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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 2013

Information Infrastructure Systems for Manufacturing II: Ifip Tc5 Wg5.3/5.7 Third International Working Conference on the Design of Information Infras by
Optimal Investment by Rogers, L. C. G.
Analysis and Probability by Spataru, Aurel
Calculus Express: A Rapid Review of Calculus AB and Calculus 1 Courses by Mettling, Ryan
Methods of Nonlinear Analysis: Applications to Differential Equations by Drabek, Pavel, Milota, Jaroslav
Introduction to Analysis in the Large by Morse, Marston
An Introduction To Analytic Functions With Theoretical Implications by Macnerney, John Sheridan
A First Course in Functional Analysis: Theory and Applications by Sen, Rabindranath
Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential Equations by Wu, Xinyuan, You, Xiong, Wang, Bin
Clep(r) Calculus Book + Online by Hill, Gregory, Friedman, Mel
Functional Calculus of Pseudodifferential Boundary Problems by Grubb, Gerd
Functional Analysis, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control by Clarke, Francis
Advanced Calculus for Engineers by Hildebrand, Francis Begnaud
The Practically Cheating Calculus Handbook by Deviant Mat, S.
An Arithmetical Approach to Ordinary Fourier Series by Wintner, Aurel
Structure of Solutions of Variational Problems by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Harmonic Integrals by De Rham, Georges
A Freshman Honors Course In Calculus And Analytic Geometry Taught At Princeton University by Artin, Emil
Rigorous Treatment Of Maximum-Minimum Problems In The Calculus by Walsh, Joseph Leonard
Cauchy's Problem for Hyperbolic Equations: Winter and Spring Quarters, 1957, University of Chicago by Garding, Lars
Variable Lebesgue Spaces: Foundations and Harmonic Analysis by Cruz-Uribe, David V., Fiorenza, Alberto
Invisible in the Storm: The Role of Mathematics in Understanding Weather by Roulstone, Ian, Norbury, John
Spectral Theory and its Applications by Helffer, Bernard
Fourier Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by Bahouri, Hajer, Chemin, Jean-Yves, Danchin, Raphaël
Mathemagical Buffet by Hahn, Liong-Shin
Introduction to Mathematical Systems Theory: A Behavioral Approach by Willems, J. C., Polderman, J. W.
Model Based Parameter Estimation: Theory and Applications by
Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems: Ifip Tc7 / Wg7.2 International Working Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Differential Syst by
Orbital Integrals on Reductive Lie Groups and Their Algebras by Bulnes, Francisco
Foundations of Real and Abstract Analysis by Bridges, Douglas S.
Weyl Transforms by Wong, M. W.
Nonsmooth Analysis and Control Theory by Ledyaev, Yuri S., Stern, Ronald J., Clarke, Francis H.
Distribution Theory: Convolution, Fourier Transform, and Laplace Transform by Dijk, Gerrit
Generalized Optimal Control of Linear Systems with Distributed Parameters by Lyashko, S. I.
Foundations of Differential Calculus by Euler
Inside Calculus by Exner, George R.
Multiple Criteria Optimization: State of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Surveys by
The Advanced Part of a Treatise on the Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies by Routh, Edward John
An Introduction to Abstract Harmonic Analysis: University Series in Higher Mathematics by Loomis, Lynn H.
An Introduction To Abstract Harmonic Analysis: University Series In Higher Mathematics by Loomis, Lynn H.
The Theory of Valuations: Mathematical Surveys, No. 4 by Schilling, Otto Franz Georg
Basic Elements of Real Analysis by Protter, Murray H.
An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra by Frazier, Michael W.
Rings Of Continuous Functions: The University Series In Higher Mathematics by Gillman, Leonard, Jerison, Meyer
Value Distribution Theory and Related Topics by
Calculo Diferencial E Integral Paso a Paso by Silva, Vitaliano Acevedo
Calculo Diferencial E Integral Paso a Paso by Silva, Vitaliano Acevedo
Theory of Functions of a Real Variable by Natanson, Isidor Pavlovich
Single Variable Differential and Integral Calculus: Mathematical Analysis by Mahmudov, Elimhan
Fourier Analysis on Groups: Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 12 by Rudin, Walter
Fourier Analysis on Groups: Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 12 by Rudin, Walter
Fourier Transforms: International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 27 by Sneddon, Ian Naismith
Control of Distributed Parameter and Stochastic Systems: Proceedings of the Ifip Wg 7.2 International Conference, June 19-22, 1998 Hangzhou, China by
The Absolute Differential Calculus (Calculus of Tensors) by Levi-Civita, Tullio
Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus by Ross, Kenneth A.
