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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 2013

Handbook of Quantitative Supply Chain Analysis: Modeling in the E-Business Era by
Strategy Deployment in Business Units: Patterns of Operations Strategy Cascading Across Global Sites in a Manufacturing Firm by Schlickel, Maik
Hybrid Factories in Latin America: Japanese Management Transferred by Yamazaki, Katsuo, Abo, Tetsuo
Liberalization, Growth and Regional Disparities in India by Ghosh, Madhusudan
Vietnam Investment and Business Guide Volume 1 Strategic and Practical Information by Ibp, Inc
Our Heritage of Wild Nature. by Arthur George Tansley by Tansley, Arthur George, Tansley, A. G.
Negociando Con El Mundo by Maggio Gonzalez, Eugenio
Transforming Cities with Transit: Transit and Land-Use Integration for Sustainable Urban Development by Suzuki, Hiroaki, Cervero, Robert, Iuchi, Kanako
Your Business RULES OK by Holland Mba, David
U.S. International Trade and Freight Transportation Trends by Department of Transportation, U. S.
World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates: January 2013 by
Will I Need Long-Term Care?: LTC Planning Guide and Workbook by Tomlin, Jeff
Socially Responsible and Sustainable Business Around the Globe: The New Age of Corporate Social Responsibility by
Customer Service: Book 4 from DTR Inc.'s Series for Classroom and On the Job Work Readiness Training by Goldberg, Jay
Raising Entrepreneurial Capital by Vinturella, John B., Erickson, Suzanne M.
Brace for Impact: Surviving the Crash of the Industrial Age by Lewis, Thomas a.
Servitization, It-Ization and Innovation Models: Two-Stage Industrial Cluster Theory by
Mögliche Maßnahmen, Instrumente Und Wirkungen Einer Steuerung Der Verkehrs- Und Siedlungsflächennutzung by Bizer, Kilian
Telefon-Fundraising: Effektive Spendengewinnung Und Spenderbetreuung in Der PRAXIS by Steiner, Oliver
The Economics of Waste and Pollution Management in Japan by Yoshida, Fumikazu
PRAXIS Der Montagetechnik: Produktdesign, Planung, Systemgestaltung by Reger, Herbert, Konold, Peter
Mission Control: 100 NASA-Regeln für Projektmanager by Griebel, Hannes S., Sölter, Michael, Albrecht, Martina
10 Secrets of the New Rich: How To Join The World's New Breed Of Millionaires by Donaldson, Kevin J.
Foreign Direct Investments and Developing Economies by Efe-Omojevwe Zelda
Information Technology in Educational Management for the Schools of the Future: Ifip Tc3/ Wg 3.4 International Conference on Information Technology in by
Information System Concepts: An Integrated Discipline Emerging: Ifip Tc8/Wg8.1 International Conference on Information System Concepts: An Integrated by
Handbuch Wissensmanagement: Grundlagen Und Umsetzung, Systeme Und Praxisbeispiele by Haun, Matthias
Advances in Markov-Switching Models: Applications in Business Cycle Research and Finance by
Fitness Economics: For a Healthy Body & Mind by Henderson, Ron
Introduccion Al Comercio Exterior by Maggio Gonzalez, Eugenio
Die Energiewende in Deutschland aus wirtschaftstheoretischer Sicht by Fischer, Björn
A History of Birmingham by Hutton, William
Materiality and Organizing: Social Interaction in a Technological World by
Executive in Sweatpants: A Handbook for Launching Your Work from Home Career by Keener, Matt
Kleine Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre by Aereboe, Friedrich
Die deutsche Milchviehhaltung seit dem Jahre 1873 by Sutthoff, Martin
The Marketing Doctor's Survival Notes: A Collection of Tips, Techniques for Survival from the Trenches of Corporate and Non-profit Marketing by Poulos, David
Enhancing ASEAN's Connectivity by
Speak As Well As You Think: An Executive's Guide to Excellence in Public Speaking by Vautier, John M., Vautier, John J.
Business Analysis of Apple Inc by Zylla-Woellner, Judith
Europa und die Schuldenkrise - Das Londoner Schuldenabkommen als Wegweiser? by Gürkan, Çağlayan
Entrepreneurship and Ethics in Ancient Rome: The Management Lessons of Pliny the Younger by Lerner, Robert C.
