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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2013

Champion: The Making and Unmaking of the English Midland Landscape by Liddiard, Robert, Williamson, Tom, Partida, Tracey
Analyse und Vergleich der Mediensysteme in der Schweiz und in Deutschland: Mit Schwerpunkt auf den Pressemarkt am Beispiel zweier Tageszeitungen by Pfitzner, Sabrina
Are You the New Manager?: Techniques, Guidelines, and Strategies for a Successful First Year by Blanck, Robert, Bertrand, Lee
Computational Methods for Large Sparse Power Systems Analysis: An Object Oriented Approach by Khaparde, S. a., Pandit, Shubha, Soman, S. a.
Fuzzy Stochastic Multiobjective Programming by Sakawa, Masatoshi, Katagiri, Hideki, Nishizaki, Ichiro
A Computer-Assisted Analysis System for Mathematical Programming Models and Solutions: A User's Guide for Analyze(c) by Greenberg, H. J.
Electronic Business and Marketing: New Trends on Its Process and Applications by
Security and Trust Management: 8th International Workshop, STM 2012, Pisa, Italy, September 13-14, 2012, Revised Selected Papers by
Modeling by Object-Driven Linear Elemental Relations: A User's Guide for Modler(c) by Greenberg, H. J.
Venture Capital Investors and Portfolio Firms by Manigart, Sophie, Wright, Mike
Development Evaluation in Times of Turbulence: Dealing with Crises That Endanger Our Future by Boily, Marie-Helene
Sell It Online: How to Make Money Selling on eBay, Amazon, Fiverr & Etsy by Vulich, Nick
Historic Resource Study for Muir Woods National Monument: Golden Gate National Recreation Area by Sears Ph. D., John F., Auwaerter, John
Rocenka: Kalendar Americkych Delnickych Listu, Rocnik 7, Rok 1927 by Ceske Socialisticke Tiskarske
Municipal Public Works Administration: Municipal Management Series by Institute for Training Municipal Admin, International City Managers Association
The Trend of Economics by
Handbook of Terminal Planning by
Planning Production and Inventories in the Extended Enterprise: A State-Of-The-Art Handbook, Volume 2 by
Service Systems Implementation by
Collaborative Business Ecosystems and Virtual Enterprises: Ifip Tc5 / Wg5.5 Third Working Conference on Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises (Pro-V by
Dynamics in Logistics: Third International Conference, LDIC 2012 Bremen, Germany, February/March 2012 Proceedings by
Driving the Economy Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Emerging Agenda for Technology Management by Department of Management Studies
New River Gorge National River Administrative History by Stasick, Lynn, Good, Gregory a.
Lithium-Förderung in Bolivien vor dem Hintergrund der Eigenschaften natürlicher Ressourcen by Kracht, Patricia
Corporate Happiness in der Hotellerie: Untersuchung der Relevanz für die Branche und Entwicklung einer Marketingstrategie zur Akquise by Ganster, Lisa
Nachhaltigkeit. Ethik oder Marketing? by Schüler, Iris
European Business Ethics Cases in Context: The Morality of Corporate Decision Making by
Non-Timber Forest Products in the Global Context by
Global Usability by
Demography and Infrastructure: National and Regional Aspects of Demographic Change by
Skillful Art of Budgeting by Bryant, Karen Y.
Energy Pricing: Economics and Principles by Conkling, Roger L.
Engineering Methods in the Service-Oriented Context: 4th Ifip Wg 8.1 Working Conference on Method Engineering, Me 2011, Paris, France, April 20-22, 20 by
A Journey of Epiphanies: Learning Leadership by Vergon, Terry R.
Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful by Hamermesh, Daniel S.
Tales from Dickens by Rives, Hallie Erminie, Dickens, Charles
Finance and the Good Society by Shiller, Robert J.
