• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 1985

The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion by Church, Alonzo
Calculus I by Weinstein, Alan, Marsden, Jerrold
Matrix Methods in Analysis by Antosik, Piotr, Swartz, Charles
Introduction to Analysis by Rosenlicht, Maxwell
Ergodic Theory and Statistical Mechanics by Moulin Ollagnier, Jean
Rings of Continuous Functions by Aull
Differential Equations by Vasil'eva, A. B., Tikhonov, A. N.
Integral Equations by Tricomi, F. G.
Analysis, Geometry, and Probability: Proceedings of the First Chilean Symposium on Mathematics by
Calculus II by Marsden, Jerrold, Weinstein, Alan
Holomorphy and Calculus in Normed Spates by Chae, S. B.
Operators and Function Theory by
Ergodic Theorems by Krengel, Ulrich
Methods of Descent for Nondifferentiable Optimization by Kiwiel, Krzysztof C.
Dynamical Systems and Bifurcations: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Groningen, the Netherlands, April 16-20, 1984 by
Calculus III by Weinstein, Alan, Marsden, Jerrold
Introduction to the Theory of Games by Szép, Jeno, Forgó, Ferenc
Problem Book for First Year Calculus by Bluman, George W.
Student's Guide to Calculus by J. Marsden and A. Weinstein: Volume I by Soon, Frederick H.
A Local Spectral Theory for Closed Operators by Shengwang, Wang, Erdelyi, Ivan
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference Held at Dundee, Scotland, June 25-29, 1984 by
Asymptotic Expansions for Pseudodifferential Operators on Bounded Domains by Widom, Harold
Ordinary Differential Equations: An Elementary Textbook for Students of Mathematics, Engineering, and the Sciences by Tenenbaum, Morris, Pollard, Harry
Singular Perturbation Analysis of Discrete Control Systems by Naidu, Desineni S., Rao, Ayalasomayajula K.
The Hamiltonian Hopf Bifurcation by Meer, Jan Cornelis Van Der
Student's Guide to Calculus by J. Marsden and A. Weinstein: Volume II by Soon, Frederick H.
Seminar on Deformations: Proceedings, Lodz-Warsaw 1982/84 by
Real Functions by Thomson, Brian S.
Linear Multivariable Control: A Geometric Approach by Wonham, W. M.
Trajectory Spaces, Generalized Functions and Unbounded Operators by Eijndhoven, Stephanus Van, Graaf, Johannes De
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications: I: Fixed-Point Theorems by Zeidler, Eberhard
Structural Optimization: Volume 1: Optimality Criteria by