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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2013

Agência de comunicação: gestão, desafios e oportunidades by Schmitz, Aldo
Happy, Healthy, Wealthy & Wise by Safranek, Eric J.
Perfect Phrases for Coaching Employee Performance: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Building Employee Engagement and Creating Star Performers by Poole, Laura
Economics for BIG Kids: The Free Enterprise System for 5-Year Olds And Adults Who Want to Know by Davis, Carrington B.
Simple: Conquering the Crisis of Complexity by Siegel, Alan, Etzkorn, Irene
Gas Pipeline Hydraulics by Menon, Shashi, Menon, Pramila
Innovative Leaders Guide to Transforming Organizations by Metcalf, Maureen
The World of Agricultural Economics: An Introduction by Martiin, Carin
The World of Agricultural Economics: An Introduction by Martiin, Carin
Leadership Sustainability: Seven Disciplines to Achieve the Changes Great Leaders Know They Must Make by Ulrich, Dave, Smallwood, Norm
Tourism, Poverty and Development by Holden, Andrew
Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Collaboration (with Featured Article Social Intelligence and the Biology of Leadership, by Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis) by Boyatzis, Richard E., Review, Harvard Business, Goleman, Daniel
Control Your Day: A New Approach to Email and Time Management Using Microsoft(R) Outlook and the concepts of Getting Things Done(R) by McCullen, Jim
Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Strategic Marketing (with Featured Article Marketing Myopia, by Theodore Levitt) by Christensen, Clayton M., Levitt, Theodore, Review, Harvard Business
Brag, Worry, Wonder, Bet: A Manager's Guide to Giving Feedback by King, Steve
Psycho Success by Mattox
Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Communication (with Featured Article the Necessary Art of Persuasion, by Jay A. Conger) by Morgan, Nick, Review, Harvard Business, Cialdini, Robert B.
What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets by Sandel, Michael J.
Key Facts on Syria: Essential Information on Syria by Nee, Patrick W.
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Kahneman, Daniel
Your Attitude for Success: Change your attitude for a better perspective on live and work by Berg, Alan
Audiobook Profits: How To Make Money By Turning Your Kindle, Paperback and Hardcover Book Into Audio by Johnson, Omar
Total Quality Management: Eine Chance für Unternehmen im Baugewerbe by Gizycki, Gerold
Corporate Dog by Holland, D. M.
Working The Net: A Practical Guide to Business Networking by Williams, Glyn, Bozeat, Simon
Die Liberalisierung des Spielermarktes im Profifußball: Auswirkungen des Bosman-Urteils und Maßnahmen gegen die Fehlentwicklungen by Weisbrich, Matthias
Are You Ready for a Capital Campaign? Assessing Your Nonprofit's Ability to Run a Major Fundraising Campaign by Lysakowski, Linda
Tech and the City: The Making of New York's Startup Community by Piol, Alessandro, Cometto, Maria Teresa
Project Failures Are Killing Us!: Priorities for removing the RISK from project management! by Nitschke, Robert L.
Anxious Wealth: Money and Morality Among China's New Rich by Osburg, John
GRC Capability Model (Red Book) in Paperback by Mitchell, Scott
The Ethics and Economics of Agrifood Competition by
Marketing the Musician by Abramson, Liam
E-Business and Virtual Enterprises: Managing Business-To-Business Cooperation by
Anxious Wealth: Money and Morality Among China's New Rich by Osburg, John
Deforestation Trends in the Congo Basin: Reconciling Economic Growth and Forest Protection by Megevand, Carole
Online-Brokerage für Anfänger: Der Einstieg in den Wertpapierhandel by Hauschild, Torsten
Stick with It: Mastering the Art of Adherence by Davis-Colan, Julie, Colan, Lee J.
Born to Blog: Building Your Blog for Personal and Business Success One Post at a Time by Smith, Stanford, Schaefer, Mark
Increasing Resilience to Climate Change in the Agricultural Sector of the Middle East: The Cases of Jordan and Lebanon by Ashwill, Maximillian, Verner, Dorte, Lee, David
Economic Growth: Unleashing the Potential of Human Flourishing (Values and Capitalism) by Noell, Edd S., Smith, Stephen L. S., Webb, Bruce G.
Sport Management in the Middle East: A Case Study Analysis by
The Strangest Secret by Nightingale, Earl
The Book on Entrepreneurship and Property: The Guide to Successful Entrepreneurship and Property Investment by Sami, Selchouk
Key Facts on Afghanistan: Essential Information on Afghanistan by Nee, Patrick W.
Who FARTED in the Boardroom?!: How to Outscore CONFLICT in the Workplace by Kendrich M. S., Diara
Key Facts on Iraq: Essential Information on Iraq by Nee, Patrick W.
