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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 2016

Calculus: An Applied Approach, Brief by Larson, Ron
Collected Papers II: Function Theory, Geometry and Miscellaneous by Kummer, Ernst Eduard
Advanced Calculus: An Introduction to Analysis, Global Edition by Fulks, Watson
P-Laplace Equation in the Heisenberg Group: Regularity of Solutions by Ricciotti, Diego
Noncommutative Mathematics for Quantum Systems by Skalski, Adam, Franz, Uwe
Fractional Evolution Equations and Inclusions: Analysis and Control by Zhou, Yong
Gems of Combinatorial Optimization and Graph Algorithms by
A Level Mathematics: C3- Trigonometry-Further Trigonometric identities and their applications. by Ioannou, G. C.
Functional Analysis: Entering Hilbert Space (Second Edition) by Hansen, Vagn Lundsgaard
What Is Calculus?: From Simple Algebra to Deep Analysis by Range, R. Michael
What Is Calculus?: From Simple Algebra to Deep Analysis by Range, R. Michael
Hyperbolic Manifolds: An Introduction in 2 and 3 Dimensions by Marden, Albert
The Gradient Test: Another Likelihood-Based Test by Lemonte, Artur
Theory of almost everything: New calculus by Jain, Vaibhav
Topics in Mathematics for the 12th Grade: Based on Teaching Practices in a Waldorf School by Neumann, Robert
Simulation-Driven Modeling and Optimization: Asdom, Reykjavik, August 2014 by
Introduction to Calculus and Classical Analysis by Hijab, Omar
Several Real Variables by Kantorovitz, Shmuel
Mathematical Analysis II by Zorich, V. A.
Varieties of Integration by Rosentrater, C. Ray
Mathematik Für Technische Gymnasien Und Berufliche Oberschulen Band 1: Analysis by Pfeffer, Karl-Heinz, Zipsner, Thomas
Variational Methods for Nonlocal Fractional Problems by Molica Bisci, Giovanni, Radulescu, Vicentiu D., Servadei, Raffaella
Calculus in the First Three Dimensions by Stein, Sherman K.
An Imaginary Tale: The Story of √-1 by Nahin, Paul
Separably Injective Banach Spaces by Cabello Sánchez, Félix, Castillo, Jesús M. F., Avilés, Antonio
Ten Essential Skills for Calculus: A Guide for the Prospective Student by Shedenhelm, Richard
Foundations of Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus by Brown, Philip
Measure and Integration by Bercovici, Hari, Brown, Arlen, Pearcy, Carl
Advanced Calculus of a Single Variable by Geveci, Tunc
Contemporary Calculus II ButlerCC by Hoffman, Dale
Tutor in a Book's Calculus by R, James
Elliptic Regularity Theory: A First Course by Beck, Lisa
Nonlocal Diffusion and Applications by Bucur, Claudia, Valdinoci, Enrico
Functionals of Finite Riemann Surfaces by Schiffer, Menahem, Spencer, Donald Clayton
Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations by
Studies on the Origin of Harmonic Tonality by Dahlhaus, Carl
Numerical Calculus by Milne, William Edmund
A Matlab(r) Companion to Complex Variables by Wunsch, A. David
Lectures on Complex Analytic Varieties: Finite Analytic Mappings by Gunning, Robert C.
Introductory Lectures on Automorphic Forms by Baily, Walter L.
Lectures on Riemann Surfaces: Jacobi Varieties by Gunning, Robert C.
Boundary Behavior of Holomorphic Functions of Several Complex Variables by Stein, Elias M.
Problems in Analysis: A Symposium in Honor of Salomon Bochner by
Global Analysis: Papers in Honor of K. Kodaira by Iyanaga, Shokichi, Spencer, Donald Clayton
Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory by Furstenberg, Harry
Shafarevich Maps and Automorphic Forms by Kollár, János
On Uniformization of Complex Manifolds: The Role of Connections by Gunning, Robert C.
