• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2004

Gagner en efficacité by Georges, Patrick M.
Manager pour la première fois by Crépin, Frédéric
Leadership de transition by Cardon, Alain
Change Without Pain: How Managers Can Overcome Initiative Overload, Organizational Chaos, and Employee Burnout by Abrahamson, Eric John
Lexique juridique pour l'entreprise: 1000 mots expliqués by Gorrias, Pascal, Gorrias, Gérard, Gorrias-Dousset, Madeleine
L'art et la manière d'intervenir en entreprise by Crunenberg, Michel
Le plaisir de travailler by Thévenet, Maurice
Dirigeants/Salariés. Les liaisons mensongères by Pavy, Gérard
Le pouvoir des émotions: Manager avec la méthode Gordon by Hauvette, Didier, Vanbremeersch, Christie
Comment motiver: Viser la performance pour renforcer la motivation by Montserrat, Xavier
Soignez l'accueil dans votre entreprise: Les règles d'or by Cudicio, Catherine
L'élan sociodynamique by Fauvet, Jean-Christian
Le management au Ministère de la Défense by Albanel, Baudouin, Cfmd
Méthodes de gestion by Jaulent, Patrick, Quarès, Marie-Agnès
Tous responsables by Igalens, Jacques
Former à l'écoute: 55 fiches de formation à l'écoute. Livret du formateur by Salzer, Jacques, Soudée, Richard, Simonet, Renée
Le guide de la performance globale by Cjd
Le pilotage opérationnel de l'entreprise: Comment déployer la stratégie sur le terrain by Treille, Jean-Michel
Motivez vos équipes: Négocier et suivre les objectifs de ses collaborateurs by Villemus, Philippe
La cartographie des processus: Maîtriser les interfaces by Mougin, Yvon
Valorisez votre image by Pierson, Marie-Louise
Les nouveaux travailleurs du savoirs: Knowledge workers by Bouchez, Jean-Pierre
Manager humaniste by Masson, Philippe
Les questions qui font vendre: Faire parler le client pour mieux argumenter by Rataud, Pierre
Contrats de maintenance: Conseils et rédaction by Bachelier, Daniel
Your CV In English by Hurt, Marcus Et Stéphanie
Objectif Lean: Réusir l'entreprise au plus juste: enjeux techniques et culturels by Roggenhofer, Stefan, Drew, John, McCallum, Blair
Vendre à la grande distribution: Méthodes et outils pour le compte-clé by Chinardet, Claude
Le guide du manager d'équipe by Viargues, Jean-Louis
Gagner en efficacité en équipe: Les outils de l'intelligence collective by Georges, Patrick M.
Le tableau de bord facile by Boix, Daniel, Féminier, Bernard
Le droit pour dynamiser votre business: Stratégie judiciaire; Stratégie de protection du patrimoine; Stratégie d'alliances et de pouvoir by Manoir de Juaye (Du), Thibault
Formation à l'expression écrite et orale: 100 fiches pour enrichir vos formations. Contruire des programmes sur mesure. by Simonet, Renée, Laverrière, Jacques, Santucci, Monique
Les secrets de la vente aux particuliers: 29 techniques pour conclure ses ventes by Auer, Jean
Sharpening the Development Process: A Practical Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation by Bakewell, Oliver
Enterprise Risk Assessment and Business Impact Analysis: Best Practices by Hiles, Andrew N.
Lire les états financiers en IFRS by Heem, Grégory
Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science: Stochastic Programming by
Effective Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Corporations by Chini, T.
The Limits of Business Development and Economic Growth: Why Business Will Need to Invest Less in the Future by Larsson, M.
Clusters and Competitive Advantage: The Turkish Experience by Öz, Ö.
Business Relationships for Competitive Advantage: Managing Alignment and Misalignment in Buyer and Supplier Transactions by Cox, A., Lonsdale, C., Sanderson, J.
The Future of Retail Banking by Divanna, J.
The Inner Warrior: Developing the Courage for Personal and Organisational Change by Stone, B.
Inspiration: Capturing the Creative Potential of Your Organization by Ind, N., Watt, C.
Outsourcing of R&d in the Pharmaceutical Industry: From Conceptualization to Implementation of the Strategic Sourcing Process by Piachaud, Bianca
Crisis and Restructuring in East Asia: The Case of the Korean Chaebol and the Automotive Industry by Jeong, S.
Europeanization, European Integration and Financial Services: Developing Theoretical Frameworks and Methodological Perspectives by Howell, K.
Corporate Accountability: With Case Studies in Pension Funds and in the Banking Industry by Chorafas, D.
Safeguarding the Organization Against Violence and Bullying: An International Perspective by McCarthy, P., Mayhew, C.
India and the It Revolution: Networks of Global Culture by Greenspan, A.
Trust Matters: For Organisational and Personal Success by Bibb, S., Kourdi, J.
