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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 2018

Applications of Nonlinear Analysis by
A Course of Pure Mathematics: Third Edition by Hardy, G. H.
Discrete-Time Optimal Control and Games on Large Intervals by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Differential Equations: A Primer for Scientists and Engineers by Constanda, Christian
Calculus Without Hocus Pocus by Naqvi, K. Razi
A Course in Functional Analysis and Measure Theory by Kadets, Vladimir
Sechs Vorträge über ausgewählte Gegenstände aus der reinen Mathematik und mathematischen Physik, auf by Poincaré, Henri
Sechs Vorträge über ausgewählte Gegenstände aus der reinen Mathematik und mathematischen Physik, auf by Poincaré, Henri
Die Integralgleichungen Und Ihre Anwendungen in der Universitat zu Breslau Gehalten by Kneser, Adolf
Die Integralgleichungen Und Ihre Anwendungen in der Universitat zu Breslau Gehalten by Kneser, Adolf
Spectral Theory and Differential Operators by Evans, Des, Edmunds, David
Leçons Sur L'Attraction Et La Fonction Potentielle: Professées À La Sorbonne En 1890-1891 by Appell, Paul, Charliat, Alexandre
Experimentelle Studien Zur Individualpsychologie ... by Oehrn, Axel
Experimentelle Studien Zur Individualpsychologie ... by Oehrn, Axel
Über Die Invarianten Linearer Und Quadratischer Binärer Differentialformen Und Ihre Anwendung Auf Die Deformation Der Flächen ...; Volume 23 by Hessenberg, Gerhard
Beiträge Zur Interpretation Der Partiellen Differentialgleichungen Mit Drei Variabeln, Volume 1. ERSTES HEFT by Bois-Reymond, Paul Du
Beiträge Zur Kritik Der Annales Regni Francorum Und Der Annales Q.D. Einhardi by Wibel, Hans
Beiträge Zur Kritik Der Annales Regni Francorum Und Der Annales Q.D. Einhardi by Wibel, Hans
Vierstellige Logarithmen Der Natürlichen Zahlen Und Winkelfunctionen ... by Müller, Johann Heinrich Traugott
Uber Die Definitionsgleichungen Der Continuirlichen Transformationsgruppen by Engel, Friedrich
Beiträge Zur Interpretation Der Partiellen Differentialgleichungen Mit Drei Variabeln, Volume 1. ERSTES HEFT by Bois-Reymond, Paul Du
Uebersicht der Theorie der Elliptischen Funktionen by Hermite, Charles
Leçons Sur L'Attraction Et La Fonction Potentielle: Professées À La Sorbonne En 1890-1891 by Appell, Paul, Charliat, Alexandre
Theorie Der Modular-Functionen Und Der Modular-Integrale by Gudermann, Christoph
Elementarbuch Der Differential-Und Integralrechnung, Mit Zahlreichen Anwendungen Aus Der Analysis, Geometrie, Mechanik Und Physik ... by Autenheimer, Friedrich
Elementarbuch Der Differential-Und Integralrechnung, Mit Zahlreichen Anwendungen Aus Der Analysis, Geometrie, Mechanik Und Physik ... by Autenheimer, Friedrich
Über Integralinvarianten Und Differentialgleichungen by Lie, Sophus
Einleitung in Die Höhere Algebra by Dronke, Adolf
Leçons De Calcul Différentiel by Garnier, Jean-Guillaume
Les Principes De L'analyse Mathématiques: Exposé Historique Et Critique; Volume 1 by Boutroux, Pierre
Die Mathematik Im Dienste Der Nationalökonomie Mit Hinweis Auf Die Theorie Und Lösung Der Irreductibelen Transcendenten Gleichungen, Einer Neuen Wisse by Grossmann, Ludwig
Die Mathematik Im Dienste Der Nationalökonomie Mit Hinweis Auf Die Theorie Und Lösung Der Irreductibelen Transcendenten Gleichungen, Einer Neuen Wisse by Grossmann, Ludwig
L. A. Sohncke's Sammlung Von Aufgaben Aus Der Differential- Und Integralrechnung: T. Integralrechnung by Sohncke, Ludwig Adolf
Vorlesungen Über Allgemeine Arithmetik: Nach Den Neueren Ansichten; Volume 2 by Stolz, Otto
Vorlesungen Über Differential- Und Integralrechnung, ERSTER BAND by Czuber, Emanuel
Vorlesungen Über Differential- Und Integralrechnung, ERSTER BAND by Czuber, Emanuel
Theorie Allgemeiner Cofunctionen Und Einige Ihrer Anwendungen: Erster Band, Zweiter Theil, Erstes Heft; Volume 1 by Schapira, Hermann