Lectures on Pseudo-Differential Operators: Regularity Theorems and Applications to Non-Elliptic Problems by Stein, Elias M., Nagel, Alexander
Several Complex Variables: Proceedings of the Mittag-Leffler Institute, 1987-1988 by
Analytic Pseudodifferential Operators for the Heisenberg Group and Local Solvability by Geller, Daryl
Global Variational Analysis: Weierstrass Integrals on a Riemannian Manifold by Morse, Marston
The Collected Mathematical Works of George William Hill by Hill, George William
Elementary Treatise on the Planetary Theory, With a Collection of Problems; by Cheyne, Charles Hartwell Horne, Freeman, Alexander
Lösbarkeit Von Randwertproblemen Mittels Komplexer Integralgleichungen: Anwendung Funktionentheoretischer Methoden Zum Erhalt Klassischer Lösungen by Künnemann, Andreas
Numerical Optimization with Computational Errors by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
An Elementary Treatise on Variable Quantities, in two Parts: The Direct and Inverse by Cook, Hiram
Mathematics of the Paper Location of a Railroad by Fish, John Charles Lounsbury
Elements of Differential and Integral Calculus by Newcomb, Simon
First Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus, and Their Applications, According to the Course of Study of Coopers Hill College. To Which by Wolstenholme, Joseph
Real Analysis by Loeb, Peter a.
Engineering Applications of Higher Mathematics by Karapetoff, Vladimir
Calculo Integral: Con Funciones Trascendentes Tempranas by Saenz, Jorge
A Short Treatise On the Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus [By B. Powell] by Powell, Baden
Electrical Phenomena in Parallel Conductors, Volume 1 by Pernot, Frederick Eugene
The Civil Engineer's Field-Book: Designed for the Use of the Locating Engineer. Containing Tables of Actual Tangents, and Arcs Expressed in Chords of by Butts, Edward, Stubblefield, J. L.
The Elements of the Integral Calculus: With Its Applications to Geometry and to the Summation of Infinite Series. Intended for the Use of Mathematical by Young, John Radford
Curves of Civil Engineering: The Transitman's Pocket Companion. Containing Instructions for Surveys to Locate the Center Line of Engineering Works, by Haynes, Arthur Morton
Engineering Applications of Higher Mathematics, Volume 1 by Karapetoff, Vladimir
Location Analysis, Movements, and Renewal: Mathematical Safety-Risk by Margulies, Timothy S.
The Advanced Part of a Treatise On the Dynamics of a System of Rigid Bodies: Being Part Ii. of a Treatise On the Whole Subject. With Numerous Examples by Routh, Edward John
The Principles of Fluxions: Designed for the Use of Students in the University by Dealtry, William
Integral Operators in Non-Standard Function Spaces: Volume 1: Variable Exponent Lebesgue and Amalgam Spaces by Meskhi, Alexander, Rafeiro, Humberto, Kokilashvili, Vakhtang
Correlated Mathematics for Junior Colleges by Breslich, Ernst Rudolph
Mathematical Tracts On Physical Astronomy, the Figure of the Earth, Precession and Nutation, and the Calculus of Variations. Designed for the Use of S by Airy, George Biddell
Engineering Applications of Higher Mathematics, Volume 3 by Karapetoff, Vladimir
The Principles and Application of Imaginary Quantities by Gompertz, Benjamin
Integral Operators in Non-Standard Function Spaces: Volume 2: Variable Exponent Hölder, Morrey-Campanato and Grand Spaces by Meskhi, Alexander, Rafeiro, Humberto, Kokilashvili, Vakhtang
Concerning a Compound Discontinuous Solution in the Problem of the Surface of Revolution of Minimum Area by Sinclair, Mary Emily
Variable-Structure Approaches: Analysis, Simulation, Robust Control and Estimation of Uncertain Dynamic Processes by
Integral Operators in Non-Standard Function Spaces by Meskhi, Alexander, Rafeiro, Humberto, Kokilashvili, Vakhtang
Stochastic Calculus and Recurrence Relations by
The Theory of H(b) Spaces by Fricain, Emmanuel, Mashreghi, Javad
Advances in Mathematical Modeling, Optimization and Optimal Control by
A Fixed-Point Farrago by Shapiro, Joel H.
