• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Caribbean, Latin American & South American Art in 2023

Sujetos del Latinoamericanismo by
Non-Literary Fiction: Art of the Americas Under Neoliberalism by Gabara, Esther
Remains - Tomorrow: Themes in Contemporary Latin American Abstraction by
The Untranslatable Image: A Mestizo History of the Arts in New Spain, 1500-1600 by Russo, Alessandra
Tarsila Do Amaral: The Moon: MoMA One on One Series by
Potosí Principle Archive: Volume 1-4 by
Forecast Form: Art in the Caribbean Diaspora, 1990s-Today by
Unseen Art: Making, Vision, and Power in Ancient Mesoamerica by Brittenham, Claudia
Patchwork: Essays & Interviews on Caribbean Visual Culture by Bishop, Jacqueline
No Existe Un Mundo Poshuracan: Puerto Rican Art in the Wake of Hurricane Maria by Guerrero, Marcela
The Arts of the Ancient Americas at the Dallas Museum of Art by
The Other Side Of Me: A Book Of Love Poems by Deshong, Gart Paulson
Encounters in Video Art in Latin America by
Situated Narratives and Sacred Dance: Performing the Entangled Histories of Cuba and West Africa by Crosby, Jill Flanders, Torres, Jt
The Museum of the Old Colony: An Art Installation by Pablo Delano by
Cildo Meireles - Encontros by Meireles, Cildo
Myrlande Constant: The Work of Radiance by
The Affinity of Neoconcretism: Interdisciplinary Collaborations in Brazilian Modernism, 1954-1964 Volume 7 by Alvarez, Mariola V.
Enrique Martínez Celaya & Robinson Jeffers: The Fire of Heaven by
Spain and the Hispanic World: Treasures from the Hispanic Society Museum & Library by
Futurismo by Martin, Sylvia
Jose Dávila: Monograph by
Lygia Pape: Tecelares by
Beatriz Milhazes: Mistura Sagrada by
Dissident Practices: Brazilian Women Artists, 1960s-2020s by Calirman, Claudia
Gego: Weaving the Space in Between by Amor, Monica
Elsa Gramcko: The Invisible Plot of Things by
Maxwell Alexandre: Pardo É Papel: The Glorious Victory and New Power by
David Manzur: The Perfection by
Artillería pesada by Hdez-Güero, Jesús
Digital Encounters: Envisioning Connectivity in Latin American Cultural Production by
Dictators and the Disappeared: Democracy Lost and Restored by
Gego: Measuring Infinity by
Madalena Santos Reinbolt: A Head Full of Planets by
Cinthia Marcelle: By Means of Doubt by
Collective Creativity and Artistic Agency in Colonial Latin America by
Collective Creativity and Artistic Agency in Colonial Latin America by
Dalton Paula: Brazilian Portraits by
Brazilian Histories by
Joseca Yanomami: Our Forest-Land by
Judith Lauand: Concrete Detour by
Chosen Memories: Contemporary Latin American Art from the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Gift and Beyond by
Antonio Obá by
The Invisible Painting: My Memoir of Leonora Carrington by Carrington, Gabriel Weisz
Otherwise, It Would Be Just Another River: Ten Years of Borderland Collective's Practice in Collaboration and Dialogue by
Beatriz Milhazes: Mistura Sagrada by
Damián Ortega: Estridentópolis by
The Year 25: The Battle Within by Cummings, E. L.
Derek Walcott's Painters: A Life with Pictures by Fumagalli, Maria Cristina
The Comitán Valley: Sculpture and Identity on the Maya Frontier by Earley, Caitlin C.
Luis Camnitzer: The Hole Book by
Alfredo Boulton: Looking at Venezuela, 1928-1978 by
Circulating Culture: Transnational Cuban Networks of Exchange by Cearns, Jennifer
Circulating Culture: Transnational Cuban Networks of Exchange by Cearns, Jennifer
Remedios Varo: Science Fictions by
Refined Material: Petroculture and Modernity in Venezuela Volume 8 by Nesselrode Moncada, Sean
Cecilia Vicuña: Word Weapons by
The New Public Art: Collectivity and Activism in Mexico Since the 1980s by
Marissa Lee Benedict, David Rueter, Daniel de Paula: Deposition by
Rubem Valentim: The Brazilian Trace by
Joaquín Rodrigo: A Research and Information Guide by Clark, Walter Aaron
Emilio Sanchez in New York and Latin America by Deupi, Victor
Abraham Angel: Between Wonder and Seduction by
The Prado Museum Expansion: The Diverse Art of Latin America by Franco, Bridget V.
Hélio Oiticica: Parangolé by
Karen Lamassonne: Noise by
Diagramming Modernity: Books and Graphic Design in Latin America, 1920-1940 by
Ursula Biemann: Forest Mind: On the Interconnection of All Life by
Latin American Artists: From 1785 to Now by Editors, Phaidon
Pepón Osorio: My Beating Heart / Mi Corazón Latiente by
Sociarty by Reyes, Pedro
Pantaleón Ruiz: Line, Texture, Color by
María Teresa Hincapié If This Were a Principle of Infinity by
La Casa Que Nos Inventamos: Contemporary Art from Guadalajara by
Social Fabric: Art and Activism in Contemporary Brazil by
Public Diplomacy on the Front Line: The Exhibition of Modern Brazilian Paintings´ by Gadelha, Hayle
Secret Poetics by
State of Disappearance: Volume 6 by
State of Disappearance: Volume 6 by
Alfredo Jaar: Studies on Happiness by Vazquez, Edward A.
The Primitivist Imaginary in Iberian and Transatlantic Modernisms by
Inhabiting the Impossible: Dance and Experimentation in Puerto Rico by
Caribbean Women and Their Art: An Encyclopedia by Snodgrass, Mary Ellen