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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 2017

Taylor Coefficients and Coefficient Multipliers of Hardy and Bergman-Type Spaces by Arsenovic, Milos, Jevtic, Miroljub, Vukotic, Dragan
Living Math: Seeing mathematics in every day life (and appreciating it more too). by Benton, D. James
Space Engineering: Modeling and Optimization with Case Studies by
Partielle Differentialgleichungen und deren Anwendung auf physikalische Fragen by Riemann, Bernhard
Elementare Theorie der analytischen Functionen einer complexen Veränderlichen by Thomae, Johannes
Calculus: A Rigorous First Course by Velleman, Daniel J.
Volterra Integral Equations by Brunner, Hermann
One Variable Calculus: Banach Algebra by Kleyn, Aleks
Single Variable Calculus (Russian Edition): Banach Algebra by Kleyn, Aleks
Pre-Calculus for College Students: 1st Edition by Gorguis, Alice
Die Differential- und Integralrechnung by Dienger, Joseph
Integral and Differential Calculus by Kyriakis, Alexandros
Handbuch der Theorie der linearen Differentialgleichungen by Schlesinger, Ludwig
Handbuch der Theorie der linearen Differentialgleichungen by Schlesinger, Ludwig
Analysis 3: Maß- Und Integrationstheorie, Integralsätze Im Irn Und Anwendungen by Forster, Otto
Die Grundempfindungen in normalen- und anomalen Farbensystemen: Und ihre Intensitätsverteilung im Spektrum by Dieterich, Conrad, König, Arthur
Fractional Elliptic Problems with Critical Growth in the Whole of $\R^n$ by Dipierro, Serena, Medina, Maria, Valdinoci, Enrico
Periodic Feedback Stabilization for Linear Periodic Evolution Equations by Xu, Yashan, Wang, Gengsheng
A Basic Course in Probability Theory by Waymire, Edward C., Bhattacharya, Rabi
Algebra der Grammatik: ein Beitrag zur Philosophie der Formenlehre und Syntax by Stöhr, Adolf
Einführung in die mathematische Behandlung der Naturwissenschaften: Kurzgefasstes Lehrbuch der Differential- und Integralrechnung by Nernst, Walther
Mathematical Methods for the Natural and Engineering Sciences (Second Edition) by Mickens, Ronald E.
Calculus 1 and One by Simon, Sebastien
Problems and Solutions in Real Analysis (Second Edition) by Hata, Masayoshi
Free Discontinuity Problems by
Everyday Calculus: Discovering the Hidden Math All Around Us by Fernandez, Oscar E.
Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces by Bauschke, Heinz H., Combettes, Patrick L.
Vorlesungen über die Algebra der Logik: Zweiter Band by Lüroth, Jakob, Schröder, Ernst, Müller, Eugen
Concise Calculus by Gong, Sheng, Gong, Youhong
Advances in Energy System Optimization: Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Energy System Optimization by
Singular Bilinear Integrals by Jefferies, Brian Raymond Frederick
Several Complex Variables: Proceedings of the Mittag-Leffler Institute, 1987-1988 by
Topics in Ergodic Theory by Sinai, Iakov Grigorevich
Topics in Ergodic Theory by Sinai, Iakov Grigorevich
Hadamard-Type Fractional Differential Equations, Inclusions and Inequalities by Ahmad, Bashir, Alsaedi, Ahmed, Ntouyas, Sotiris K.
Differential Equations: A Primer for Scientists and Engineers by Constanda, Christian
Übungsbuch Zur Analysis 1: Aufgaben Und Lösungen by Wessoly, Rüdiger, Forster, Otto
Multivariable Dynamic Calculus on Time Scales by Bohner, Martin, Georgiev, Svetlin G.
Elements of Hilbert Spaces and Operator Theory by Vasudeva, Harkrishan Lal
Äquivariante Torsion Auf Kontakt-Mannigfaltigkeiten by Teßmer, Pascal
Interval Analysis: And Automatic Result Verification by Mayer, Günter
Discrete-Time Optimal Control and Games on Large Intervals by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
The Calculus of Happiness: How a Mathematical Approach to Life Adds Up to Health, Wealth, and Love by Fernandez, Oscar E.
Lehrbuch der Arithmetik und Algebra by Schröder, Ernst
Elliptic and Modular Functions from Gauss to Dedekind to Hecke by Roy, Ranjan
An Introduction to Analysis by Mikusinski, Jan, Mikusinski, Piotr
Calculus and Its Applications by
Differential Calculus Formulae Practice Workbook: Calculus I by M, Subbiahdoss
Retaining Walls for Earth: Including the theory of earth-pressure as developed from the ellipse of stress, with a short treatise on foundations, by Howe, Malverd Abijah
Fourier Integrals in Classical Analysis by Sogge, Christopher D.
Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics: Introduction to Lie theory with applications by Schwalm, William a.
