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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 2019

Complex Calculus: Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Volume 1 by Delyra, Jorge L.
250 Solved Exercises of Indefinite Integrals: Includes theoretical basis by Coronel López, Pablo Josué, Coronel Pérez, Pedro Pablo
Solutions for Complex Calculus: Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Volume 1s by Delyra, Jorge L.
The Resource Transfer Problem: A Framework for Integrated Scheduling and Routing Problems by Weiss, Illa
From Classical to Modern Analysis by Schinazi, Rinaldo B.
Formal Methods for Safety and Security: Case Studies for Aerospace Applications by
Essential Math for Physical Chemistry by Ball, David W.
Optimal Impulsive Control: The Extension Approach by Lobo Pereira, Fernando, Arutyunov, Aram, Karamzin, Dmitry
Finite Approximations in Discrete-Time Stochastic Control: Quantized Models and Asymptotic Optimality by Saldi, Naci, Linder, Tamás, Yüksel, Serdar
Applications of Nonlinear Analysis by
Stokes-Darcy Equations: Analytic and Numerical Analysis by Wilbrandt, Ulrich
Combinatorial Optimization: Theory and Algorithms by Korte, Bernhard, Vygen, Jens
Lectures on Elliptic Partial Differential Equations by Carlotto, Alessandro, Massaccesi, Annalisa, Ambrosio, Luigi
Operator Theory, Analysis and the State Space Approach: In Honor of Rien Kaashoek by
Optimal Space Flight Navigation: An Analytical Approach by Tewari, Ashish
Das Kontinuum: Kritische Untersuchungen Über Die Grundlagen Der Analysis by Weyl, Hermann
Current Research in Nonlinear Analysis: In Honor of Haim Brezis and Louis Nirenberg by
Elementary Fixed Point Theorems by Subrahmanyam, P. V.
Calculus Made Easy by Thompson, Silvanus P.
Nonlinear Eigenproblems in Image Processing and Computer Vision by Gilboa, Guy
The Restricted Three-Body Problem and Holomorphic Curves by Frauenfelder, Urs, Van Koert, Otto
Block Method for Solving the Laplace Equation and for Constructing Conformal Mappings by Volkov, Evgenii A.
32 Techniques de Calcul Mental Rapide by Perelman, Yakov
Fuzzy Operator Theory in Mathematical Analysis by Saadati, Reza, Rassias, Themistocles M., Cho, Yeol Je
32 simple tricks for quick mental calculations by Perelman, Yakov
A Brief Introduction to Berezin-Toeplitz Operators on Compact Kähler Manifolds by Le Floch, Yohann
Algorithms for Solving Common Fixed Point Problems by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Elliptic Systems of Phase Transition Type by Smyrnelis, Panayotis, Alikakos, Nicholas D., Fusco, Giorgio
Fractional Dynamic Calculus and Fractional Dynamic Equations on Time Scales by Georgiev, Svetlin G.
Generalized Preinvexity and Second Order Duality in Multiobjective Programming by Yang, Xinmin
Event-Triggered Sliding Mode Control: A New Approach to Control System Design by Bandyopadhyay, Bijnan, Behera, Abhisek K.
Smart Techniques for a Smarter Planet: Towards Smarter Algorithms by
Théorie Des Fonctions Analytiques: Contenant Les Principes Du Calcul Différentiel, Dégagés De Toute Considération D'infiniment Petits Ou D'évanouissan by Lagrange, Joseph Louis
Research on Ship Design and Optimization Based on Simulation-Based Design (Sbd) Technique by Zhang, Sheng-Long, Zhang, Bao-Ji
Les fonctions polyédriques et modulaires. Traduit par Armand Cahen by Vivanti, Giulio
Leçons sur le calcul des variations. Recueillies par M. Fréchet. Tome premier. La variation première et les conditions du premier ordre. Les condition by Fréchet, Maurice, Hadamard, Jacques
Ondes liquides de gravitâe by Vergne, Henri
Fault Diagnosis Inverse Problems: Solution with Metaheuristics by Llanes Santiago, Orestes, Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga de, Camps Echevarría, Lídice
Learn Calculus Quickly: The Complete Guide To Easily Master Calculus in 100 Solved Equations! by Wizo, Math
Brick Graph Paper: Grid Bulk Notebook and Ruled White Paper Handwriting for Structuring, Sketch, Technical of Design (Thick Solid Lines) by Publishing, Bg
Gesammelte Mathematische und Astronomische Abhandlungen by Encke, Johann Franz
The Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus by M'Cartney, Washington
Metodología Para El Aprendizaje Del Cálculo Integral: Conforme Al Programa De Estudio De Cálculo Integral Orientado a Competencias Del Tecnológico Nac by Pérez, Cristina, Valdez, José Santos
Partial Differential Equations: An Essay Towards an Entirely New Method of Integrating Them by Earnshaw, Samuel
The Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus by M'Cartney, Washington
Lenses of Systems of Lenses, Treated After the Manner of Gauss by Pendlebury, Charles
Fractional Derivatives with Mittag-Leffler Kernel: Trends and Applications in Science and Engineering by
Grundlagen einer Krümmungslehre der Curvenscharen by Lilienthal, Reinhold Von
The New Haven Mathematical Colloquium by Moore, Eliakim Hastings
The Transition Curve Or Curve of Adjustment as Applied to the Alignment of Railroads: Third Edition by Kellogg, Norman Benjamin
Combinatorial Inference in Geometric Data Analysis by Durand, Jean-Luc, Le Roux, Brigitte, Bienaise, Solène
An Elementary Treatise on Curves, Functions, and Forces; Volume II by Peirce, Benjamin
The Elements of the Differential Calculus by Young, J. R.
