• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 1993

Harmonic Analysis and Boundary Value Problems in the Complex Domain by Djrbashian, M. M., Djrbashian, Mkhitar M.
An Introduction to Γ-Convergence by Dal Maso, Gianni
Decomposition Spectrale Et Series d'Eisenstein by Moeglin, C., Waldspurger, J. L.
Several Complex Variables and the Geometry of Real Hypersurfaces by D'Angelo, John P.
Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis by Haggarty, Rod
Norm Inequalities for Derivatives and Differences by Kwong, Man K., Zettl, Anton
Fuzzy Measure Theory by Klir, George J., Zhenyuan Wang
Basic Multivariable Calculus by Tromba, Anthony, Marsden, Jerrold E., Weinstein, Alan
Functional Analysis and Related Topics, 1991: Proceedings of the International Conference in Memory of Professor Kosaku Yosida Held at Rims, Kyoto Uni by
Normal Families by Schiff, Joel L.
Difference Equations and Their Applications by Sharkovsky, A. N., Maistrenko, Y. L., Romanenko, E. Yu
Applied and Computational Complex Analysis, Volume 3: Discrete Fourier Analysis, Cauchy Integrals, Construction of Conformal Maps, Univalent Functions by Henrici, Peter
Generalized Functions and Their Applications by
Lectures on Hermite and Laguerre Expansions. (Mn-42), Volume 42 by Thangavelu, Sundaram
Global Behavior of Nonlinear Difference Equations of Higher Order with Applications by Ladas, G., Kocic, V. L.
Operator Extensions, Interpolation of Functions and Related Topics by
Well-Posed Optimization Problems by Dontchev, Assen L., Zolezzi, Tullio
Degenerate Diffusions by
Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications by Percival, Donald B., Walden, Andrew T.
Fortschritte Der Praktischen Dermatologie Und Venerologie: Vorträge Der XIII. Fortbildungswoche Der Dermatologischen Klinik Und Poliklinik Der Ludwig- by
Fundamentals of Convex Analysis: Duality, Separation, Representation, and Resolution by Panik, M. J.
The Cauchy Method of Residues, Volume 2: Theory and Applications by Keckic, J. D., Mitrinovic, Dragoslav S.
Complex Dynamics by Carleson, Lennart, Gamelin, Theodore W.
Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability by Phelps, Robert R.
Multidimensional Weakly Singular Integral Equations by Vainikko, Gennadi
Harmonic Analysis: Real-Variable Methods, Orthogonality, and Oscillatory Integrals by Stein, Elias M.
Composition Operators: And Classical Function Theory by Shapiro, Joel H.
Mathematical Foundations of the State Lumping of Large Systems by Turbin, A. F., Korolyuk, Vladimir S.
Evolutionary Integral Equations and Applications by Pr Ss, J., Pruss, J.
Commensurabilities Among Lattices in Pu (1, N). (Am-132), Volume 132 by Mostow, G. Daniel, Deligne, Pierre R.
Differential- Und Integralrechnung Für Funktionen Mit Einer Variablen by Schirotzek, Winfried, Pforr, Ernst-Adam
Classes of Linear Operators Vol. 2 by Kaashoek, Marius A., Gohberg, Israel, Goldberg, Seymour
New Aspects in Interpolation and Completion Theories by
Moduli Spaces of Abelian Surfaces: Compactification, Degenerations and Theta Functions by Weintraub, Steven H., Kahn, Constantin, Hulek, Klaus
Counterexamples in Probability and Real Analysis by Hall, Eric B., Wise, Gary L.
The Calculus Tutoring Book by Ash, Carol, Ash, Robert B.
Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms I: Fundamentals by Hiriart-Urruty, Jean-Baptiste, Lemarechal, Claude
Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms II: Advanced Theory and Bundle Methods by Lemarechal, Claude, Hiriart-Urruty, Jean-Baptiste
Several Complex Variables V: Complex Analysis in Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics by
Nonstandard Finite Difference Models... by
Measure Theory by Doob, J. L.
Mathematics Past and Present Fourier Integral Operators by
Deformations of Mathematical Structures II: Hurwitz-Type Structures and Applications to Surface Physics. Selected Papers from the Seminar on Deformati by