Optimization of Type-2 Fuzzy Controllers Using the Bee Colony Algorithm by Amador, Leticia, Castillo, Oscar
Flows of Non-Smooth Vector Fields and Degenerate Elliptic Equations: With Applications to the Vlasov-Poisson and Semigeostrophic Systems by Colombo, Maria
Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications: Second Edition by Goldstein, Jerome A.
Functional Equations and Inequalities: Solutions and Stability Results by Ravi, K., Rassias, John Michael, Thandapani, E.
Functional Equations and Inequalities: Solutions and Stability Results by Thandapani, E., Ravi, K., Rassias, John Michael
Sensing and Control for Autonomous Vehicles: Applications to Land, Water and Air Vehicles by
Vector-Valued Partial Differential Equations and Applications: Cetraro, Italy 2013 by Dacorogna, Bernard
Introduction to Functional Equations by Kannappan, Palaniappan, Sahoo, Prasanna K.
Calculus: Single Variable by Viglino, Giovanni
Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus,: By a New Method founded on the True System of Sir Isaac Newton, Without the use of Infinitesimals by Buckingham, Catherinus Putnam
iGlobal Calculus Study Guide by Services, Iglobal Educational
Boolean Differential Calculus by Steinbach, Bernd, Posthoff, Christian
Localization and Perturbation of Zeros of Entire Functions by Gil', Michael
On a Certain Class of Functions with Line-Singularities by Eiesland, John
Dynamical and Geometric Aspects of Hamilton-Jacobi and Linearized Monge-Ampère Equations: Viasm 2016 by Le, Nam Q.
Student Solutions Manual for Single Variable and Multivariable Calculus: by Giovanni Viglino by Berger, Marion
Engineering Mathematics - I by Goyal, Anil, Bhardwaj, Ramakant, Yadava, R. N.
Free Probability and Random Matrices by Speicher, Roland, Mingo, James A.
Calculus: multivariable by Viglino, Giovanni
Stochastic Optimal Control in Infinite Dimension: Dynamic Programming and Hjb Equations by Fabbri, Giorgio, Gozzi, Fausto, Święch, Andrzej
Fractional-Order Control Systems: Fundamentals and Numerical Implementations by Xue, Dingyü
Multi-Objective Optimization Problems: Concepts and Self-Adaptive Parameters with Mathematical and Engineering Applications by Steffen Jr, Valder, Lobato, Fran Sérgio
Mobius Invariant Qk Spaces by Wulan, Hasi, Zhu, Kehe
Block Method for Solving the Laplace Equation and for Constructing Conformal Mappings by Volkov, Evgenii A.
Soft Computing for Sustainability Science by
Exterior Ballistics in the Plane of Fire by Ingalls, James Monroe
Elliptic functions: An elementary text-book for students of mathematics by Baker, Arthur Latham
An elementary treatise on the differential calculus by Williamson, Benjamin
Exploring Mathematics: An Engaging Introduction to Proof by Meier, John, Smith, Derek
Course in Analysis, a - Vol. III: Measure and Integration Theory, Complex-Valued Functions of a Complex Variable by Evans, Kristian P., Jacob, Niels
Course in Analysis, a - Vol. III: Measure and Integration Theory, Complex-Valued Functions of a Complex Variable by Jacob, Niels, Evans, Kristian P.
Soft Computing Based Optimization and Decision Models: To Commemorate the 65th Birthday of Professor José Luis Curro Verdegay by
Fiddling With The Infinitesimal: A Guide Through Many Astonishing Results In Foundational Calculus by Fox, Matthew
Analysis of Rotary Motion as Applied to the Gyroscope by Barnard, John Gross
An Elementary Treatise on the Integral Calculus,: founded on the method of rates or fluxions by Johnson, William Woolsey
The Civil Engineer's Field Book: Designed for the Use of the Locating Engineer. Second Edition by Butts, Edward
Optimal Control: Novel Directions and Applications by
Bitcoin Für Anfänger: Wie Man Bitcoins Kauft, Investiert Und Handelt by Bauer, Michael
Elements of Mathematics with Numerical Applications by Caliò, Franca, Lazzari, Alessandro
Optimization and Approximation by Pedregal, Pablo
Lie Groups, Differential Equations, and Geometry: Advances and Surveys by
Harmonic and Complex Analysis in Several Variables by Krantz, Steven G.
Ergodic Optimization in the Expanding Case: Concepts, Tools and Applications by Garibaldi, Eduardo
Probability for Statisticians by Shorack, Galen R.
For Math Tutors: AP Calculus AB Exam 7 Full-Length Practice Tests for the Multiple Choice Sections: 7 Full-Length Practice Tests for th by Rhee, Yeon
How to Memorize Formulas in Mathematics: Book-1 Calculus by Sarswat, Rajesh
For Math Tutors: AP Calculus BC Exam 7 Full-Length Practice Tests for the Multiple Choice Sections: 7 Full-Length Practice Tests for th by Rhee, Yeon
Analysis 2: Differentialrechnung Im Irn, Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen by Forster, Otto
Calculus 1 & 2: A Guided Approach by Frempong, A. a.
