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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2009

Future Search: An Action Guide to Finding Common Ground in Organizations and Communities (Large Print 16pt) (Large Print Edition) by Weisbord, Marvin
The Handbook for Starting a Business as a Natural Health Consultant: A Guide for the Professional by Larson, Kay K.
Edible Action: Food Activism & Alternative Economics by Miller, Sally
Preistheorie Und Industrieökonomik by Wied-Nebbeling, Susanne
Coaching and Mentoring: Practical Conversations to Improve Learning by Parsloe, Eric, Leedham, Melville
Visionary Business: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Success by Allen, Marc
Intellectual Property and the New Global Japanese Economy by Taplin, Ruth
Key Concepts in Public Relations by Cain, Sandra
Creative Labour: Working in the Creative Industries by Smith, Chris, McKinlay, Alan
Plug-In Electric Vehicles: What Role for Washington? by
Handbook of Financial Time Series by
Europe at the Seaside: The Economic History of Mass Tourism in the Mediterranean by
Art/Museums: International Relations Where We Least Expect it by Sylvester, Christine
Information Technology Project Management Interview Questions by
Driven to Perform: Risk-Aware Performance Management from Strategy Through Execution by Buscemi, Stephanie, Broady, Denise, Bardoliwalla, Nenshad
No-Nonsense Innovation: Practical Strategies for Success by Lowe, Bill, Sherburne, Cary
The Older Worker and the Changing Labor Market: New Challenges for the Workplace by
The Development of Intellectual Property Regimes in the Arabian Gulf States: Infidels at the Gates by Price, David, Aldebasi, Alhanoof
Secrets of Peak Performers: (Wealth Creating Strategies from the World's Most Successful Entrepreneurs, 1) by Kennedy, Dan S., Glazer, Bill, Milteer, Lee
Landscape, Process and Power: Re-Evaluating Traditional Environmental Knowledge by
Gütesiegel zur Einflussnahme auf die touristische Entwicklung einer Destination. Erfolgsanalyse des CST Costa Ricas für nachhaltigen Tourismus by Heidbreder, Birte
Recent Advances in Maintenance and Infrastructure Management by
Culture and Business in Asia by Guirdham, Maureen
Economic Models: Methods, Theory and Applications by Basu, Dipak R.
Der Wegweiser zum erfolgreichen Investment in Rohstoffe. Das 1x1 der Rohstoffe by Götte, Rüdiger
People and Buildings by
Governing Rapid Growth in China: Equity and Institutions by
Sports Tourism: Participants, Policy and Providers by Weed, Mike, Bull, Chris
User-Innovation: Barriers to Democratization and IP Licensing by Braun, Viktor, Herstatt, Cornelius
Ecological Debt: Global Warming and the Wealth of Nations by Simms, Andrew
A Newscast for the Masses: The History of Detroit Television News by Kiska, Timothy
Strategic Innovation: New Game Strategies for Competitive Advantage by Afuah, Allan
Axis of Influence: How Credibility and Likeability Intersect to Drive Success by Holloway, Pam, Lovas, Michael
Grow Your Key Talent: Thought-Provoking Essays for Business Owners, Executives and Managers on Developing Star Staff by Morgan, Rebecca L.
Remarkable Customer Service ... and Disservice: Case Studies and Discussions to Increase Your Customers' Delight by Morgan, Rebecca L.
Global Warming Is Good for Business: How Savvy Entrepreneurs, Large Corporations, and Others Are Making Money While Saving the Planet by Keilbach, K. B.
Goal!: Your 30-Day Game Plan for Business and Career Success by Whelan, Fred, Stone, Gladys
Die Finanzmarktkrise 2008 und ihre Auswirkung auf strukturierte Produkte by Pech, Mathias
Managerial Competence Within the Hospitality and Tourism Service Industries: Global Cultural Contextual Analysis by Saee, John
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Ends and the Ownership by Carver, John, Carver, Miriam
Essential Aldo Leopold: Quotations and Commentaries by
Organizational Learning at NASA: The Challenger and Columbia Accidents by Mahler, Julianne G.
