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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Canadian History in 2014

Les déportations des Acadiens et leur arrivée au Québec - 1755-1775 by Vachon, André-Carl
In the Shadow of the Pole: An Early History of Arctic Expeditions, 1871-1912 by Osborne, S. L.
Gumboot Girls: Adventure, Love & Survival on British Columbia's North Coast by
This was then with Old Ike: Volume 2 by Patterson, Kris M.
This Was Then with Old ike by Patterson, Kris M.
Bonds of Alliance: Indigenous and Atlantic Slaveries in New France by Rushforth, Brett
Ontario Boys: Masculinity and the Idea of Boyhood in Postwar Ontario, 1945-1960 by J. Greig, Christopher
Smart Globalization: The Canadian Business and Economic History Experience by Smith, Andrew, Anastakis, Dimitry
Poisoned by Lies and Hypocrisy: America's First Attempt to Bring Liberty to Canada,1775-1776 by Watt, Gavin K.
The Indian History of British Columbia: The Impact of the White Man by Duff, Wilson
Canada the Good: A Short History of Vice Since 1500 by Martel, Marcel
Royalty in Canada; Embracing Sketches of the House of Argyll, the Right Honorable the Marquis of Lorne (Governor-General of Canada), Her Royal Highnes by Tuttle, Charles R.
Petropolitics: Petroleum Development, Markets and Regulations, Alberta as an Illustrative History by Macfadyen, Alan, Watkins, G. Campbell
Montbeliard Immigration to Nova Scotia, 1749-1752. Revised Edition by Punch, Terrence M.
Old Man's Playing Ground: Gaming and Trade on the Plains/Plateau Frontier by Yanicki, Gabriel M.
The Jade Rubies by Lee, Valerie
Myths And Legends Of Japan by Davis, F. Hadland, Paul, Evelyn
The Remarkable History Of The Hudson's Bay Company by Bryce, George
Campfires In The Canadian Rockies by Hornaday, William T.
Historical and Descriptive Account of British India V2 by Murray, Hugh
A Star in a Prison: A Tale of Canada by Wilson, Anna May
Campfires In The Canadian Rockies by Hornaday, William T.
The Butterflies and Moths of Canada by Ross, Alexander Milton
The Life and Work of Sir John Thompson, Prime Minister of Canada by Hopkins, John Castell
Pen Pictures Of Early Pioneer Life In Upper Canada by A. Canuck
Henry Hudson: A Brief Statement of His Aims and His Achievements by Janvier, Thomas A.
The Old Regime in Canada: France and England in North America V4 by Parkman, Francis
The Old Regime In Canada by Parkman, Francis
The Truth That Wampum Tells: My Debwewin on the Algonquin Land Claims Process by Gehl, Lynn
Portrait of a Scandal: The Abortion Trial of Robert Notman by Kalman Naves, Elaine
Canada's Jews: In Time, Space and Spirit by
Through a Canadian Periscope: The Story of the Canadian Submarine Service by Ferguson, Julie H.
The Tragic Story of the Empress of Ireland by Marshall, Logan
Revolutionary Activism in the 1950s & 60s. Volume 1, Canada 1955-1965. Expanded Edition by Tate, Ernest
Spirit of Springhill: Miners, Wives, Widows, Rescuers & Their Children Tell True Stories of Springhill's Coal Mining Disasters by McKay, Cheryl
Impressions of Cape Breton by
On the Goose: A Labrador Métis Woman Remembers by Penny, Josie
In Flanders Fields and Other Poems by McCrae, John
End-Of-Earth People: The Arctic Sahtu Dene by Brown, Bern Will
Winnipeg's General Strike: Reports from the Front Lines by Dupuis, Michael
Winnipeg's General Strike: Reports from the Front Lines by Dupuis, Michael
Rising: Stories of the 2013 Alberta Flood by Lambert, Taylor
Forest Prairie Edge: Place History in Saskatchewan by Massie, Merle
The Fox Wars: The Mesquakie Challenge to New France Volume 211 by Edmunds, R. David, Peyser, Joseph L.
