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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 1992

One-Dimensional Linear Singular Integral Equations: I. Introduction by Gohberg, I., Krupnik, N.
Analysis 1 by Walter, Wolfgang
Infinite Dimensional Morse Theory and Multiple Solution Problems by Chang, K. C.
Numerical Integration: Recent Developments, Software and Applications by NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Numerical Integration Rec, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Espelid, Terje O.
Potential Theory: Proceedings of the International Conference on Potential Theory, Nagoya (Japan), August 30-September 4, 1990 by
Functional Analysis I: Linear Functional Analysis by Lyubich, Yu I.
Radon Integrals: An Abstract Approach to Integration and Riesz Representation Through Function Cones by Anger, B., Portenier, C.
Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations by Pazy, Amnon
Non-Abelian Harmonic Analysis: Applications of SL (2, ?) by Tan, Eng Chye, Howe, Roger E.
Vector-Valued Functions and Their Applications by Chung-Chun Yang, Chuang-Gan Hu
Functions of Completely Regular Growth by Ronkin, L. I.
The Schwarz Function and Its Generalization to Higher Dimensions by Shapiro, Harold S.
Group-Theoretical Methods for Integration of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems by Leznov, Andrei N., Saveliev, Mikhail V.
General Orthogonal Polynomials by Totik, Vilmos, Stahl, Herbert
Teichmüller Theory in Riemannian Geometry by Tromba, Anthony
Discrete Transforms by Firth, J. M.
Functional Analysis and Operator Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Memory of U.N.Singh, New Delhi, India, 2-6 August, 1990 by
Quasiconformal Space Mappings: A Collection of Surveys 1960 - 1990 by
Ergodic Theory and Related Topics III: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Güstrow, Germany, October 22-27, 1990 by
Ordered Cones and Approximation by Keimel, Klaus, Roth, Walter
Applied Hyperfunction Theory by Imai, Isao
Integral Inequalities and Applications by Bainov, D. D., Simeonov, P. S.
Ingenieur-Mathematik in Beispielen 2: Analytische Geometrie - Differentialrechnung by Rumpf, Hans-Joachim, Wörle, Helmut
Problems in Real and Complex Analysis by Gelbaum, Bernard R.
Fuchsian Groups by Katok, Svetlana
Boundary Behaviour of Conformal Maps by Pommerenke, Christian
Continuous and Discrete Fourier Transforms, Extensions Problems and Wiener-Hopf Equations by
Operator Calculus and Spectral Theory by
The Logarithmic Integral: Volume 2 by Koosis, Paul, Paul, Koosis
Theory and Applications of Convolution Integral Equations by Srivastava, Hari M., Buschman, R. G.
Compact Riemann Surfaces by Narasimhan, R.
Finite Difference Equations by Levy, H., Lessman, F., Mathematics
Positive Operators and Semigroups on Banach Lattices: Proceedings of a Caribbean Mathematics Foundation Conference 1990 by
Averaging in Stability Theory: A Study of Resonance Multi-Frequency Systems by Hapaev, M. M.
The Method of Newton's Polyhedron in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations by Volevich, L., Gindikin, S. G.
Topology Design of Structures by
Workshop on Operator Theory and Complex Analysis: Sapporo, Japan, June 1991 by Gohberg, I., Ando, T., Gohberg, Israel
Complementarity Problems by Isac, George
The Adjoint of a Semigroup of Linear Operators by Neerven, Jan Van
Design of Survivable Networks by Stoer, Mechthild
Multiplication of Distributions: A Tool in Mathematics, Numerical Engineering and Theoretical Physics by Colombeau, Jean F.
Approximation-solvability of Nonlinear Functional and Differential Equations by Petryshyn, Wolodymyr V.
Classical and New Inequalities in Analysis by Pecaric, J., Fink, A. M., Mitrinovic, Dragoslav S.