About the Impact of Technology upon Society by Mukhtar, Sanam
Communication Tools for Any Trade: A Simple Blueprint For Getting Along At Work by Park, Layton, Park, Myrna
Zwischen Publizistik und Propaganda: Tageszeitungen im Dritten Reich by Schmidt, Dennis
Communication Tools for Any Trade: A Simple Blueprint For Getting Along At Work by Park, Layton, Park, Myrna
A pie de calle by Andrada, Federico
Energiewirtschaft by Witt, Dietmar, Winje, Dietmar
Retail Banking Im Informationszeitalter: Integrierte Gestaltung Der Geschäfts-, Prozess- Und Applikationsebene by
Promises Fulfilled and Unfulfilled in Management Education by Wilson, Alexander, Thomas, Howard, Thomas, B. L.
Planning, Connecting, and Financing Cities -- Now: Priorities for City Leaders by World Bank Publications, The World Bank
Infrastructure and Employment Creation in the Middle East and North Africa by Estache, Antonio, Ianchovichina, Elena, Bacon, Robert
The Manager's Phrase Book: 3,000+ Powerful Phrases That Put You in Command in Any Situation by Alain, Patrick
Unsicherheit der AnlegerInnen bei ineffizienten Märkten - Wie kann der Einsatz von Behavioral Finance im Gespräch mit Bankkundschaft helfen Anlageents by Baumgart, Dany
Fondsbetas in der Baisse - Eine empirische Analyse by Liefke, Oliver
Lyle's Laws by Feisel, Lyle D.
The App Millionaire: How to Make "Sleep Money" with a Micro-Business by Shealey, Greg
Can You Afford to Ignore Me?: How to Manage Gender and Cultural Differences at Work by Rodriguez Dennehy, Elisabet
Building Highly Effective Teams: How to Transform Virtual Teams to Cohesive Professional Networks - a practical guide by Nir, Michael a.
Die schweizerischen Konsumgenossenschaften, ihre Entwicklung und ihre Resultate by Müller, Hans
Die neue EU-Spielzeugrichtlinie und deren Auswirkung auf Chinesische Hersteller: Konformitätsbewertung und Marktüberwachung by Li, Sheng
Die Zukunft des intelligenten Automobils: Wirtschaftliche Markteinführungsszenarien am Beispiel Audi by Laglstorfer, René J.
Work Life Balance in Unternehmen: Eine Chance im Wettbewerb um Fachkräfte by Schnieder, Stefan
Die IT und die Wirtschaftskrise - empirische Überprüfung eines literaturgeleiteten Sachverhaltes mittels Delphi-Befragung by Mühlbacher, Stefan
LinkedIn Made Easy: Business Social Networking Simplified 3rd Edition by Parkinson-Hardman, Linda
Marketing Management in Geographically Remote Industrial Clusters: Implications for Business-To-Consumer Marketing by Tesar, George, Bodin, Jan
We All Benefit by Gillies, Peter
Politics, Justice & the Rule of Law: O Presidential & General Elections 2010 Political Realities ? O Judiciary Acts Sans Jurisdiction & Ultra-Vires th by Ameresekere, Nihal Sri
Secure Information Networks: Communications and Multimedia Security Ifip Tc6/Tc11 Joint Working Conference on Communications and Multimedia Securit by
Experimental Economics by
Post-Kyoto Climate Governance: Confronting the Politics of Scale, Ideology, and Knowledge by Zia, Asim
Failure Is Obsolete: The Ultimate Strategy to Create Recurring Success in Your Business and Your Life by Rabhan, Benji
El Sun Tzu Aplicado a la Competencia Por El Mercado by Maggio Gonzalez, Eugenio
The Aig Story, + Website by Greenberg, Maurice R., Cunningham, Lawrence A.
The Entrepreneur Mind: 100 Essential Beliefs, Characteristics, and Habits of Elite Entrepreneurs by Johnson, Kevin D.
