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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2006

Building Knowledge Cultures: Education and Development in the Age of Knowledge Capitalism by Besley, Tina, Peters, Michael A.
Pet Sitting for Profit by Moran, Patti J.
Silicon Eye: Microchip Swashbucklers and the Future of High-Tech Innovation by Gilder, George
Services Marketing Management by Mudie, Peter, Pirrie, Angela
Pet Sitting for Profit by Moran, Patti J.
It Workers: Human Capital Issues in a Knowledge Based Environment (PB) by
It Workers: Human Capital Issues in a Knowledge Based Environment (Hc) by
Millionaire Dropouts by Woodward, Woody
Regulatory Governance in Infrastructure Industries: Assessment and Measurement of Brazilian Regulators by Mueller, Bernardo, Correa, Paulo, Pereira, Carlos
Partnering in the Construction Industry by Bennett, John, Peace, Sarah
Pet Sitting for Profit by Moran, Patti J.
Can You Hear Me Now? by Peters, Kate
Science and Technology Policy for Development: Dialogues at the Interface by
Möglichkeiten und Probleme der Diversifikation im Rahmen einer Finanzierungskonstruktion mit Hilfe von Fremdwährungsdarlehen für Kreditkunden im gehob by Burger, Griseldis
Erschließung des südafrikanischen Marktes für deutsche Unternehmen am Beispiel der Western Cape Region: Eine Übersicht unter Berücksichtigung des Blac by Kaiser, Marc
Personalpolitische Probleme beim Einsatz älterer Arbeitnehmer by Kluck, Jan
Japan: Doing Business in a Unique Culture by Bucknall, Kevin B.
Be Big Online: Understanding Successful Small Business Web Sites by Taylor, Joe, Jr., Broadwater, Jason
International Management: Principles and Applications by Akapelwa, Susiku
Sales & Operations Planning - Best Practices: Lessons Learned from Worldwide Companies by Dougherty, John, Gray, Christopher
Country Studies in Entrepreneurship: A Historical Perspective by
Sales & Operations Planning - Best Practices: Lessons Learned from Worldwide Companies by Dougherty, John, Gray, Christopher
Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People by Shell, G. Richard
Park Doctor: How to Revitalize your Park by Melind, Tom
Lake Tourism: An Integrated Approach Lhb: An Integrated Approach to Lacustrine Tourism Systems by
Lake Tourism: An Integrated Approach to by
Handbook on Modelling for Discrete Optimization by
Synergic Inquiry: A Collaborative Action Methodology by Tang, Yongming, Joiner, Charles
135 Tips for Writing Successful Business Documents by Lindsell-Roberts, Sheryl
Ethics in Public Relations: Responsible Advocacy by
Die Osterweiterung der Europäischen Währungsunion: Eine ökonomische Analyse der Chancen und Risiken by Lorenczik, Christian
Labour Market Trends Volume 114, No 5, May 2006 by Na, Na
The New Entrepreneur: What your CPA wants you to know by Saadullah Cpa, Shahriar Mohammad
Business Groups in East Asia: Financial Crisis, Restructuring, and New Growth by
Targeting Development: Critical Perspectives on the Millennium Development Goals by White, Howard, Black, Richard
Working 101: Everything You Need to Know to Be Happy and Successful at Work by Jacobs, Mike
What They Didn't Tell You About Knowledge Management by Liebowitz, Jay
Das Problem des wachsenden chinesischen Ölbedarfs für die Außenwirtschafts- und Geopolitik by Pöllath, Ferdinand
Charlie's Entrepreneurial Journey: A Guide to Success Through Entrepreneurship by Spiegel, Lawrence J.
The Theory Of Business Enterprise by Veblen, Thorstein
Traits Of Representative Men by Bungay, George W.
History of American Manufactures from 1608 to 1860 V1 by Bishop, J. Leander
Charlie's Entrepreneurial Journey: A Guide to Success Through Entrepreneurship by Spiegel, Lawrence J.