An Elementary Treatise on Trigonometry: With Its Different Applications by Luby, Thomas
On the Motion of Points Constrained and Resisted, and on the Motion of a Rigid Body by Whewell, William
On the Motion of Points Constrained and Resisted, and on the Motion of a Rigid Body by Whewell, William
An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus for Use of Colleges and Schools by Hemming, George Wirgman
Electrical Phenomena in Parallel Conductors; Volume I by Pernot, Frederick Eugene
An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus for Use of Colleges and Schools by Hemming, George Wirgman
Mathematics for Engineers and Science Labs Using Maxima by Awad, Pauly, Kadry, Seifedine
Die Astronomische Strahlenbrechung in Ihrer Historischen Entwickelung by Bruhns, Carl
Ausführliches Lehrbuch der Analysis by Lübsen, Heinrich Borchert
A New General Theory of the Teeth of Wheels by Sang, Edward
A New General Theory of the Teeth of Wheels by Sang, Edward
Entwurf Einer Neuen Integralrechnung auf Grund der Potenzial-, Logarithmal- und Numeralrechnung by Bergbohm, Julius
A First Course in the Differential and Integral Calculus by Osgood, William F.
Elemente der Theorie der Functionen Einer Complexen Veränderlichen Grösse: Mit Besonderer Berücksich by Durège, Heinrich
Geschichte der Mathematischen Wissenschaften. Erster-zweiter Teil by Suter, Heinrich
Researches in the Calculus of Variations, Principally on the Theory of Discontinuous Solutions: An Essay to Which the Adams Prize was Awarded in the U by Todhunter, I.
Einfürhrung in die Differential- und Integral Rechnung Nebst Differentialgleichungen by Kohlrausch, F. L.
An Elementary Course in the Integral Calculus by Murray, Daniel Alexander
Sequences and Series by Ioannis, Diamantis
Beiträge zur Kometenbahnbestimmung by Leuschner, Armin Otto
A Treatise on Differential Equations: With a Collection of Examples Arranged in Classes, Correspondi by Ottley, W. C.
Hauptsätze der Differential- und Integral-rechnung: Als Leitfaden zum Gebrauch bei Vorlesungen Zusam by Fricke, Robert
Über die Asymmetrie der Ablenkungen und Ihren Zusammenhang mit der Asymmetrie der Schwingungen bei E by Förster, Robert Von
Festschrift Heinrich Weber by Weber, Heinrich
Certain Partial Differential Equations by Pattillo, Nathan Allen
Leçons D'Algèbra et D'Analyse by Tannery, Jules
Elemente der Theorie der Funktionen einer Complexen ver Anderlichen Grösse by Durège, H.
The Theory of Permutable Functions by Volterra, Vito
A Course of Elementary Mathematics: Affording aid to Candidates for Admission Into Either of the Mi by Young, John Radford
Complex Analysis by Marshall, Donald E.
Theorie der analytischen functionen by Biermann, Otto
A Treatise on Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by Johnson, William Woolsey
Easy Lessons in the Differential Calculus by Proctor, Richard a.
Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics: Further Applications of Lie Theory by Schwalm, William a.
Lectures on Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics: Further Applications of Lie Theory by Schwalm, William a.
Mathematics for Collegiate Students of Agriculture and General Science by Kenyon, Alfred Monroe, Lovitt, William Vernon
On a Certain Class of Functions Analogous to the Theta Functions by Cohen, Abraham
Memoire Sur Lintegration Des Equations by Graindorge, Joseph
Mathematical Analysis II by Zorich, V. A.
