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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 2015

Measure and Integral: An Introduction to Real Analysis, Second Edition by Wheeden, Richard L.
Geometric Measure Theory and Real Analysis by
A Short Course in Automorphic Functions by Lehner, Joseph
100 Equations: The Algebra that Almost Kills Calculus by Stepp, E.
Student Solutions Manual to Accompany Functions Modeling Change by Hughes-Hallett, Deborah, Connally, Eric
State Space Consistency and Differentiability by Serakos, Demetrios
Analysis and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations by
Green Growth and Sustainable Development by
Sobolev Spaces on Metric Measure Spaces by Koskela, Pekka, Shanmugalingam, Nageswari, Heinonen, Juha
Functional Analysis, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control by Clarke, Francis
Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus by Ross, Kenneth A.
Handbook of Applied and Abstract Analysis: Volume I by
Handbook of Applied and Abstract Analysis: Volume II by
The Summation of Series by Davis, Harold T.
Analytic Theory of Subnormal Operators by Xia, Daoxing
Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction to Theory and Applications by Levy, Rachel, Shearer, Michael
Advanced Methods in the Fractional Calculus of Variations by Malinowska, Agnieszka B., Torres, Delfim F. M., Odzijewicz, Tatiana
Variable Lebesgue Spaces: Foundations and Harmonic Analysis by Fiorenza, Alberto, Cruz-Uribe, David V.
On Uniformization of Complex Manifolds: The Role of Connections by Gunning, Robert C.
Lectures on Pseudo-Differential Operators: Regularity Theorems and Applications to Non-Elliptic Problems by Nagel, Alexander, Stein, Elias M.
Introductory Lectures on Automorphic Forms by Baily, Walter L.
Global Variational Analysis: Weierstrass Integrals on a Riemannian Manifold by Morse, Marston
Boundary Behavior of Holomorphic Functions of Several Complex Variables by Stein, Elias M.
Lectures on Complex Analytic Varieties: Finite Analytic Mappings by Gunning, Robert C.
Lectures on Riemann Surfaces: Jacobi Varieties by Gunning, Robert C.
Problems in Analysis: A Symposium in Honor of Salomon Bochner by
Global Analysis: Papers in Honor of K. Kodaira by Spencer, Donald Clayton, Iyanaga, Shokichi
Topics in Algebra and Analysis: Preparing for the Mathematical Olympiad by Gómez Ortega, José Antonio, Valdez Delgado, Rogelio, Bulajich Manfrino, Radmila
Asymptotic Integration and Stability: For Ordinary, Functional and Discrete Differential Equations of Fractional Order by Baleanu, Dumitru, Mustafa, Octavian G.
Analysis and Differential Equations by Pons, Odile
The Gamma Function by Artin, Emil
Techniques in Differentiation: An Introduction to Elementary Calculus by Simms, S. T.
An Introduction to the Study of Integral Equations by Bocher, Maxime
Complex Integration and Cauchy's Theorem by Watson, G. N.
Complex Analysis: An Invitation (2nd Edition) by Moller, Jacob Schach, Rao, Murali, Fournais, Soren
Complex Analysis: An Invitation (2nd Edition) by Fournais, Soren, Moller, Jacob Schach, Rao, Murali
Volume and Surface Integrals Used in Physics by Leathem, J. G.
Orders of Infinity by Hardy, G. H.
Convex Optimization in Normed Spaces: Theory, Methods and Examples by Peypouquet, Juan
Numbers and Functions by Burn, R. P.
Fixed Point Theory in Modular Function Spaces by Khamsi, Mohamed A., Kozlowski, Wojciech M.
30 Multiplication Worksheets with 5-Digit Multiplicands, 3-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
30 Multiplication Worksheets with 5-Digit Multiplicands, 4-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
30 Multiplication Worksheets with 5-Digit Multiplicands, 1-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
30 Multiplication Worksheets with 5-Digit Multiplicands, 5-Digit Multipliers: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
Single Variable Differential and Integral Calculus: Mathematical Analysis by Mahmudov, Elimhan
Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions, Revised Edition by Evans, Lawrence C.
Existence and Regularity Results for Some Shape Optimization Problems by Velichkov, Bozhidar
Generalized Adjoint Systems by Serakos, Demetrios
Analysis III: Analytic and Differential Functions, Manifolds and Riemann Surfaces by Godement, Roger
Data Variant Kernel Analysis by Motai, Yuichi
51 Problems in Calculating Limits Using L'Hopital's Rule with Solutions by Shedenhelm, Richard
60 Worksheets - Identifying Largest Number of 2 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Identifying Largest Number of 3 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Identifying Largest Number of 4 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Identifying Largest Number of 5 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Identifying Largest Number of 6 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Identifying Largest Number of 7 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Identifying Largest Number of 8 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Identifying Largest Number of 9 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
60 Worksheets - Identifying Largest Number of 10 Digits: Math Practice Workbook by Stem, Kapoo
Descartes to Newton: A Mentor's pre-High School Calculus Program by Warren, Alexander Z.