Discovering Curves and Surfaces with Maple(r) by Klimek, Maciej
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Inverse Problems by Kirsch, Andreas
Probability and Stochastics by Çınlar, Erhan
Elementary Operators and Their Applications: 3rd International Workshop Held at Queen's University Belfast, 14-17 April 2009 by
Noncommutative Functional Calculus: Theory and Applications of Slice Hyperholomorphic Functions by Struppa, Daniele C., Sabadini, Irene, Politecnico Di Milano, Prof Fabrizio Colombo
Recent Developments in the Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators: Theory and Practice by
Stochastic Dynamics by
Duality System in Applied Mechanics and Optimal Control by Wan-Xie Zhong
Introduction to Fractional Fourier Transform by Mohindru Pooja, Khanna Rajesh, Bhatia S. S.
The Laplace Transform: Theory and Applications by Schiff, Joel L.
Real and Abstract Analysis: A Modern Treatment of the Theory of Functions of a Real Variable by Hewitt, Edwin, Stromberg, Karl
Functional Analysis: Lectures Given at New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences in 1960-1961 by Nirenberg, Louis
High Dimensional Probability VI: The Banff Volume by
Measure, Integral, Derivative: A Course on Lebesgue's Theory by Ovchinnikov, Sergei
Applications of Q-Calculus in Operator Theory by Agarwal, Ravi P., Aral, Ali, Gupta, Vijay
Nonlinear Parabolic and Elliptic Equations by Pao, C. V.
A First Course in Functional Analysis by Davis, Martin
The Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control: An Introduction by Leitmann, George
Functional Calculi by Swartz, Charles W., Bosch, Carlos
Limits, Series, and Fractional Part Integrals: Problems in Mathematical Analysis by Furdui, Ovidiu
Standard-Slope Integration: A New Approach to Numerical Integration by Italia, Peter James
Introduction to Parallel and Vector Solution of Linear Systems by Ortega, James M.
Sur La Théorie Des Équations Modulaires Et La Résolution de l'Équation Du Cinquième Degré by Hermite, Charles
Functional Analysis on the Eve of the 21st Century: Volume I: In Honor of the Eightieth Birthday of I. M. Gelfand by Lepowsky, James, Wilson, Robert, Gindikin, Simon
Hamilton-Jacobi Equations: Approximations, Numerical Analysis and Applications: Cetraro, Italy 2011, Editors: Paola Loreti, Nicoletta Anna Tchou by Achdou, Yves, Barles, Guy, Ishii, Hitoshi
Diophantische Approximationen by Minkowski, Hermann
Almost-Periodic Functions and Functional Equations by Amerio, L., Prouse, G.
Introduction to the Laplace Transform by Kuhfittig, Peter K. F.
A Guide to Functional Analysis by Krantz, Steven G.
A Treatise on Dynamics of a Particle: With Numerous Examples by Routh, Edward John
A Course in Mathematical Analysis by Garling, D. J. H.
Linear Second Order Elliptic Operators by Lopez-Gomez, Julian
A Course in Mathematical Analysis by Garling, D. J. H.
Nonconvex Optimal Control and Variational Problems by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Generalized Solutions of First Order Pdes: The Dynamical Optimization Perspective by Subbotin, Andrei I.
Structured Controllers for Uncertain Systems: A Stochastic Optimization Approach by Toscano, Rosario
Stochastic Differential Inclusions and Applications by Kisielewicz, Michal
Examples of the Solutions of Functional Equations by Babbage, Charles
An Introduction to Quasisymmetric Schur Functions: Hopf Algebras, Quasisymmetric Functions, and Young Composition Tableaux by Mykytiuk, Stefan, Van Willigenburg, Stephanie, Luoto, Kurt
Grundkurs Analysis 2: Differentiation Und Integration in Mehreren Veränderlichen by Fritzsche, Klaus
Nonlinear Optimization Applications Using the Gams Technology by Andrei, Neculai
Control and Optimization with Pde Constraints by
Variational Inequalities and Network Equilibrium Problems by
Solution Methods for Integral Equations: Theory and Applications by
Generalized Functions and Their Applications by
Developments of Harmonic Maps, Wave Maps and Yang-Mills Fields Into Biharmonic Maps, Biwave Maps and Bi-Yang-Mills Fields by Chiang, Yuan-Jen
Introduction To Complex Analysis: College Mathematics Series by Nehari, Zeev
Harmonic Analysis and Hypergroups by
Dimension Theory of Hyperbolic Flows by Barreira, Luís
Numerical Solution of Integral Equations by
Spectral and Scattering Theory by
Measure Theory: Second Edition by Cohn, Donald L.