Business Systems Review - ISSN 2280-3866: International Symposium. THE ECONOMIC CRISIS: TIME FOR A PARADIGM SHIFT TOWARDS A SYSTEMS APPROACH by Palumbo, Federica
Top 25 Call Center KPIs of 2011-2012 by The Kpi Institute, Smartkpis Com
Top 25 Accounting Services KPIs of 2011-2012 by The Kpi Institute, Smartkpis Com
Between the Eagle and the Dragon: Who is Winning the Innovation Race? by Barlow, Thomas
Möglichkeiten der Krisenkommunikation in der PR by Wirth, Jan
Retail Marketing Management: Concepts, Guidelines, and Practices by Romero, Claudia Buhamra Abreu
Superstar Leadership: A 31-Day Plan to Motivate People, Communicate Positively, and Get Everyone on Your Side by Conlow, Rick, Watsabaugh, Doug
Start.: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average, and Do Work That Matters by Acuff, Jon
Erneuerbare Energien in Europa. Handelbare grüne Zertifikate als Instrument einer harmonisierten Förderung by Schünemann, Rainer
Broadening Your Organizational Perspective by CCL, Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), Van Velsor, Ellen
Options for Risk-Free Portfolios: Profiting with Dividend Collar Strategies by Thomsett, M.
A More Perfect Union: A Fiscal Plan for America by Dunn, Stuart
Retail Marketing Management: Concepts, Guidelines, and Practices by Romero, Claudia Buhamra Abreu
Job Satisfaction in Higher Education by Oshagbemi, Titus
Job Satisfaction in Higher Education by Oshagbemi, Titus
Bootstrapped: How 75 Entrepreneurs Successfully Bootstrapped Their Startups and How You Can Too by Garvin, James
Managing Project Stakeholders: Building a Foundation to Achieve Project Goals by Roeder, Tres
Advanced Presentations by Design by Abela, Andrew
Learn Small Business Start-Up in 7 Days by Smith, Heather
Good Service is Good Business-NEW 4th edition: 7 Simple Strategies for Service Success by Devrye, Catherine
Econophysics of Income and Wealth Distributions by Chakraborti, Anirban, Chakravarty, Satya R., Chakrabarti, Bikas K.
Successful Agricultural Innovation in Emerging Economies: New Genetic Technologies for Global Food Production by
Building Manufacturing Competitiveness - The TOC Way by Lolla, Shridhar
Die Unabhängigkeit von Ratingagenturen by Lommertin, Patrick, Piela, Thomas
KANBAN für C-Teile by Wagner, Simon
Micro-Entrepreneurship for Dummies by Mladjenovic, Paul
Capitalism, Corporations and the Social Contract by Mansell, Samuel F.
Legal and Economic Principles of World Trade Law by
Start.: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average, and Do Work That Matters by Acuff, Jon
11 Secrets of Time Management for Salespeople: Gain the Competitive Edge and Make Every Second Count by Kahle, Dave
International Business Strategy by Verbeke, Alain
International Business Strategy by Verbeke, Alain
Ökonomische Analyse der privaten und gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung für freiwillig versicherte Arbeitnehmer by Prüß, Reiner
Pflegekammern in Rheinland-Pfalz. Versorgungssicherheit oder Illusion?: Eine Bewertung aus rechtlicher und politischer Sicht by Böhm, Daniel
False Prophets of False Profits: Secrets of How Foreign Nations Stole Our Jobs and How to Take Our Jobs Back by Williamson, Bj
Educational Management Turned on Its Head: Exploring a Professional Ethic for Educational Leadership- A Critical Reader by
Making Multilevel Public Management Work: Stories of Success and Failure from Europe and North America by
8D Team Based Problem Solving - An Instructive Example by Possley, Marc
Business Strategies and Value Chain Management by Wiedemann, Lucas
Lieferantenmanagement in Der Automobilindustrie: Struktur Und Entwicklung Der Lieferantenbeziehungen Von Automobilherstellern by Dölle, Johannes E.
The Politics of Financing Education in China by Lin, T.
Die magischen Kanäle: Herbert Marshall McLuhans 'Medientheorie' by Seda, Roman
Foreign aid and development in Bangladesh.: Example from Padma Bridge project. by Islam, Atikul
Critical Issues in Organization Development: Case Studies for Analysis and Discussion by
Critical Issues in Organization Development: Case Studies for Analysis and Discussion (Hc) by
Social Sustainability: A Multilevel Approach to Social Inclusion by
Adapting to Organizational Change by Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), CCL
Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting by Davis, Richard A., Brockwell, Peter J.