A Concise Introduction to Measure Theory by Shirali, Satish
Analysis II by Hieber, Matthias
Digital Spectral Analysis: Second Edition by Marple Jr, S. Lawrence
Teoria Delle Funzioni Di Variabili Complesse... by Casorati, Felice
Functions of Bounded Variation and Their Fourier Transforms by Liflyand, Elijah
Numerical Range of Holomorphic Mappings and Applications by Elin, Mark, Reich, Simeon, Shoikhet, David
An Introduction to Optimal Satellite Range Scheduling by Vazquez Alvarez, Antonio Jose, Erwin, Richard Scott
The Collected Mathematical Papers Of Arthur Cayley; Volume 7 by Cayley, Arthur
Differential Forms by Guillemin, Victor, Haine, Peter
Differential Forms by Guillemin, Victor, Haine, Peter
Adventures in Mostly Calculus Mathematics by Palmaccio, Richard
Die Differential- und Integralrechnung: Erster Band, zweite Auflage by Dienger, Joseph
Hardy Spaces by Nikolski, Nikolaï
Fractional Calculus with Its Applications in Engineering and Technology by Zhang, Haiyan Henry, Yang, Yi
Singular Integrals and Fourier Theory on Lipschitz Boundaries by Qian, Tao, Li, Pengtao
Higher Mathematics: A Text-Book for Classical and Engineering Colleges by Merriman, Mansfield, Woodward, Robert S.
Pre-Calculus Workbook for Dummies by Sterling, Mary Jane
Bulletin Of The American Mathematical Society; Volume 22 by Society, American Mathematical
Many Agent Games in Socio-Economic Systems: Corruption, Inspection, Coalition Building, Network Growth, Security by Kolokoltsov, Vassili N., Malafeyev, Oleg A.
Nonsmooth Optimization and Its Applications by
Die Theorie der Erkenntniss oder die logischen Gesetze. by Scheffler, Hermann
Bulletin Of The American Mathematical Society; Volume 26 by Society, American Mathematical
Bulletin Of The American Mathematical Society; Volume 12 by Society, American Mathematical
Matrix Calculus, Kronecker Product and Tensor Product: A Practical Approach to Linear Algebra, Multilinear Algebra and Tensor Calculus with Software I by Steeb, Willi-Hans, Hardy, Yorick
Elements Of Differential And Integral Calculus by Newcomb, Simon
Cauchy's Calcul Infinitésimal: An Annotated English Translation by Cates, Dennis M.
The Umbral Calculus by Roman, Steven
Interpolation and Realization Theory with Applications to Control Theory: In Honor of Joe Ball by
John Napier and the Invention of Logarithms, 1614: A Lecture by Hobson, E. W.
Symmetrization in Analysis by Baernstein II, Albert
Nonlocal Perimeter, Curvature and Minimal Surfaces for Measurable Sets by Mazón, José M., Rossi, Julio Daniel, Toledo, J. Julián
Linear and Quasilinear Parabolic Problems: Volume II: Function Spaces by Amann, Herbert
Handbook of Analytic Operator Theory by
Calculus On Manifolds: A Modern Approach To Classical Theorems Of Advanced Calculus by Spivak, Michael
Introduction to Integrals: calculus by Harrison, Adrian
Calculus Story I with Python by Son, Hyun Seok
Elementary Treatise on Curves, Functions and Forces: Vol. 1 by Peirce, Benjamin
Construction of Wavelets Through Walsh Functions by Farkov, Yu A., Manchanda, Pammy, Siddiqi, Abul Hasan
Functional Dynamic Equations on Time Scales by Georgiev, Svetlin G.
Calculus Essentials for Dummies by Ryan, Mark
Modern Multidimensional Calculus by Munroe, Marshall Evans
Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering: State of the Art and New Challenges by
Approximation and Optimization: Algorithms, Complexity and Applications by
The Essential Calculus Workbook: Trigonometric Functions by Hill, Tim
Kato's Type Inequalities for Bounded Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces by Dragomir, Silvestru Sever
New Trends in Parameter Identification for Mathematical Models by
Indefinite Inner Product Spaces, Schur Analysis, and Differential Equations: A Volume Dedicated to Heinz Langer by
Sustainable Logistics and Transportation: Optimization Models and Algorithms by
Calculus of Variations: An Introduction to the One-Dimensional Theory with Examples and Exercises by Kielhöfer, Hansjörg
Complements of Higher Mathematics by Öchsner, Andreas, Marin, Marin
Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis by
Fractional Calculus: Theory and Applications by
The Xft Quadrature in Discrete Fourier Analysis by Campos, Rafael G.
