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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Calculus in 2023

Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions by Edwards, Bruce, Larson, Ron
Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions by Larson, Ron, Edwards, Bruce
Real Analysis: With Proof Strategies by Cunningham, Daniel W.
Numerische Technische Optimierung: Anwendung Des Computeralgebrasystems Maxima by Öchsner, Andreas, Makvandi, Resam
Mathematical Modeling with Excel by Albright, Brian, Fox, William P.
Introduction to Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance by Lamberton, Damien, Lapeyre, Bernard
Exploring the Infinite: An Introduction to Proof and Analysis by Brooks, Jennifer
Principles of Analysis: Measure, Integration, Functional Analysis, and Applications by Junghenn, Hugo D.
A Concrete Introduction to Real Analysis by Carlson, Robert
Handbook of Analytic Operator Theory by
Introduction to Analysis by Dunn, Corey M.
Functional Calculus - Recent Advances and Development by
Calculus: Concepts and Contexts by Stewart, James, Kokoska
Variational Principles in Physics by Basdevant, Jean-Louis
Inverse Optimal Control and Inverse Noncooperative Dynamic Game Theory: A Minimum-Principle Approach by Molloy, Timothy L., Inga Charaja, Jairo, Hohmann, Sören
Advanced Calculus: Theory and Practice by Petrovic, John
The Stieltjes Integral by Cruz-Uribe, David, Convertito, Gregory
Rectifiability: A Survey by Mattila, Pertti
Student Solutions Manual for Larson/Edwards' Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions, 8th by Larson, Ron, Edwards, Bruce
Calculus 1 Review in Bite-Size Pieces by Paulk, Kathryn
Calculus by Habib, Amber
Generalized Radon Transforms and Imaging by Scattered Particles: Broken Rays, Cones, and Stars in Tomography by Ambartsoumian, Gaik
Calculus II for Dummies by Zegarelli, Mark
Calculus All-In-One for Dummies (+ Chapter Quizzes Online) by Ryan, Mark
First Year Calculus, An Inquiry-Based Learning Approach by Falbo, Clement
First Year Calculus, An Inquiry-Based Learning Approach by Falbo, Clement
Approximation and Computation in Science and Engineering by
Fixed Point Theorems with Applications by Georgiev, Svetlin, Djebali, Smail, Mebarki, Karima
In Pursuit of Zeta-3: The World's Most Mysterious Unsolved Math Problem by Nahin, Paul
A Simple Approach to Differential Calculus by Adegboye, Samuel
A Simple Approach to Limit Of a Function by Adegboye, Samuel
A Simple Approach to Differential Calculus by Adegboye, Samuel
MIT Integration Bee, Solutions of Qualifying Tests from 2010 to 2023: 249 pages, 15 chapters. by Alkousa, Mohammad
Mathfatuated: The Little Poetry Book for Math Lovers by Walter the Educator
Stochastic Integral and Differential Equations in Mathematical Modelling by Ray, Santanu Saha
Mathfatuated: The Little Poetry Book for Math Lovers by Walter the Educator
Multivariate Calculus by Karmakar, Sibdas, Karmakar, Samiran
Uncomplicated Calculus: The Beginner's Guide to Mastering the Mathematical Language of Change (Large Print Edition) by Bezie, Jay
Introduction to Real Analysis by Stoll, Manfred
Meromorphic Dynamics: Volume 1: Abstract Ergodic Theory, Geometry, Graph Directed Markov Systems, and Conformal Measures by Kotus, Janina, Urbański, Mariusz
Meromorphic Dynamics: Volume 2: Elliptic Functions with an Introduction to the Dynamics of Meromorphic Functions by Urbański, Mariusz, Kotus, Janina
Calculus 2 Review in Bite-Size Pieces by Paulk, Kathryn
The Algebrization of Mathematics during the 17th and 18th Centuries. Dwarfs and Giants, Centres and Peripheries by
Institutiones Calculi Integralis; Volume 1 by Euler, Leonhard
Interpolationsrechnung by Thiele, Thorwald Nicolai
Premières Notions Du Calcul Des Quaternions by Galopin-Schaub, Charles
First Course in Calculus by Townsend, Edgar Jerome, Goodenough, George Alfred
Vorlesungen Über Geschichte Der Mathematik: Bd. Von Den Ältesten Zeiten Bis Zum Jahre 1200 N. Chr. 3. Aufl. 1907 by Cantor, Moritz, Von Braunmühl, Anton
"Squaring the Circle": A History of the Problem by Hobson, Ernest William
A Treatise On the Integral Calculus: Containing the Integration of One Variable; Together With the Theory of Definite Integrals and of Elliptic Functi by Hymers, John
Institutiones Calculi Integralis; Volume 4 by Euler, Leonhard
Introductio In Analysin Infinitoruin; Volume 2 by Euler, Leonhard
Introductio In Analysin Infinitoruin; Volume 1 by Euler, Leonhard
On the Conformal Representation of Plane Curves Particularly for the Cases P by Pengra, Charlotte Elvira
Die Variationsrechnung by Pascal, Ernesto
Holomorphic Differentials as Functions of Moduli by Bers, Lipman
Theory of the Algebraic Functions of a Complex Variable by Fields, John Charles
RF Energy Absorption due to the Continuous Spectrum of Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics by Tataronis, J. A.
