• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2007

Optimisez votre stratégie commerciale: Vendre plus, mieux et avec les meilleures marges by Leboyer, Antoine, Malraison, Jean-Claude
Le 360¡: Outil de développement personnel by Lévy-Leboyer, Claude
Meeting with Success: Tips and Techniques for Great Meetings by Shessel, Ida
Le manager à l'écoute du sociologue by Morin, Pierre, Delavallée, Eric
Développer son autorité by Feisthammel, Daniel, Massot, Pierre
Maîtriser les conflits by Isasa, Catherine, Feisthammel, Daniel, Massot, Pierre
Manager avec le philo by Vegleris, Eugénie
Insupportables pratiques by Heuzé, Jérôme, Bouvard, Patrick
Harcèlement au travail: Identier, prévenir, désamorcer by Grebot, Elisabeth
Le guide des relations sociales dans l'entreprise by Landier, Hubert
Coaching pour changer avec plaisir by Chaintron, Bruno
Bien décider en moins d'une heure by Bonneton, Frédéric
Le savoir-faire en entreprise by de Menthon, Sophie
Le manager musicien by Huppert, Rémi
Vos idées changent tout !: Faire émerger les idées de tous les salariés by Getz, Isaac, Robinson, Alan G.
Managers, faites-en moins !: De l'idée à la réalisation by Albert, Eric
Gérer les personnalités difficiles au quotidien: De l'idée à la réalisation by Feisthammel, Daniel, Isasa, Catherine, Massot, Pierre
Management à contresens ...Combien coûte la démotivation ?: Les leviers pour développer l'engagement des salariés by Dousset, Anne
Le nouveau visage de la com' interne: Réflexions, Méthodes, Guide pour l'action by Rencker, Edouard
Tous différents: Gérer la diversité dans l'entreprise by Peretti, Jean-Marie
Jeux de communication: 75 fiches pour les formateurs by Béville, Gilbert
Les tabous dans l'entreprise: Prévenir et gérer ces risques dont on ne parle jamais by Arbouch, Philippe, Triclin, Alexis
Les ravages de l'envie au travail: Identifier et déjouer les comportements envieux by Vidaillet, Bénédicte
Développer son empathie: Se mettre à la place de l'autre pour comprendre et anticiper ses émotions et réactions by Famery, Sarah
Le management des services: Une approche opérationnelle pour toutes les entreprises by Teboul, James
Bâtir une équipe performante et motivée by Cayatte, Ramez
Mesurer l'efficacité de la formation: Evaluer le résultat et la rentabilité by Malassingne, Pascaline
La gouvernance de l'entreprise familiale: 77 conseils pratiques aux administrateurs, actionnaires et dirigeants by Viénot, Pascal, Blondel, Christine, Colatrella, Thierry
Réussir l'analyse des besoins: Les clés pour réussir dans la fonction achats by Des Mesnards, Paul-Hubert
Le manuel des achats by Perrotin, Roger, Soulet de Brugière, François
Petit précis d'économie appliquée à l'usage du citoyen pragmatique by Bouzou, Nicolas
Manager un projet pour la première fois: De l'idée à la réalisation by Picq, Thierry, Asquin, Alain
Manager par les défis: Des réponses aux attentes majeures des clients, des managers, des salariés et des actionnaires by Ramecourt (De), Marjolaine, Pons, François-Marie
Mesurer la performance du contrôle de gestion by Autissier, David
RH, les leviers de la performance by Galambert, Patrice
Le carnet de bord du manager de proximité by Pouderoux, Pascal
Les réclamations clients by Détrie, Philippe
Les hauts poteniels: Quelles qualités pour les dirigeants de demain ? by Pellisier-Tanon, Arnaud, Fesser, Mirielle
Le désir de santé: Nouveau défi pour les entreprises by Gilibert, Jean-Michel, Thomassin, Christophe
Définir les fonctions: Quelles qualités pour les dirigeants de demain ? by Voirin, Gérard
L'essentiel de la formation: 89 fiches opérationnelles by Parmentier, Christophe
Guide pratique de la levée de fonds: Décoder le comportement des financiers. Savoir présenter son business plan. Eviter les pièges juridiques by Galloüin, Jean-François
Former pour la première fois by Moulinier, René
Audit interne: Enjeux et pratiques à l'international by Bertin, Elisabeth
Le Marketing on line: Guide pratique et juridique by Jean-Baptiste, Michelle, Jean-Baptiste, Philippe
Citations de culture générale expliquées by Sorez, Hélène, Guédon, Jean-François
Analyse stratégique: Environnement, segmentation stratégique, diagnostic, gestion du portefeuille, chaîne de valeur, outils d'aide à la déc by Garibaldi, Gérard
Fonction formation by Soyer, Jacques, Faisandier, Sylvie
L'innovation à tous les étages: Comment associer les salariés à une démarche d'innovation by de Ramecourt, Marjolaine, Pons, François-Marie
Être acheteur pour la première fois: Les clés pour réussir dans la fonction achats by Bustamante, José-Luis, Berlot, Jean-Christophe
L'intelligence intuitive: Pour réussir autrement by Cholle, Francis
Fourth Party Logistics: Is It the Future of Supply Chain Outsourcing? by Kutlu, S.