Recent Advances in Inverse Scattering, Schur Analysis and Stochastic Processes: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Lev Sakhnovich by
Analysis IV: Integration and Spectral Theory, Harmonic Analysis, the Garden of Modular Delights by Godement, Roger
Moyens d'apprendre à compter sûrement et avec facilité by De Condorcet, Nicolas
The Modern Elements: Volume II: Joining Gravitational and Electrical Fields by Shev, Randall H.
Understanding Analysis by Abbott, Stephen
Collected Papers by Yosida, Kôsaku
High Dimensional Probability VI: The Banff Volume by
101 Problems in Calculating Trigonometric Limits with Solutions by Shedenhelm, Richard
Compressed Sensing for Distributed Systems by Magli, Enrico, Coluccia, Giulio, Ravazzi, Chiara
First Course in Integral Equations, a (Second Edition) by Wazwaz, Abdul-Majid
First Course in Integral Equations, A: Solutions Manual (Second Edition) by Wazwaz, Abdul-Majid
First Course in Integral Equations, a (Second Edition) by Wazwaz, Abdul-Majid
Single Variable Calculus by Stewart, James
51 Problems in Calculating Integrals Using U-Substitution with Solutions by Shedenhelm, Richard
Limits, Series, and Fractional Part Integrals: Problems in Mathematical Analysis by Furdui, Ovidiu
Beiträge Zur Mathematischen Stichprobentheorie: Statistische Modellbildung Mit Stichprobendesigns Und Anderen Morphismen by Höllwarth, Henning
Methods of Nonlinear Analysis: Applications to Differential Equations by Milota, Jaroslav, Drabek, Pavel
Distributed Optimization-Based Control of Multi-Agent Networks in Complex Environments by Martínez, Sonia, Zhu, Minghui
Tutor in a Book's Calculus by R, James
Nonconvex Optimal Control and Variational Problems by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Vector Calculus: 3rd Edition by Gorguis, Alice
Structured Controllers for Uncertain Systems: A Stochastic Optimization Approach by Toscano, Rosario
Applications of Dynamical Systems in Biology and Medicine by
Vector Calculus: 3rd Edition by Gorguis, Alice
Stochastic Differential Inclusions and Applications by Kisielewicz, Michal
Invitation to Real Analysis by Moreno, Luis F.
Measure and Integral by Brokate, Martin, Kersting, Götz
Dimension Theory of Hyperbolic Flows by Barreira, Luís
Turnpike Theory of Continuous-Time Linear Optimal Control Problems by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Set-Theoretic Methods in Control by Miani, Stefano, Blanchini, Franco
Spectral Theory and Applications of Linear Operators and Block Operator Matrices by Jeribi, Aref
Control and Optimization with Pde Constraints by
Multiscale Methods for Fredholm Integral Equations by Chen, Zhongying, Micchelli, Charles A., Xu, Yuesheng
A Level Mathematics: Lesson on C1 Differentiation by Ioannou, G. C.
A Level Mathematics: Lesson on C2 Trigonometrical Identities and Simple Equations by Ioannou, G. C.
Optimal Boundary Control and Boundary Stabilization of Hyperbolic Systems by Gugat, Martin
L'Hôpital's Analyse Des Infiniments Petits: An Annotated Translation with Source Material by Johann Bernoulli by Sandifer, C. Edward, Bradley, Robert E., Petrilli, Salvatore J.
Fundamentals of Calculus by Morris, Carla C., Stark, Robert M.
Ábaco para todos by Reig, Susana, Atienza, David
Measure Theory: Second Edition by Cohn, Donald L.
Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers by Cantor, Georg, Jourdain, Philip E. B. 1879-1919
Optimization, Control, and Applications in the Information Age: In Honor of Panos M. Pardalos's 60th Birthday by
An Informal Introduction to Stochastic Calculus with Applications by Calin, Ovidiu
An Informal Introduction to Stochastic Calculus with Applications by Calin, Ovidiu
Third Semester Calculus: Student Supplement by Rasky, Mimi
The Heart of Calculus: Explorations and Applications by Anselone, Philip M., Lee, John
Selected Papers II by Grauert, Hans
Random Matrices and Iterated Random Functions: Münster, October 2011 by
Analysis and Geometry in Control Theory and Its Applications by
A Level Mathematics: Lesson on C3 Differentiation by Ioannou, G. C.