Mountsberg Heritage by Society, Mountsberg Historical
Gifts from the Thunder Beings: Indigenous Archery and European Firearms in the Northern Plains and Central Subarctic, 1670-1870 by Bohr, Roland
Downeast - Upcountry: A Place, A Family, A Time by Shanklin, Thomas L.
Whitehorse: An Illustrated History by Dobrowolsky, Helene, Johnson, Linda
Big Isn't Better!: The History of Northern School Resource Alliance and Its Predecessor Co-Operatives in Northwestern Ontario by Porter, Fred
Mohawk Interruptus: Political Life Across the Borders of Settler States by Simpson, Audra
Mohawk Interruptus: Political Life Across the Borders of Settler States by Simpson, Audra
Crumps: The Plain Story of a Canadian Who Went by Keene, Louis
The L.M. Montgomery Reader, Volume 2: A Critical Heritage by Lefebvre, Benjamin
Indigenous Women, Work, and History: 1940-1980 by McCallum, Mary Jane Logan
Indigenous Women, Work, and History: 1940-1980 by McCallum, Mary Jane Logan
Vancouver Was Awesome: A Curious Pictorial History by Russwurm, Lani
Indigenous Healing: Exploring Traditional Paths by Ross, Rupert
The Story of the Great War, Volume 8 - Victory with the Allies, Armistice - Peace Congress, Canada's War Organizations and Vast War Industries, Canadi by Miller, Francis Trevelyan, Churchill, Allen L.
In Flanders Fields and Other Poems (WWI Centenary Series) by McCrae, John
Letters of Lt.-Col. George Brenton Laurie (Wwi Centenary Series) by Laurie, G. B.
Over the Top with the 25th (WWI Centenary Series) by Lewis, R.
A Brief History of Orillia: Ontario's Sunshine City by Rizzo, Dennis
Ontario Beer: A Heady History of Brewing from the Great Lakes to the Hudson Bay by McLeod, Alan, St John, Jordan
Ottawa Stories: Trials & Triumphs in Bytown History by Scott, Clifford Robinson
Ottawa Stories: Trials & Triumphs in Bytown History by Scott, Cliff
Ontario Beer: A Heady History of Brewing from the Great Lakes to Hudson Bay by John, Jordan St
A Brief History of Orillia: Ontario's Sunshine City by Rizzo, Dennis
The Canadian Sioux by Howard, James H.
Claude Vivier: A Composer's Life by Gilmore, Bob
Du sang bleu dans l'ouest by MacKenzie, Nadine
Britannia - The Story of a Mine by Ramsey, Bruce
Cantwells' Way: A Natural History of the Cape Spear Lightstation by Candow, James E.
Pook A Nacken by Du Lac, Jacques
Aboriginal and Visible Minority Librarians: Oral Histories from Canada by
Canadian Historical Writing: Reading the Remains by Hulan, R.
Blackfoot Redemption: A Blood Indian's Story of Murder, Confinement, and Imperfect Justice by Farr, William E.
Tecumseh and Brock: The War of 1812 by Laxer, James
Voices: Fiction, Essays & Poetry from Prince Edward Island Writers by Montague Library Writers Guild
Canada and the Canadians: Volume II by Bonnycastle, Sir Richard Henry
To Say Nothing: A Diary of Memory by Hansen, Neil
Explaining Canada: A Primer For Yanks by Stange, Ken
A Roads Scholar by Young, Ivan E.
Home to Saskatchewan by Montbriand, Muriel J.
Parliamentary Procedure and Practice in the Dominion of Canada. Fourth Edition. by Bourinot, John George
The Peoples of Canada: A Pre-Confederation History by Bumsted, J. M.