An Introduction to Frames and Riesz Bases by Christensen, Ole
Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications: Advanced Analysis of Vehicle Related Technologies by
Calculus for Dummies by Ryan, Mark
Fixed Point Theory and Graph Theory: Foundations and Integrative Approaches by
320 AP Calculus AB Problems arranged by Topic and Difficulty Level, 2nd Edition: 160 Test Questions with Solutions, 160 Additional Questions with Answ by Warner, Steve
Delays and Networked Control Systems by
Signal Resilient to Interpolation: The Mathematics: The Mathematics of the Signal Resilient to Interpolation by Ciulla, Carlo
Aufgabensammlung Analysis 1: Mit Mehr ALS 500 Übungen Und Lösungen by Reinhardt, Hans-Jürgen
320 AP Calculus BC Problems arranged by Topic and Difficulty Level, 2nd Edition: 160 Test Questions with Solutions, 160 Additional Questions with Answ by Warner, Steve
Ergodic Theory: Advances in Dynamical Systems by
Elements of Tensor Calculus by Lichnerowicz, A.
Mathematical Analysis, Approximation Theory and Their Applications by
A History of the Mathematical theories of attraction and the figure of the earth: From the time of Newton to that of Laplace Vol. 2 by Todhunter, I.
Linear Functional Analysis for Scientists and Engineers by Limaye, Balmohan V.
Innovative Numerical Approaches for Multi-Field and Multi-Scale Problems: In Honor of Michael Ortiz's 60th Birthday by
Spaces of Continuous Functions by Groenewegen, G. L. M., Van Rooij, A. C. M.
Algebraic Calculus: A Radical New Approach to Higher Mathematics for Students of Electronics and Computer Graphics by Lumsden, Roderick
Concise Calculus by Gong, Sheng, Gong, Youhong
Oeuvres de Charles Hermite. Tome 1 by Hermite, Charles
Oeuvres de Charles Hermite. Tome 2 by Hermite, Charles
Oeuvres de Charles Hermite. Tome 3 by Hermite, Charles
Stanford Math 51H Translated for the Mathematical Underdog: Midterm 1: The Linear Algebra Menace by Ramsay '99, Otis B.
Optimal Control and Geometry: Integrable Systems by Jurdjevic, Velimir
An Introductory Course in Lebesgue Spaces by Castillo, Rene Erlin, Rafeiro, Humberto
The Early Period of the Calculus of Variations by Giaquinta, Mariano, Freguglia, Paolo
Approximate Solutions of Common Fixed-Point Problems by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Elementary Calculus from an Advanced Standpoint by Morris, Dennis
Exploring Calculus: Labs and Projects with Mathematica by Arangala, Crista
Convergence of One-parameter Operator Semigroups by Bobrowski, Adam
An Elementary Treatise on Elliptic Functions by Cayley, Arthur
On the Direct Numerical Calculation of Elliptic Functions and Integrals by King, Louis V.
Quantum Calculus: New Concepts, Impulsive Ivps and Bvps, Inequalities by Tariboon, Jessada, Ahmad, Bashir, Ntouyas, Sotiris K.
Differential Equations: An Introduction to Basic Concepts, Results and Applications (Third Edition) by Vrabie, Ioan I.
Differential Equations: An Introduction to Basic Concepts, Results and Applications (Third Edition) by Vrabie, Ioan I.
Harmonic and Subharmonic Function Theory on the Hyperbolic Ball by Stoll, Manfred
Topics in Banach Space Theory by Albiac, Fernando, Kalton, Nigel J.