Iterative Substructuring Methods: The General Elliptic Case by Widlund, Olof B.
Railroad Field Manual for Civil Engineers by Raymond, William G.
High Resolution Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws by Harten, A.
An Algorithm for Constructing Feasible Schedules and Computing Their Schedule Times by Logemann, George, Heller, Jack
A Treatise On the Integral Calculus: Containing the Integration of Explicit Functions of One Variable; Together With the Theory of Definite Integrals by Hymers, John
Institutiones Calculi Differentialis Cum Eius Usu in Analysi Finitorum Ac Doctrina Serierum; Volume 1 by Anonymous
Lectures on the Theory of Functions of Real Variables. v. 1-2 by Pierpont, James
Hypercube Algorithms and Implementations by Velde, E. F. Van De, McBryan, Oliver A.
The Elements of Analytical Geometry; Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. Rev. Ed. by Loomis, Elias 1811-1889
An Introduction to the Lie Theory of One-Parameter Groups: With Applications to the Solution of Differential Equations by Cohen, Abraham
Ueber Den Hermite'schen Fall Der Lamé'schen Differentialgleichung by Winston, Mary Frances
Institutiones Calculi Integralis; Volume 3 by Euler, Leonhard
Leçons sur la Théorie Générale des Surfaces et les Applications Géométriques Du Calcul Infinitésimal by Darboux, Gaston
Les Systèmes D'équations aux Dérivées Partielles by Riquier, Charles
Thetafunktionen Und Hyperelliptische Funktionen by Landfriedt, E.
Theorie Der Biegungs- Und Torsions-Federn by Castigliano, Alberto
Théorie De La Fonction Gamma by Limbourg, Henri Jules Joseph
Elementare Berechnung Der Logarithmen: Eine Ergänzung Der Arithmetik-Bücher by Schubert, Hermann
Teoria Delle Funzioni Ellittiche by Pascal, Ernesto
Applications of the Calculus to Mechanics by Kellogg, Oliver Dimon, Hedrick, E. R. 1876-1943
A Detatched Shock Calculation by Second Order Finite Differences by Lapidus, Arnold
On the Theory of the Moon, and On the Perturbations of the Planets by Lubbock, John William
Einführung in Die Vektoranalysis Mit Anwendungen Auf Die Mathematische Physik by Gans, Richard
Le Calcul des Résidus et ses Applications à la Théorie des Fonctions: Et ses Applications à la Théor by Leonard Lindelöf, Ernst Lindelöf Erns
Exact and Asymptotic Solutions of the Cauchy Problem by Ludwig, Donald
Integral Tables: Or, a Collection of Integral Fomulæ by Hirsch, Meyer
Railroad Field Manual for Civil Engineers by Raymond, William G.
Leçons De Calcul Différentiel Et De Calcul Intégral by Lindelöf, Lorenz, Cauchy, Baron Augustin Louis, Moigno, Baron Augustin Louis
Theorie Der Potenzial- Oder Cyklisch-Hyperbolischen Functionen by Gudermann, Christoph
A Treatise On the Differential and Integral Calculus, and On the Calculus of Variations by Courtenay, Edward II
Vorlesungen über Differential- und Integralrechnung. Zweiter Band by Czuber, Emanuel
Some Theorems on the Summation of Divergent Series by Glenn, James
Notice sur les travaux scientifiques de M. Gaston Darboux by Darboux, Gaston
Sur Les Équations Intégro-Différentielles Définissant des Fonctions de Lignes by Lévy, Paul
Introductio In Analysin Infinitoruin; Volume 2 by Euler, Leonhard
Introductio In Analysin Infinitoruin; Volume 1 by Euler, Leonhard
Exercices De Calcul Intégral Sur Divers Ordres De Transcendantes Et Sur Les Quadratures, Volume 1... by Legendre, Adrien Marie
Integration By Trigonometric And Imaginary Substitution by Gunther, Charles Otto
A Treatise of Fluxions: Or, an Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. Containing a Full Explication of That Method by Which the ... Geometer by Hayes, Charles
Early Calculus by Ransom, William Richard
Applied Calculus; an Introductory Textbook by Bisacre, F. P.
