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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 2021

Cálculo II by Ketelaar, Christiaan
Controller Tuning Optimization Methods for Multi-Constraints and Nonlinear Systems: A Metaheuristic Approach by Blondin, Maude Josée
Math for Programmers: 3D Graphics, Machine Learning, and Simulations with Python by Orland, Paul
Mathematical Analysis and Applications by
Economic Dynamics with Memory: Fractional Calculus Approach by Tarasov, Vasily E., Tarasova, Valentina V.
AP Calculus AB 2021 and 2022: AP Calc Exam Review Book with Practice Test Questions [Includes Detailed Answer Explanations] by Rueda, Joshua
Advances in Optimization and Decision Science for Society, Services and Enterprises: Ods, Genoa, Italy, September 4-7, 2019 by
Spectral Theory of Bounded Linear Operators by Kubrusly, Carlos S.
Convex Optimization with Computational Errors by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Foundations of Analysis: The Arithmetic of Whole, Rational, Irrational and Complex Numbers by Landau, Edmund
Foundations of Analysis: The Arithmetic of Whole, Rational, Irrational and Complex Numbers by Landau, Edmund
Calculus: Practice Problems, Methods, and Solutions by Rahmani-Andebili, Mehdi
Infinite-Dimensional Analysis: Operators in Hilbert Space; Stochastic Calculus Via Representations, and Duality Theory by Tian, James, Jorgensen, Palle
Lectures on Nonsmooth Differential Geometry by Gigli, Nicola, Pasqualetto, Enrico
Riemannian Optimization and Its Applications by Sato, Hiroyuki
An Illustrative Guide to Multivariable and Vector Calculus by Miklavcic, Stanley J.
Cahier de Calcul Additions Soustractions: Exercices d'entrainement et calcul mental, Addition et Soustraction à deux chiffres Montessori, CE1 CE2 by Jit, Bayette
Preschool Math Workbook for Toddlers ages 2-4: Math Workbooks for Kindergarteners With Addition and Subtraction Activities(Tracing numbers (1-10), Pre by Vigon, Salil
Mastering Essential Math Skills: Triple Digit Addition And Subtraction Workbook - kingschool by Edition, Kingschool
Bayesian and High-Dimensional Global Optimization by Zhigljavsky, Anatoly, Zilinskas, Antanas
Recent Developments in Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Sets: Dedicated to Lotfi A. Zadeh by
Theory of Fractional Engineering Vibrations by Li, Ming
Dynamics of Disasters: Impact, Risk, Resilience, and Solutions by
Introduction to Real Analysis by Stoll, Manfred
Ap(r) Calculus AB & BC Crash Course 3rd Ed., Book + Online: Get a Higher Score in Less Time by Banu, Flavia, Rosebush, J.
big book of math practice problems multiplication and division: multiplication and division workbook, Facts and Exercises on Multiplying and Dividing, by Math, Otmanovic
Linear Operators and Their Essential Pseudospectra by Jeribi, Aref
Mathematics for Engineers and Science Labs Using Maxima by Kadry, Seifedine, Awad, Pauly
Krzyz Conjecture, The: Theory and Methods by Peretz, Ronen
Nevanlinna Theory and Its Relation to Diophantine Approximation (Second Edition) by Ru, Min
Numerical Engineering Optimization: Application of the Computer Algebra System Maxima by Makvandi, Resam, Öchsner, Andreas
An Introduction To The Harmonic Series And Logarithmic Integrals: For High School Students Up To Researchers by Olaikhan, Ali Shadhar
Health Care Systems Engineering: Hcse, Montréal, Canada, May 30 - June 1, 2019 by
An Introduction to Calculus: With Hyperbolic Functions, Limits, Derivatives, and More by Tran, Duc Van Khanh
Calculus Reordered: A History of the Big Ideas by Bressoud, David M.
Introduction to Complex Variables and Applications by Ablowitz, Mark J., Fokas, Athanassios S.