Standards Of Public Morality by Hadley, Arthur Twining
Principles And Methods Of Taxation by Armitage-Smith, George
The Free-Trade Movement And Its Results by Armitage-Smith, George
History of American Manufactures from 1608 to 1860 V2 by Bishop, J. Leander
History of American Manufactures from 1608 to 1860 V3 by Bishop, J. Leander
High Prices And Deflation by Kemmerer, Edwin Walter
A Survival Guide for Project Managers by Taylor, Jim
Evolution of Italian Enterprises in the 20th Century by
Software, Growth, and the Future of the U.S Economy: Report of a Symposium by Policy and Global Affairs, Board on Science Technology and Economic Policy, National Research Council
Strategische Planung im Krankenhaus. Eine neue Herausforderung für das Management by Reibnitz, Christine Von
Fuzzy Control: Fundamentals, Stability and Design of Fuzzy Controllers by Klawonn, Frank, Kruse, Rudolf, Michels, Kai
Adventures into Mexico: American Tourism beyond the Border by
Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Principles and Practices by Drucker, Peter F.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Drucker, Peter F.
Growth Crisis Mitigation through ICT: A cross-sectoral trend analysis of small firms conducted in the eastern part of Germany by Jacob, Stephan
Bilanzierung von kundenspezifischen Entwicklungen nach IFRS by Ferneschild, Matthias
Chancen und Risiken deutscher Unternehmen in der VR China: Unter Berücksichtigung der Produkt- und Markenpiraterie by Ruppel, Nicole
Auswirkungen der Kapitalstruktur auf den Unternehmenserfolg by Fleckenstein, Verena
Images of Organization by Morgan, Gareth
Industrielles Management by Hansmann, Karl-Werner
Moderne Wirtschaftsgeschichte by
Benchmarking, Temporal Distribution, and Reconciliation Methods for Time Series by Dagum, Estela Bee, Cholette, Pierre A.
The Commodification of Textual Engagements in the English Renaissance by Saenger, Michael
Grenzüberschreitende Verlustverrechnung bei der Organschaft: Der Ausschluss ausländischer Tochtergesellschaften als Organgesellschaften im Spannungsfe by Hofer, Andreas
Pay-in-Kind (PIK-) Anleihen: Struktur, Bewertung und Einsatzbereiche by Lüninghöner, Tim
Agilität Durch Aris Geschäftsprozessmanagement: Jahrbuch Business Process Excellence 2006/2007 by
Agility by Aris Business Process Management: Yearbook Business Process Excellence 2006/2007 by
Business Networks: Strategy and Structure by Todeva, Emanuela
Work It Out, revised edition by Hirsh, Sandra Krebs
The Firm as a Collaborative Community: The Reconstruction of Trust in the Knowledge Economy by
Exporting America: Why Corporate Greed Is Shipping American Jobs Overseas by Dobbs, Lou
Information Systems: The State of the Field by
Synergic Inquiry: A Collaborative Action Methodology by Tang, Yongming, Joiner, Charles
Leadership Voices: Neutralizing Bullies, Determinedly Difficult People, and Predators at Work by Irby, Linda
The Art of Connecting: How to Overcome Differences, Build Rapport, and Communicate Effectively with Anyone by Raines, Claire, Ewing, Lara
Ethics in Public Relations: Responsible Advocacy by
Darstellung und Bewertung personalpolitischer Entwicklungsmaßnahmen zur Erhaltung der Arbeitsfähigkeit älterer Arbeitnehmer: Unter Berücksichtigung de by Soltow, Thorsten
Living and Working in Areas of Street Sex Work: From Conflict to Coexistence by Campbell, Rosie, Hubbard, Phil, Pitcher, Jane
Deming and Goldratt: The Theory of Constraints and the System of Profound Knowledge by Lepore, Domenico
Lords Of Industry by Lloyd, Henry Demarest
How I Made Millions Or The Secret Of Success by Barnum, P. T.