Differential and Integral Calculus: An Introductory Course for Colleges and Engineering Schools by Hulburt, Lorrain Sherman
Nouveaux Éléments Du Calcul Des Variations by Meyer, Antoine
Engineering Applications of Higher Mathematics by Karapetoff, Vladimir
The Doctrine of Fluxions: Not Only Explaining the Elements Thereof, But Also Its Application and Use in the Several Parts of Mathematics and Nat by Emerson, William
Vorlesungen Über Geschichte Der Mathematik; Volume 1 by Cantor, Moritz
Correspondance entre Lejeune Dirichlet et Liouville by Tannery, Jules
Leçons De Calcul Différentiel Et De Calcul Intégral; Volume 1 by Cauchy, Baron Augustin Louis, Moigno, Baron Augustin Louis, Lindelöf, Lorenz
Freshman Calculus; by Ransom, William Richard
Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions by Morley, Frank, Harkness, James
Applications of the Calculus to Mechanics by Kellogg, Oliver Dimon, Hedrick, E. R. 1876-1943
The Elements of Analytical Geometry; Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus. Rev. Ed. by Loomis, Elias 1811-1889
Elements of Vector Analysis: Arranged for the Use of Students in Physics by Gibbs, Josiah Willard
Static Diffusion Models of the Upper Atmosphere With Empirical Temperature Profiles: V. 8 no. 9 by Jacchia, Luigi G.
Elements De La Theorie Des Fonctions Elliptiques Tome III by Tannery, Jules
Existence and Uniqueness Theory of the Vlasov Equation by Wollman, Stephen
Handbuch Der Kugelfunctionen, Theorie Und Anwendungen; Volume 2 by Heine, Eduard
Differential Calculus for Beginners: With a Selection of Easy Examples by Knox, Alexander
Exercices Et Leçons D'analyse: Quadratures, Équations Différentielles, Équations Intégrales De M. Fredholm Et De M. Volterra, Équations Aux Dérivées by Adhémar, Robert
A Treatise On Infinitesimal Calculus: Containing Differential and Integral Calculus, Calculus of Variations, Applications to Algebra and Geometry, and by Price, Bartholomew
Some Generalizations in the Theory of Summable Divergent Series by Smail, Lloyd Leroy
Treatise by Boole, George
Iterative Substructuring Methods: The General Elliptic Case by Widlund, Olof B.
The Differential Calculus by Spare, John
Sur la fonction exponentielle by Hermite, Charles
Analytical Theory of Turbulent Diffusion by Roberts, P. H.
Vorlesungen Über Differential- Und Integralrechnung; Volume 2 by Czuber, Emanuel
Theory of the Algebraic Functions of a Complex Variable by Fields, John Charles
An Accelerated Bisection Method for the Calculation of Eigenvalues of a Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrix by Bernstein, Herbert J.
Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Past a Thin Airfoil by Sarason, L., Weitzner, H., Cumberbatch, E.
A Treatise on Linear Differential Equations by Craig, Thomas
Lectures on the Theory of Functions of Real Variables. v. 1-2 by Pierpont, James
Holomorphic Differentials as Functions of Moduli by Bers, Lipman
The Probabilistic Minimum Spanning Tree Problem: Part I--complexity and Combinatorial Properties by Bertsimas, Dimitris
Lectures on the Theory of Maxima and Minima of Functions of Several Variables. (Weierstrass' Theory.) by Hancock, Harris
Calulus for the Practical Man by Jethompson, Jethompson
Calulus for the Practical Man by Jethompson, Jethompson
An Elementary Treatise on the Integral Calculus Founded on the Method of Rates or Fluxions by Johnson, William Woolsey
Examples and Solutions of the Differential Calculus by James, Haddon
A Relatively Painless Guide to Special Relativity by Goldberg, Dave
A Relatively Painless Guide to Special Relativity by Goldberg, Dave
Cooperative Control of Complex Network Systems with Dynamic Topologies by LV, Yuezu, Wen, Guanghui, Yu, Wenwu
A First Course in Ergodic Theory by Dajani, Karma, Kalle, Charlene
Malliavin Calculus in Finance: Theory and Practice by Alos, Elisa, Lorite, David Garcia
Sequences and Series in Calculus by Fehribach, Joseph D.
