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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 2002

Parabolicity, Volterra Calculus, and Conical Singularities by
Variational and Topological Methods in the Study of Nonlinear Phenomena by
Funktionentheorie 1 by Schumacher, Georg, Remmert, Reinhold
Convolution Operators and Factorization of Almost Periodic Matrix Functions by Spitkovsky, Ilya M., Böttcher, Albrecht, Karlovich, Yuri I.
A Distributional Approach to Asymptotics: Theory and Applications by Kanwal, RAM P., Estrada, Ricardo
New Trends in Difference Equations: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Difference Equations Tampico, Chile, January 2-7, 2000 by
Functional Equations -- Results and Advances by
Calculus: Concepts and Methods by Binmore, Ken, Davies, Joan
Linear Operators and Matrices: The Peter Lancaster Anniversary Volume by Gohberg, Israel, Gohberg, I.
The Feynman Integral and Feynman's Operational Calculus by Johnson, Gerald W., Lapidus, Michel L.
Convergence Structures and Applications to Functional Analysis by Beattie, R., Butzmann, Heinz-Peter
One-Dimensional Linear Singular Integral Equations by Krupnik, N., Gohberg, Israel
The Implicit Function Theorem: History, Theory, and Applications by Krantz, Steven G., Parks, Harold R., Krantz, S. G.
From Holomorphic Functions to Complex Manifolds by Grauert, Hans, Fritzsche, Klaus
Computational Methods for Linear Integral Equations by Puri, Pratap, Kythe, Prem
Extensions and Relaxations by Chentsov, A. G., Morina, S. I.
Restricted Orbit Equivalence for Actions of Discrete Amenable Groups by Kammeyer, Janet Whalen, Rudolph, Daniel, Rudolph, Daniel J.
Hankel Norm Approximation for Infinite-Dimensional Systems by Sasane, A.
Harmonic Functions on Groups and Fourier Algebras by Chu, Cho-Ho, Lau, Anthony To-Ming
Complex Geometry: Collection of Papers Dedicated to Hans Grauert by
Ostrowski Type Inequalities and Applications in Numerical Integration by
Bounded and Compact Integral Operators by Kokilashvili, V. M., Meskhi, Alexander, Edmunds, David E.
Applied Functional Analysis by Griffel, D. H.
A Primer of Real Analytic Functions by Krantz, Steven G., Parks, Harold R.
Statistical Models and Control Charts for High-Quality Processes by Kuralmani, Vellaisamy, Min Xie, Thong Ngee Goh
Functional Analysis: Applications in Mechanics and Inverse Problems by Gladwell, G. M. L., Lebedev, Leonid P., Vorovich, Iosif I.
Multiple Criteria Optimization: State of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Surveys by
Interpolation Theory, Systems Theory and Related Topics: The Harry Dym Anniversary Volume by
Inequalities: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb by Lieb, Elliott H.
Evolution Equations in Scales of Banach Spaces by Caps, Oliver
Moduli of Families of Curves for Conformal and Quasiconformal Mappings by Vasil'ev, Alexander
Convex Analysis in General Vector Spaces by Zalinescu, C.
Hausdorff Spectra in Functional Analysis by Smirnov, Eugeny
Gamma-Lines: On the Geometry of Real and Complex Functions by Barsegian, Griogor A.
Generalized Optimal Control of Linear Systems with Distributed Parameters by Lyashko, S. I.
Methods in Nonlinear Integral Equations by Precup, R.
Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics by
Moment Theory and Some Inverse Problems in Potential Theory and Heat Conduction by Gorenflo, Rudolf, Ang, Dang D., Le, Vy K.
Philosophers at War: The Quarrel Between Newton and Leibniz by Hall, Alfred Rupert, Hall, A. Rupert
A Course in Financial Calculus by Etheridge, Alison
A Course in Financial Calculus by Etheridge, Alison
Operator Methods in Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations: S. Kovalevski Symposium, University of Stockholm, June 2000 by Roettgen, Steffi V., Albeverio, S.
Gamma-Convergence for Beginners by Braides, Andrea
Ergodic Theory of Numbers by Kraaikamp, Cor, Dajani, Karma
Stochastic Control Problems, Viscosity Solutions and Application to Finance by Touzi, Nizar
Practical Analysis in One Variable by Estep, Donald
Variational Methods in Some Shape Optimization Problems by Bucur, Dorin, Buttazzo, Giuseppe
Asymptotic Cones and Functions in Optimization and Variational Inequalities by Auslender, Alfred, Teboulle, Marc
Real Analysis and Probability by Dudley, R. M., R. M., Dudley
Real Analysis and Probability by Dudley, R. M.
Algebraic Functions and Projective Curves by Goldschmidt, David
Functions and Graphs by Shnol, E. E., Gelfand, I. M., Glagoleva, E. G.
Introduction to the Theory of Toeplitz Operators with Infinite Index by Dybin, Vladimir, Grudsky, Sergei M.
Modeling, Control and Optimization of Complex Systems: In Honor of Professor Yu-CHI Ho by
Level Set Methods and Dynamic Implicit Surfaces by Fedkiw, Ronald, Osher, Stanley
Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics by Khuri, André I.
Analytic Capacity, Rectifiability, Menger Curvature and Cauchy Integral by Pajot, Hervé M.
Calculus: The Elements by Comenetz, Michael
Trends in Nonlinear Analysis by
Calculus: The Elements by Comenetz, Michael
Variational Methods for Discontinuous Structures: International Workshop in Villa Erga, Cenobbia, Italy, July 2001 by Tomarelli, F., Maso, Gianni Dal, Maso, G. D.
A Concise Approach to Mathematical Analysis by Robdera, Mangatiana A.
Gian-Carlo Rota on Analysis and Probability: Selected Papers and Commentaries by Dhombres, Jean
A Second Course in Mathematical Analysis by Burkill, H., Burkill, J. C.
Derived Functors in Functional Analysis by Wengenroth, Jochen
Automorphic Pseudodifferential Analysis and Higher Level Weyl Calculi by Unterberger, André
Measures with Symmetry Properties by Schindler, Werner
Computational Techniques of the Simplex Method by Maros, István