State of the World: An Urban Future (2007) by The Worldwatch Institute
Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science: Transportation: Volume 14 by
Managing People in Organisations: Contemporary Theory and Practice by Adams, Jeremy
Natural Resources, Taxation, and Regulation: Unusual Perpsectives on a Classic Problem by
The Complete Dictionary of Real Estate Terms Explained Simply: What Smart Investors Need to Know by Haden, Jeff
Dynamics of Entry and Market Evolution by Sengupta, J. K.
Project Portfolio Management: Leading the Corporate Vision by Rajegopal, S., McGuin, P., Waller, J.
Latin America: A New Developmental Welfare State in the Making? by Riesco, Manuel
Japanese Hybrid Factories: A Comparison of Global Production Strategies by
World Food Security: A History Since 1945 by Shaw, D.
Food Insecurity, Vulnerability and Human Rights Failure by Guha-Khasnobis, Basudeb, Acharya, Shabd S., Davis, Benjamin
The Economics of Friedrich Hayek by Steele, G.
Trust in Food: A Comparative and Institutional Analysis by Warde, A., Kjaernes, U., Harvey, M.
The Econometrics of Energy Systems by Girod, Jacques, Keppler, Jan Horst
Corporate Restructuring and Governance in Transition Economies by
Regional Growth Dynamics in India in the Post-Economic Reform Period by Misra, Biswa Swarup
Parimutuel Applications in Finance: New Markets for New Risks by Baron, Ken, Lange, Jeffrey
Economic Growth with Equity: Challenges for Latin America by Machinea, José Luis
Regional Integration in East Asia: From the Viewpoint of Spatial Economics by Fujita, Masahisa
Varieties of Capitalism in Post-Communist Countries by
Operational Risk Management by Moosa, I.
The Power of Entrepreneurs: Politics and Economy in Contemporary Spain by Cabrera, Mercedes, Rey, Fernando Del
Human Resource Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industries by Nickson, Dennis
New Museums and the Making of Culture by Message, Kylie
Events Design and Experience by Berridge, Graham
Disenchantment with Market Economics: East Germans and Western Capitalism by Müller, Birgit
The New Health Insurance Solution: How to Get Cheaper, Better Coverage Without a Traditional Employer Plan by Pilzer, Paul Zane
Logistics: Principles and Applications, Second Edition by Langford, John W.
The Project Manager's Desk Reference by Lewis, James P.
Maximizing Project Value: Defining, Managing, and Measuring for Optimal Return by Berman, Jeff
Leading and Managing Creators, Inventors, and Innovators: The Art, Science, and Craft of Fostering Creativity, Triggering Invention, and Catalyzing In by
Sme Cluster Development: A Dynamic View of Survival Clusters in Developing Countries by Parrilli, M.
Knowledge Management in Modern Organizations by Jennex, Murray E.
Business Data Communications and Networking: A Research Perspective by
The Impact of Globalization on the World's Poor: Transmission Mechanisms by
Questioning Globalized Militarism by Custers, Peter
Payback: Reaping the Rewards of Innovation by Sirkin, Harold L., Butman, John, Andrew, James P.
Communicating Globally: Intercultural Communication and International Business by Easton, Susan S., Schmidt, Wallace V., Conaway, Roger N.
The Commercial Society: Foundations and Challenges in a Global Age by Gregg, Samuel
The Commercial Society: Foundations and Challenges in a Global Age by Gregg, Samuel
Wiley Pathways Health Care Economics: Principles and Tools for the Health Care Industry by Getzen, Thomas E.
Quick Emotional Intelligence Activities for Busy Managers: 50 Team Exercises That Get Results in Just 15 Minutes by Lynn, Adele
World Economy Towards Global Disequilibrium: American-Asian Indifference and European Fears by Baldassarri, M., Capretta, P.