JIT Implementation Manual -- The Complete Guide to Just-In-Time Manufacturing: Volume 4 -- Leveling -- Changeover and Quality Assurance by Hirano, Hiroyuki
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Evaluating CEO and Board Performance by Carver, John, Carver, Miriam
Transformational Speaking: If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story by Larsen, Gail
Handwörterbuch Der Münzkunde Und Ihrer Hilfswissenschaften by Halke, Heinrich
F.I.A.S.C.O.: Blood in the Water on Wall Street by Partnoy, Frank
International Management by Mead, Richard, Andrews, Tim G.
From Boomers to Bloggers: Workbook and Resources by Burmeister, Misti Leiann
Chinese Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy Decision-Making: Confucianism, Leadership and War by Feng, Huiyun
Power at Work: How Employees Reproduce the Corporate Machine by McCabe, Darren
Corporate Governance in China by Chen, Jian
Developing Countries and Global Trade Negotiations by
Muslim Society and the Western Indian Ocean: The Seafarers of Kachchh by Simpson, Edward
Relentless: The Socialist Attack on American Freedom by Krigbaum, Edward J.
Open ERP for Retail and Industrial Management by Pinckaers, Fabien, Gardiner, Geoff
Bewertung und Rating von Golfanlagen by Mayer, Gerard
Die Marktmacht von TUI in Deutschland und Europa by Schuldt, Sven
Optimierung der Unternehmenslogistik durch SAP by Werner, Christian
Winning Conversations: Mastering the Art of Business Development by Scheessele, William
Fair Bananas!: Farmers, Workers, and Consumers Strive to Change an Industry by Frundt, Henry J.
The Tax Law of Associations by Hopkins, Bruce R.
The Environment and International Politics: International Fisheries, Heidegger and Social Method by Seckinelgin, Hakan
The Future of Social Security Policy: Women, Work and a Citizens Basic Income by McKay, Ailsa
Changes in Regional Firm Founding Activities: A Theoretical Explanation and Empirical Evidence by Fornahl, Dirk
Competitiveness of New Industries: Institutional Framework and Learning in Information Technology in Japan, the U.S and Germany by
The Innovation Manual by Midgley, David
All for One: 10 Strategies for Building Trusted Client Partnerships by Sobel, Andrew
The Foundations of Female Entrepreneurship: Enterprise, Home and Household in London, C. 1800-1870 by Kay, Alison
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, the Governance of Financial Management by Carver, Miriam, Carver, John
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Adjacent Leadership Roles: Cgo and CEO by Carver, Miriam, Carver, John
Culture, Class, and Politics in Modern Appalachia: Essays in Honor of Ronald L. Lewis by Egolf, Jennifer, Fones-Wolf, Ken, Martin, Louis C.
H.J. Heinz: A Biography by Skrabec, Quentin R.
Deregulation and the Airline Business in Europe: Selected Readings by Barrett, Sean
The Pricing and Revenue Management of Services: A Strategic Approach by Ng, Irene C. L.
Facilities Management Handbook by Booty, Frank
Management for Social Enterprise by Mason, Chris, Doherty, Bob, Foster, George
Jit Implementation Manual -- The Complete Guide to Just-In-Time Manufacturing: Volume 1 -- The Just-In-Time Production System by Hirano, Hiroyuki
Jit Implementation Manual -- The Complete Guide to Just-In-Time Manufacturing: Volume 2 -- Waste and the 5s's by Hirano, Hiroyuki
Jit Implementation Manual -- The Complete Guide to Just-In-Time Manufacturing: Volume 3 -- Flow Manufacturing -- Multi-Process Operations and Kanban by Hirano, Hiroyuki
Jit Implementation Manual -- The Complete Guide to Just-In-Time Manufacturing: Volume 5 -- Standardized Operations -- Jidoka and Maintenance/Safety by Hirano, Hiroyuki
Thirteen Persistent Economic Fallacies by Mishan, E.
Supply Chain Management at Warp Speed: Integrating the System from End to End by Dettmer, H. William, Patterson, J. Wayne, Schragenheim, Eli
Toxic Workplace!: Managing Toxic Personalities and Their Systems of Power by Kusy, Mitchell, Holloway, Elizabeth
The Improvement Guide: A Practical Approach to Enhancing Organizational Performance by Langley, Gerald J., Moen, Ronald D., Nolan, Kevin M.