Obamacare Explained by Haines, Ronald
Het Geld van Robinson Crusoe Populaire uiteenzetting omtrent den oorsprong en het gebruik van geld als ruilmiddel by Wells, David Ames
TOGAF(R) Versión 9.1 - Guía de Bolsillo by
Het Geld van Robinson Crusoe Populaire uiteenzetting omtrent den oorsprong en het gebruik van geld als ruilmiddel by Wells, David Ames
Erfolgsfaktoren für den Einstieg in die RFID-Technologie by Krämer, Guido
Einfluss der Bioenergie auf die Produktionsplanung in der Landwirtschaft by Von Gruben, Johanna
Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement in KMU: Eine Analyse der Widerstände und Hemmnisse in der Umsetzung by Eichholz, Patrick
Liss 2012: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science by
Computational Intelligent Data Analysis for Sustainable Development by
Informelle Erwerbsarbeit in Privathaushalten: Entstehung und Zukunft by Romig, Nicole
Water and Climate Change in Africa: Challenges and Community Initiatives in Durban, Maputo and Nairobi by
Hometown Investment Trust Funds: A Stable Way to Supply Risk Capital by
Unit and Ubiquitous Internet of Things by Ning, Huansheng
Thinking Through Landscape by Berque, Augustin
Game-Changing Advisory Boards: Leveraging Outside Wisdom to Deliver Sustainable Value by Hawfield, William, Zaepfel, John
History Of Economic Thought: A Critical Account Of The Origin And Development Of The Economic Theories Of The Leading Thinkers In The Leading Natio by Haney, Lewis H.
Key Facts on Indonesia: Essential Information on Indonesia by Nee, Patrick W.
Social Media Management by Kohler, Thomas R.
Der Shitstorm: Die neugewonnene Macht der Konsumenten durch die sozialen Netzwerke und ihre Implikationen auf die Kommunikationsstrategien von Unterne by Naber, Andreas
Key Account Management Erfolgreich Planen Und Umsetzen: Mehrwert-Konzepte Für Ihre Top-Kunden by Biesel, Hartmut H.
Green It: Erkenntnisse Und Best Practices Aus Fallstudien by Kolbe, Lutz, Zarnekow, Rüdiger
Mrs Pinchpenny's Guide to Surviving the Holidays on a Budget by Pinchpenny, Mrs
Business Continuity: Playbook by Kotwica, Kathleen, Hayes, Bob
Master Management des entreprises: L'essentiel de la gestion par les meilleurs professeurs. by Le, Lannier Aude, Saussier, Stéphane
Outrageous Vision: How to Unlock Vision, Embrace Purpose, and Have a Fulfilling Life by Foster, Joseph M.
Industrial Relations and Labour Management of Bangladesh by Ahmad, Iqbal
The 2R strategy by Schenato, Arduino
Governing Sustainable Urban Renewal: Partnerships in Action by Shand, Rory
Theory, Measurement, and Interpretation of Well Logs: Textbook 4 by Bassiouni, Zaki
Plutopia: Nuclear Families, Atomic Cities, and the Great Soviet and American Plutonium Disasters by Brown, Kate
Key Concepts in Event Management by Quinn, Bernadette
Understanding Organizations: Theories and Images by Staber, Udo
Non-directive Coaching: Attitudes, Approaches and Applications by Thomson, Bob
Journalismus in Pakistan by Khan, Eram
The Australian Miracle: An Innovative Nation Revisited by Barlow, Thomas
The Revision of the Rapid Transit Fare Structure of the City of New York: Technical Monograph No. 3 by Vickrey, William S.
Simplified Municipal Accounting: A Manual for Smaller Government Units by Municipal Finance Officers Association
Motivazione in ambito lavorativo: Caso Procter and Gamble by Napolitano, Gabriele
Swagger & Sweat: A Start-up Capital Boot Camp by
How Fortunes Are Made in Oil Stocks by
Dummy-Variablen und Interaktionseffekte: Zusammenhang und Einsatzmöglichkeiten by Kessel, Waldemar
Careers in Retail Business Ownership: B'Nai B'Rith Vocational Series, No. 15 by Shosteck, Robert
Implementing SAP Business Objects Planning and Consolidation (SAP BPC) Volume II: Advanced Concepts by Sisfontes-Monge, Marco a.
Ways to Make Money with Your Writing by Bremner, Melanie
Make Money Selling Stuff by Bremner, Melanie
The Emerging Markets Century: How a New Breed of World-Class Companies Is Overtaking the World by Van Agtmael, Antoine
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Global Sourcing bei der Just-in-time-Belieferung: Grundlagen, Probleme und Lösungsansätze by Hache, Katja
The Purchasing Machine: How the Top Ten Companies Use Best Practices to Ma by Stegner, Jon, Nelson, R. David, Moody, Patricia E.