Fear-Free Fundraising: How to Ask People for Money by Million, Holly
Successful Management by Knox, James Samuel
The Governance of Not-For-Profit Organizations by
Gender and Social Security Reform: What's Fair for Women? by
Global and Local Knowledge: Glocal Transatlantic Public-Private Partnerships for Research and Technological Development by Carayannis, E., Alexander, J.
Global and Local Knowledge: Glocal Transatlantic Public-Private Partnerships for Research and Technological Development by Carayannis, E., Alexander, J.
Sex, Strategy and the Stratosphere: Airlines and the Gendering of Organizational Culture by Mills, A.
Sex, Strategy and the Stratosphere: Airlines and the Gendering of Organizational Culture by Mills, A.
Strategizing, Disequilibrium, and Profit by Mathews, John A.
Strategizing, Disequilibrium, and Profit by Mathews, John A.
Disability Rights and the American Social Safety Net by Erkulwater, Jennifer L.
Business By The Book: Special Edition hardcover by King, John A.
Die Entstehung des Geldes by Steinwender, Claudia
EU Regional Headquarters: Implications for Host Countries and Skills of Domestic Labor Force by Werth, Angelika
Die Bedeutung weicher Standortfaktoren bei Auslandsinvestitionen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Fallbeispiels Thailand by Godau, Martin
Stepping Out from a Technical Job and Leaping Into Management: A Dissertation by Younts, Martin K.
Momma Always Said, "Pay Yourself First" by Phillips, Herb
Pathways to Organizational Wealth by Robins, Duncan
Quantifying the Agri-Food Supply Chain by
Metaheuristic Procedures for Training Neural Networks by
Der Retailmarkt für strukturierte Anlageprodukte in Deutschland: Produkte, Marktteilnehmer und rechtliche Aspekte by Köker, Christian
Maßnahmen zur Umstrukturierung und Organisationsentwicklung eines internationalen Unternehmens: Entwicklung von generischen Role Profiles und Job Fami by Schäble, Jochen
Leading at the Top: Requirements for Senior Executive Effectiveness by Hook, John R.
Corporate Soldiers and International Security: The Rise of Private Military Companies by Kinsey, Christopher
A Place Not a Place: Reflection and Possibility in Museums and Libraries by Carr, David
Temporary Temples Of Beauty: The Sacred and the Marketplace by Loomis, Darla Murray
Creating Successful E-Learning: A Rapid System for Getting It Right First Time, Every Time by Allen, Michael W.
Gendersmart - Solving the Communication Puzzle Between Men and Women by Sanders, Jane
Living Under Contract: Contract Farming and Agrarian Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa by Little, Peter D.
Politics after Neoliberalism by Snyder, Richard
The Man Who Made Wall Street: Anthony J. Drexel and the Rise of Modern Finance by Rottenberg, Dan
Economic Trends Volume 630, May 2006 by Na, Na
Leveraging Knowledge Communication for Innovation: Framework, Methods and Applications of Social Network Analysis in Research and Development by Müller-Prothmann, Tobias
Gestaltung kundenindividueller Supply Chains: Entwicklung eines Gestaltungsmodells von kundenindividuellen Supply Chains auf der Grundlage einer Analy by Holzkämper, Christina
Biographies of the World's Most Successful Failures by Woodward, Woody
Flawless Execution by Murphy, James D.
Sale und Leaseback Transaktionen von Immobilien: Unter dem Einfluss der International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by Woitas, Sebastian
International Finance by Withers, Hartley
The Novels and Miscellaneous Works of Daniel Defoe - Vol. XVIII: The Complete English Tradesman by Defoe, Daniel
Corporate Governance: So What? by Haazen, Walter
Business and Government: Methods and Practice by
Tourism and Regional Development: New Pathways by Giaoutzi, Maria
Entwicklung eines Kriterienkatalogs für Beschaffungsstrategien im E-Procurement by Weise, Thilo
A Stock Story: A waste removal company by Plottner, Jarl V.