Optimal Control of a Double Integrator: A Primer on Maximum Principle by Locatelli, Arturo
Calculo Diferencial Para Administracion y Economia by Saenz, Jorge a.
Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic Pde's: Gppepdes, Palinuro, Italy, May 2015 by
Mathematical Analysis Fundamentals by Bashirov, Agamirza
Extremum-Seeking Control and Applications: A Numerical Optimization-Based Approach by Ordóñez, Raúl, Zhang, Chunlei
Multiple Shooting and Time Domain Decomposition Methods: Mus-Tdd, Heidelberg, May 6-8, 2013 by
Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics: 24th International Workshop in Operator Theory and Its Applications, Bangalore, December 2013 by
Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications: Applied Mechanics, Vibration Control, and Numerical Analysis by
Advances in Global Optimization by
Foundations of Abstract Analysis by Dshalalow, Jewgeni H.
Modern Stochastics and Applications by
Geostationary Satellites Collocation by Li, Hengnian
Partial Differential Equations: Theory, Control and Approximation: In Honor of the Scientific Heritage of Jacques-Louis Lions by
Mathematical Methods for Elastic Plates by Constanda, Christian
Ergodic Theory, Open Dynamics, and Coherent Structures by
More Calculus of a Single Variable by Mercer, Peter R.
A Variational Approach to Fracture and Other Inelastic Phenomena by del Piero, Gianpietro
Operator Theory in Harmonic and Non-Commutative Analysis: 23rd International Workshop in Operator Theory and Its Applications, Sydney, July 2012 by
Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications 2 by
Genericity in Nonlinear Analysis by Reich, Simeon, Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Upper and Lower Bounds for Stochastic Processes: Modern Methods and Classical Problems by Talagrand, Michel
Analytic Capacity, the Cauchy Transform, and Non-Homogeneous Calderón-Zygmund Theory by Tolsa, Xavier
Topological and Variational Methods with Applications to Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems by Motreanu, Dumitru, Motreanu, Viorica Venera, Papageorgiou, Nikolaos
Set Optimization and Applications - The State of the Art: From Set Relations to Set-Valued Risk Measures by
Applications of Evolutionary Computation in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition by Cuevas, Erik, Zaldívar, Daniel, Perez-Cisneros, Marco
Geometric Methods in Pde's by
Optimal Control of Stochastic Difference Volterra Equations: An Introduction by Shaikhet, Leonid
Introduction to Tensor Analysis and the Calculus of Moving Surfaces by Grinfeld, Pavel
Optimal Control of Switched Systems Arising in Fermentation Processes by Gong, Zhaohua, Liu, Chongyang
Nonlinear Optimization Applications Using the Gams Technology by Andrei, Neculai
An Atlas of Functions: With Equator, the Atlas Function Calculator by Myland, Jan, Spanier, Jerome, Oldham, Keith B.
Advanced Calculus: A Geometric View by Callahan, James J.
Real Analysis: Foundations and Functions of One Variable by Sós, Vera T., Laczkovich, Miklós
Estimation and Control Problems for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations by Knopov, Pavel S., Deriyeva, Olena N.
The Fundamentals of Analysis for Talented Freshmen by Luthy, Peter M., Weiss, Guido L., Xiao, Steven S.
Resilient Controls for Ordering Uncertain Prospects: Change and Response by Pham, Khanh D.
Optimal Transport for Applied Mathematicians: Calculus of Variations, Pdes, and Modeling by Santambrogio, Filippo
Geometric Control Theory and Sub-Riemannian Geometry by
Real Analysis for the Undergraduate: With an Invitation to Functional Analysis by Pons, Matthew a.