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, the Policy Governance Model and the Role of the Board Member by Carver, John, Carver, Miriam
Games at Work: How to Recognize and Reduce Office Politics by Read, Phil, Goldstein, Mauricio
Kalkulieren Sie noch oder profitieren Sie schon? Sparen Sie 50% Ihrer Zeit bei der Business-Case-Erstellung und ROI-Berechnung by Ritter, Johannes, Roettgers, Frank
Numerical Optimization by Nocedal, Jorge, Wright, Stephen
Lettres A M. Malthus: Sur Differens Sujets D'Economie Politique (1820) by Say, Jean-Baptiste
Letters To Mr. Malthus On Several Subjects Of Political Economy: And On The Cause Of The Stagnation Of Commerce (1821) by Say, Jean Baptiste
Personal Shorthand Reader Nr. 1: Irving's Rip Van Winkle, Written In Personal Shorthand With Phonetic Print Key (1922) by Irving, Washington, Dewey, Godfrey
Introducing Capitalism: A Graphic Guide by Cryan, Dan, Shatil, Sharron
The Agricultural Revolution in South Lincolnshire by Grigg, David B.
Manners: Or Happy Homes And Good Society All The Year Round (1868) by Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell
In The Front Office (1910) by Rough Notes Company
Lettres A M. Malthus: Sur Differens Sujets D'Economie Politique (1820) by Say, Jean-Baptiste
Instruction Des Negocians: Ouvrage Utile Aux Juges And Consuls, Et A Tous Ceux Qui Font Le Commerce (1760) by Masson, Philibert-Joseph
Letters To Mr. Malthus On Several Subjects Of Political Economy: And On The Cause Of The Stagnation Of Commerce (1821) by Say, Jean Baptiste
Journal Of The Institute Of Actuaries V18: And Assurance Magazine (1875) by Institute of Actuaries
Entschleunigung in der Unternehmensberichterstattung: Ist weniger mehr? by Kunze, Alexander
Feed-In Tariffs: Accelerating the Deployment of Renewable Energy by Mendonça, Miguel
Property Companies and the Construction Industry in Britain by Smyth, Hedley
Social Security Policies in Industrial Countries: A Comparative Analysis by Gordon, Margaret S., Margaret S., Gordon
Unrewarding Wealth: The Commercialization and Collapse of Agriculture in a Spanish Basque Town by Greenwood, Davydd J.
Vergleichende Analyse der Geschäftsmodelle ausgewählter Billigfluganbieter am Beispiel von Ryanair und AirBerlin by Hoffmann, Karl
Sarbanes-Oxley Simplified by Morley, Mike
Seeing Systems: Unlocking the Mysteries of Organizational Life (16pt Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Oshry, Barry
Analysis for Improving Performance: Tools for Diagnosing Organizations and Documenting Workplace Expertise (Large Print 16pt) (Large Print Edition) by A. Swanson, Richard
Managers Not MBAs: A Hard Look at the Soft Practice of Managing and Management Development (Large Print 16pt), Volume 2 (Large Print Edition) by Mintzberg, Henry
Sell Your Jewelry: How to Start a Jewelry Business and Make Money Selling Jewelry at Boutiques, Fairs, Trunk Shows, and Etsy. by Vander Pol, Stacie
Avoided Deforestation: Prospects for Mitigating Climate Change by
Using Humor to Win People Over When Nothing Else Will: How to touch people so that they can't stop laughing and helping you make your point by L. Austin Dory
Business and Career Exploration Program for Elementary School-Age Children Curriculum Manual: A Program of the Interfaith Social Change Movement by Roberta L Newman, Steven T Robinson
From Products to Service and Experience by Lindig, Sebastian
Valuation and Hedging in Insurance by Barbarin, Jérôme
Embracing Organizational Change by Burchnall, Shelly
The SOLVE Communication Method(TM): Working Out of the Bamboo Box with Asian Pacific Americans and African, European, Hispanic, and Native Americans by Yamauchi, Joanne
KMU in China: Analyse eines bedeutenden Wachstumsfaktors der boomenden Volksrepublik by Schulz, Tharsilla
Informationswebseiten und ihre Ertragsmodelle: Eine systematische Analyse von Webseiten rund um das Thema Apple by Mavroudis, Ilias
Die Gestaltung einer Führungskultur zur Umsetzung von Strategien by Vogel, Michael
Der Markt für Fußballübertragungen im Internet: Eine empirische Analyse der Konsumentenpräferenzen by Schäfer, Bastian
Kulturtourismus: Marktanalyse einer sich wandelnden touristischen Erscheinungsform by Friedrich, Juan Camillo
Fixed Income Performance Attribution by Puchon, Jozef
Externe Referenzpreise by IVCIC, Sanja
Was kann Beratung leisten?: Strategische, systemische und reflexive Beratung - Ein Vergleich by Aloys, Robert
Aktuelle Aspekte der betriebsbedingten Kündigung by Urban, Kathrin
La Integración Norteamericana: Un Nuevo Orden Mundial by Barrera Barrios, Armando
Playbooks and Checkbooks: An Introduction to the Economics of Modern Sports by Szymanski, Stefan
Das Leiten und Führen eines klein- und mittelständischen Unternehmens in konjunkturell rezessiven Zeiten: Der praktische Leitfaden by Kaltenbach, Roman
El Firmamento es tu Límite: Estrategias y Tácticas para la Excelencia Profesional by Méndez, Wagner
Designing and Planning Programs for Nonprofit and Government Organizations by Pawlak, Edward J., Vinter, Robert D.