Die Seebrücke in Binz: Die Binzer Brücke und ihre wechselvolle Geschichte by Gehrke, Horst
Napoleon Hill: The Complete Rare Teachings of Napoleon Hill by Doucette, Patrick
Business as a Calling by Novak, Michael And Jana
Juan Bautista de Anza: Comprehensive Management and Use Plan/Final Environmental Impact Statement by National Park Service, U. S. Department O.
8 Unbreakable Commandments for a High Conversion Website: Ignore these at your own risk... by Coaching, Shark Bite
What Not To Post For Students: How to Use Social Media to Get Ahead by Renner, P. K.
Knowledge Discovery for Business Information Systems by
Aktuelle Anforderungen an die Entsorgungslogistik by Huber, Cathrin
Pep Talks: Answering Past Employment Questions by Armstead, Jenice
Presenting Across Cultures by Hernandez, Ruben Alexander
The Prosperity Principles: Secrets to developing and maintaining generational wealth by Marchiol, Tanya
Kritische Würdigung von Beschaffungsstrategien am Beispiel eines Großhandelsunternehmens by Kleinert, Tobias
Der Matthäus-Effekt im professionellen Fußball in Deutschland: Vom Talent zum Profisportler by Lehmann, Andreas
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Debt: Transforming Your Debt to Wealth by Harris, Saterial
Lean Marketing by Asefeso McIps Mba, Ade
Lean Sales and Marketing by Asefeso McIps Mba, Ade
Simple Money Making Ideas - Complete Business Ideas for Todays Entrepreneur: Simple Money Making Methods that Pay you Over and Over by Samuels, L. J.
The Making of a World Trading Power: The European Economic Community (Eec) in the GATT Kennedy Round Negotiations (1963-67) by Coppolaro, Lucia
Promoting Nonprofit Organizations: A Reputation Management Approach by Kinzey, Ruth Ellen
Promoting Nonprofit Organizations: A Reputation Management Approach by Kinzey, Ruth Ellen
Workforce Asset Management by
How to Write Terrific Training Materials by Barbazette, Jean
Fearless Facilitation by O'Connor, Kevin, Maxey, Cyndi
Painless Performance Conversations by Green, Marnie E.
White Papers FD by Graham, Gordon
Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil by Mueller, Tom
1988 Valuation of Coca-Cola by Labitan, Bud
Pressure Transient Testing: Textbook 9 by Spivey, John, Lee, John, Rollins, John
Stochastic Calculus and Differential Equations for Physics and Finance by McCauley, Joseph
Organizational Myopia by Catino, Maurizio
Provocative Coaching: Making Things Better by Making Them Worse by Hollander, Jaap
The Manager and the Monk by Grün, Anselm, Zeitz, Jochen
Genentech: The Beginnings of Biotech by Hughes, Sally Smith
A Writer's Guide to Wizzley: Learn how to make a living writing about what you love by Harrington, Jo
Key Facts on South Korea: Essential Information on South Korea by Nee, Patrick W.
Tropiline Bajan Design: Tropiline from concept to development to preproduction by Blackman, Don J. B.
Tropical Whites: The Rise of the Tourist South in the Americas by Cocks, Catherine
Familieninterne Unternehmensnachfolge: Übertragung einer GmbH auf die nächste Generation by Schneider, Sascha
Der CO2 Zertifikatehandel und sein Einfluss auf die Unternehmensbewertung by Distler, Gerhard
Strategisches Beschaffungsmanagement in der Medizinbranche: Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse anhand einer Fallstudie by Boer, Marcus
Entrepreneurship: Secrets to a Breakthrough by Chirara, Ed K.
Social Media Monitoring: Krisenherde frühzeitig erkennen by Stiller, Sabrina
MDK-Management im Krankenhaus by Andreas, Harald
Mein Weg zu Erfolg und Geld by Kees, Peter
Event project management body of knowledge by Wei, Chiu-Chi
Fraud and Carbon Markets: The Carbon Connection by Frunza, Marius-Christian
Business Modeling and Software Design: Second International Symposium, Bmsd 2012, Geneva, Switzerland, July 4-6, 2012, Revised Selected Papers by
Theory and Practice of Dialogical Community Development: International Perspectives by Westoby, Peter, Dowling, Gerard
Potentiale des 45 Fuß-Containers als Nachfolger des Sattelaufliegers by Meyer, Ulrike
Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2012 by The World Bank, Dittbrenner, Heather
Bangladesh: The Path to Middle-Income Status from an Urban Perspective by Muzzini, Elisa, Aparicio, Gabriela
Beurteilung der Fusion deutscher Banken by Richter, Tobias
Nature's Fortune by Adams, Jonathan S., Tercek, Mark R.
