• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business of Art in 2017

20 Steps to Art Licensing: How to Sell Your Designs to Greeting Card and Gift Companies by Harper, Kate
Get Your Greeting Cards Into Stores: Finding and Working With Sales Reps by Harper, Kate
Your Career as an Art Dealer: Galleries, Auction Houses by Institute for Career Research
Evaluation in media discourse: European perspectives by
Mandala Ocean and Flower Designs: Anti-Stress Coloring Book for seniors and Beginners by Sarah L. Coleman, Adult Coloring Books
Mapping Media Ecology: Introduction to the Field by Cali, Dennis D.
Asshole: Amusing Swear Words to Color For Stress Releasing by McJody, Queenie
Bullshit Story: Adorable Swear Words To Color For Stress Releasing by Chadson, Cathy
Branding as Communication by Barnes, Susan B.
Love In The Mist: Valentine's Day Coloring Book. Your Love, Your Way. Just Color It. by Will, Anny
How to Start Your Own Shoe Company: A start-up guide to designing, manufacturing, and marketing shoes by Motawi, Wade
Media in China: Constructing National Resistance in Natural Disaster Representations by Zhang, Weimin
On Every Wall: Reproduction and the Future of Art by Goldman, Benjamin A.
Die Haftung Des Kunstexperten by Schrembs, Daniel
Customized Foams: Deconstruction and Reconstruction Process by Boyd, Anthony
Craft Show Business: How to Sell Jewelry at Craft Shows, Maximize Sales and Minimize Risks by Baranyai, Patricia
Extremos: Visiones de lo extremo en literatura, historia, música, arte, cine y lingueística en España y Austria by
La perception des normes textuelles, communicationnelles et linguistiques en écriture journalistique: Une contribution à l'étude de la conscience ling by Meier, Franz
Contemporary Greek Film Cultures from 1990 to the Present by
Selling Contemporary Art: How to Navigate the Evolving Market by Winkleman, Edward
Create, Execute, Repeat: Leveraging Creativity in Business and Life by Thomas, Jordan
Art and the Global Economy by Zarobell, John
Art and the Global Economy by Zarobell, John
The Calligrapher's Business Handbook: Pricing and Policies for Lettering Artists by Suber Thorpe, Molly
Sustainable and Solidary Education: Reflections and Practices by
LG Williams Band-Aids by Gallery, Telephonebooth, Williams, Lg
A Short Biography of Louis Comfort Tiffany: A Short Biography by Hartman, Julia
The Secrets To Selling Your Art Online: Catapult Your Sales In 30 Days by Livingston, Lucia
Wortschatzarbeit im Englischunterricht der Grundschule: Eine Studie zum autonomen Lernen mit Online-Woerterbuechern by Freudenau, Tanja
Art Money & Success: A complete and easy-to-follow system for the artist who wasn't born with a business mind. Learn how to find buyers, ge by Brophy, Maria
Bloguer sa vie. Franzoesische Weblogs im Spannungsfeld zwischen Individualitaet und Gruppenzugehoerigkeit by Wenz, Kathrin
How to Build Your Creative Career: ...without selling your soul by Nohelty, Russell
Culture and Commerce: The Value of Entrepreneurship in Creative Industries by Khaire, Mukti
Private and Public on Social Network Sites: Differences and Similarities between Germany and China in a Globalized World by Wu, Jingwei
Textuality and Contextuality: Cross-Cultural Advertising from the Perspective of High- vs. Low-Context Cultures in Europe by Smolińska, Aneta
Medienlinguistik und interdisziplinaere Forschung I: Textsortenfragen im medialen Umfeld by
Translating Politeness Across Englishes: The Princess and the Pea by Mubarak-Aberer, Rehana
Poland's New Ways of Public Diplomacy by Ociepka, Beata
Face in Trouble - From Physiognomics to Facebook by
The Professional Cartoonist's Business Manual & Marketing Guide by Ready, Douglas
Media Ecology: An Approach to Understanding the Human Condition by Strate, Lance
Verknappungsphaenomene in Sprache, Kultur und neuen Medien: Reduktion als funktionales Instrument und zeitgenoessisches Stilmittel by Ströbel, Liane
An Introduction to Visual Communication: From Cave Art to Second Life (2nd edition) by Barnes, Susan B.