The Theory of the Firm by Spulber, Daniel F.
Schnittstellen in der Notfallversorgung: Eine problemorientierte Systemanalyse by Enke, Natalya
Medienfreiheit: Moderne Medien zwischen Macht und Markt: Das System Fernsehen in Deutschland und Bulgarien by Hristozova, Aglika
Markt- und Trendforschung als Instrumente strategischer Planung verdeutlicht am Fallbeispiel der Gastronomie by Steinbauer, Daniel
Konfuzianische Wirtschaftsethik: Kultursoziologische Beobachtungen zur Wirtschaft Hongkongs und Taiwans by Ni, Meng-Ping
Die historischen und wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Mexiko unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Direktinvestitionen by Torregrosa, Rocio
Continuity Management w/URL by Blyth, Michael
Built to Win: Creating a World-Class Negotiating Organization by Susskind, Lawrence, Movius, Hallam
Modernisierung Kleiner Und Mittlerer Unternehmen: Ein Ganzheitliches Konzept by
Washington Internships: How to Get Them and Use Them to Launch Your Public Policy Career by Martinez, Deirdre
How Come That Idiot's Rich and I'm Not? by Shemin, Robert
Get Financially Fit! by Rivas, Rio
Don't Catch the Recession Depression by Written and Felt by Victor Zapata
Cross Marketing mit dem Öffentlichen Sektor als strategischer Ansatz für die Markenführung von Konsumgüterherstellern by Jakschik, Susann
Malik und Aufsichtsorgane: Eine kritische Diskussion by Blaue, Bernd
Home Bias bei privaten und institutionellen Investoren: Eine empirische Studie by Huchzermeier, Dennis
Theorie und Ausgestaltung des Bankenaufsichtsrechts by Kourkoulis, Konstantin
Die Bedeutung der Markierung bei der Wahl zwischen Hersteller- und Handelsmarke aus Konsumentensicht by Kohrt, Claudius
Attraktionssteigerung von touristischen Destinationen bei zunehmendem Wettbewerbsdruck: Symbolorientierte integrale Gestaltung von Destinationen - das by Pochadt, Ralf
Beyond Developmentality: Constructing Inclusive Freedom and Sustainability by Deb, Debal
West of Eden: The End of Innocence at Apple Computer by Rose, Frank
The Carrot Principle: How the Best Managers Use Recognition to Engage Their People, Retain Talent, and Accelerate Performance [Updated & Revised] by Gostick, Adrian, Elton, Chester
The Late Age of Print: Everyday Book Culture from Consumerism to Control by Striphas, Ted
Union Revitalisation in Advanced Economies: Assessing the Contribution of Union Organising by
Induktive Statistik by Assenmacher, Walter
Open Business Innovation Leadership: The Emergence of the Stakeholder University by
9 Steps To Achieve Your Destiny by Sarwari, Zohra
Auswirkungen von Naturgefahren auf die Immobilien- und Grundstückspreise by Weberndorfer, Ronald
Mitarbeiter als Eigentümer - Employee Ownership im internationalen Vergleich by Muth, Christian
Beschaffung und Auswahl von Fachpersonal: Instrumente und Techniken der Stadtbücherei Stuttgart by Leinenkugel, Philipp
Chase Your Customers Away And Enjoy Work Again: The ultimate guide manual on taking action to frustrate customer expectations with inferior products, by Thys, Guido
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Opinions of a Sheep Herder by Spencer, Mike
Will we ever learn?: The Man Who See's Tomorrow by Harder, Charles
Empty Nest Egg: Why You Must Start Your Own Business NOW by Noel, Terry
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors: Opinions of a Sheep Herder by Spencer, Mike
Who Hired These People? by Laporta, Peter A.
Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth by
Kick-Start Your Salon Into Profit by Iwegbu-Daley, Ego
Slippery Places: How The Delusions Of Modern Management Destroyed An American Manufacturing Firm by Miller, Jule
Money And Civilization: Or A History Of The Monetary Laws And Systems Of Various States Since The Dark Ages, And Their Influence Upon Civiliza by Del Mar, Alexander
Money And Its Vicissitudes In Value: As They Affect National Industry And And Pecuniary Contracts, With A Postscript On Joint-Stock Banks (1837) by Bailey, Samuel
The Romance Of Business (1921) by Forbes, William Cameron
Marketing Methods And Policies (1921) by Converse, Paul Dulaney
The Letters Of Daniel Hardcastle To The Editor Of The Times Journal: On The Subject Of The Bank Restriction, The Regulations Of The Mint, Etc. (1819) by Hardcastle, Daniel
The Registers Of The Parish Church Of Blacktoft, East Yorkshire: 1700-1812 (1901) by Weddall, George Edward
Historical Researches Into The Politics, Intercourse, And Trade Of The Principal Nations Of Antiquity V2: Asiatic Nations, Babylonians, Phoenicians, S by Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig
The Shop (1889) by Winship, Albert Edward
The New Epoch: As Developed By The Manufacture Of Power (1903) by Morison, George Shattuck
Observations On The Application Of Human Labor Under Different Circumstances: When Employed On Reproductive Industry, Or For National Objects, In Vari by A. Field Officer, Featherstonhaugh, George William
The King's Weigh House Lectures To Business Men (1901) by Barlow, Clement Anderson Montaque, Boyle, Courtenay, Avebury, Lord
Shorthand Shortened: Being A Combination Of The Best Principles Contained In The Stenographic Systems (1882) by Peachey, David Augustus
Toll Road Traffic & Revenue Forecasts by Bain, Robert Etc
The Agrarian Policy of the Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party: From Its Origins Through the Revolution of 1905 1907 by Perrie, Maureen, Maureen, Perrie
The Rubber Industry Of The Amazon: And How Its Supremacy Can Be Maintained (1916) by Woodroffe, Joseph Froude
The Organization Of Agriculture (1904) by Pratt, Edwin A.
The Laborer And His Hire (1900) by Shanklin, Imelda Maud
Short Talks On Retail Selling (1915) by Hall, Samuel Roland
Short Talks On Retail Selling (1915) by Hall, Samuel Roland
Moneta E Corso Forzoso (1879) by Ferraris, Carlo Francesco
The Letters Of Daniel Hardcastle To The Editor Of The Times Journal: On The Subject Of The Bank Restriction, The Regulations Of The Mint, Etc. (1819) by Hardcastle, Daniel
Money and Civilization: Or a History of the Monetary Laws and Systems of Various States Since the Dark Ages, and Their Influence Upon Civiliza by Del Mar, Alexander
Money And Its Vicissitudes In Value: As They Affect National Industry And And Pecuniary Contracts, With A Postscript On Joint-Stock Banks (1837) by Bailey, Samuel
Simple Principles Of Investment (1919) by Gibson, Thomas
On Some Revenue Matters: Chiefly In The Province Of Oudh (1876) by Macandrew, I. F.
Historische Entwickelung Der Teutschen Steuerverfassungen (1793) by Lang, Karl Heinrich
On Taxation: How It Is Raised And How It Is Expended (1860) by Levi, Leone
The Paper Trade: A Descriptive And Historical Survey Of The Paper Trade From The Commencement Of The Nineteenth Century (1907) by Spicer, Albert Dykes
Memoires De La Societe V2: D'Agriculture, Sciences, Commerce Et Arts, Du Departement De La Haute-Saone (1808) by Marc, J. A., Martin, Alexandre
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