• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Caribbean History in 1997

The Parish behind God's Back: The Changing Culture of Rural Barbados by Gmelch, George
Caribbean Slavery in the Atlantic World: A Student Reader by Beckles, Hilary MCD, Shepherd, Verene A.
The Bahamas from Slavery to Servitude, 1783-1933 by Johnson, Howard
The Bahamas from Slavery to Servitude, 1783-1933 by Johnson, Howard
The Haunting Past: Politics, Economics and Race in Caribbean Life by Thompson, Alvin O.
A Turbulent Time: The French Revolution and the Greater Caribbean by
Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Governors of the English-Speaking Caribbean and Puerto Rico: Conversations and Correspondence by Alexander, Robert Jackson
Haiti Renewed: Political and Economic Prospects by
Democracy And Human Rights In The Caribbean by Griffith, Ivelaw L., Sedoc-Dahlberg, Betty N.
Reader's Companion to Cuba by
The Urban Caribbean: Transition to the New Global Economy by Dore Y. Cabral, Carlos
Afro-Creole: Priorities for Action by Burton, Richard D. E.
Afro-Creole: Priorities for Action by Burton, Richard D. E.
A Day for the Hunter, a Day for the Prey: Popular Music and Power in Haiti Volume 1997 by Averill, Gage
Daughters of Caliban: Caribbean Women in the Twentieth Century by
Jamaica Genesis: Religion and the Politics of Moral Orders by Austin-Broos, Diane J.
An Historical Account of the Island of St Vincent by Shepard, Charles
Poetics of Relation by Glissant, Edouard
Endless Education: Main Currents in the Education System of Modern Trinidad and Tobago 1939-1986 by Campbell, Carl C.
Globalization and Neoliberalism: The Caribbean Context by
Inside the Revolution by Rosendahl, Mona
Inside the Revolution by Rosendahl, Mona
The Final Analysis of Weights from Port Royal, Jamaica by Smith, C. Wayne