Inside the Museums: Toronto's Heritage Sites and Their Most Prized Objects by Goddard, John
Motherhouse by Fennario, David
Well, Come to Klanada: Colour of Law and Authority on Usurped, Annexed Moorish Land by Adwo El, Kudjo
Frog Town: Portrait of a French Canadian Parish in New England by French, Laurence Armand
Cahiers Charlevoix 10: Études Franco-Ontariennes by Pichette, Jean-Pierre, Laflamme, Simon, Bock, Michel
Mémoires du Shérif de Champêtre County by Denis, Arthur
Knowledge: Its Creation, Distribution and Economic Significance, Volume I: Knowledge and Knowledge Production by Machlup, Fritz
Fishing for a Solution: Canada's Fisheries Relations with the European Union, 1977-2013 by Wiseman, Earl, Barry, Donald, Applebaum, Bob
Knowledge: Its Creation, Distribution and Economic Significance, Volume II: The Branches of Learning by Machlup, Fritz
Lethbridge Politicians: Federal, Provincial & Civic by Mardon, Austin
A Brief History of Women in Quebec by Baillargeon, Denyse
Stratford Food: An Edible History by Stacey, Steve
These Were My People: Washabuck, An Anecdotal History by MacLean, Vincent W.
Le « Moment 68 » Et La Réinvention de l'Acadie by Belliveau, Joel
History of Prince Edward Island by Campbell, Duncan
Dwarf Fruit Trees: Their Propagation, Pruning, and General Management, Adapted to the United States and Canada (1906) by Waugh, Frank Albert
The Canadian Settlers Guide (1860) by Traill, Catherine Parr
Surviving Trench Warfare: Technology and the Canadian Corps, 1914-1918, Second Edition by Rawling, Bill
Strange Visitors: Documents in Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canada from 1876 by
A Corner of Empire: The Old Ontario Strand by Glover, T. R., Calvin, D. D.
The Beothucks or Red Indians by Howley, James P.
In the Footsteps of Abraham Ulrikab: The Events of 1880-1881 by Rivet, France
Blood Must Tell: Debating Race and Identity in the Canadian House of Commons, 1880-1925 by Williams, Glen
Young, Well-Educated, and Adaptable: Chilean Exiles in Ontario and Quebec, 1973-2010 Volume 10 by Peddie, Francis
The Acadian Exiles by Doughty, Arthur G.
The Canadian Dominion by Skelton, Oscar D.
Life Lines: The Lanier Phillips Story by Welldon, Christine
Histoire Du Canada, de Son Église Et de Ses Missions, Depuis La Découverte de l'Amérique: Jusqu'à Nos Jours: Écrite Sur Des Documents Inédits... by Brasseur de Bourbourg, Étienne-Charles
The Showman and the Ukrainian Cause: Folk Dance, Film, and the Life of Vasile Avramenko Volume 11 by Martynowych, Orest T.
1969: Once Upon a Time in Montreal by Austin, Richard
Ontario People: 1796-1803 by
Toronto: Biography of a City by Levine, Allan
The Makers of Canada: Champlain by Dionne, N. E.
A Rock Fell on the Moon: Dad and the Great Yukon Silver Ore Heist by Priest, Alicia
Noble Illusions: Young Canada Goes to War by Dale, Stephen
Indian School Road: Legacies of the Shubenacadie Residential School by Benjamin, Chris
Localism, Landscape, and the Ambiguities of Place: German-Speaking Central Europe, 1860-1930 by
Abuse or Punishment?: Violence Toward Children in Quebec Families, 1850-1969 by Cliche, Marie-Aimée
A History of Prince Edward Island by Warburton, A. B.
The Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore: An Illustrated History of Railway Stations in Canada by Brown, Ron
From the West Coast to the Western Front: British Columbians and the Great War by Forsythe, Mark, Dickson, Greg
Footprints in America by McMullen Parks, Marjorie
The Patriotic Consensus: Unity, Morale, and the Second World War in Winnipeg by Perrun, Jody
St. Crispin's Legacy: Shoemaking in Perth, Ontario 1834-2004 by McKenty, John a.
Dead Ends: B.C. Crime Stories by Willcocks, Paul
A Time Such as There Never Was Before: Canada After the Great War by Bowker, Alan
Community and the Human Spirit: Oral Histories from Montreal's Point St. Charles, Griffintown and Goose Village by Flavell, David J.
Ignored But Not Forgotten: Canada's English Immigrants by Campey, Lucille H.