Calculus II Workbook for Dummies by Zegarelli, Mark
5 Steps to a 5: AP Calculus BC 2024 Elite Student Edition by Ma, William, Pillar, Emily
Princeton Review AP Calculus AB Prep, 10th Edition: 5 Practice Tests + Complete Content Review + Strategies & Techniques by The Princeton Review, Khan, David
How to Derive a Formula - Volume 2: Further Analytical Skills and Methods for Physical Scientists by Lee, Dominic J. O', Kornyshev, Alexei A.
How to Derive a Formula - Volume 2: Further Analytical Skills and Methods for Physical Scientists by Kornyshev, Alexei A., Lee, Dominic J. O'
Differential Calculus: From Practice to Theory by Boman, Eugene, Rogers, Robert
Real sequences and limits: A collection of solved problems by Hamidovic, Ekrem
Calculus: Mastering the Mathematical Language of Change (Practice Workbook With Worked Examples and Practice Problems) by Hicks, Edward
Analytische Geometrie Und Lineare Algebra Zwischen Abitur Und Studium I: Theorie, Beispiele Und Aufgaben Zu Den Grundlagen by Kunath, Jens
Calculus: Volume1 by Tsai, Ming-Yao
Calculus: Volume2 by Tsai, Ming-Yao
Calculus: Volume1 by Tsai, Ming-Yao
Calculus: Volume2 by Tsai, Ming-Yao
The Learning and Teaching of Calculus: Ideas, Insights and Activities by Monaghan, John, Ely, Robert, M. F. Pinto, Márcia
The Learning and Teaching of Calculus: Ideas, Insights and Activities by Monaghan, John, Ely, Robert, M. F. Pinto, Márcia
Distribution Theory: Principles and Applications by
Time Frequency Analysis of Some Generalized Fourier Transforms by
Integral Inequalities and Generalized Convexity by Sharma, Nidhi, Bisht, Jaya, Mishra, Shashi Kant
Advances on Fractional Dynamic Inequalities on Time Scales by Georgiev, Svetlin G., Zennir, Khaled
Basics of Differentiation: A comprehensive introduction by Mejala, Asubisye
Spectral Theory of Multivalued Linear Operators by Jeribi, Aref, Ammar, Aymen
Steering Human Evolution: Eighteen Theses on Homo Sapiens Metamorphosis by Dror, Yehezkel
Concepts and Applications of Fractional Calculus by
Theory and Applications of Integral Transformations and Operational Calculus by
Precalculus for Everybody by Sáenz, Jorge A.
Singular Differential Equations and Special Functions by Braga Da Costa Campos, Luis Manuel
Comparison Principles for General Potential Theories and Pdes by Harvey, F. Reese, Cirant, Marco, Lawson, H. Blaine
Comparison Principles for General Potential Theories and Pdes by Harvey, F. Reese, Cirant, Marco, Lawson, H. Blaine
Combinatorial Models for Scheduling Sports Tournaments by Ribeiro, Celso C., De Werra, Dominique, Urrutia, Sebastián
Isoperimetric Inequalities in Riemannian Manifolds by Ritoré, Manuel
Pre-Calculus All-In-One for Dummies: Book + Chapter Quizzes Online by Sterling, Mary Jane
Calculus by Arora, Jagdish Krishanlal
Calculus Made Easy by Thompson, Silvanus P.
Solved Problems in Ordinary Differential Equation and its Application by Ilan, Garne Joshua Anastacio
Introduction to the Basics of Real Analysis by Srivastava, Hari M., Singh, Harendra
Functional Analysis by Vaidyanathan, Prahlad
Simplified Higher Algebra and Differential Calculus: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Higher Algebra and Differential Calculus by Augustine, Kingsley
You Will Pass Calculus: Poetry Affirmations for Math Students by Walter the Educator(tm)
Simplified Algebra and Differential Calculus: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Algebra and Differential Calculus by Augustine, Kingsley
Boundary Elements and Other Mesh Reduction Methods XLVI by
Coordinate Geometry and Differential Calculus: A Self-Teaching Book for High Schools and Colleges by Augustine, Kingsley
Basic Algebra, Differential Calculus, Statistics and Probability: A Well Simplified Math Book for high Schools and Colleges by Augustine, Kingsley
Magic Multiplication: Discover the Ultimate Formula for Fast Multiplication by Zhang, Chengqi
Fractional Deterministic and Stochastic Calculus by Mishura, Yuliya, Pirozzi, Enrica, Ascione, Giacomo