Art Show Basics: Modern Artist's Handbook Vol 6 by Daley, Gail
Art Show Basics by Daley, Gail
Medienlinguistik und interdisziplinaere Forschung II: Kontrastive Ansaetze im medial gepraegten Kontext by
Metaphoricity of Conventionalized Diegetic Images in Comics: A Study in Multimodal Cognitive Linguistics by Szawerna, Michal
Die Bekaempfung des Zweitmarkenirrtums durch das Marken- und Wettbewerbsrecht: Eine objektiv rechtliche Beurteilung der Nachahmungsfaelle: Neuer Taeus by Heinlein, Katharina Elisabeth
Ways of Seeing, Ways of Being: Representing the Voices of Tourism by
Media Ecology: An Approach to Understanding the Human Condition by Strate, Lance
Communication and the Baseball Stadium: Community, Commodification, Fanship, and Memory by
Public Relations Case Studies from Around the World (2nd Edition) by
Dynamics of International Advertising: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives by Mueller, Barbara
Get Nikon D750 Freelance Photography Jobs Now! Amazing Freelance Photographer Jobs: Starting a Photography Business with a Commercial Photographer Nik by Mahoney, Brian
Media, Propaganda and the Politics of Intervention by Zollmann, Florian
Public Relations Case Studies from Around the World (2nd Edition) by
Communication and the Baseball Stadium: Community, Commodification, Fanship, and Memory by
What Is Sustainable Journalism?: Integrating the Environmental, Social, and Economic Challenges of Journalism by
Media, Propaganda and the Politics of Intervention by Zollmann, Florian
What Is Sustainable Journalism?: Integrating the Environmental, Social, and Economic Challenges of Journalism by
Who Runs the Artworld: Money, Power and Ethics by
Art Show Basics: Modern Artist's Handbook Vol 3 by Daley, Gail
Ignatius von Loyola und die Paedagogik der Jesuiten: Ein Modell fuer Schule und Persoenlichkeitsbildung by
A History of the Western Art Market: A Sourcebook of Writings on Artists, Dealers, and Markets by
A History of the Western Art Market: A Sourcebook of Writings on Artists, Dealers, and Markets by
Art as Investment II: Recent Academic Research Papers Relating to Art, American Paintings, Wine, Stamps, Prints, Latin American Art, Violins by Lewis, Robert L.
Don't Be Selfish, Share Your Art with the World by Ferguson, Emmett
Law, Art and the Commons by Bruncevic, Merima
Networked Selves: Trajectories of Blogging in the United States and France by Siles, Ignacio
The Art of Small Business Design: Moving from Idea to Livelihood for the Creative, Curious and Cash-Strapped by Hillier, Allison
Argumentationsindikatoren in Deutschen Interviews Und Diskussionen by Buc, Bartosz
How to get a job in Art & Design - 21 proven careers to consider: An Insider's guide to money-making art careers for creatives starting out by Madden, Shane
The Work of Art: Value in Creative Careers by Gerber, Alison
The Work of Art: Value in Creative Careers by Gerber, Alison
Networked Selves: Trajectories of Blogging in the United States and France by Siles, Ignacio
Music Licensing for Films: What a Producer Should Know by Leite, Paulo
Reporting Bad News: Negotiating the Boundaries Between Intrusion and Fair Representation in Media Coverage of Death by Duncan, Sallyanne, Newton, Jackie
Artist's Market 2018: How and Where to Sell Your Art by
The American Journalist in the Digital Age: A Half-Century Perspective by Weaver, David H., Willnat, Lars, Wilhoit, G. Cleveland
Avatar, Assembled: The Social and Technical Anatomy of Digital Bodies by
The American Journalist in the Digital Age: A Half-Century Perspective by Willnat, Lars, Weaver, David H., Wilhoit, G. Cleveland
Global Dialectics in Intercultural Communication: Case Studies by
Global Dialectics in Intercultural Communication: Case Studies by
The Mourning News: Reporting Violent Death in a Global Age by Morse, Tal
Avatar, Assembled: The Social and Technical Anatomy of Digital Bodies by
Text im Fokus zweier Linguistiken: Aus der polonistischen und germanistischen Forschung by
The Home of Infinite Possibilities by Douglas, Gary M., Heer, Dain
Own Your Process: Key Steps to Success as a Creative Artist by August, Stefanie
Museums and Public Value: Creating Sustainable Futures by
Making Merchandise From Art - How to make t-shirts mugs notecards tote bags and by Shea, Lisa
Tertulia e ideología: La mediatización del pensamiento político by González-Sanz, Marina
African Art Market Report 2016: The Segment that resists the art market crisis by
Public Service Media Renewal: Adaptation to Digital Network Challenges by
The Mourning News: Reporting Violent Death in a Global Age by Morse, Tal
Reporting Bad News: Negotiating the Boundaries Between Intrusion and Fair Representation in Media Coverage of Death by Duncan, Sallyanne, Newton, Jackie
Gatewatching and News Curation: Journalism, Social Media, and the Public Sphere by Bruns, Axel
Resource Development: Bonus Grant Writing by Moore, Eurydice