Introduction to Complex Variables and Applications by Ablowitz, Mark J., Fokas, Athanassios S.
Teach (Test) yourself...Introduction to Calculus: Theory and Tests with Step by Step Solutions by Sincraian, Marcel
Brain Games - Sudoku (800 Puzzles): Easy, Medium, Hard Sudoku Puzzle by Book, Casa
Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis by Boules, Adel N.
Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis by Boules, Adel N.
Control Theory for Physicists by Bechhoefer, John
Relative Optimization of Continuous-Time and Continuous-State Stochastic Systems by Cao, Xi-Ren
Algebraic and Symbolic Computation Methods in Dynamical Systems by
Painless Calculus by Pawlowski-Polanish, Christina, Barron's Educational Series
Introduction to Stochastic Processes by Chen, Mu-Fa, Mao, Yong-Hua
Computational Mathematics and Variational Analysis by
Numerische Mathematik: Eine Projektorientierte Einführung Für Ingenieure, Mathematiker Und Naturwissenschaftler by Mehrmann, Volker, Bollhöfer, Matthias
Big Ideas in Infinite Processes: For Future Mathematics Teachers by Belnap, Jason, Parrott, Amy, Beam, John
Time-Domain Scattering by Martin, P. A.
Combinatorial Inference in Geometric Data Analysis by Durand, Jean-Luc, Le Roux, Brigitte, Bienaise, Solène
A First Course in Ergodic Theory by Dajani, Karma, Kalle, Charlene
Visual Differential Geometry and Forms: A Mathematical Drama in Five Acts by Needham, Tristan
Visual Differential Geometry and Forms: A Mathematical Drama in Five Acts by Needham, Tristan
Malliavin Calculus in Finance: Theory and Practice by Alos, Elisa, Lorite, David Garcia
Differentiability in Banach Spaces, Differential Forms and Applications by Doria, Celso Melchiades
Residual Life Prediction and Optimal Maintenance Decision for a Piece of Equipment by Wang, Zhaoqiang, Hu, Changhua, Fan, Hongdong
Complex Analytic Cycles I: Basic Results on Complex Geometry and Foundations for the Study of Cycles by Barlet, Daniel, Magnússon, Jón
An Introduction to Analysis by Kirkwood, James R.
Counterexamples in Measure and Integration by Schilling, René L., Kühn, Franziska
Counterexamples in Measure and Integration by Kühn, Franziska, Schilling, René L.
Analysis as a Tool in Mathematical Physics: In Memory of Boris Pavlov by
Conformally Invariant Metrics and Quasiconformal Mappings by Hariri, Parisa, Klén, Riku, Vuorinen, Matti
Advanced Optimization and Operations Research by Shaikh, Ali Akbar, Bhunia, Asoke Kumar, Sahoo, Laxminarayan
The Berge Equilibrium: A Game-Theoretic Framework for the Golden Rule of Ethics by Salukvadze, Mindia E., Zhukovskiy, Vladislav I.
Basic Calculus of Planetary Orbits and Interplanetary Flight: The Missions of the Voyagers, Cassini, and Juno by Hahn, Alexander J.
Exterior Calculus: Theory and Cases by Polanco, Carlos
Cálculo vectorial Libro 4 - Parte IV: Derivada direccional y vector gradiente by Aguilar Loa, Gabriel Gustavo, Lozano Paucar, Cinthia Keni, Chino Guevara, Marina
Recent Developments in the Solution of Nonlinear Differential Equations by
An Attempt to Test the Theories of Capillary Action by Comparing the Theoretical and Measured Forms of Drops of Fluid: With an Explanation of Integrat by Bashforth, Francis
An Attempt to Test the Theories of Capillary Action by Comparing the Theoretical and Measured Forms of Drops of Fluid: With an Explanation of Integrat by Bashforth, Francis
Abstract Calculus: A Categorical Approach by Garcia-Pacheco, Francisco Javier
Analytic Inequalities by Kazarinoff, Nicholas D.