Earn What You're Really Worth: Maximize Your Income at Any Time in Any Market by Tracy, Brian
Lean Leadership for Healthcare: Approaches to Lean Transformation by Bercaw, Ronald
How to Find Fulfilling Work by Krznaric, Roman
Intelligent Leadership: What You Need to Know to Unlock Your Full Potential by Mattone, John
End of the Good Life: How the Financial Crisis Threatens a Lost Generation--And What We Can Do about It by Froymovich, Riva
Molecular Marketing: Market Leadership Creative Modeling by Merlinova, Iveta
Top 25 Coal and Minerals Mining KPIs of 2011-2012 by The Kpi Institute, Smartkpis Com
Tap into the Mobile Economy: The Appreneur's Guide to Developing Smartphone and Tablet Apps for Profit by Foreman, Richard, Smith, Dana F.
I Killed a Rabid Fox with a Croquet Mallet: Making Your Business Stories Compelling and Memorable by Boillot, Nicolas a.
Kapitalanlagen im Lichte der Abgeltungsteuer: Auswirkungen auf Bankeinlagen, Wertpapiere und Lebensversicherungen by Rieksneuwöhner, Robin
Unterschiede UGB und IFRS mit besonderem Bezug auf die Bewertung des Sachanlagevermögens by Stärk, Jan-Patrick
Anforderungen an die Arbeitnehmervertreter im Aufsichtsrat: Unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Unternehmensinteresses by Heitmann, Hendrik
Datenschutz Bei Unternehmensinternen Whistleblowing-Systemen by Steigert, Verena Karen
Como Hacer Dinero Online: Aprenda a hacer dinero en línea con mi plan paso-a-paso, para ganar por lo menos $5000.00 dólares mensuales de ingreso by Omar, Mike
Victory! by Hopkins, Tom, Nanton, Nick, Leading Experts, The World's
The Workbook: The Companion Book to Partnership or Partnersh*t: You Decide by Flores, Vanessa, Soffer, Patty
The Management, Practices and Problems of Auto Repair Shops by Onate Beatriz
Avoiding Corporate Breakdowns: The Nature and Extent of Managerial Responsibility by Hosmer, L., Barry, P.
Automotive Management: Navigating the Next Decade of Auto Industry Transformation by Diehlmann, Jens, Häcker, Joachim
Avoiding Corporate Breakdowns: The Nature and Extent of Managerial Responsibility by Hosmer, L., Barry, P.
Fuzzy Hierarchical Model for Risk Assessment: Principles, Concepts, and Practical Applications by Chan, Hing Kai, Wang, Xiaojun
Humanitarian and Relief Logistics: Research Issues, Case Studies and Future Trends by
Getting to Lean - Transformational Change Management by Miller, Lawrence M.
How to save the world and have a better life than you ever imagined! by Molly, John
Determined to Succeed by Neil McLennan, Kevin Murphy &.