Lectures On Mathematics: Delivered From Aug. 28 to Sept. 9, 1893, Before Members of the Congress of Mathematics by Klein, Félix
On the Formal Theory of Collision and Reaction Processes by Zumino, Bruno
Buckling of Shallow Spherical Shells Under External Pressure by Reiss, Edward L.
An Inverse-optimization-based Auction Mechanism to Support a Multi-attribute RFQ Process by Wein, Lawrence M., Beil, Damian
An Asymptotic Solution of Linear Second-order Hyperbolic Differential Equations by Kline, Morris
Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Bounded Electron Beams by Parzen, Philip
Drag on a Body in Nearly-free Molecular Flow by Rose, Marian H.
Polynomial Dual Network Simplex Algorithms by Orlin, James B., Plotkin, Serge A.
Explicit Block Diagonal Decomposition of Block Matrices Corresponding to Symmetric and Regular Structures of Finite Size by Dinkevich, Solomon
The Exponential Solution for the Homogeneous Linear Differential Equation of the Second Order by Mariani, J., Magnus, W.
The Turning Point Problem in the Asymptotic Integration of Ordinary Linear Differential Equations by Kurss, Herbert
The Application of an Explicit Numerical Method to a Reaction-diffusion System in Combustion by Reitz, Rolf D.
Diffraction of a Skew Plane Electromagnetic Wave by an Absorbing Right-angled Wedge by Karal, Frank
Two Methods Using Power Series for Solving Analytic Initial Value Problems by Lewis, Glenn
Laplace's Equation and the Dirichlet-Neumann map in Multiply Connected Domains by Greenbaum, Anne
The Propagation of Electromagnetic Plane Waves in Plane Parallel Layers by Luneberg, Rudolf K.
A Convergence Theorem for Extreme Values From Gaussian Sequences by Welsch, Roy E.
Multiple Scattering in one Dimension by Bazer, Jack
The Collected Mathematical Papers of James Joseph Sylvester by Baker, Henry Frederick, Sylvester, James Joseph
Calculus, With Applications: An Introduction to the Mathematical Treatment of Science by Hayes, Ellen
Treatise On the Integral Calculus and Its Applications With Numerous Examples by Todhunter, Isaac
Certain Extensor Structures in the Calculus of Variations by Bean, William Clifton
A Treatise On Linear Differential Equations, Volume 1 by Craig, Thomas
Mathematics for Economists: An Introductory Textbook, Fourth Edition by Rau, Nicholas, Pemberton, Malcolm
Mathematics A Calculus by Vidhyarthi, Arvind P.
The Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus: With Numerous Examples by Campbell, Donald Francis
Discontinuous Initial Value Problems and Asymptotic Expansion of Steady-state Solutions by Lewis, Robert M.
Expansion of a Cylindrical Piston Into a Conducting Fluid by Snyder, Martin Avery
Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Indefinite Elliptic Problems by Widlund, Olof B., Cai, Xiao-Chuan
Coordinated Motion Planning for two Independent Robots by Sifrony, S., Sharir, Micha
Eigenfunction Expansions Associated With the Laplacian for Certain Domains With Infinite Boundaries by Goldstein, Charles Irwin
Diagonal Scalings of the Laplacian as Preconditioners for Other Elliptic Differential Operators by Greenbaum, Anne
Correlation and Quantum Corrections in the Thomas-Fermi Model of the Atom by Baraff, Gene a.
Designing Communcation Networks With hop Restrictions by Atinkemer, Kemal, Balakrishnan, Anantaram
Propagation of Strong Blast in an Atmosphere of Varying Density by Austern, Norman, Austern, N., Percus, J. K.
The Effect of Non-spherical Shape on the Motion of a Rising Underwater gas Bubble by Shiffman, Max
Efficient Loop-level Parallelism in Ada by Hind, Michael
Propagation of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves Without Radial Attenuation by Grad, Harold
Variational Analysis of Some Conjugate Gradient Methods by Widlund, Olof B., Szyld, Daniel B.
The Singularities of the Riemann Function by Ludwig, Donald
Some Implicit Finite Difference Schemes for Hyperbolic Systems by Gary, John
Some Uniqueness Theorems for the Reduced Wave Equation by Levine, Leo M.
Simultaneous, Successive and Alternating Direction Iteration Schemes by Heller, Jack
Faster Parametric Shortest Path and Minimum Balance Algorithms by Young, Neal E., Tarjan, Robert E. 1948-
The Stability of a Class of Bifurcated, Magnetohydrodynamic Free Boundary Equilibria by Kappraff, Jay
A Special Hill's Equation With Discontinuous Coefficients by Hochstadt, Harry
Scheduling Network of Queues: Heavy Traffic Analysis of Multistation Network With Controllable Inputs by Wein, Lawrence M.