Monopoly Capitalism in Crisis by Lucarelli, B.
Work Identity at the End of the Line?: Privatisation and Culture Change in the UK Rail Industry by Strangleman, T.
Risk Management Systems: Process, Technology and Trends by Gorrod, M.
Property Rights and Managerial Decisions in For-Profit, Non-Profit and Public Organizations: Comparative Theory and Policy by Carroll, K.
The Asian Insider: Unconventional Wisdom for Asian Business by Backman, Michael
Corporate Governance: Financial Responsibility, Controls and Ethics by Banks, E.
Problem Driven Management: Achieving Improvement in Operations Through Knowledge Management by Riverola, J., Muñoz-Seca, B.
Culture and Positioning as Determinants of Strategy: Personality and the Business Organization by Ellson, Tony
Creating Value Through International Strategy by Ricart, Joan E., Ghemawat, Pankaj
The Indian Software Industry: Business Strategy and Dynamic Co-Ordination by Banerjee, P.
Logistik-Management: Strategien -- Konzepte -- Praxisbeispiele by Arndt, R.
To Move a Mountain: Fighting the Global Economy in Appalachia by Weinbaum, Eve S.
Comment évaluer un collaborateur: Une compétence essentielle pour le manager by Aubin, Nadia
The Relationship Between Perceived Values Congruence and Organizational Commitment in Multinational Organization by Nwadei, Anthony C.
Linde: History of a Technology Corporation, 1879-2004 by Dienel, H.
Competition and Growth: Innovations and Selection in Industry Evolution by Sengupta, J. K.
Survival for a Small Planet: The Sustainable Development Agenda [With CDROM] by
Eco-efficiency and Beyond: Towards the Sustainable Enterprise by
Against Extinction: The Story of Conservation by Adams, William Bill
Corporate Treasury and Cash Management by Cooper, R.
The British Whaling Trade by Jackson, Gordon
Technology Intelligence: Concept Design and Implementation in Technology Based SMEs by Savioz, P.
Grounds for Agreement: The Political Economy of the Coffee Commodity Chain by Talbot, John M.
The Boundaries of Technique: Ordering Positive and Normative Concerns in Economic Research by Yuengert, Andrew
Hospitality Services: Food & Lodging by Reynolds, Johnny Sue
Perpetuating the Family Business: 50 Lessons Learned from Long Lasting, Successful Families in Business by Ward, J.
The Changing Scale of American Agriculture by Hart, John Fraser
The A-Z of Commercial Leases by Martin, John
Choisir son N° 2: S'entourer en toute confiance by Bernard, Marie-Josée, Faure, Paul-André
The Frantic Woman's Guide to Life: A Year's Worth of Hints, Tips, and Tricks by Rulnick, Mary Jo
Working Identity: Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career by Ibarra, Herminia
Beyond the Core: Expand Your Market Without Abandoning Your Roots by Zook, Chris
If You Want It Done Right, You Don't Have to Do It Yourself!: The Power of Effective Delegation by Genett, Donna M.
Breaking the Ice/Briser La Glace: Proceedings of the 7th Acuns (Inter)National Student Conference on Northern Studies by
The U.S. Combat Aircraft Industry, 1909-2000: Structure, Competition, Innovation by Lorell, Mark A.
New Forces at Work in Refining: Industry Views of Critical Business and Operations Trends by Peterson, D. J.
The Labor Market for Attorneys in the State of California: Past, Present and Future by Bikson, Tora K.
Doing Business by the Good Book: 52 Lessons on Success Straight from the Bible by Steward, David L., Shook, Robert L.
Mortgage-Backed Securities als Instrument zur Steuerung von Immobilienkreditrisiken by Wesenberg, Patrick
Auktionstheorie - Eine Analyse der europäischen UMTS-Lizenzvergaben by Fischer, Nicolai
Managing Maintenance Shutdowns and Outages by Levitt, Joel
Informations- und Steuerungsinstrumente im modernen Verwaltungsmanagement: Die Leistungsrechnung als effizientes Element des Verwaltungscontrolling by Sabitzer, Kristin
Wohnimmobilienmarketing unter Berücksichtigung der Kommunikationspolitik als Instrument der Vermarktung mit Anwendungsbeispielen/-vorschlägen für die by Geiger, Daniel
Real Estate Marketing with the emphasis on communication politics as an instrument of sales with applicable suggestions for the Entwicklungsgesellscha by Geiger, Daniel
Mergers & Acquisitions - a Real Option valuation approach of investment decision under uncertainty by Zajicek, Marc
Vertriebswegemanagement - Maßnahmen zur Optimierung der Kundenansprache und Steigerung der Profitabilität im Versicherungsunternehmen by Becker, Arne
Outsourcing im Supply Chain Management: Entwicklung eines multitheoretischen Prozessmodells zur Entscheidungsunterstützung auf Strategie-, Prozess- un by Eitelwein, Oliver
Home Workplace: A Handbook for Employees and Managers by Read, Brendan B.