Theorie Der Doppeltperiodischen Functionen Einer Veränderlichen Grösse; Volume 2 by Krause, Martin
Neue Rechnungsmethoden Der Höheren Mathematik by Bergbohm, Julius
Free Probability and Random Matrices by Mingo, James A., Speicher, Roland
Lehrbuch Der Theorie Der Periodischen Functionen: Einer Variabeln Mit Einer Endlichen Anzahl Wesentlicher Discontinuitätspunkte, Nebst Einer Einleitun by Rausenberger, Otto
Lehrbuch Der Differential- Und Integral-Rechnung by Harnack, Axel, Serret, Joseph Alfred
Integration Einer Linearen Homogenen Differentialgleichung Vierter Ordnung: Deren Integral in Der Horizontfläche Unstetigkeiten Zweiter Art Besitzt .. by Kammer, August Zur
Vorlesungen Über Mathematische Optik by Hensel, Kurt, Kirchhoff, Gustav
Journal Für Die Reine Und Angewandte Mathematik; Volume 88 by Crelle, August Leopold, De Gruyter &. Co, Walter
Abhandlung Über Die Functionen Zweier Variabler Mit Vier Perioden: Welche Die Inversen Sind Der Ultra-Elliptischen Integrale Erster Klasse by Rosenhain, Georg
Elements of Hilbert Spaces and Operator Theory by Vasudeva, Harkrishan Lal
Die Anwendung der Trigonometrie auf Arithmetik und Algebra by Berkhan, Wilhelm
Die Anwendung der Trigonometrie auf Arithmetik und Algebra by Berkhan, Wilhelm
Inneres Gleichgewicht Der Pfeiler Aus Metallconstruction Nach Den Gesetzen Der Elastischen Deformation... by Allievi, Lorenzo, Totz, Richard
Exposé Des Méthodes Générales En Mathématiques: Résolution Et Intégration Des Équations, Applications Diverses by West, Émile
Untersuchungen Über Das Gleichgewicht Des Elastischen Stabes by Pochhammer, Leo August
Leçons Sur L'intégration Des Équations Aux Dérivées Partielles Du Second Ordre: Problème De Cauchy. Charactéristiques. Intégrales Intermédiaires by Goursat, Edouard
Aufgaben Zur Differential- Und Integralrechnung: Nebst Den Resultaten Und Den Zur Lösung Nöthigen Theoretischen Erläuterungen by Dölp, Heinrich
Vorlesungen über die Theorie der elliptischen Functionen Nerst einer Einleitung in die allgemeine Functionenlehre by Koenigsberger, Leo
Calculus Made Easy by Thompson, Silvanus P.
Entwicklungen Nach Oscillirenden Functionen Und Integration Der Differentialgleichungen Der Mathematischen Physik: Bericht, Erstattet Der Deutschen Ma by Burkhardt, Heinrich
Sammlung von Aufgaben zur Anwendung der Differential- und Integralrechnung; Volume 2 by Dingeldey, Friedrich
Untersuchungen Über Die Allgemeinste Lineare Substitution Deren Potenzen Eine Endliche Gruppe Bilden ... by Rost, Georg
Die Integralgleichungen und ihre Anwendungen in der mathematischen Physik. Vorlesungen by Kneser, Adolf
Aperçus théoretiques sur la résistance des fluides by Villat, Henri
Ausführliches Lehrbuch der analytischen oder höhern Geometrie zum Selbstunterricht. Zweite verbesserte und vermehrte Auflage. by Lübsen, Heinrich Borchert
Sensing and Control for Autonomous Vehicles: Applications to Land, Water and Air Vehicles by
Kombinatorische Optimierung: Theorie Und Algorithmen by Vygen, Jens, Korte, Bernhard
Sammlung von Aufgaben zur Anwendung der Differential-und Integralrechnung. by Dingeldey, Friedrich
Recueil D'exercices Sur Le Calcul Infinitésimal À L'usage Des Candidats À L'école Polytechnique Et À L'école Normale, Des Élèves De Ces Écoles, Et Des by Laurent, Hermann, Frenet, Frédéric
Über die Maxwell-Hertz'sche Theorie. by Neumann, Carl
Über die Maxwell-Hertz'sche Theorie. by Neumann, Carl
Geometric and Numerical Optimal Control: Application to Swimming at Low Reynolds Number and Magnetic Resonance Imaging by Rouot, Jérémy, Bonnard, Bernard, Chyba, Monique
Soft Computing Based Optimization and Decision Models: To Commemorate the 65th Birthday of Professor José Luis Curro Verdegay by
Lie Groups, Differential Equations, and Geometry: Advances and Surveys by
Harmonic and Complex Analysis in Several Variables by Krantz, Steven G.