My Life And Work by Ford, Henry
Your Belief Quotient: 7 Beliefs That Sabotage or Support Your Success by Van Allen, Lisa
Einfluss struktureller Nachfrageänderungen auf optimale Standorte von Rettungswachen by Menic, Matthias
Your Belief Quotient: 7 Beliefs That Sabotage or Support Your Success by Van Allen, Lisa
Implementing Lean Healthcare Projects on Target on Time on Budget by Duke Rohe, Bsie, Dutch Holland
The 4 Keys to Doubling your Business by Holland Mba, David
Why Nonprofits Fail by Block
Visual Social Media Marketing: Harnessing Images, Instagram, Infographics and Pinterest to Grow Your Business Online by Neher, Krista
App Trillionaires: How to Become an App Developer: Enjoy Life, Make Money, and Live Your Dreams! by Gupta, Abhinav
Kidnapping, Murder, and Management: The Reading by Dorrough, Lynn
Implementing Lean Healthcare Projects on Target on Time on Budget by Duke Rohe, Bsie, Dutch Holland
App Trillionaires: How to Become an App Developer: Enjoy Life, Make Money, and Live Your Dreams! by Gupta, Abhinav
Adapting the Army's Training and Leader Development Programs for Future Challenges by Crowley, James C.
Project Management for the Oil and Gas Industry: A World System Approach by Badiru, Adedeji B., Osisanya, Samuel O.
Everything About EBay Selling: Unlock EBay Financial Prowess by Muoghalu, M. a.
Adventure Tourism: Meanings, Experience and Learning by
Project: Impossible - How the Great Leaders of History Identified, Solved and Accomplished the Seemingly Impossible -- and How You Can Too! by Dobson, Michael
Cheap Soa: Service Oriented Architecture for Small and Mid-Size Firms by Dahlberg, MR Thomas a.
Social Media in der Krisenkommunikation von Reiseveranstaltern by Sengwein, Dominik
Basel III - Die Auswirkungen der neuen Eigenkapital-Definition für Banken by Gaschler, Daniel
Klassische Börsenstrategien im Test: Erfolg durch individuelle Anpassung by Ruppert, Daniel
Listed Private Equity: Investment Strategies and Returns by Kumpf, Sarah
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL): ein Zukunftskonzept für die Wohnungswirtschaft?: Wie sich Wohnungsunternehmen den Herausforderungen des demographische by Rosliwek-Hollering, Melanie
They Do Well Who Do Good: Insights Into Japan's Pharmaceutical Industry by Maurer, P. Reed
Learning The Art Of Customer Service: Gaining Lasting Loyalty-Aiming Sustained Profitability by Zuberi, F. H.
Organisationen europäischer Rüstungskooperation: EDA, OCCAR und die europäische Rüstungspolitik by Dietrich, Stefan
The Accounting Framework of Islamic Finance in Nigeria by Abdulrahim Aminu
They Do Well Who Do Good: Insights Into Japan's Pharmaceutical Industry by Maurer, P. Reed
Von den RFID-Optimierungspotenzialen zur Inselproblematik: Eine Erläuterung am Beispiel der Produktionsprozesse der Automobilhersteller (OEM) by Phan, Thanh Tan
Spank the Bank: The Guide to Alternative Business Financing by Sinclair-Robinson, Karlene
Climate Economics: The State of the Art by Stanton, Elizabeth, Ackerman, Frank
Gastarbeiter in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Eine moralökonomische Analyse am Beispiel von Saisonarbeitern in der Landwirtschaft by Fritzen, Christian
Análisis Competitivo de la Empresa by González Fidalgo, Eduardo, Ventura Victoria, Juan
Shareholder Activism by Hedge Funds: Motivations and Market's Perceptions of Hedge Fund Interventions by Butu, Mihaela
Freud on Madison Avenue: Motivation Research and Subliminal Advertising in America by Samuel, Lawrence R.
Drop Shipping 101: The Ultimate Guide to Save You Time and Money. by Simpson, John
Incisive Global Perspectives by Twain, Tiffany
love like a son-of-a-bitch: (a sustainable development experiment) by Vargas, Juan
cariño como un hijueputa: (un experimento de desarrollo sostenible) by Vargas, Juan
Lebenszykluskosten im internationalen Vergleich: Kennwertanalyse und -vergleich USA - Österreich by Schilcher, Florian
40 Ways 2 Win In Business: The 'Starting Level' book in the Ways 2 Win series giving Hints and Tips about Business Techniques, Human Resources, C by Lightfoot, John H.
