• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 1999

Fundamentals of Algebraic Microlocal Analysis by Struppa, Daniele C., Kato, Goro
Computer Supported Calculus by Ben-Israel, A., Gilbert, R. P., Ben-Israel, Adi
Introduction to HP Spaces by Koosis, Paul, Paul, Koosis
Calculus of Variations by Li-Jost, Xianqing, Jost, Jurgen, Jost, Xianqing Li
Nonparametric Regression and Spline Smoothing by Eubank, Randall L.
Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis by Kolmogorov, A. N., Fomin, S. V.
Complex Variables: Second Edition by Fisher, Stephen D.
Homogenization of Multiple Integrals by Braides, Andrea, Defranceschi, Anneliese
Locating Lines and Hyperplanes: Theory and Algorithms by Schöbel, Anita
Reduction of Nonlinear Control Systems: A Differential Geometric Approach by Elkin, V. I.
Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations by
Einführung in Die Analysis III by Kaballo, Winfried
Elements of Functional Analysis by Lacombe, Gilles, Hirsch, Francis
Stochastic Dynamics by
Nonlinear Analysis, Differential Equations and Control by
Nonlinear Analysis, Differential Equations and Control by
Spectral Theory of Canonical Differential Systems. Method of Operator Identities by Sakhnovich, L. a.
Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications by Folland, Gerald B.
One-Dimensional Variational Problems: An Introduction by Buttazzo, Giuseppe, Giaquinta, Mariano, Hildebrandt, Stefan
Reproducing Kernels and Their Applications by
Elementary Lie Group Analysis and Ordinary Differential Equations by Ibragimov, N. H.
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Via Ratio and Difference Judgement by Lootsma, Freerk a.
Differentiability of Six Operators on Nonsmooth Functions and P-Variation by Norvaisa, R., Dudley, R. M.
Nonlinear Systems: Analysis, Stability, and Control by Sastry, Shankar
Workshop Calculus with Graphing Calculators: Guided Exploration with Review by Baxter Hastings, Nancy
Workshop Calculus with Graphing Calculators: Guided Exploration with Review by Baxter Hastings, Nancy
Analysis Mit Mathematica Und Maple: Repetitorium Und Aufgaben Mit Lösungen by Strampp, Walter
Progress in Optimization: Contributions from Australasia by
Applications and Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials: Conference at the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach, Germany March 22-28, 1998 by
Mathematics: Its Content, Methods and Meaning by Aleksandrov, A. D., Kolmogorov, A. N., Lavrent'ev, M. a.
Geometrical Methods in Variational Problems by Emel'yanov, S. V., Korovin, S., Bobylov, N. a.
Complex Analysis Through Examples and Exercises by Pap, E.
Differentiable and Complex Dynamics of Several Variables by Chung-Chun Yang, Pei-Chu Hu
The Radon Transform by Helgason, Sigurdur
Geschichte Der Analysis by Jahnke, Hans Niels
Noniterative Coordination in Multilevel Systems by Stoilov, Todor
Finite Element Method for Hemivariational Inequalities: Theory, Methods and Applications by Haslinger, J., Miettinen, M., Panagiotopoulos, Panagiotis D.
The Maz'ya Anniversary Collection: 2 Volumes Set by
The Maz'ya Anniversary Collection: Volume 2: Rostock Conference on Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Applications by
Nonmeasurable Sets and Functions: Volume 195 by Kharazishvili, Alexander
Numerische Verfahren Zur Lösung Unrestringierter Optimierungsaufgaben by Kanzow, Christian, Geiger, Carl
Superanalysis by Khrennikov, Andrei Y.
Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing by
Calculus of Variations and Geometric Evolution Problems: Lectures Given at the 2nd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.)He by Huisken, G., Bethuel, F.
Asymptotic Analysis of Fields in Multi-Structures by Kozlov, Vladimir, Maz'ya, Vladimir
Geometric Calculus: According to the Ausdehnungslehre of H. Grassmann by Peano, Giuseppe
Ill-Posed Variational Problems and Regularization Techniques: Proceedings of the "Workshop on Ill-Posed Variational Problems and Regulation Techniques by
Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Methods for Science and Technology: Volume 2 Functional and Variational Methods by Dautray, Robert
Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Methods for Science and Technology: Volume 3 Spectral Theory and Applications by Dautray, Robert
Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Methods for Science and Technology: Volume 4 Integral Equations and Numerical Methods by Dautray, Robert
Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Methods for Science and Technology: Volume 5 Evolution Problems I by Dautray, Robert
Spectral Theory and Geometry by Safarov, Yuri, Davies, E. Brian
Analysis and Geometry on Complex Homogeneous Domains by Koranyi, Adam, Faraut, Jacques, Kaneyuki, Soji
Complex Analysis and Related Topics by de Arellano, E. R., Vasilevski, N. L.
Singular Integral Equations by Kanwal, Ram P., Estrada, Ricardo
Introduction to Calculus and Analysis II/1 by John, Fritz, Courant, Richard
Introduction to Calculus and Analysis II/2: Chapters 5 - 8 by John, Fritz, Courant, Richard
Dictionary of Analysis, Calculus, and Differential Equations by
Inside Calculus by Exner, George R.
Vector Variational Inequalities and Vector Equilibria: Mathematical Theories by