Entrepreneurship: Frameworks and Empirical Investigations from Forthcoming Leaders of European Research by
Considering Pragma-Dialectics by
A Place Not a Place: Reflection and Possibility in Museums and Libraries by Carr, David
Monthly Digest of Statistics Volume 725, May 2006 by Na, Na
What Is Success? by Babson, Roger W.
Personal Leadership in Industry by Craig, David R., Charters, W. W.
The Bible In The Counting-House: A Course Of Lectures To Merchants by Boardman, Henry Augustus
Life And Labors In The Spirit World: Being A Description Of Localities, Employments, Surroundings, And Conditions In The Spheres by Shelhamer, Mary T.
Four Years In Rebel Capitals: An Inside View Of Life In The Southern Confederacy From Birth To Death. by Deleon, Thomas Cooper
An Essay On Apostolical Succession: Being A Defense Of A Genuine Protestant Ministry, Against The Exclusive And Intolerant Schemes Of Papists And High by Powell, Thomas
George Westinghouse: His Life And Achievements by Leupp, Francis E.
The Distributional Effects of Government Spending and Taxation by
The Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains: A Review of Methods, Components and Cases by
Abbildungsmöglichkeiten von Intellectual Capital in der Rechnungslegung: Eine kritische Analyse by Syskowski, Ferdinand
Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung und Work-Family Balance: Negative Auswirkungen auf den Work-Family Conflict - Die Kehrseite mitarbeiterbestimmter Variabil by Schmieder, Tilman
Service Orientation by Allen, Paul
Bad Things, Good Companies: A Crisis Communications Handbook by Montague, Matthew
Kundenwert Aus Sicht Von Versicherungsunternehmen by Friederichs-Schmidt, Silke
System Dynamics in Der Strategischen Planung: Zur Gestaltung Von Geschäftsmodellen Im E-Learning by Sandrock, Jörg
Ressourcenbeschränkte Projektplanung Bei Vorgegebenen Arbeitsvolumina by Fündeling, Cord-Ulrich
Chinese Medicine Men: Consumer Culture in China and Southeast Asia by Cochran, Sherman
Logistik-Controlling: Kontext, Ausgestaltung Und Erfolgswirkungen by Blum, Hannes Stephan
Regionalentwicklung Im Spannungsfeld Von Nachhaltigkeit Und Identität by Ivanisin, Marko
Customer Energy: Wie Unternehmen Lernen, Die Macht Des Kunden Für Sich Zu Nutzen by Freyberg, Axel, Sonnenschein, Martin, Zapp, Harald
Erfolgsfaktoren Bei Der Unternehmensgründung: Entrepreneurship in Theorie Und PRAXIS by Jacobsen, LIV Kirsten
Wetterderivate: Grundlagen, Exposure, Anwendung Und Bewertung by Hee, Christian, Hofmann, Lutz
Content Infrastructure Management: Results of an Empirical Study in the Print Industry by Benlian, Alexander
Prototypgestützte Kosten- Und Erlösplanung Für Produktbegleitende Dienstleistungen by Cassack, Ingo
Evaluation of Cooperative Planning in Supply Chains: An Empirical Approach of the European Automotive Industry by Martín Díaz, Luis
Konsum, Dividenden Und Aktienmarkt: Eine Kointegrationsanalyse by Seiler, Yvonne
Anreizsysteme Für Die Betriebliche Forschung Und Entwicklung by Weber, Thomas
Artful Leadership: Awakening the Commons of the Imagination by Jones, Michael
Help Me!/Ayudame!: Please Explain My Benefits/Por Favor Explicame MIS Beneficios by Housewright, Dell
Beyond Equilibrium & Efficiency Sfissc - Santa Fe Inst Stu Sci by Farmer
Sanders Confectionery by Tasker, Greg
Agile Virtual Enterprises: Implementation and Management Support by Cunha, Maria Manuela
Reducing the Manda Risks: The Role of It in Mergers and Acquisitions by Vielba, F.