Leçons sur le prolongement analytique professées au Collège de France by
Floral Mandala Coloring Books Volume 1: Mandala Meditation Coloring Book by Roger Ed
Floral Mandala Coloring Books Volume 2: Mandala Meditation Coloring Book by Roger Ed
Floral Mandala Coloring Books Volume 3: Mandala Meditation Coloring Book by Roger Ed
Course in Analysis, a - Vol. II: Differentiation and Integration of Functions of Several Variables, Vector Calculus by Evans, Kristian P., Jacob, Niels
Course in Analysis, a - Vol. II: Differentiation and Integration of Functions of Several Variables, Vector Calculus by Jacob, Niels, Evans, Kristian P.
Dynamic Optimization in Environmental Economics by
Optimization in Science and Engineering: In Honor of the 60th Birthday of Panos M. Pardalos by
Responsible Tourism and Csr: Assessment Systems for Sustainable Development of SMEs in Tourism by Mingotto, Erica, Manente, Mara, Minghetti, Valeria
Problems and Solutions in Introductory and Advanced Matrix Calculus (Second Edition) by Hardy, Yorick, Steeb, Willi-Hans
Problems and Solutions in Introductory and Advanced Matrix Calculus (Second Edition) by Steeb, Willi-Hans, Hardy, Yorick
Analysis by Deitmar, Anton
Dynamics and Control of Trajectory Tubes: Theory and Computation by Varaiya, Pravin, Kurzhanski, Alexander B.
Lectures on Several Complex Variables by Gauthier, Paul M.
Turnpike Phenomenon and Infinite Horizon Optimal Control by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Theory and Applications of Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems: Icdea, Muscat, Oman, May 26 - 30, 2013 by
Vorlesungen über die Algebra der Logik (exakte Logik) by Schröder, Ernst, Müller, Eugen
Advanced Calculus: Differential Calculus and Stokes' Theorem by Buono, Pietro-Luciano
A Readable Introduction to Real Mathematics by Rosenthal, Daniel, Rosenthal, David, Rosenthal, Peter
The Corona Problem: Connections Between Operator Theory, Function Theory, and Geometry by
Menahem Max Schiffer: Selected Papers Volume 2 by
Numerical Methods and Optimization: A Consumer Guide by Walter, Éric
Analysis and Topology in Nonlinear Differential Equations: A Tribute to Bernhard Ruf on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday by
Nonlinear Analysis: Approximation Theory, Optimization and Applications by
Real Analysis by Dibenedetto, Emmanuele
An elementary treatise on the differential and integral calculus: With examples and applications by Osborne, George A.
The elementary properties of the elliptic functions: With examples by Dixon, Alfred Cardew
A treatise on the mathematical theory of the motion of fluids by Lamb, Horace
Computational Methods, Seismic Protection, Hybrid Testing and Resilience in Earthquake Engineering: A Tribute to the Research Contributions of Prof. A by
Fractional Calculus and Fractional Processes with Applications to Financial Economics: Theory and Application by Fabozzi, Frank, Fallahgoul, Hasan, Focardi, Sergio
Dynamic Inequalities on Time Scales by Saker, Samir, O'Regan, Donal, Agarwal, Ravi
Classical and Stochastic Laplacian Growth by Teodorescu, Razvan, Vasil'ev, Alexander, Gustafsson, Björn
Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making: Essays in Honor of Richard F. Hartl by
Ordered Structures and Applications: Positivity VII (Zaanen Centennial Conference), 22-26 July 2013, Leiden, the Netherlands by
Calculus with Vectors by Treiman, Jay S.
Riemann Surfaces and Algebraic Curves by Cavalieri, Renzo, Miles, Eric
Riemann Surfaces and Algebraic Curves by Cavalieri, Renzo, Miles, Eric
Calculs Pratiques Appliqués Aux Sciences d'Observation by Babinet, Jacques
Fixed Point Theory in Modular Function Spaces by Khamsi, Mohamed A., Kozlowski, Wojciech M.
Vorlesungen über allgemeine Arithmetik; nach den neueren Ansichten: Band 2 by Stolz, Otto
An elementary Treatise On The Differential Calculus, Containing The Theory Of Plane curves, with numerous examples by Williamson, Benjamin
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