Contemporary Calculus First Semester by Hoffman, Dale
Topics in Nonconvex Optimization: Theory and Applications by
Theory of Hypergeometric Functions by Aomoto, Kazuhiko, Kita, Michitake
Boolean Differential Equations by Steinbach, Bernd, Posthoff, Christian
Operational Calculus and Generalized Functions by Erdelyi, Arthur
Differential and Integral Calculus by Bacon, Harold Maile
Analytic Inequalities by Kazarinoff, Nicholas D.
Variational Methods with Applications in Science and Engineering by Cassel, Kevin W.
The Theory of Multiple Zeta Values with Applications in Combinatorics by Eie, Minking
The Elements of Cantor Sets: With Applications by Vallin, Robert W.
Réflexions Sur La Métaphysique Du Calcul Infinitésimal (4e Édition) by Carnot, Lazare
Advanced Lukasiewicz Calculus and Mv-Algebras by Mundici, D.
Collected Papers by Riesz, Marcel
Structure of Approximate Solutions of Optimal Control Problems by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
An Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Relativity by Lawden, Derek Frank
Integration and Probability by Malliavin, Paul
Réflexions Sur La Métaphysique Du Calcul Infinitésimal (3e Édition) by Carnot, Lazare
Geometric Partial Differential Equations by
Regularity of Optimal Transport Maps and Applications by Philippis, Guido
A Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics: Volume 1: Containing Propositions, Formulae, and Methods of Analysis, with Abridge by Carr, George Shoobridge
A Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics: Volume 2: Containing Propositions, Formulae, and Methods of Analysis, with Abridge by Carr, George Shoobridge
Calculus by Morrill, William Kelso
The Theory of Functions of Real Variables by Graves, Lawrence M.
Projective Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces by Lane, Ernest Preston
Mathematical Principles of Finance by Kent, Frederick Charles
Random Matrices and Iterated Random Functions: Münster, October 2011 by
Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications 2 by
Time and Money: How Long and How Much Money Is Needed to Regulate a Viable Economy by Aubin, Jean-Pierre
Introduction to Hilbert Space and the Theory of Spectral Multiplicity by Halmos, Paul R.
Mathematics from Leningrad to Austin: George G. Lorentz' Selected Works in Real, Functional, and Numerical Analysis by
Real and Functional Analysis: Part B Functional Analysis by
Fourier Series and Orthogonal Polynomials: The Carus Mathematical Monographs, No. 6 by Jackson, Dunham
Arithmetic Operations in Digital Computers by Richards, Richard Kohler
Fourier Integral and Certain of Its Applications by Wiener, Norbert
Teoria y problemas de Calculo I: Con aplicaciones en las Ciencias e Ingenieria. Ejemplos y ejercicios con Derive by Lezana, Nelzon Rodriguez
A Double Hall Algebra Approach to Affine Quantum Schur-Weyl Theory by Du, Jie, Fu, Qiang, Deng, Bangming
Design and Analysis of Experiments by Gupta, Arjun K., Kabe, D. G.
Estimation and Control Problems for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations by Knopov, Pavel S., Deriyeva, Olena N.
Calculus with Applications by Terrell, Maria Shea, Lax, Peter D.
Calculus with Applications by Terrell, Maria Shea, Lax, Peter D.
Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces by Grinfeld, Pavel
Optimal Control of Distributed Nuclear Reactors by Nieva, R., Christensen, G. S., Soliman, S. A.
Units, Dimensions, and Dimensionless Numbers by Ipsen, David Carl
Bernard Riemann's Gesammelte Mathematische Werke Und Wissenschaftlicher Nachlass by Riemann, Bernhard
Fuzzy Reasoning in Information, Decision and Control Systems by
Applications and Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials: Conference at the Mathematical Research Institute Oberwolfach, Germany March 22-28, 1998 by
Hardy Spaces on the Euclidean Space by Uchiyama, Akihito
Laurent Series and Their Padé Approximations by Bultheel, A.
