• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Canadian History in 1985

Floating Schools & Frozen Inkwells: The One-Room Schools of British Columbia by Adams, Joan, Thomas, Becky
Stage Left: Canadian Workers Theatre 1929-1940 by Ryan, Toby Gordon
Keepers of the Light by Graham, Donald
This Is My Own: Letters to Wes and Other Writings on Japanese Canadians, 1941-1948 by Kitagawa, Muriel
First and Foremost in Community Health Centres: The Centre in Sault Ste Marie and the Chc Alternatives by Lomas, Jonathan
In Defence of Canada Vol IV: Growing Up Allied by Eayrs, James
Niagara Falls: 100 Years of Souvenirs by Vidler, Virginia
The Transition to Responsible Government: British Policy in British North America, 1815-1850 by Buckner, Phillip
Harvest of Stones: The German Settlement in Renfrew County by Lee-Whiting, Brenda
Canada and the New International Law of the Sea by Johnston, Douglas
Handbook of Upper Canadian Chronology: Revised Edition by Armstrong, Frederick H.
The Wacousta Syndrome: Explorations in the Canadian Langscape by McGregor, Gaile
The Beginnings of the Book Trade in Canada by Parker, George L.
Canada and the Birth of Israel: A Study in Canadian Foreign Policy by Bercuson, David
'Honest Enough to Be Bold': The Life and Times of Sir James Pliny Whitney by Humphries, Charles
Banking en francais: The French Banks of Quebec 1835-1925 by Rudin, Ronald
The Man from Halifax: Sir John Thompson, Prime Minister by Waite, P. B.