Variational Analysis and Applications by Mordukhovich, Boris S.
Calculus Made Even Easier: An Infinitesimal Differential Approach by Carter, Robert
Active Calculus 2018: Single Variable by Boelkins, Matthew
Green's Functions with Applications by Duffy, Dean G.
Mobius Invariant Qk Spaces by Wulan, Hasi, Zhu, Kehe
Essential Calculus Skills Practice Workbook with Full Solutions by McMullen, Chris
Soft Computing for Sustainability Science by
Advances in Complex Analysis and Operator Theory: Festschrift in Honor of Daniel Alpay's 60th Birthday by
Differenzialrechnung Leicht Gemacht! by Balla, Jochen
Fuzzy Operator Theory in Mathematical Analysis by Cho, Yeol Je, Saadati, Reza, Rassias, Themistocles M.
Mathematik Für Technische Gymnasien Und Berufliche Oberschulen Band 2: Vektorrechnung Und Analytische Geometrie by Pfeffer, Karl-Heinz, Zipsner, Thomas
Inventory Management in Multi-Echelon Networks: On the Optimization of Reorder Points by Grob, Christopher
Fractional Calculus: An Introduction for Physicists (Third Edition) by Herrmann, Richard
Calculus For Beginners by Lapax, Lincoin, Weaver, James H.
Model Predictive Control: Approaches Based on the Extended State Space Model and Extended Non-Minimal State Space Model by Gao, Furong, Xue, Anke, Zhang, Ridong
Solvability, Regularity, and Optimal Control of Boundary Value Problems for Pdes: In Honour of Prof. Gianni Gilardi by
Variational Analysis of Regular Mappings: Theory and Applications by Ioffe, Alexander D.
Mathematics for Nonlinear Phenomena -- Analysis and Computation: In Honor of Yoshikazu Giga's 60th Birthday, Sapporo, Japan, August 2015 by
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Dynamic Materials by Lurie, K. A.
Real Analysis: Series, Functions of Several Variables, and Applications by Laczkovich, Miklós, T. Sós, Vera
Multivariable Calculus with Matlab(r): With Applications to Geometry and Physics by Lipsman, Ronald L., Rosenberg, Jonathan M.
Complete Calculus For Physics And Engineering by Phillips, Henry B., Maestro, Karo
Modern Real Analysis by Ziemer, William P.
Stochastic Geometric Mechanics: Cib, Lausanne, Switzerland, January-June 2015 by
Control Engineering and Finance by Hacısalihzade, Selim S.
City Networks: Collaboration and Planning for Health and Sustainability by
Vector Variational Inequalities and Vector Optimization: Theory and Applications by Ansari, Qamrul Hasan, Köbis, Elisabeth, Yao, Jen-Chih
Elementare Technomathematik: Von Vektoren Und Matrizen Über Komplexe Zahlen Zur Differential- Und Integralrechnung by Schmid, Harald
Höhere Technomathematik: Von Funktionen Mit Mehreren Variablen Über Differentialgleichungen Bis Zur Stochastik by Schmid, Harald
Maß- Und Integrationstheorie by Elstrodt, Jürgen
Industrial Mathematics and Complex Systems: Emerging Mathematical Models, Methods and Algorithms by
Nonlinear Wave Equations by Zhou, Yi, Li, Tatsien
Arbeitsbuch Mathematik: Aufgaben, Hinweise, Lösungen Und Lösungswege by Arens, Tilo, Hettlich, Frank, Karpfinger, Christian
Weighted Inequalities Involving P-Quasiconcave Operators by Evans, William Desmond, Opic, Bohumir, Gogatishvili, Amiran
Integration for Calculus, Analysis, and Differential Equations: Techniques, Examples, and Exercises by Markin, Marat V.
Course in Analysis, a - Vol. IV: Fourier Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations by Jacob, Niels, Evans, Kristian P.
Differential And Integral Calculus Through Problems and Solutions by Graesser, R. F., Petersen, G. M., Maestro, Karo
Course in Analysis, a - Vol. IV: Fourier Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations, Calculus of Variations by Evans, Kristian P., Jacob, Niels
Integration for Calculus, Analysis, and Differential Equations: Techniques, Examples, and Exercises by Markin, Marat V.