Lenses and Systems of Lenses, Treated After the Manner of Gauss by Pendlebury, Charles
Analytic Inequalities by Kazarinoff, Nicholas D.
Spectral Theory of Multivalued Linear Operators by Ammar, Aymen, Jeribi, Aref
Mathematical Control Theory for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations by Lü, Qi, Zhang, Xu
Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation and Scientific Computing: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, Numgrid 2020 / Delaunay 130, Celebrati by
Introductory Analysis: An Inquiry Approach by Ross, John D., Richards, Kendall C.
Algorithms for Convex Optimization by Vishnoi, Nisheeth K.
Algorithms for Convex Optimization by Vishnoi, Nisheeth K.
Numerical Ranges of Hilbert Space Operators by Gau, Hwa-Long, Wu, Pei Yuan
Ueber Riemann's Theorie der Algebraischen Functionen by Klein, Felix
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (with Maple), An: A Concise Course by Li, Zhilin, Norris, Larry
Math QRH: Algebra II to Calculus III by Costa, Katarina
Symplectic Pseudospectral Methods for Optimal Control: Theory and Applications in Path Planning by Liu, Jie, Peng, Haijun, Wang, Xinwei
In Pursuit of Zeta-3: The World's Most Mysterious Unsolved Math Problem by Nahin, Paul
Schaum's Outline of Calculus, Seventh Edition by Mendelson, Elliott
A Course in Complex Analysis by Zakeri, Saeed
Integrals and Sums Fiesta: An Integral Part of a Math Enthusiast's Life by Tran, Duc Van Khanh
Nonlinear Analysis, Geometry and Applications: Proceedings of the First Nlaga-Birs Symposium, Dakar, Senegal, June 24-28, 2019 by
tp1.3 A continuing inquiry into the Foundations of the Science of Physics: Vector Calculus I by Breton, Joseph R.
Cálculo vectorial Libro 5 - Parte III: Multiplicadores de Lagrange y Método de mínimos cuadrados by Castillo Corzo, Miguel Ángel, Gutiérrez Segura, Flabio Alfonso, Aguilar Loa, Gabriel Gustavo
How to Fall Slower Than Gravity: And Other Everyday (and Not So Everyday) Uses of Mathematics and Physical Reasoning by Nahin, Paul
A Course in Calculus and Real Analysis by Limaye, Balmohan V., Ghorpade, Sudhir R.
Advances in Data Science by
Vorlesungen über das Ikosaeder und die Auflösung der Gleichungen vom fünften Grade by Klein, Felix
Math for Deep Learning: What You Need to Know to Understand Neural Networks by Kneusel, Ronald T.
Schaum's Outline of Calculus for Business, Economics and Finance, Fourth Edition by Moises Pena-Levano, Luis
Schaum's Outline of Mathematical Methods for Business, Economics and Finance, Second Edition by Moises Pena-Levano, Luis
Notes on the Brown-Douglas-Fillmore Theorem by Chavan, Sameer, Misra, Gadadhar
Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations: Analysis, Approximation, and Applications by Manzoni, Andrea, Salsa, Sandro, Quarteroni, Alfio
Application of Mathematics and Optimization in Construction Project Management by
Informal Introduction to Stochastic Calculus with Applications, an (Second Edition) by Calin, Ovidiu
Informal Introduction to Stochastic Calculus with Applications, an (Second Edition) by Calin, Ovidiu
Noncommutative Function-Theoretic Operator Theory and Applications by Ball, Joseph A., Bolotnikov, Vladimir
First Semester Calculus for Students of Mathematics and Related Disciplines by Gieringer, John D., Dougherty, Michael M.
First Semester Calculus for Students of Mathematics and Related Disciplines by Dougherty, Michael M., Gieringer, John D.
Operación Trachtenberg by Herrera Pérez, David