• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Canadian Art in 2018

The Sculptures of Allison Grayhurst by Grayhurst, Allison
Bridge OF Moron: Release & Relax: Swear Word Adult Coloring Book by Godfrlove, Terrence
The Cruise of the Breeze: The Journal, Art and Life of a Victorian Soldier in Canada by Seguin, Marc
Morrice: The A.K. Prakash Collection in Trust to the Nation by Atanassova, Katerina
The Good Lands: Canada Through the Eyes of Its Artists by Dickenson, Victoria
Àdisòkàmagan / Nous Connaître Un Peu Nous-Mêmes / We'll All Become Stories: A Survey of Art in the Ottawa-Gatineau Region by Burant, Jim, Basciano, Rebecca
Sculpture in Canada: A History by Tippett, Maria
Apples, Etc.: An Artist's Memoir by Falk, Gathie
DNA by Freiwald, J. Michael
One With Everything: The Art of Thomas Craig Oliver by Boyle, John B., Oliver, Richard Wayne, Mahuex, Anne F.
Eye of the Shaman: The Visions of Piona Keyuakjuk by Turner, David
Eye of the Shaman: The Visions of Piona Keyuakjuk by Turner, David
Archi-Feministes!: Contemporary Art, Feminist Theory by
Roula Partheniou: Index by
Vancouver Special: Ambivalent Pleasures by McKee, Jesse, Augaitis, Dana
Archi-Feministes!: Contemporary Art, Feminist Theory by
Laurent Amiot: Canadian Master Silversmith by Villeneuve, René
Evergon: Lovers & Muses by
McMichael Canadian Art Collection: Director's Choi: Director's Choice by Dejardin, Ian
Almost Islands: Phyllis Webb and the Pursuit of the Unwritten by Collis, Stephen
The Art of Robert-Ralph Carmichael by Tuira, Karl Armas