Agricultural Finance by Moss, Charles
Agricultural Finance by Moss, Charles
Key Concepts in Event Management by Quinn, Bernadette
Das Geld by Wirth, Max
Easy Business Success: Business success, growth, power, riches, book, earnings, easy by Ltd, Easy Books
Berücksichtigung von Illiquidität in der Unternehmensbewertung by Jasper, Patrick
Einführung von Controlling mit der neuen Methode 'Rapid Implementing' by Bleicher, Stefan
QFD und Dienstleistungsinnovationen: Entwicklung von Dienstleistungsinnovationen in Abhängigkeit von Kundenbedürfnissen by Götz, Daniela Maria
Multi-Channel-Strategien im stationären Einzelhandel: Wie das Internet den Handel verändert by Stolz, Andreas
Wissensdatenbanken bei IT-Projekten: Projektdokumentation mit Wissensmanagement 2.X by Sailer, Gernot
Turn Your Home Into a Rental House Instead of Selling It! by Sprouse, Angy, Sprouse, Terry
Simplify Social Media for Recruiting: A Step-By-Step Handbook for Implementing Social Media by Taylor, Eileen, Mulder-Williamson, Kathy
New Media Habits: A Fundamental Guide to Social Media by Frost, Joseph
Origins of the War in the East by Shai, Aron
Keynes and Friedman on Laissez-Faire and Planning: 'Where to draw the line?' by Rivot, Sylvie
Performance Measurement and Leisure Management by
Simplify Social Media for Recruiting: A Step-By-Step Handbook for Implementing Social Media by Mulder-Williamson, Kathy, Taylor, Eileen
Innovationsforschung von Schumpeter bis heute - Theoretische Überlegungen zum Innovationskontext by Rieger, Fabian
Key Words for Insurance: B1+ by
Global Purchasing and Supply Management: Fulfill the Vision by Pooler, Victor H., Pooler, David J., Farney, Samuel D.
Web Services and Formal Methods: 9th International Workshop, Ws-FM 2012, Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-7, 2012, Revised Selected Papers by
Palmprint Authentication by 16/F Maxdo Center
12 Disciplines of Leadership Excellence: How Leaders Achieve Sustainable High Performance by Chee, Peter, Tracy, Brian
Lobbyists at Work by Leech, Beth L.
The Indus Basin of Pakistan: The Impacts of Climate Risks on Water and Agriculture by Yu, Winston, Yang, Yi-Chen, Savitsky, Andre
Seo Help: 20 New Search Engine Optimization Steps to Get Your Website to Google's #1 Page by Amerland, David
The Financial Crisis and its Impacts on Greece by MacDonald, Richards
Berichterstattung über Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in den deutschsprachigen Medien by Stielow, Christian
Conversations For Action and Collected Essays: Instilling a Culture of Commitment in Working Relationships by Flores, Fernando
Integration asiatischer Managementmethoden in die Kostenplanung mittelständischer Unternehmen in Mitteleuropa by Modliba, Thomas
Globalization, Outsourcing and Labour Development in ASEAN by Thangavelu, Shandre, Chongvilaivan, Aekapol
Btec First Business Level 2 Assessment Guide: Unit 4 Principles of Customer Service by Trotter, Carole
Assessing Vendors: A Hands-On Guide to Assessing Infosec and It Vendors by More, Josh
2012 - Die Weltwirtschaft in der Krise?: Betrachtung internationaler ökonomischer Wechselwirkungen der USA in Zeiten eines steigenden Globalisierungs- by Waitz, Oskar
Creative Control: The Secret to Perfect Innovation by Bickford, Brian W.
The Laws of the New Game Changers: How to Make Breakthrough Impacts That Take You Forward. by Mitchell, Raye
Changing Lives Changing Societies: Ica's Experience in Nepal and in the World by
Instruments of market intervention in the European agricultural market and their impacts on supply by Andree, Cornelia
The Laws of the New Game Changers: How to Make Breakthrough Impacts That Take You Forward. by Mitchell, Raye
Distribution Planning and Control: Managing in the Era of Supply Chain Management by Ross, David F.
Titanic: Enterprise and Risk by McPhillips, Kevin
How to Sell Your Business for the Most Money THIRD EDITION by Rutter Cpa, Abv Cva
E-Business Management: Integration of Web Technologies with Business Models by
Benchmarking -- Theory and Practice by
Enterprise Inter- And Intra-Organizational Integration: Building International Consensus by
The New Investment Theory of Real Options and Its Implication for Telecommunications Economics by
MRP II: Planning for Manufacturing Excellence by Toomey, John W.
Fleet Management and Logistics by
Smart Antenna Systems and Wireless LANs by Okamoto, Garret
The New Fresh Seafood Buyer's Guide: A Manual for Distributors, Restaurants and Retailers by Dore, Ian
Linear Programming 1: Introduction by Dantzig, George B., Thapa, Mukund N.
Inspire: A Year of Life Affirming Messages (Large Print Edition) by Petersen, Douglas N.