No by Pinaud, Augusto
Transformational Outsourcing: Maximize Value From IT Outsourcing by Chadha, Sanjay
North Cascades National Park Service Complex - Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve: Museum Management Planning Team by Interior, Department Of the, Service, National Park
No by Pinaud, Augusto
The Power of The Plan: Empowering the Leader in You by Barrett, David, Land, Douglas
The Business Battlefield: 9 Warrior Principles to protect grow and simplify your business by Klaben, Gary, Blonsky, Adam, Poisl, Jess
Transformational Outsourcing: Maximize Value From IT Outsourcing by Chadha, Sanjay
Removing the Barriers to Efficient Manufacturing: Real-World Applications of Lean Productivity by Ferguson, Daniel L.
Information Quality and Management Accounting: A Simulation Analysis of Biases in Costing Systems by Leitner, Stephan
Quantitatives Entwicklungsmanagement: Modellbasierte Analyse Von Produktentwicklungsprozessen by Hahn, Axel, Häusler, Stefan, Große Austing, Stephan
Understanding the Dynamics of the Value Chain by Presutti, William D.
Accounting for Social Value by Mook, Laurie
Managing 'Human Resources' by Exploiting and Exploring People's Potentials by
Phase Behavior: Monograph 20 by Whitson, Curtis H.
Strategic Thinking - Mapping Out The Route To Success by Alvord, Brice
The Greedy 1%: Chronicles of a Wall Street Tyrant by Mandel Cfa, Mark
The Vat/Gst Treatment of Public Bodies by Henkow, Oskar
Benchmarking with Dea, Sfa, and R by Otto, Lars, Bogetoft, Peter
Queueing Networks: A Fundamental Approach by
The Agrarian Movement in North Dakota: Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series 43, No. 1 by Fossum, Paul Robert
The Agrarian Movement in North Dakota: Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series 43, No. 1 by Fossum, Paul Robert
Documents Relating to the Commercial Policy of Spain in the Floridas with Incidental Reference to Louisiana by
Stochastic Service Systems: The Siam Series in Applied Mathematics by Riordan, John
Rubber: Its Production and Marketing by Henderson, Francis R.
History of Manufactures in the United States, V2: 1860-1893 by Clark, Victor Selden
History of Manufactures in the United States, V1: 1607-1860 by Clark, Victor Selden
History Of Manufactures In The United States, V3: 1893-1928 by Clark, Victor Selden
Denials of Justice by Standard Oil Company
Investment And Growth In Mature Economies: The Case Of Belgium by Lamfalussy, Alexandre
Some Factors Affecting the Supply of Milk and Milk Products in Nova Scotia: The Catholic University of America, Studies in Economics, No. 4 by Garvin, Wilfred James
Livestock Marketing by Dowell, Austin Allyn, Bjorka, Knute
Far West In China: Communists, Cooperatives, Colleges by Lautenschlager, Stanton
Air Cargo Potential in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Wayne University, Studies in Air Transport, No. 1 by Larsen, Spencer Allen
History of Manufactures in the United States, V1: 1607-1860 by Clark, Victor Selden
The Great Convergence: Merging Lean, Agile, and Knowledge-based New Product Development by Zielinski, Steve
Contemporary Ideas and Research in Marketing by Tahir, Hina, Shahzadi, Iram, Baig, Ebad
Indonesia Clothing and Textile Industry Handbook Volume 1 Strategic and Practical Information by Ibp, Inc
Simulation of Hypothetical Mergers within the German Automobile Market by Föller, Daniel
Das Freihandelsabkommen NAFTA aus der Perspektive Mexikos by Maronitis, Alexander
Decision Aid Models for Disaster Management and Emergencies by
Enterprise Information Systems of the Future: 6th Ifip Wg 8.9 Working Conference, Confenis 2012, Ghent, Belgium, September 19-21, 2012, Revised Select by
German Annual of Spatial Research and Policy 2010: Urban Regional Resilience: How Do Cities and Regions Deal with Change? by
Efecto Mariposa - Vol. 1 by Conjar, Feradri
Der Ölsektor in Nigeria und dessen Auswirkung auf die Wohlfahrt des Landes by Egloff, Simon
Konfliktmanagement in Theorie und Praxis: Ein Überblick by Könemann, Christin Carina
U.S. Agricultural Trade: Trends, Composition, Direction, and Policy by Banks, Beverly A., Canada, Carol, Hanrahan, Charles
Augustinus für Manager: Ein Leitfaden für den Umgang mit den Dingen, mit der Zeit und mit den Menschen by Noitz, Daniela
Shades of Leadership by Smith, Thomas
Crowdinvesting als Finanzierungsalternative für deutsche Startups: Die Mehrwerte im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Finanzierungsinstrumenten by Stahlmann, Marc
Handlungsempfehlungen zur Attraktivitätssteigerung des öffentlichen Busverkehrs für Pendler in der Kommune Sonderborg by Berg, Marina
Geocaching als touristischer Standortfaktor: Eine empirische Untersuchung in der Region Schwarzwald by Laufer, Margot
A Diva's Guide to Employment by Segura, Laura J.