New Normal, Radical Shift: Changing Business and Politics for a Sustainable Future by Bettridge, Neela, Whiteley, Philip
Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future by Clark, Dorie
Why a Students Work for C Students and Why B Students Work for the Government: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Education for Parents by Kiyosaki, Robert T.
Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success by Grant, Adam
Own the Room: Discover Your Signature Voice to Master Your Leadership Presence by Su, Amy Jen, Maignan Wilkins, Muriel
Nuevas investigaciones sobre la gestión de la empresa familiar en España by Fernandez, Vicenc
The Age of You: How to Understand and Benefit from Social Media and the Connected Society by Nistad, Stein Arne
The Age of You: How to Understand and Benefit from Social Media and the Connected Society by Nistad, Stein Arne
Four Attributes of Employee Engagement...And How To Develop Them by McCoy, Thomas J.
Six-Word Lessons for Successful Social Media: 100 Lessons to Grow Your Business Using Social Media by Warren, Tracey
The Impacts of Water Pollution on Economic Development in Sudan by Mohamed, Prof Issam Aw
Budget of the U.S. Government Fiscal Year 2014 by Office of Management and Budget, White House, Executive Office of the President
Sequential Competitive Location on Networks by Kreß, Dominik
Qualitative Sozialforschung: Eine Einführung by Strübing, Jörg
Successful Acquisitions: A Proven Plan for Strategic Growth by Braun, David
Estados Unidos, Golfo Persico y Depresion Economica by Mota, Rafael D.
Equilibrium and Advanced Transportation Modelling by
Service Industries and Regions: Growth, Location and Regional Effects by
Digital Enterprise Design and Management 2013: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Digital Enterprise Design and Management Ded&m 201 by
Reclaiming Food Security by Carolan, Michael S.
Reclaiming Food Security by Carolan, Michael S.
More Money, Less Stress by Kench, Ben
Fishing the Coast: A Life on the Water by Pepper, Don
Fundamentals of Writing: How to Write Articles, Media Releases, Case Studies, Blog Posts and Social Media Content by Lima, Paul
A critical evaluation of Michael Porter's five forces framework. Case study of the Vietnamese textile industry by Walder, Johannes
How to Start and Run an Online Business by John, Christine
Sixteen Strategies To Success: Ultimate Success From The Inside Out by Leaders, 15 Global Thought, Elderkin, Debra
Rollentausch in der dualen Berufsausbildung: Was Ausbilder/-innen von ihren Lehrlingen lernen by Schrott, Thomas
Venture Capital und Private Equity: Eine Chance für Privatinvestoren? by Sacher, Albert
Investmentstrategien: Investmentstrategien anhand des 52-Wochen-Hochs by Pretis, Bernhard
Chancen und Risiken des Franchisings: Theoretische Grundlagen und Praxisbezug by Iliasa, Alexander
Bankensystem und Wirtschaftskrise: Trennbanken- vs. Universalbankensysteme by Reuther, Sebastian
Top 25 Local Public Transport KPIs of 2011-2012 by The Kpi Institute, Smartkpis Com
SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP - The Better Globe Way: A Holistic and Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship - Where YOU also Profit on Your Donations by Solberg, Rino
The Mega Agent Mindset by Dupree, Jonathan
Einsatz multisensualer Reize in der strategischen Messekommunikation: Optimierungspotentiale der Kommunikation für nachhaltige Messeauftritte by Dübbert, Arne
RFID im Supply Chain Management: Potenziale und Grenzen by Falke, Simon
Folgen und Probleme, die sich aus dem Kauf von Steuer-CDs ergeben by Schauerte, Corinna
Private Equity als Anlageklasse für institutionelle Anleger by Maidhof, Larissa
Competition and Cost Accounting by Narayanan, V. G., Smith, Michael
Cooperation, Clusters, and Knowledge Transfer: Universities and Firms Towards Regional Competitiveness by
Ideas Without Frontiers by McLennan, Neil
Migrants, Borders and Global Capitalism: West African Labour Mobility and EU Borders by Cross, Hannah
The Value of Arts and Culture for Regional Development: A Scandinavian Perspective by
How to Do Everything Microsoft SharePoint 2013: Microsoft SharePoint 2013 by Cawood, Stephen
Key Leadership by Whamond, Christian
Risks for European Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) by Baumgartner, Oliver, Hosp, Daniel
Zen and the Art of Appreciative Inquiry: A glass half full approach to organisational development by Rowett, Roger B.
Planning Horizons, Calendars and Timings in SAP Apo by Snapp, Shaun
Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard: How to Achieve Superperformance in Stocks in Any Market by Minervini, Mark
Clean up in the Cleaning Business: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Start and Grow a New Cleaning Business by Nelson, Anthony L.
Interkulturelle Personal- und Managemententwicklung by Alle, Bianca
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