Classes of Linear Operators Vol. I by Gohberg, Israel, Kaashoek, Marinus, Goldberg, Seymor
Chebyshev Splines and Kolmogorov Inequalities by Bagdasarov, Sergey
Introduction to the Theory of Games by Szép, Jeno, Forgó, Ferenc
Value Distribution Theory by Lo, Yang
Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions II: Proceedings of a Seminar-Workshop Held in Pitlochry and Aviemore, Scotland June 13 -29, 1985 by
A Variational Approach to Fracture and Other Inelastic Phenomena by del Piero, Gianpietro
Paradoxes and Sophisms in Calculus by Klymchuk, Sergiy, Staples, Susan G.
Accurate Computation of Mathieu Functions by Bibby, Malcolm, Peterson, Andrew
Menahem Max Schiffer: Selected Papers Volume 2 by
Menahem Max Schiffer: Selected Papers Volume 1 by
Menahem Max Schiffer: Selected Papers Volume 1 by
Topological Methods in the Study of Boundary Value Problems by Amster, Pablo
Essentials of Integration Theory for Analysis by Stroock, Daniel W.
Secret Forces That Change the World by Bowman, Frank
An Introduction to Ultrametric Summability Theory by Natarajan, P. N.
Infinite-Horizon Optimal Control in the Discrete-Time Framework by Hayek, Naïla, Blot, Joël
Algebraic Methods in Functional Analysis: The Victor Shulman Anniversary Volume by
Local Minimization, Variational Evolution and Γ-Convergence by Braides, Andrea
Third Order Linear Differential Equations by Gregus, Michal
Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Its Applications: II/B: Nonlinear Monotone Operators by Zeidler, E.
Mathematical Control Theory: Deterministic Finite Dimensional Systems by Sontag, Eduardo D.
Additive Operator-Difference Schemes by Vabishchevich, Petr N.
Perturbation Analysis of Optimization Problems by Bonnans, J. Frederic, Shapiro, Alexander
Quasidifferentiability and Nonsmooth Modelling in Mechanics, Engineering and Economics by Polyakova, L. N., Stavroulakis, Georgios E., Demyanov, Vladimir F.
Selected Papers II by Lax, Peter D.
Selected Papers I by Lax, Peter D.
Topological and Variational Methods with Applications to Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems by Papageorgiou, Nikolaos, Motreanu, Dumitru, Motreanu, Viorica Venera
Discrete and Fractional Programming Techniques for Location Models by Barros, A. I.
Differential Equations: A Dynamical Systems Approach: Ordinary Differential Equations by West, Beverly H., Hubbard, John H.
A History of Complex Dynamics: From Schröder to Fatou and Julia by Alexander, Daniel S.
Lectures on Applied Mathematics: Proceedings of the Symposium Organized by the Sonderforschungsbereich 438 on the Occasion of Karl-Heinz Hoffmann's 60 by
Handbook of Elliptic Integrals for Engineers and Scientists by Byrd, Paul F., Friedman, Morris David
Stochastic Adaptive Search for Global Optimization by Zabinsky, Z. B.
Singular Integral Operators by Mikhlin, Solomon G., Prößdorf, Siegfried
Cours d'Analyse de l'Ecole Polytechnique: Volume 2, Calcul Intégral; Intégrales Définies Et Indéfinies by Jordan, Camille
Cours d'Analyse de l'Ecole Polytechnique: Volume 3, Calcul Intégral; Équations Différentielles by Jordan, Camille
Genericity in Nonlinear Analysis by Zaslavski, Alexander J., Reich, Simeon
Solved Problems in Analysis: As Applied to Gamma, Beta, Legendre and Bessel Functions by Ross, Bertram, Farrell, Orin J.
Linear and Nonlinear Functional Analysis with Applications: With 401 Problems and 52 Figures by Ciarlet, Philippe G.
Variational and Hemivariational Inequalities Theory, Methods and Applications: Volume I: Unilateral Analysis and Unilateral Mechanics by Goeleven, D., Motreanu, Dumitru, Dumont, Y.
Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields by Guckenheimer, John, Holmes, Philip
Global Bifurcation in Variational Inequalities: Applications to Obstacle and Unilateral Problems by Schmitt, Klaus, Khoi Le, Vy
An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis: Theory by Migórski, Stanislaw, Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S., Denkowski, Zdzislaw
An Introduction to Nonsmooth Analysis by Ferrera, Juan
An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis: Applications by Migórski, Stanislaw, Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S., Denkowski, Zdzislaw
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