Snider, Marvin
Case Studies of U.S. Economic Sanctions: The Chinese, Cuban, and Iranian Experience by Askari, Hossein, Forrer, John, Teegen, Hildy
Managing Collaboration in Public Administration: The Promise of Alliance among Governance, Citizens, and Businesses by Vigoda, Eran
News Ombudsmen in North America: Assessing an Experiment in Social Responsibility by Nemeth, Neil
Lagrange-Type Functions in Constrained Non-Convex Optimization by Rubinov, Alexander M., Xiao-Qi Yang
Beyond the Hype: Rediscovering the Essence of Management by
Ethics in Research by Gregory, Ian
Unternehmensbewertung unter Unsicherheit: Darstellung und Diskussion dreier Methoden zur Bewertung eines künftigen Zahlungsstroms by Schmid, Simone
Corporate Venturing: Creating New Businesses within the Firm by
Apogee of Empire: Spain and New Spain in the Age of Charles III, 1759-1789 by Stein, Stanley J., Stein, Barbara H.
Something to Believe In: Creating Trust and Hope in Organisations: Stories of Transparency, Accountability and Governance by
Taking America: How We Got from the First Hostile Takeover to Megamergers, Corporate Raiding and Scandal by Madrick, Jeffrey G.
Mary Parker Follett Prophet of Management by
Back to the Drawing Board: Designing Corporate Boards for a Complex World by Carter, Colin B., Lorsch, Jay W.
Carpet Capital: The Rise of a New South Industry by Patton, Randall L.
The WTO Dispute Settlement System 1995-2003 by
Collection of Wipo Domain Name Panel Decisions by Mediation Center, Wipo Arbitration and
Global Business Workforce Restructuring: Labour and Employment Law and Benefits by
Prospect-Theorie - Entwicklung und heutige Anwendung in der Finanzwirtschaft by Jacob, Jörg
The Gradual Encroachment: Capitalism as We Know It by Calkins, Ralph N.
Spiritual Culture in The Corporate Drama: To Revolutionise Role Excellence And To Make Winners All In The Workplace by Atthreya, N. H.
Improving Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations by Kravis Leadership Institute
Didactic Organization of Teaching and Learning Processes: A Textbook for Schools and Adult Education by Häfner, Peter, Götz, Klaus
Aufbau eines Führungsunterstützungssystems für Jugendhilfeeinrichtungen by Lüngen, Sven
Matchmaking in Electronic Markets: An Agent-Based Approach Towards Matchmaking in Electronic Negotiations by Veit, Daniel J.
Corporate Venture Capital: Ausgewählte theoretische Basiskonstrukte und ergänzende qualitativ empirische Untersuchung mittels Fallstudien by Rost, Jasmin
Die Besteuerung von Rentenversicherungen by Ibers, Thomas
Neuere Ansätze im Risikomanagement am Beispiel eines Industriebetriebes by Ibers, Thomas
Learning, Curriculum and Employability in Higher Education by Knight, Peter, Yorke, Mantz
Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Structure and Process by
Creating Value with Knowledge: Insights from the IBM Institute for Business Value by
Instructional Engineering in Networked Environments by Paquette, Gilbert
The Routledgefalmer Reader in Higher Education by
Die Entwicklung der Kundenorientierung im Dienstleistungsbereich by Naporra, Florian M.
Buck Up, Suck Up . . . and Come Back When You Foul Up: 12 Winning Secrets from the War Room by Begala, Paul, Carville, James
Leading in a Culture of Change: Personal Action Guide and Workbook by Fullan, Michael
Setting the Course: A Strategic Vision for Immunization: Part 4: Summary of the Washington, D.C., Workshop by Institute of Medicine, Board on Health Care Services, Committee on the Immunization Finance Dissemination Workshop
Die Informationsvermittlung als Zielsetzung der Rechnungslegung nach International Accounting Standards: Eine kritische Analyse hinsichtlich der Erfül by Rohrmoser, Hermann
Money Ain't Free: The True Cause of the Crisis in Corporate Responsibility by Marshall, Will
Genes, Trade, and Regulation: The Seeds of Conflict in Food Biotechnology by Bernauer, Thomas
Eine Plausibilitätsprüfung für Hosenfertigungsmaßtabellen by Schmelter, Verena
Die grundlegenden Konzeptionen der Rechnungslegung nach HGB und IAS: Ein kritischer Vergleich hinsichtlich der Erfüllung der Zwecke der externen Rechn by Winter, Georg
Optimales Hedging von Währungskrisen bei internationaler Aktienanlage by Begemann, Ole
Risk from the CEO and Board Perspective by McCarthy, Mary Pat, Flynn, Tim
Framing the Bride: Globalizing Beauty and Romance in Taiwan's Bridal Industry by Adrian, Bonnie
International Cases in Tourism Management by Horner, Susan, Swarbrooke, John
Sticky Fingers: Managing the Global Risk of Economic Espionage by Fink, Steven
Fast Cycle Production: The Manufacturing Philosophy That Always Works by Clason, Tom
Call Centres and Human Resource Management: A Cross-National Perspective by
Risk Management Systems: Process, Technology and Trends by Gorrod, M.
Technology Intelligence: Concept Design and Implementation in Technology Based SMEs by Savioz, P.
Wissensmanagement: Die Antwort Auf Die Herausforderungen Der Globalisierung by Jänig, Christian
Bestimmung der Finanzierungsstrategie durch Marktparameter und die zugrunde liegende Markteintrittsstrategie bei technologieorientierten Start-ups by Theuer, Bernhard
Steuerliche Konsequenzen eines Asset- bzw. Share-Deals by Ersoy, Gürcan
The Project Management Question and Answer Book by Newell, Michael, Grashina, Marina
The Necessary Nature of Future Firms: Attributes of Survivors in a Changing World by Huber, George P.
Financial Governance in East Asia: Policy Dialogue, Surveillance and Cooperation by
Auswirkung von Basel II auf die private Immobilienfinanzierung by Salgmann, Dennis
Inter-Firm Collaboration, Learning and Networks: An Integrated Approach by Nooteboom, Bart
The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Sociology of Education by
Management Consulting: Emergence and Dynamics of a Knowledge Industry by
The Routledgefalmer Reader in Science Education by
Spiritual Intelligence at Work: Meaning, Metaphor, and Morals by Pava, Moses L., Primeaux, Patrick
Research in Organizational Behavior: Volume 25 by
Knowledge Flows, Governance and the Multinational Enterprise: Frontiers in International Management Research by
The Paisley Shawl by Blair, Matthew
Zielplanung Und -Kontrolle Von Public Private Partnership in Der Forschung: Konzeption Und Praxisorientierte Gestaltungsempfehlungen Für Forschungskoo by Becker, Ralph
Kundenorientierte Einkaufszentrengestaltung by Germelmann, Claas Christian
Interpersonelle Kommunikation Und Erfolgreiches Lieferantenmanagement: Eine Kausalanalyse Des Externen Kommunikationsverhaltens Von Beschaffungsmanage by Large, Rudolf
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