Crossed Products of C*-Algebras, Topological Dynamics, and Classification by Phillips, N. Christopher, Kerr, David, Giordano, Thierry
The Restricted Three-Body Problem and Holomorphic Curves by Van Koert, Otto, Frauenfelder, Urs
Clifford Analysis and Related Topics: In Honor of Paul A. M. Dirac, Cart 2014, Tallahassee, Florida, December 15-17 by
Stochastic Optimal Control in Infinite Dimension: Dynamic Programming and Hjb Equations by Święch, Andrzej, Fabbri, Giorgio, Gozzi, Fausto
Metrics, Norms, Inner Products, and Operator Theory by Heil, Christopher
Compressed Sensing for Privacy-Preserving Data Processing by Testa, Matteo, Valsesia, Diego, Bianchi, Tiziano
A Primer on Hilbert Space Operators by Soltan, Piotr
A Functional Analysis Framework for Modeling, Estimation and Control in Science and Engineering by Banks, H. T.
Variational Source Conditions, Quadratic Inverse Problems, Sparsity Promoting Regularization: New Results in Modern Theory of Inverse Problems and an by Flemming, Jens
Modern Analysis of Automorphic Forms By Example by Garrett, Paul
Modern Analysis of Automorphic Forms By Example by Garrett, Paul
Free Boundary Problems: Regularity Properties Near the Fixed Boundary by Apushkinskaya, Darya
Qualitative Theory of Volterra Difference Equations by Raffoul, Youssef N.
Discrete-Time Higher Order Sliding Mode: The Concept and the Control by Sharma, Nalin Kumar, Sivaramakrishnan, Janardhanan
Calculus: A Complete Introduction: Teach Yourself by Neill, Hugh
Mathematik by Arens, Tilo, Hettlich, Frank, Karpfinger, Christian
Unit Root, Cointegration, Granger-Causality, Threshold Regression and Other Econometric Modeling with Economics and Financial Data: 單根&# by Chin-Wei Yang, 楊慶偉, 黃柏農
A Brief Introduction to Berezin-Toeplitz Operators on Compact Kähler Manifolds by Le Floch, Yohann
From Classical to Modern Analysis by Schinazi, Rinaldo B.
Dynamics of Disasters: Algorithmic Approaches and Applications by
Tensor Analysis by Neemann, Klaus, Schade, Heinz
Generalized Preinvexity and Second Order Duality in Multiobjective Programming by Yang, Xinmin
Equilibrium Problems and Applications by Kassay, Gábor, Rădulescu, Vicențiu
Kähler Immersions of Kähler Manifolds Into Complex Space Forms by Loi, Andrea, Zedda, Michela
Complex Analysis by Stewart, Ian, Tall, David
Operator Relations Characterizing Derivatives by Milman, Vitali, König, Hermann
Generalized Multiresolution Analyses by Merrill, Kathy D.
Algebra, Complex Analysis, and Pluripotential Theory: 2 Usuzcamp, Urgench, Uzbekistan, August 8-12, 2017 by
Mathematical Psychics; An Essay on the Application of Mathematics to the Moral Sciences by Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro
Cameos for Calculus: Visualization in the First-Year Course by Nelsen, Roger B.
Fixed Point Theory in Metric Spaces: Recent Advances and Applications by Samet, Bessem, Jleli, Mohamed, Agarwal, Praveen
Complex Analysis with Applications by Asmar, Nakhlé H., Grafakos, Loukas
Trigonometric Functions: 501 Questions with Complete Solutions by Castelluzzo, L.
Trigonometrische Functies: 501 Vragen Met Complete Oplossingen by Castelluzzo, L.
Trigonometrische Funktionen: 501 Fragen mit vollständigen Lösungen by Castelluzzo, L.
Fonctions trigonométriques: 501 questions avec des solutions complètes by Castelluzzo, L.
Funzioni trigonometriche: 501 esercizi con le soluzioni complete by Castelluzzo, L.
Funciones trigonométricas: 501 ejercicios con las soluciones completas by Castelluzzo, L.
