• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 2004

An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis by Bear, H. S.
A Friendly Introduction to Analysis by Kosmala, Witold
New Optimization Techniques in Engineering by Onwubolu, Godfrey C., Babu, B. V.
Operator Theoretical Methods and Applications to Mathematical Physics: The Erhard Meister Memorial Volume by
Multivariable Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Manifolds by Shifrin, Theodore
Generalized Analytic Automorphic Forms in Hypercomplex Spaces by Krausshar, Rolf S.
Fredholm and Local Spectral Theory, with Applications to Multipliers by Aiena, Pietro
Convolution Operators and Factorization of Almost Periodic Matrix Functions by Bottcher, Albrecht
Analysis 1 by Walter, Wolfgang
Mathematics of Optimization: Smooth and Nonsmooth Case by Guerraggio, A., Thierfelder, J., Giorgi, Giorgio
Aspects of Ergodic, Qualitative and Statistical Theory of Motion by Gentile, Guido, Gallavotti, Giovanni, Bonetto, Federico
Nonlinear Analysis and Control of Physical Processes and Fields by Zgurovsky, Mikhail Z., Melnik, Valery S.
The Differential and Integral Calculus Part 1 by de Morgan, Augustus
The Differential and Integral Calculus Part 2 by de Morgan, Augustus
The Connection of Number and Magnitude: An Attempt to Explain the Fifth Book of Euclid by de Morgan, Augustus
The Differential and Integral Calculus Part 2 by de Morgan, Augustus
The Differential and Integral Calculus Part 1 by de Morgan, Augustus
Stochastic Calculus for Finance I: The Binomial Asset Pricing Model by Shreve, Steven
Nonlinear Spectral Theory by Vignoli, Alfonso, Appell, Jürgen, De Pascale, Espedito
P-Adic Automorphic Forms on Shimura Varieties by Hida, Haruzo
The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus by Guenon, Rene
Gewöhnliche Differenzialgleichungen by Aulbach, Bernd
Value Distribution Theory and Related Topics by
Asymptotic Expansions by E. T., Copson, Copson, E. T.
Topics in Ergodic Theory by Parry, William
Orthogonal Polynomials: Computation and Approximation by Gautschi, Walter
Calculus Without Limits: Almost by Sparks, John C.
Irresistible Integrals: Symbolics, Analysis and Experiments in the Evaluation of Integrals by Moll, Victor, Boros, George, Moll, Victor H.
Irresistible Integrals: Symbolics, Analysis and Experiments in the Evaluation of Integrals by Moll, Victor, Boros, George
Limit Operators and Their Applications in Operator Theory by Roch, Steffen, Silbermann, Bernd, Rabinovich, Vladimir
Randelementmethoden: Analyse, Numerik Und Implementierung Schneller Algorithmen by Sauter, Stefan, Schwab, Christoph
Topics in Analysis and Its Applications by
Topics in Analysis and Its Applications by
Generalized Functions: Theory and Applications by Kanwal, RAM P.
Special Functions for Scientists and Engineers by Bell, W. W.
Potential Theory and Right Processes by Boboc, NICU, Beznea, Lucian
Working Analysis by Cooper, Jeffery
Applied Laplace Transforms and Z-Transforms for Scientists and Engineers: A Computational Approach Using a Mathematica Package by Graf, Urs
Fixed Point Theory for Decomposable Sets by Fryszkowski, Andrzej
Nonstandard Analysis, Axiomatically by Kanovei, Vladimir, Reeken, Michael
Applied Laplace Transforms and Z-Transforms for Scientists and Engineers: A Computational Approach Using a Mathematica Package by Graf, Urs
Economics with Calculus by Lovell, Michael C.
Economics with Calculus by Lovell, Michael C.
Measure, Integral and Probability by Kopp, Peter E., Capinski, Marek
Integration II: Chapters 7-9 by Bourbaki, N.
Angewandte Analysis in Einer Unbekannten by Estep, Donald
Complex Analysis: The Geometric Viewpoint by Krantz, Steven G.
Mathematical Analysis: Approximation and Discrete Processes by Modica, Giuseppe, Giaquinta, Mariano
How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics by Michalewicz, Zbigniew, Fogel, David B.
Domain Decomposition Methods in Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations by Lagnese, John E., Leugering, Günter
Exploratory Examples for Real Analysis by Weller, Kirk E., Snow, Joanne E.
The Delirium of Immensity: Theory of the Fifth Dimension 1925 by Hernandez, Fortunato
Numerische Verfahren Der Konvexen, Nichtglatten Optimierung: Eine Anwendungsorientierte Einführung by Alt, Walter
Introduction to the Calculus of Variations by Dacorogna, Bernard
Gewöhnliche Und Operator-Differentialgleichungen: Eine Integrierte Einführung in Randwertprobleme Und Evolutionsgleichungen Für Studierende by Emmrich, Etienne
Collocation Methods for Volterra Integral and Related Functional Differential Equations by Brunner, Hermann
Complex Manifolds and Deformation of Complex Structures by Kodaira, Kunihiko
The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators II: Differential Operators with Constant Coefficients by Hörmander, Lars
Optimal Control Models in Finance: A New Computational Approach by Chen, Ping, Islam, Sardar M. N.
Generalized Convexity, Generalized Monotonicity and Applications: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Generalized Convexity and Generali by
Recent Advances in Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, and Their Applications: Xixth International Conference on Operator Theory, Timisoara (Romania), by
Analysis I by Amann, Herbert, Escher, Joachim
Methods of Mathematics Applied to Calculus, Probability, and Statistics by Hamming, R. W.
Handbook of Complex Analysis: Geometric Function Theory by
Brief Calculus: An Applied Approach by Sullivan, Michael, Miranda, Kathleen
Dynamical Systems Theory I: Modelling, State Space Analysis, Stability and Robustness by Pritchard, Anthony J., Hinrichsen, Diederich
Numerische Mathematik: Eine Projektorientierte Einführung Für Ingenieure, Mathematiker Und Naturwissenschaftler by Bollhöfer, Matthias, Mehrmann, Volker
Functional Equations in Applied Sciences: Volume 199 by Castillo, Enrique, Iglesias, Andres, Ruiz-Cobo, Reyes
Topics in Almost Automorphy by N'Guérékata, Gaston M.