The Varieties of Capitalism Paradigm: Explaining Germany's Comparative Advantage? by Allen, M.
Conservation Is Our Government Now: The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea by West, Paige
Reducing the Manda Risks: The Role of It in Mergers and Acquisitions by Vielba, F.
Loving Monday: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul by Beckett, John D.
Ausgewählte Problembereiche der verunglückten Organschaft im Körperschaftsteuerrecht by Gerlich, Lars
Wirksamkeitsnachweis und Kosten-Relation des Einsatzes der Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie in der Automobilindustrie: Am Beispiel der DaimlerChrysler AG am S by Albert, Lars
Railroading Economics: The Creation of the Free Market Mythology by Perelman, Michael
Training Games: Simple and Effective Techniques to Engage and Motivate Learners [With CDROM] by Whitcomb, Jennifer, Sugar, Steve
Race Against Time by Lewis, Stephen
Travels in 'Paradise': Responsible Tourism in Latin America by Munt, Ian, Charlton, Clive, Mowforth, Martin
Transforming Your Go-To-Market Strategy: The Three Disciplines of Channel Management by Rangan, V. Kasturi, Bell, Marie
Oppositional Discourses Ajc V14 1&2 by
Railroading Economics: The Creation of the Free Market Mythology by Perelman, Michael
Introducing Management by Williams, Kate
Female Entrepreneurship: Implications for Education, Training and Policy by Henry, Colette, O. Cinneide, Barra, Carter, Nancy M.
Evolution of Markets and Institutions: A Study of an Emerging Economy by Patibandla, Murali
Green Encounters: Shaping and Contesting Environmentalism in Rural Costa Rica by Vivanco, Luis a.
Here's To Your Health by Drummond, Margo
Electricity Markets: Pricing, Structures and Economics by Harris, Chris
The Solution-Centric Organization by Kear, Robert, Eades, Keith M.
Service Productivity Management: Improving Service Performance Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) by Zhu, Joe, Sherman, H. David
Lead Generation for the Complex Sale: Boost the Quality and Quantity of Leads to Increase Your Roi: Boost the Quality and Quantity of Leads to Increas by Carroll, Brian
The Complete Guide to Compensation Planning with Life Insurance by Shuntich, Louis S.
Moral Leadership: The Theory and Practice of Power, Judgment and Policy by
The Geek Gap: Why Business And Technology Professionals Don't Understand Each Other And Why They Need Each Other to Survive by Pfleging, Bill, Zetlin, Minda
The Prosperity Equation by Ziegler, James A.
Chinese Capitalism in a Global Era: Towards a Hybrid Capitalism by Yeung, Henry Wai-Chung
Manufacturing Competitiveness in Asia: How Internationally Competitive National Firms and Industries Developed in East Asia by
Enterprise: Entrepreneurship and Innovation by Lowe, Robin, Marriott, Sue
A History of World Agriculture: From the Neolithic Age to the Current Crisis by Roudart, Laurence, Mazoyer, Marcel
Human Resource Development: Today and Tomorrow (Hc) by Sims, Ronald R.
China as the World Factory by
A History of World Agriculture: From the Neolithic Age to the Current Crisis by Mazoyer, Marcel, Roudart, Laurence
Commercial Landowner CERCLA Liability Protection: Understanding the Final EPA 'All Appropriate Inquiries' Rule and Revised ASTM Phase I by Cik, Barry a.
Global Project Management Handbook: Planning, Organizing and Controlling International Projects, Second Edition: Planning, Organizing, and Controlling by Gareis, Roland, Cleland, David L.
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