Career Comeback: Eight steps to getting back on your feet when you're fired, laid off, or your business ventures has failed--and findin by Richardson, Bradley
The E-Myth Physician: Why Most Medical Practices Don't Work and What to Do about It by Gerber, Michael E.
World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability by Chua, Amy
Socially Responsible Fundsmanagement: Dargestellt am Beispiel der deutschen Pensionskassen by Terasa, Oliver
Mezzanine Capital als alternative Finanzierungsform für den Mittelstand by Meyer, Christof
How to Manage Performance: 24 Lessons for Improving Performance by Bacal, Robert
Making Teams Work: 24 Lessons for Working Together Successfully by Maginn, Michael
Strukturierte Produkte by Friedrichs, Markus
Übungsbuch Produktionswirtschaft by Souren, Rainer, Dyckhoff, Harald, Ahn, Heinz
Economics, Management and Optimization in Sports by
The Ultimate Small Business Guide: A Resource for Startups and Growing Businesses by Editors of Perseus Publishing
Strukturen der Besteuerung by Siegel, Theodor, Bareis, Peter
Managing Factory Maintenance-2e by Levitt, Joel
Summary of a Workshop on U.S. Natural Gas Demand, Supply, and Technology: Looking Toward the Future by Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources
As A Man Thinketh by Allen, James
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Part 10 Harvard Classics by Smith, Adam
Faktoren einer erfolgreichen Venture Capital Finanzierung von innovativen Wachstumsunternehmen by Führer, Kaj
Retail Accountability: Advanced Retail Profitability Analysis by Lindner, Steven
Gambling in America: Costs and Benefits by Grinols, Earl L.
Business as War: Battling for Competitive Advantage by Allard, Kenneth
Competition Policy: Theory and Practice by Motta, Massimo
How to Interview Like a Top MBA: Job-Winning Strategies from Headhunters, Fortune 100 Recruiters, and Career Counselors by Leanne, Shel
Competition Policy by Motta, Massimo
Maritime Traders in the Ancient Greek World by Reed, Charles, Reed, C. M.
Secrets of eBay: Strategies and Tips Used by the Most Successful eBay Sellers by Lowy, Donny
Die Principal Agent-Problematik bei Venture Capital-Finanzierung: Eine vergleichende Analyse europäischer und US-amerikanischer Lösungskonzepte by Hattwig, Sven
Evil Genius in the Garden of Eden: How Toxins Make Us Sick and Corporations Profit From Our Illness by Shayne, Vic
Managing the Supply Chain: The Definitive Guide for the Business Professional by Kaminsky, Philip, Simchi-Levi, David, Simchi-Levi, Edith
The Millionaire Brain: Real Secrets of Millionaires by Lowy, Donny
Magic Words: 101 Ways to Talk Your Way Through Life's Challenges by Kaminsky, Howard, Penney, Alexandra
Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service by Blanchard, Kenneth, Bowles, Sheldon
Understanding Leadership: Paradigms and Cases by Avery, Gayle C.
Understanding Leadership: Paradigms and Cases by Avery, Gayle C.
Flight Catering by
Relationships 101 by Maxwell, John C.
Irresistible Businesses: Dazzling and Delighting Customers for Life! by Thomas, Lynn M.
Seeschiffahrts-Subventionen Der Gegenwart by Greve, Wilhelm
Metaheuristics for Multiobjective Optimisation by
Model Reduction Methods for Vector Autoregressive Processes by Brüggemann, Ralf
Handbook on Knowledge Management 1: Knowledge Matters by
Handbook on Knowledge Management 2: Knowledge Directions by
Arbeiten Mit Ökonometrischen Modellen by
Danzig, Vom 26. Bis 29. August 1903 by
Countertrade als Aktionsparameter global agierender Unternehmen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung internationaler empirischer Erfahrungen by Saekel, Kilian
Due Diligence Real Estate by Arndt, Julia
Supply Chain Steuerung Und Services: Logistik-Dienstleister Managen Globale Netzwerke -- Best Practices by
21 CFR Part 11: Complete Guide to International Computer Validation Compliance for the Pharmaceutical Industry by López, Orlando
Analysis and Decision Making in Uncertain Systems by Bubnicki, Zdzislaw
Spatial Interaction Modelling: A Regional Science Context by Roy, John R.
Dyslexia in the Secondary School: A Practical Book for Teachers, Parents and Students by Flecker, Mary, Cogan, Jenny
Iuk-Technik Und Internationale Unternehmensführung: Kommunikation -- Koordination -- Konfiguration by Röh, Carsten
The CEO and the Monk: One Company's Journey to Profit and Purpose by Rifkin, Glenn, Catell, Robert B., Moore, Kenny
Fix It or Pull It: Confessions of a Former Field Technician by Filippini, Steven J.