The Leadership Coach's Advantage: A Guide for Practice by Greenaway, Melinda Sinclair and Dorothy
Internet Marketing for the Rest of Us: Your In-Depth Guide to Profitable Popularity by Jain, Rachna
100 Days: the rush to judgment that killed Nortel by Bagnall, James E.
Optimal Inventory Modeling of Systems: Multi-Echelon Techniques by Sherbrooke, Craig C.
Don't Be a Chicken - Trust Your Legs: A Practical Handbook to Starting a Successful Business by Palmer Cpa, Douglas R.
Cómo Buscar Nichos de Mercado...Y Ganar Dinero by Morgan, M.
Essential Tools For Accountants: Microsoft Excel by Haskins Jr, Jefferson D.
Quality Control and Statistical Methods by Schrock, Edward M.
The Economics of Contemporary Art: Markets, Strategies and Stardom by Zorloni, Alessia
Wealth Creation & Creation of Wealth: The Psychology of Money an Easy Read; It's Not as Hard as You Think! by Jones, Henry
Inside the mind of the bequest donor: A visual presentation of the neuroscience and psychology of effective planned giving communication by James III, Russell
Fast Cash: Flipping Used Items: How to Make a Great Second Income by Selling Used Items from Garage Sales, Yard Sales, Thrift Shops, and Flea Markets by Michael, Eric
Chancen und Risiken von Mischfonds by Lang, Markus
Nutzenpotentiale von Mikroalgen und deren Beitrag zu einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung by Buck, Alexander
Risikomanagement und Compliance Anforderungen für Veranstalter von Open-Air-Musikfestivals in Deutschland: Richtlinien an den Eventmanager für effizie by Zeymer, Dirk
Akquise und Auswahl von Manuskripten in deutschen Verlagen: Auswirkung des Verlagswesens auf Literatur als System by Olewnik, Michal
Generische Methode zur standardisierten Geschäftsprozessmodellierung von Internen Kontrollsystemen (IKS): Systematische Darstellung als Orientierung f by Ringswirth, Franz
Wellnesstourismus: Ist Ökotourismus mit Wellnesstourismus ein praktikabler Weg für die Seychellen? by Göppert, Sonja
Harriman's Financial Dictionary by Fuller, Jane, Briscoe, Simon
Outsourcing Economics: Global Value Chains in Capitalist Development by Milberg, William, Winkler, Deborah
The Routledge Companion to Accounting Communication by
Blurring organizational issues and social phenomena in the age of technology: a multidisciplinary perspective by Castillo, Nemesio, Ochoa, Alberto, Malépart, Chlöé
Applied Multivariate Analysis by Timm, Neil H.
Ugly Baby: How To Get Over Fear And Give Birth To Your Odd Idea, Start A Business, Or Invent Something Cool. by Duke, Kim
Learning Transnational Learning by
German Merchants in the Nineteenth-Century Atlantic by Maischak, Lars
Key Facts on the United Kingdom: Essential Information on the United Kingdom by Nee, Patrick W.
10 Virtues of Outstanding Leaders: Leadership and Character by Gini, Al, Green, Ronald M.
Outsourcing Economics by Winkler, Deborah, Milberg, William
10 Virtues of Outstanding Leaders: Leadership and Character by Green, Ronald M., Gini, Al
The Birkman Method: Your Personality at Work by Capparell, Stephanie, Fink, Sharon Birkman
Harnessing Foreign Investment to Promote Environmental Protection by
The Third Industrial Revolution in Global Business by
Einer kritische Analyse der Anreizmechanismen im deutschen Krankenversicherungssystem: Eine gesundheitsökonomische Betrachtung by Knierim, Nikolas
Solutions Manual to Accompany Game Theory: An Introduction by Barron, E. N.
5 Simple Money Machines that Pay You Over and Over: After Doing the Work JUST ONE TIME! by Samuels, L. J.
Selling On eBay: The Beginner's Guide For How To Sell On eBay by Patrick, Brian
The Fig Factor: A Memoir about Growth, Inspiration, and Second Chances by Camacho-Ruiz, Jacqueline
See More