Ottawa Food: A Hungry Capital by Lim, Jennifer, Chow, Don
Savoir Faire, Savoir Vivre: Rideau Club 1865-2015 by McCreery, Christopher
Saboteurs: Wiebo Ludwig's War Against Big Oil by Nikiforuk, Andrew
We Are Canada by Saddy, Rikia
Vancouver Light: Visions of a City by Nunuk, David
Polar Winds: A Century of Flying the North by Metcalfe-Chenail, Danielle
Eaton's: The Trans-Canada Store by Kopytek, Bruce Allen
That Went by Fast: My First Hundred Years by White, Frank
Kathleen's Cariole Ride by Virany, Margaret Kell
Eaton's: The Trans-Canada Store by Kopytek, Bruce Allen
Tofino and Clayoquot Sound: A History by Horsfield, Margaret, Kennedy, Ian
Lost Breweries of Toronto by John, Jordan St
Benjamin Franklin and Canada by Riddell, William Renwick
Colonial Genocide in Indigenous North America by
Bootleggers and Borders: The Paradox of Prohibition on a Canada-U.S. Borderland by Moore, Stephen T.
Lost Breweries of Toronto by St John, Jordan
Overlooking Saskatchewan: Minding the Gap by
Stories From These Shores: Newfoundland & Labrador, and The Isles of Notre Dame by Clarke, David J.
Inside the Ark: The Hutterites in Canada and the United States by Katz, Yossi, Lehr, John
Northern Trader: The Last Days of the Fur Trade by Kemp, H. S. M.
Trente ans de vie nationale: La loi Lavergne by Lavergne, Armand
When the Great Red Dawn Is Shining by Morry, Christopher J. a.
A Historical and Legal Study of Sovereignty in the Canadian North: Terrestrial Sovereignty, 1870-1939 by Smith, Gordon W.
The Battle of London: Trudeau, Thatcher, and the Fight for Canada's Constitution by Bastien, Frédéric
MacDonald at 200: New Reflections and Legacies by
Riverdale: East of the Don by Muir, Elizabeth Gillan
Canada's Great War, 1914-1918: How Canada Helped Save the British Empire and Became a North American Nation by Tennyson, Brian
Le cercle de fermières de Lavaltrie: Soixante ans de réalisations et d'implication communautaire by DeMers-Gagnon, Louise
Governing Toronto: Bringing back the city that worked by Redway, Alan
Governing Toronto: Bringing back the city that worked by Redway, Alan
Canada and the States by Watkin, Edward William
The Winning of Canada: A Chronicle of Wolf by Wood, William
Urban and Regional Planning in Canada by
Bringing Home Animals, 2nd Edition: Mistissini Hunters of Northern Quebec by Tanner, Adrian
The Hai Hong: Profit, Tears and Joy by Pappone, Rene
It's Just Me - Stories Of A Life In A Changing World by Brinck, Konrad
Frontier Farewell: The 1870s and the End of the Old West by Wilson, Garrett
Ufford: Growing Up As A Boy in Ufford by Veitch, Kenneth Carman
Bilberry: A Seed in Good Soil (full colour) by Rochow, Reinhilde, Rochow, Gunter
Bilberry: A Seed in Good Soil (Black & White) by Rochow, Reinhilde, Rochow, Gunter
Life in Canada Fifty Years Ago Recollections and Reminiscences of a Sexagenarian by Haight, Canniff
The Travel Journals of Henrietta Marchant Liston: North America and Lower Canada, 1796-1800 by North, Louise V.
The Life and Travels of Da Vinci Trilogy: {Large Print Edition} (Large Print Edition) by Jaime, Catherine McGrew
Gathering a Heritage: Ukrainian, Slavonic, and Ethnic Canada and the USA by Prymak, Thomas M.
The History of Sunnybrook Hospital: Battle to Greatness by Grosso, Francesca
More Trails, More Tales: Exploring Canada's Travel Heritage by Henderson, Bob
Paleoethnobotany on the Northern Plains: The Tuscany Archaeological Site (EgPn-377), Calgary by Siegfried, Evelyn
War Criminal on Trial - Rauca of Kaunas by Littman, Sol