One Tough Mother: Taking Charge in Life, Business, and Apple Pies by Boyle, Gert
La logistique globale et le Supply Chain Management by Dornier, Philippe-Pierre, Fender, Michel
Gestion du patrimoine: Tous les outils financiers et juridiques pour gérer votre patrimoine de manière optimale by Aveline, Jean-Marc, Prisco-Chreiki, Christian
Comités exécutifs: Voyage au coeur de la dirigeance by Bournois, Frank, Duval-Hamel, Jérôme, Roussillon, Sylvie
Gender in the Workplace: A Case Study Approach by Delaat, Jacqueline
Circus Company: Quand le cirque inspire l'entreprise by Roussin, Thierry, Zimmer, Eric Axel, Saussereau, Laurent
Remove Child Before Folding: The 101 Stupidest, Silliest, and Wackiest Warning Labels Ever by Jones, Bob Dorigo
Top Performer: A Bold Approach to Sales and Service by Lundin, Stephen C., Hagerman, Carr
Quality Control for Dummies by Webber, Larry, Wallace, Michael
Real World Careers: Why College Is Not the Only Path to Becoming Rich by Cummings, Betsy
Coaching People: Expert Solutions to Everyday Challenges by
The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy by Gordon, Jon
Jeux de rôles pour les formateurs by Proust, François, Boutros, Fikry
Birth Statistics 2005, No. 34 by Na, Na
Congenital Anomaly Statistics Notification 2005 No. 20 by Na, Na
Critical Thinking in Business by Schoenberg, Bob
Business Rules Management and by Graham, Ian
Six SIGMA Business Scorecard by Gupta, Praveen
There's No Such Thing as Public Speaking: Make Any Presentation or Speech as Persuasive as a One-on-One Conversation by Henderson, Roy, Henderson, Jeanette
Start Late, Finish Rich: A No-Fail Plan for Achieving Financial Freedom at Any Age by Bach, David
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Heath, Dan, Heath, Chip
Umstellung der Rechnungslegung von HGB auf IFRS: Dargestellt am Beispiel eines Unternehmens der Software- und Beratungsbranche by Reichert, Nadine
Ansätze zur wertorientierten Steuerung in der Lebensversicherung by Malik, Alexander
Assessment of Performance Measures for Security of the Maritime Transportation Network, Port Security Metrics: Proposed Measurement of Deterrence Capa by U. S. Department of Transportation
Winning Score: How to Design and Implement Organizational Scorecards by Brown, Mark Graham
MIT and the Rise of Entrepreneurial Science by Etzkowitz, Henry
Hosted Telecom & Call Center Services by Berg, Ron J., Berg, Jose G. M. L.
A Nation Upon the Ocean Sea: Portugal's Atlantic Diaspora and the Crisis of the Spanish Empire, 1492-1640 by Studnicki-Gizbert, Daviken
La méthode ABC/ABM: Rentabilité mode d'emploi by Le, Bourgeois Serge, Bescos, Pierre-Laurent, Joalland, Marc
A Nation Upon the Ocean Sea: Portugal's Atlantic Diaspora and the Crisis of the Spanish Empire, 1492-1640 by Studnicki-Gizbert, Daviken
Salvation & Sales: A Handbook for Life by Traffas, Charlie
Excellence in Inventory Management by Emmett, Stuart, Granville, David
Right Leadership: The Most Insiprational Leaders Are Invisible Heroes by Mercer, Harry Stewart
Reframing Complexity: Perspectives from the North and South by
The Impact of Globalization on the World's Poor: Transmission Mechanisms by
The Global Korean Motor Industry: The Hyundai Motor Company's Global Strategy by Lansbury, Russell D., Kwon, Seung-Ho, Suh, Chung-Sok
Managing Change in the Public Services by
Time and Space in Economics by Ishikawa, T., Asada, T.
How to Make a Million Dollars in Your Home Service Business by Burnham, Bob
The Exchange Manifesto by Young, Patrick L.
Innovation and Its Discontents: How Our Broken Patent System Is Endangering Innovation and Progress, and What to Do about It by Jaffe, Adam B., Lerner, Josh
The Power of Positive Criticism by Weisinger, Hendrie
Zhang Xin: El Regreso a China by Li, Ingrid
Project Governance: Implementing Corporate Governance and Business Ethics in Nonprofit Organizations by Renz, Patrick S.
Comet/Asteroid Impacts and Human Society: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
Planungshilfe Für Technologieorientierte Unternehmensgründungen: Ein Erfahrungsbasierter Leitfaden Für Naturwissenschaftler Und Ingenieure by Hirth, Günter, Przywara, Rainer
Kompetenzen Für Supply Chain Manager by
Innovation, Industrial Dynamics and Structural Transformation: Schumpeterian Legacies by
The Observant Eye: Using it to Understand and Improve Performance by Subalusky, W. T.
Desempeno Organizacional: Mejora, Creacion E Incubacion de Nuevas Organizaciones by Bernardez, Mariano L.
Nonprofit Mngmt Ldrshp V17 2 W by NML (Nonprofit Management & Leadership)
Home Entertainment - Made Easy by Smith, Hazel
Consultation within WTO Dispute Settlement: A Chinese Perspective: A Chinese Perspective by Qi Zhang
The Economics of Friedrich Hayek by Steele, G.