Stability Criteria and the Initial Value Problem for Collisionless, Guiding Center Plasma by Kadish, Abraham
A Strong-connectivity Algorithm and its Applications in Data Flow Analysis by Sharir, M.
Steady-state Solutions of a Diffusive Energy-balance Climate Model and Their Stability by Ghil, Michael
A Level Mathematics: Lesson on C4 Differentiation by Ioannou, G. C.
The Parsimonious Property of cut Covering Problems and its Applications by Teo, Chungpiaw, Bertsimas, Dimitris
Resolution of an Initial Shear Flow Discontinuity in One-dimensional Hydromagnetic Flow by Bazer, Jack
Iterative Methods for the Solution of Elliptic Problems on Regions Partitioned Into Substructures by Bjorstad, Petter E., Widlund, Olof B.
On the Numerical Solution of Helmholtz's Equation by the Capacitance Matrix Method by Proskurowski, Wlodzimierz, Widlund, Olof
Optimization of Linear Discrete Systems: An Approach to the Staircase Problem by Tavernier, Hubert
Ordering Properties of Linear Successive Iteration Schemes by Heller, Jack
Calculation of Charge Density Distribution of Multilayers From Transit Time Data by Karp, Samuel N., Shmoys, J.
On Certain Finite Difference Schemes for the Equations of Hydrodynamics by Gary, John
Bounds on Scattering Phase Shifts by Spruch, Larry
Optimal Distributed Resource Allocation by Reif, John, Spirakis, Paul
Bounds on Elements of the S Matrix for Elastic Scattering: One Dimensional Scattering by Bartram, Ralph, Spruch, Larry
Final Report, I by Stoker, J. J., Isaacson, E.
Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Equation by Chorin, Alexandre Joel
On Integral Relations Involving Products of Spheroidal Functions by Chako, Nicholas
Asymptotic Description of the Cusps of a Hydromagnetic Figure of Equilibrium by Dowd, Robert E.
On Resonance in Infinite Gratings of Cylinders by Radlow, J., Karp, Samuel N.
Hyperliptic Magnetohydrodynamic Steady Flow Past a Point Source by Friedlander, Stanley
On the Kinetic Theory of Steady gas Flows by Sirovich, Lawrence
Numerical Analysis of a Free-boundary Singular Control Problem in Financial Economics by Hindy, Ayman, Huang, Chi-Fu, Zhu, Hang
Infinite Loops in Finite Time: Some Observations by Davis, Ernest
Boundary Values of Potential Functions Prescribed Along Interior Paths by Peters, Arthur S.
Finding Minimum-cost Flows by Double Scaling by Ahuja, Ravindra K.
On the use of Diatomic Orbitals in Calculations of the Electronic Wave Functions of Diatomic Molecules by Cooley, James W.
On the Green's Function for Two-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Waves. I by Weitzner, H.
The Hydromagnetic Stability of a Toroidal gas Discharge. By R. Lust, R. D. Richtmyer, A. Rotenberg, B. R. Suydam and D. Levy by Suydam, B. R., Lust, R., Rotenberg, A.
On the Convergence of Discrete Approximations to the Navier-Stokes Equations by Chorin, Alexandre Joel
Instabilities and Growth Rate of Guiding Center Diffuse Pinches by Pao, Young-Ping
An Infinite System of Linear Equations Arising in Diffraction Theory by Magnus, W.
Optimal Preconditioners of a Given Sparsity Pattern by Greenbaum, Anne, Rodrigue, G.
A Further Note on Top-down Deterministic Languages by Wood, Derick
The Initial Value Problem, Sound Propagation, and Modeling in Kinetic Theory by Sirovich, Lawrence
Axissymmetric Buckling of Hollow Spheres and Hemispheres by Reiss, Edward L., Keller, Herbert, Bauer, Louis
On the Eigenvalues Which Give Upper and Lower Bounds on Scattering Phases by Spruch, Larry
Parallelizing an Algorithm of Charles S. Peskin for Describing Incompressible Flow of a Fluid Coupled to an Elastic Membrane by Lubachevsky, B. D.
Thin Unsteady Heavy Jets by Weitz, Mortimer, Keller, Joseph B.
Tree Locking on Changing Trees by Lanin, Vladimir, Shasha, D.
The Force of Impact on a Sphere Striking a Water Surface. Second Approximation by Shiffman, Max, Spencer, D. C.
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