• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Caribbean, Latin American & South American Art in 2014

Agora Mundo by Kirchner, Florian, Com, Yehkri
Paulo Bruscky: Poiesis Bruscky by
Street-Art Brazil by
Carlos Amorales: Germinal by
Hélio Oiticica: The Great Labyrinth by
El arte de morir y la pequeña muerte by Fundora, Yolanda V., Matos Cintrón, Nemir
Caribbean on Canvas: The Paintings of Jonathan Guy-Gladding (JAG) by Guy-Gladding, Jonathan
Limitless: Contemporary Art in Mexico City 2000-2010 by
Proyedo Líquido by
Contemporary Languages from Centro América by
Los tesoros del errante: Los tesoros del errante by Liongarden, Rosamund, Garcia, Teddy Junior
Fernando Botero by
La Era de la Discrepancia/The Age Of Discrepancies: Arte y Cultura Visual en Mexico/Art And Visual Culture In Mexico 1968-1997 by
Desafio a la Estabilidad/Defying Stability: Procesos Artisticos en Mexico/Artistic Processes In Mexico 1952-1967 by
The Art of the Tovar Codex: Illustrations from the 16th century Mexican manuscript by Palatino Press
Luis Camnitzer in Conversation with Alexander Alberro by
The Spaces Between: Contemporary Art from Havana by Wallace, Keith, Andersson, Cecilia, Fernández (Tonel), Antonio Eligio
The Colors of the New World: Artists, Materials, and the Creation of the Florentine Codex by Diana, Kerpel Magaloni
Beyond the Supersquare: Art and Architecture in Latin America After Modernism by
The Environmental Imaginary in Brazilian Poetry and Art by McNee, M.
The Environmental Imaginary in Brazilian Poetry and Art by McNee, M.
Agora Mundo 2014: Expo Germany 2014 by Com, Yehkri
Wolf Tracks: Popular Art and Re-Africanization in Twentieth-Century Panama by Szok, Peter
Afro-Cuban Religious Arts: Popular Expressions of Cultural Inheritance in Espiritismo and Santería by Juncker, Kristine
Fernando García Correa: Procurada Corrupción by
Laura Lima by
Enrique Martínez Celaya: Working Methods by
Argentine, Mexican, and Guatemalan Photography: Feminist, Queer, and Post-Masculinist Perspectives by Foster, David William
Festivals & Daily Life in the Arts of Colonial Latin America, 1492-1850: Papers from the 2012 Mayer Center Symposium at the Denver Art Museum by
Imaging The Great Puerto Rican Family: Framing Nation, Race, and Gender during the American Century by Lloréns, Hilda
Ernesto Neto: El Cuerpo Que Me Lleva by
Lygia Clark: The Abandonment of Art, 1948-1988 by
La Línea Continua: The Judy and Charles Tate Collection of Latin American Art by Blanton Museum of Art, The Blanton Museum of Art
Zilia Sanchez: Heroicas Eroticas En Nueva York by
Breaching the Frame: The Rise of Contemporary Art in Brazil and Japan by Erber, Pedro R.
Michel Pérez by
Cruzamentos: Contemporary Art in Brazil by