Spektraltheorie Selbstadjungierter Operatoren Im Hilbertraum Und Elliptischer Differentialoperatoren by Sauvigny, Friedrich
Pre-Calculus Equations & Answers: A Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide by Expolog LLC, Yablonski, Ken
Calculus from the Ground Up by Bartlett, Jonathan Laine
Calculus from the Ground Up Solution Guide by Bartlett, Jonathan Laine
Ordinary Differential Equations: An Elementary Text-Book: With an Introduction to Lie's Theory of the Group of One Parameter by Page, James Morris
Calculus Made Even Easier by Carter, Robert
Comprehensive Remedial Mathematics for Pharmacy by Bhardwaj, Ramakant, Patkar, Shyam, Agarwal, Sarvesh
Introduction to Fractional Differential Equations by Drăgănescu, Gheorghe, Tenreiro Machado, J., MILICI, Constantin
Asymptotic Expansion of Multiple Integrals and the Method of Stationary Phase by Jones, Douglas S., Kline, Morris
Dynamic Multidrug Therapies for HIV: A Control Theoretic Approach by Nowak, Martin A., Wein, Lawrence M., Zenios, Stefanos
Dynamic Multidrug Therapies for HIV: A Control Theoretic Approach by Nowak, Martin A., Wein, Lawrence M., Zenios, Stefanos
Existence and Uniqueness Theory of the Vlasov Equation by Wollman, Stephen
Difference Schemes with High Order of Accuracy for Solving Hyperbolic Equations by Wendroff, Burton, Lax, Peter D.
Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Past a Thin Airfoil by Weitzner, H., Cumberbatch, E., Sarason, L.
Integrals of Nonlinear Equations of Evolution and Solitary Waves by Lax, Peter D.
Finite Element Capacitance Matrix Methods by Widlund, Olof B., Borgers, Christoph
Maxwell's Equation in Spherically Symmetric Media by Luneburg, Rudolf K.
Decay of Solutions of Systems of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws by Lax, Peter D., Glimm, James
A Cache Technique for Synchronization Variables in Highly Parallel, Shared Memory Systems by Berke, Wayne
The Canonical Theory of Motion of a Charged Particle in a Slowly Varying Electromagnetic Field by Taniuti, Tosiya
The Formulation and Analysis of Numerical Methods for Inverse Eigenvalue Problems by Overton, Overton, Friedland, S.
On Intertemporal Preferences in Continuous Time: The Case of Certainty by Kreps, David M., Huang, Chi-Fu
Problems Solved and Unsolved Concerning Linear and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by Lax, Peter D.
Techniques of Applied Mathematics, Ordinary Differential Equations and Green's Functions by Friedman, Bernard
Predicting the Behavior of Finite Precision Lanczos and Conjugate Gradient Computations by Greenbaum, Anne, Strakos, Z.
Diffraction of Pulses by a Circular Cylinder by Friedlander, F. G.
Perturbation Theory of Eigenvalue Problems by Rellich, F.
Perturbation Theory of Eigenvalue Problems by Rellich, F.
Projected Hessian Updating Algorithms for Nonlinearly Constrained Optimization by Nocedal, Jorge, Overton, Michael
Projected Hessian Updating Algorithms for Nonlinearly Constrained Optimization by Overton, Michael, Nocedal, Jorge
Water Waves Produced by Explosions by Kranzer, Herbert C., Keller, Joseph B.
The Numerical Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations for an Incompressible Fluid by Chorin, Alexandre Joel
The Laplace Transform by Widder, David Vernon
An Accelerated Solution Method for Two-Stage Stochastic Models in Disaster Management by Graß, Emilia
The Calculus Gallery: Masterpieces from Newton to Lebesgue by Dunham, William
Pre-Calculus for Dummies by Sterling, Mary Jane
Real and Complex Analysis: Volume 1 by Sinha, Rajnikant
The Kurzweil-Henstock Integral for Undergraduates: A Promenade Along the Marvelous Theory of Integration by Fonda, Alessandro
Fredholm and Local Spectral Theory II: With Application to Weyl-Type Theorems by Aiena, Pietro
How to Measure the Infinite: Mathematics with Infinite and Infinitesimal Numbers by Benci, Vieri, Di Nasso, Mauro
A Course in Calculus and Real Analysis by Ghorpade, Sudhir R., Limaye, Balmohan V.
How to Fall Slower Than Gravity: And Other Everyday (and Not So Everyday) Uses of Mathematics and Physical Reasoning by Nahin, Paul J.
Lecture Notes in Real Analysis by Wang, Xiaochang
Analysis I by Hieber, Matthias
Advances in Real and Complex Analysis with Applications by
Real and Complex Analysis: Volume 2 by Sinha, Rajnikant
Function Spaces and Inequalities: New Delhi, India, December 2015 by
Multivariable Calculus with Applications by Terrell, Maria Shea, Lax, Peter D.
Complex Analysis with Applications by Grafakos, Loukas, Asmar, Nakhlé H.
Estimation and Control of Dynamical Systems by Bensoussan, Alain
Metrics, Norms, Inner Products, and Operator Theory by Heil, Christopher
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