Auctioning Public Assets: Analysis and Alternatives by
Communication Skills for Effective Management by Hargie, Owen, Dickson, David, Tourish, Dennis
Ökologieorientierte Kriterien bei der Kreditvergabe der Banken und Stand der Berücksichtigung by Hering, Karsten
Revolution in the Mailbox: Your Guide to Successful Direct Mail Fundraising by Warwick, Mal
Off-the-job-Weiterbildungsmodelle für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen by Rink, René
Reference Checking for Everyone: What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself, Your Business, and Your Family by McLaughlin, J., Barada, Paul
Reading Work: Literacies in the New Workplace by Defoe, Tracy A., Folinsbee, Sue, Belfiore, Mary Ellen
Inter-Organizational Cooperation with SAP Solutions: Design and Management of Supply Networks by König, Wolfgang, Fricke, Markus, Buxmann, Peter
Innovations in Intelligent Systems by
Reading Work: Literacies in the New Workplace by Defoe, Tracy A., Folinsbee, Sue, Belfiore, Mary Ellen
United Kingdom Economic Accounts No.44 3rd Quarter 2003 by Na, Na
Tourism in the Caribbean: Trends, Development, Prospects by
Entwicklung eines intra- und extranetfähigen Systems zur papierlosen Lenkung von Dokumenten by Aigner, Michael
Bedeutung von E-Commerce für mittelständische Investitionsgüterhersteller by Treyer, Eliza
Variantenbeherrschung in Der Montage: Konzept Und PRAXIS Der Flexiblen Produktionsendstufe by
Employment Relations in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries by Lucas, Rosemary
Education, Education, Education: The Best Bits of Ted Wragg by Wragg, E. C.
Financial Globalization and the Emerging Market Economy by Das, Dilip K.
Tourism in the Caribbean: Trends, Development, Prospects by
Assessing Teacher Effectiveness: Different models by Campbell, Jim, Kyriakides, Leonidas, Muijs, Daniel
Workplace Learning in Context by
Employment Relations in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries by Lucas, Rosemary
Affirmative Action in the United States and India: A Comparative Perspective by Weisskopf, Thomas E.
Fundamental Constructs in Mathematics Education by
Assessing Teacher Effectiveness: Different models by Muijs, Daniel, Campbell, Jim, Kyriakides, Leonidas
Putting Stakeholder Management Into Practice by
Global Business Workforce Restructuring: Labour and Employment Law and Benefits by
Shea Butter Republic: State Power, Global Markets, and the Making of an Indigenous Commodity by Chalfin, Brenda
Shea Butter Republic: State Power, Global Markets, and the Making of an Indigenous Commodity by Chalfin, Brenda
Verbraucherschutz beim Internetshopping by Bartholmes, Miriam
Monthly Digest of Statistics No. 697 January 2004 by Na, Na
Betriebswirtschaftlicher Nutzen der Solarenergie in Entwicklungs- und Wachstumsmärkten unter Berücksichtigung von entwicklungsökonomischen Aspekten: A by Meyer-Delpho, Florian
Mentored by a Millionaire: Master Strategies of Super Achievers by Scott, Steven K.
Die Rolle von Informationstechnik bei der Etablierung von Netzwerkorganisationen aus organisationstheoretischer und strategischer Sicht by Baghban, Khaled
Der Entwurf des Rahmenkonzepts "Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Rechnungslegung" des DRSC: Eine kritische Betrachtung besonders im Hinblick auf die Anpassu by Ketelaer, Patrick
Computational Finance: Numerical Methods for Pricing Financial Instruments by Levy, George
Pigs at the Trough: How Corporate Greed and Political Corruption Are Undermining America by Huffington, Arianna
The Support Economy: Why Corporations Are Failing Individuals and the Next Episode of Capitalism by Maxmin, James, Zuboff, Shoshana
Corporate Power and Social Policy in a Global Economy: British Welfare Under the Influence by Farnsworth, Kevin
A School Leaders Playbook: Proven Methods for Leadership, Team Building, and Problem Solving in any Organization by Akenhead Ed D., James E.
Corporate Power and Social Policy in a Global Economy: British Welfare Under the Influence by Farnsworth, Kevin
The Consumers' Guide To Long Term Care Insurance by Rowley, Stephen F.
Tourismuspolitik by Mundt, Jörn W.
Grundkurs Statistik: Lehr- Und Übungsbuch Der Angewandten Statistik by Hartung, Joachim, Elpelt, Bärbel
Einführung in das Medienmanagement by Breyer-Mayländer, Thomas
Parts Selection and Management by
Datenmanagement Und Datenanalyse Mit Dem SAS-System by Schendera, Christian Fg
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