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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 1996

Calculus by Iversen, Gudmund R.
Measure Theory and Probability by Adams, Malcolm, Guillemin, Victor
Functional Calculus of Pseudodifferential Boundary Problems by Grubb, Gerd
Non-Standard Analysis by Robinson, Abraham
Elementary Real and Complex Analysis by Shilov, Georgi E.
I.G.Petrovskii: Selected Wrks P by Yosifan, G. a., Oleinik, Olga, Petrovskii, I. G.
Special Functions: An Introduction to the Classical Functions of Mathematical Physics by Temme, Nico M.
Entire and Meromorphic Functions by Rubel, Lee A.
Functional Analysis: Applications in Mechanics and Inverse Problems by Gladwell, G. M. L., Lebedev, Leonid P., Vorovich, Iosif I.
Linear Difference Equations with Discrete Transform Methods by Jerri, A. J.
Fundamentals of Functional Analysis by Kutateladze, Semën Samsonovich
Calculus of Variations II by Hildebrandt, Stefan, Giaquinta, Mariano
Basic Math for Social Scientists: Problems and Solutions by Hagle, Timothy M.
Theorie Und Anwendung Der Unendlichen Reihen by Knopp, Konrad
Higher Dimensional Complex Varieties: Proceedings of the International Conference Held in Trento, Italy, June 15 - 24, 1994 by
Functional Analysis: Vol.II by Sheftel, Zinovij G., Us, Georgij F., Berezansky, Yurij M.
Functional Analysis: Vol. I by Sheftel, Zinovij G., Us, Georgij F., Berezansky, Yurij M.
Inverse Spectra: Volume 53 by Chigogidze, A.
Total Positivity and Its Applications by
Classical Complex Analysis by Epstein, Bernard, Hahn, Liang-Shin
Potential Theory - Icpt 94: Proceedings of the International Conference on Potential Theory Held in Kouty, Czech Republic, August 13-20, 1994 by
Recent Developments in Operator Theory and Its Applications: International Conference in Winnipeg, October 2-6, 1994 by
Measures and Probabilities by Simonnet, Michel
Convergence in Ergodic Theory and Probability by
On Spectral Theory of Elliptic Operators by Kondratiev, Vladimir A., Egorov, Yuri V.
The Asymptotic Behaviour of Semigroups of Linear Operators by Neerven, Jan Van
Integral Transformations, Operational Calculus, and Generalized Functions by Buschman, R. G.
Spectral Decompositions and Analytic Sheaves by Eschmeier, Jörg, Putinar, Mihai
Theory of Functions, Parts I and II by Knopp, Konrad
Transform Methods in Applied Mathematics: An Introduction by Šalkauskas, Kestutis, Lancaster, Peter
Mathematics for Physicists by Dennery, Philippe, Krzywicki, André
Singular Integral Operators and Related Topics: Joint German-Israeli Workshop, Tel Aviv, March 1-10, 1995 by
Variational Methods for Discontinuous Structures: Applications to Image Segmentation, Continuum Mechanics, Homogenization Villa Olmo, Como, 8-10 Septe by
Stability Theory: Hurwitz Centenary Conference Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, 1995 by
Analysis 1: Ein Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch Für Studienanfänger by Eschmann, Winfried G., Blickensdörfer-Ehlers, Arndt, Neunzert, H.
A Radical Approach to Real Analysis by Bressoud, David
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems by Verhulst, Ferdinand
Potential Theory - Selected Topics by Aikawa, Hiroaki, Essen, Matts
Mahler Functions and Transcendence by Nishioka, Kumiko
Financial Calculus by Baxter, Martin, Rennie, Andrew
Finitely Additive Measures and Relaxations of Extremal Problems by Chentsov, A. G.
Nonlinear Integral Equations in Abstract Spaces by Guo, Dajun, Xinzhi Liu, Lakshmikantham, V.
Introduction to Continuous Semigroups by Vesentini, Edoardo
Chance and Decision. Stochastic Control in Discrete Time by Zabczyk, Jerzy
Sobolev Spaces on Riemannian Manifolds by Hebey, Emmanuel
Animating Calculus: Mathematica(r) Notebooks for the Laboratory by Packel, Ed, Wagon, Stan
Discrete Hamiltonian Systems: Difference Equations, Continued Fractions, and Riccati Equations by Ahlbrandt, Calvin, Peterson, A. C.
Distortion Theorems in Relation to Linear Integral Operators by Komatu, Y., Komatu, Yusaku, Komatsu, Yusaku
Numerical Range: The Field of Values of Linear Operators and Matrices by Gustafson, Karl E., Rao, Duggirala K. M.
Excursions Into Combinatorial Geometry by Boltyanski, Vladimir, Martini, Horst, Soltan, P. S.
Topics in Complex Analysis by Andersson, Mats
Measure and Integration: An Advanced Course in Basic Procedures and Applications by König, Heinz
Complex Analysis I: Entire and Meromorphic Functions Polyanalytic Functions and Their Generalizations by
Undergraduate Analysis by Lang, Serge
Partial Differential Equations IX: Elliptic Boundary Value Problems by
Geometric Control Theory by Jurdjevic, Velimir