Miteinander Beziehungen führen: Interpersonelle Kommunikation als unterschätzter Schlüsselfaktor der Public Relations by Wald, Joachim
Die Bedeutung einer ethischen Unternehmensführung vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden Ökonomisierung in Non-Profit-Organisationen by Kuhn, Nathalie
The China Lens A Political-Economic Analysis of Changing China by Jiang, Shiwei
Botswana Investment, Trade Laws and Regulations Handbook Volume 1 Strategic Information and Basic Laws by Ibp, Inc
Beschwerdemanagement in Versicherungsunternehmen als Instrument der Kundenbindung by Gugel, Sebastian
Praxisnahe Optimierung Von Gesch Ftsprozessen: Kundenorientierung Im Mittelstand Mit Hilfe Von Optimierungs-Methoden Und SAP Business Bydesign by Fechter, Andreas
Sind die Empfehlungen von Aktienanalysten profitabel? Vergleich der Profitabilität von Buyside, Sellside und unabhängigen Analysten by Tymoszuk, Max
The China Lens A Political-Economic Analysis of Changing China by Jiang, Shiwei
Die Entwicklung und Folgen des Zeitungswesens als Medium der Frühen Neuzeit by Hoffmann, Marc
Change for Good by Krajci, Mary K.
Adaptive and Maladaptive Aspects of Developmental Stress by
Managing Change in the Postal and Delivery Industries by
Characteristics and Challenges of Microinsurance Operations in Developing Countries by Tischer, Eva
Insurance and Behavioral Economics by McMorrow, Stacey, Kunreuther, Howard C., Pauly, Mark V.
The Economics of Creativity: Ideas, Firms and Markets by
How to Make a Good Living Running Your Own Business: A Low-Cost Way to Start a Business You Can Live Off by Bennett, Robin
Fonds als Möglichkeit für Privatanleger zur Berücksichtigung extrafinanzieller Faktoren bei Anlageentscheidungen by Borm, Oliver
Resolving Transfer Pricing Disputes by
Captains Blog by Holland Mba, David
Die Finanzmarktkrise 2008/2009 und ihre Folgen by Schaarschmidt, Martin
Beziehungstraining: Ein Seminardesign für PR-PraktikerInnen by Wald, Joachim Erich
The Pricing of already issued Contingent Convertible Bonds (CoCo-Bonds) by Prossliner, Melanie
Die Macht des Fernsehens: Es macht die Dummen dümmer und die Klugen klüger: Ausarbeitung der medientheoretischen Ansätze von Marshall McLuhan, N by Weiss, Ena
Food, Farms, and Solidarity: French Farmers Challenge Industrial Agriculture and Genetically Modified Crops by Heller, Chaia
Insurance and Behavioral Economics by Kunreuther, Howard C., Pauly, Mark V., McMorrow, Stacey
Making The Shift: : Activating Personal Transformations To BECOME What You Should Have BEEN by Harris, Vincent K.
Web 2.0: NOUS sommes VOTRE entreprise!: Entreprises, élus, à quand votre stratégie d'e-réputation? by Holle Bonnisseau, Carine
Erfolgsfaktoren einer Unternehmensübernahme: Eine kritische Betrachtung im wirtschaftsrechtlichen Rahmen by Maeding, Julia
Das Zeitalter Der Fugger - Geldkapital Und Kreditverkehr Im 16. Jahrhundert by Ehrenberg, Richard
Form und Richtung der Einflussnahme von Mitarbeitern im F&E-Bereich by Dertz, Marika
Open-Source-Lizenzen: Untersuchung der GPL, LGPL, BSD und Artistic License by Schaaf, Alexander
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