Advances in Real and Complex Analysis with Applications by
Advances in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory: Festschrift in Honor of Daniel Alpay's 60th Birthday by
Fuzzy Dual Numbers: Theory and Applications by Mora-Camino, Felix, Nunes Cosenza, Carlos Alberto
Applications of Calculus to Biology and Medicine: Case Studies from Lake Victoria by Wallace, Dorothy I., Ryan, Nathan
Function Spaces and Inequalities: New Delhi, India, December 2015 by
Final Exam Review: College Algebra by Frempong, A. a.
Final Exam Review: Elementary Mathematics by Frempong, A. a.
Final Exam Review: Calculus 1 & 2: (A Guided Approach) by Frempong, A. a.
Final Exam Review: College Trigonometry by Frempong, A. a.
Final Exam Review: Elementary Algebra by Frempong, A. a.
Final Exam Review: Intermediate Algebra by Frempong, A. a.
Calculus 1 & 2: A Guided Approach by Frempong, A. a.
Industrial Mathematics and Complex Systems: Emerging Mathematical Models, Methods and Algorithms by
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Materials by Lurie, K. A.
Höhere Mathematik Für Ingenieure Band I: Analysis by Wille, Friedrich, Burg, Klemens, Haf, Herbert
Anschauliche Höhere Mathematik Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler 1: Lineare Algebra, Eindimensionale Analysis: Ein Graphisch Orientierter Zugang by Neher, Markus
Anschauliche Höhere Mathematik Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler 2: Mehrdimensionale Analysis, Differenzialgleichungen: Ein Graphisch Orientiert by Neher, Markus
The Realm of Radiance A Modern Fable by Herrick, Jonathan
Réflexions Sur La Métaphysique Du Calcul Infinitésimal. 3e Édition by Carnot, Lazare
Réflexions Sur La Métaphysique Du Calcul Infinitésimal. 4e Édition by Carnot, Lazare
Introduction to Functional Data Analysis by Kokoszka, Piotr, Reimherr, Matthew
Calculus Methods by Expolog LLC, Yablonski, Ken
Mathematics for Nonlinear Phenomena -- Analysis and Computation: In Honor of Yoshikazu Giga's 60th Birthday, Sapporo, Japan, August 2015 by
Dictionary of Analysis, Calculus, and Differential Equations by
A Most Elegant Equation: Euler's Formula and the Beauty of Mathematics by Stipp, David
Variational Analysis of Regular Mappings: Theory and Applications by Ioffe, Alexander D.
Vector Variational Inequalities and Vector Optimization: Theory and Applications by Ansari, Qamrul Hasan, Köbis, Elisabeth, Yao, Jen-Chih
Solvability, Regularity, and Optimal Control of Boundary Value Problems for Pdes: In Honour of Prof. Gianni Gilardi by
Stochastic Geometric Mechanics: Cib, Lausanne, Switzerland, January-June 2015 by
Formal Methods for Safety and Security: Case Studies for Aerospace Applications by
Complex Analysis: A Functional Analytic Approach by Haslinger, Friedrich
Numerical Integration of Space Fractional Partial Differential Equations: Vol 1 - Introduction to Algorithms and Computer Coding in R by Schiesser, William E., Salehi, Younes
Algebra Made Easy: Being a clear explanation of the mathematical formulae found in Prof. Thompson's Dynamo-electric machinery and Polypha by Houston, Edwin J.
Calculus in 5 Hours: Concepts Revealed so You Don't Have to Sit Through a Semester of Lectures by Jarecke, Dennis
Numerical Integration of Space Fractional Partial Differential Equations: Vol 2 - Applications from Classical Integer Pdes by Schiesser, William E., Salehi, Younes
Nonlinear Wave Equations by Li, Tatsien, Zhou, Yi
Twenty-One Lectures on Complex Analysis: A First Course by Isaev, Alexander
2018 The Winning Year: New Year's Resolution by Williamson, A. J.
Introduction to Hilbert Space and the Theory of Spectral Multiplicity: Second Edition by Halmos, Paul R.
Real Analysis: Series, Functions of Several Variables, and Applications by Laczkovich, Miklós, T. Sós, Vera
Multivariable Calculus with Matlab(r): With Applications to Geometry and Physics by Lipsman, Ronald L., Rosenberg, Jonathan M.
Modern Real Analysis by Ziemer, William P.
City Networks: Collaboration and Planning for Health and Sustainability by
Control Engineering and Finance by Hacısalihzade, Selim S.
Orthogonal Polynomials and Painlevé Equations by Van Assche, Walter
How to Integrate It by Stewart, Seán M.