Quantified Eco-Efficiency: An Introduction with Applications by
Produktionsmanagement Von It-Dienstleistungen: Grundlagen, Aufgaben Und Prozesse by Zarnekow, Rüdiger
Management Logistischer Netzwerke: Entscheidungsunterstützung, Informationssysteme Und Or-Tools by
Say What You Do: Building a Framework of It Controls, Policies, Standards, and Procedures by Halpern, Marcelo, Herold, Rebecca, Cougias, Dorian J.
Smart Business for Contractors: A Guide to Money and the Law by Kramon, James M.
Managing Understanding in Organizations by Targama, Axel, Sandberg, Jorgen
The Kingdom and the Power: Behind the Scenes at The New York Times: The Institution That Influences the World by Talese, Gay
What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful by Goldsmith, Marshall, Reiter, Mark
Legal Aspects of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Second Edition by Longdin, Ian
The Educated Borrower: Your Mortgage Bible by Frank, Valerie
Spider Web Sales System by Hand, Christopher
Freedom of Establishment versus Creditor Risk in Germany: A Clash of Principles? by Eichin, Renate
Real Options and Intellectual Property: Capital Budgeting Under Imperfect Patent Protection by Baecker, Philipp N.
Transfer Pricing Audits in China by Paisey, A., Li, J.
Security by Other Means: Foreign Assistance, Global Poverty, and American Leadership by
Environmental Security and Public Safety: Problems and Needs in Conversion Policy and Research After 15 Years of Conversion in Central and Eastern Eur by
Environmental Security and Public Safety: Problems and Needs in Conversion Policy and Research After 15 Years of Conversion in Central and Eastern Eur by
Einstein's Business: Engaging Soul, Imagination, and Excellence in the Workplace by Church, Dawson
Wie verdiene ich durch Immobilien ein Vermögen by Kempe, Klaus
The 8 Forces of Money: A Financial Tool Designed for Every Sales Professional, Entrepeneur, and Small Business Operator Looking for That Cutt by Johnson, Israel
Swindling Middle-America how YOUR government works to keep YOU poor --- what WE should do by Keith, Scott
Intellectual Property, Competition and Growth by
Integrating Performance and Budgets: The Budget Office of Tomorrow by
Digital Era Governance: IT Corporations, the State, and E-Government by Dunleavy, Patrick, Bastow, Simon, Margetts, Helen Z.
In Search of Intercultural Understanding by Schmidt, Patrick
Chancen und Risiken der Anwendung interaktiver Medien für die Kommunikationspolitik von Immobilienunternehmen by Nieswand, Tina
Beyond the Balanced Scorecard: Improving Business Intelligence with Analytics by Brown, Mark Graham
Money Myths and Money Mistakes by Comer, Dennis T.
Growing Smarter: Achieving Livable Communities, Environmental Justice, and Regional Equity by
Managing Social and Ethical Issues in Organizations (PB) by
Managing Social and Ethical Issues in Organizations (Hc) by
A Cultural Perspective of Organizational Justice (Hc) by Beugre, Constant D.
Contributions of Land Remote Sensing for Decisions about Food Security and Human Health: Workshop Report by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Earth Sciences and Resources
Yes! You Can Start Your Own Business by Knight, David
Inspect and Protect by Swift, Ph. D. Keith
Das Stimmrecht Des Aktionärs by Haselberger, Josef
Cassell, Vom 20. Bis 24. August 1906. by
Januar 1906 by
Juli 1906 by
Organisation Und Lehrplan Der Handelshochschule Der Korporation Der Kaufmannschaft Von Berlin by
Organisation Und Lehrplan Der Handelshochschule Der Korporation Der Kaufmannschaft Von Berlin by
Die Eröffnung Der Handelshochschule Berlin Am 27. Oktober 1906: Stenographische Berichte Über Die Gehaltenen Ansprachen by Handels-Hochschule Berlin
Market Without Economy: The 1998 Russian Financial Crisis by Melloni, Nicola
American Silk, 1830-1930: Entrepreneurs and Artifacts by Senechal, Marjorie, Shaw, Madelyn, Field, Jacqueline
Public Personnel Administration and Labor Relations by Riccucci, Norma M.
American Business and Public Policy: The politics of foreign trade by Draper, Theodore
Balance of Payments: Theory and Economic Policy by Stern, Robert
Brazilians Working With Americans/Brasileiros que trabalham com americanos: Cultural Case Studies/Estudos de casos culturais by Kelm, Orlando R.
Dishonest Dollars: The Dynamics of White-Collar Crime by Leap, Terry L.
A New Strategy for Continuous Improvement: 10 Steps to Lower Costs and Operational Excellence by Slater, Phillip
Changing Japanese Capitalism by Witt, Michael A.
See More