Calculus Simplified by Fernandez, Oscar E.
Analysis and Operator Theory: Dedicated in Memory of Tosio Kato's 100th Birthday by
Foundations of Analysis by Krantz, Steven G.
Real Variables by Torchinsky, Alberto
Nonlinear Combinatorial Optimization by
Fundamentals of Calculus by
Modern Umbral Calculus: An Elementary Introduction with Applications to Linear Interpolation and Operator Approximation Theory by Costabile, Francesco Aldo
Solved Exercises in Fractional Calculus by Capelas De Oliveira, Edmundo
Gaussian Harmonic Analysis by Urbina-Romero, Wilfredo
The Essential Calculus Workbook: Limits and Derivatives by Hill, Tim
The Calculus of Happiness: How a Mathematical Approach to Life Adds Up to Health, Wealth, and Love by Fernandez, Oscar E.
Moduli of K-Stable Varieties by
Real Analysis: A Long-Form Mathematics Textbook by Cummings, Jay
Fundamentals of Calculus for Teachers by Jones, Dustin
Fundamentals of Calculus for Teachers by Jones, Dustin
Calculus Reordered: A History of the Big Ideas by Bressoud, David M.
The Cartoon Introduction to Calculus by Bauman, Yoram
Practical Calculus: Math for Gifted Students by Zhou, Xing
Trends in Control Theory and Partial Differential Equations by
Matemáticas II #BertoBlog: Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad de la Comunidad Valenciana by Bertomeu Ferrer, Juan
Quaternionic Closed Operators, Fractional Powers and Fractional Diffusion Processes by Colombo, Fabrizio, Gantner, Jonathan
Théories Spectrales: Chapitres 1 Et 2 by Bourbaki, N.
Modeling, Stochastic Control, Optimization, and Applications by
Fast Start Calculus for Integrated Physics 4th Edition by Ashlock, Daniel
Turnpike Conditions in Infinite Dimensional Optimal Control by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Harmonic Quasiconformal Mappings and Hyperbolic Type Metrics by Todorčevic, Vesna
Advanced Calculus - Fundamentals of Mathematics by Polanco, Carlos
Integral Calculus for Beginners: With an Introduction to the Study of Differential Equations by Edwards, Joseph
An Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus Containing the Theory of Plane Curves by Williamson, Benjamin
Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus by Newcomb, Simon
On a New Method of Obtaining the Differentials of Functions with Especial Reference to the Newtonian Conception of Rates or Velocities by Rice, John Minot, Johnson, William Woolsey
Elements of Differential and Integral Calculus by Newcomb, Simon
Differential and Integral Calculus on the Basis of Continuous Quantity and Consecutive Differences by Davies, Charles
An Introduction to the Study of the Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus by Harnack, Axel, Cathcart, George Lambert
A Treatise on Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations: Third Edition by Johnson, William Woolsey
Elements of the Integral Calculus: With a Key to the Solution of Differential Equatons and a Short Table of Integrals. Second Edition by Peirce, Benjamin Osgood, Byerly, William Elwood
An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus by Bowser, Edward Albert
Elements of Analytical Geometry and of the Differential and Integral Calculus by Docharty, Gerardus Beekman
Design of Trajectory Optimization Approach for Space Maneuver Vehicle Skip Entry Problems by Chai, Runqi, Savvaris, Al, Tsourdos, Antonios
Nonlinear Approaches in Engineering Applications: Automotive Applications of Engineering Problems by
Calculus for Scientists and Engineers by Manchanda, Pammy, Brokate, Martin, Siddiqi, Abul Hasan
Optimal Control Problems Arising in Forest Management by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Problems in the calculus, with formulas and suggestions by D. Leib, David
Do Dice Play God?: The Mathematics of Uncertainty by Stewart, Ian
Maß Und Integral by Kersting, Götz, Brokate, Martin
Special Integrals of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik: the Proofs - Volume II by Moll, Victor H.
Mathematical Inequalities: A Perspective by Cerone, Pietro, Dragomir, Silvestru Sever
Several Complex Variables and the Geometry of Real Hypersurfaces by D'Angelo, John P.
The Divergence Theorem and Sets of Finite Perimeter by Pfeffer, Washek F.
Geometric Function Theory in One and Higher Dimensions by Graham, Ian, Kohr, Gabriela
Strange Functions in Real Analysis by Kharazishvili, Alexander
Partial Difference Equations by Cheng, Sui Sun
Symmetric Properties of Real Functions by Thomson, Brian
Approximation-solvability of Nonlinear Functional and Differential Equations by Petryshyn, Wolodymyr V.
Gamma-Lines by Barsegian, Griogor A.
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