• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Caribbean History in 1999

Insurgent Cuba: Race, Nation, and Revolution, 1868-1898 by Ferrer, Ada
Dominican Republic in Focus: A Guide to the People, Politics and Culture by Howard, David
Manual del Perfecto Sinverguenza by Muzaurieta, Jose M., Mix, Tom
Caribbean Romances: The Politics of Regional Representation by
The Legacy of the Monroe Doctrine: A Reference Guide to U.S. Involvement in Latin America and the Caribbean by Dent, David
Pleasure Island: Tourism and Temptation in Cuba by Schwartz, Rosalie
Sunset Over the Islands: The Caribbean in an Age of Global and Regional Challenges by Na, Na
Unyielding Spirits: Black Women and Slavery in Early Canada and Jamaica by Elgersman, Maureen G.
Islanders in the Stream: A History of the Bahamian People: Volume One: From Aboriginal Times to the End of Slavery by Saunders, Gail, Craton, Michael
Hebrewisms of West Africa: From the Nile to the Niger with the Jews by Williams, Joseph J.
Castro and the Cuban Revolution by Leonard, Thomas M.
Libete: A Haiti Anthology by
Bechu: 'Bound Coolie' Radical in British Guiana 1894-1901 by Seecharan, Clem
Holding Aloft the Banner of Ethiopia: Caribbean Radicalism in Early Twentieth-Century America by James, Winston
Women in Latin America and the Caribbean: Restoring Women to History by Navarro, Marysa, Sanchez Korrol, Virginia
Silencing the Guns in Haiti: The Promise of Deliberative Democracy by Stotzky, Irwin P.
Buena Vista: Life and Work on a Puerto Rican Hacienda, 1833-1904 by Baralt, Guillermo
Colonial Caribbean T by
Lawyer Manley: Vol 1 First Time Up by Ranston, Jackie
In Miserable Slavery: Thomas Thistlewood in Jamaica, 1750-86 by Hall, Douglas
Towards Decolonisation: Political, Labour and Economic Developments in Jamaica 1938-1945 by Hart, Richard
Fleeing Castro: Operation Pedro Pan and the Cuban Children's Program by Triay, Victor Andres
Fleeing Castro: Operation Pedro Pan and the Cuban Children's Program by Triay, Victor Andres
Grenada: Revolution in Reverse by Ferguson, James
Garden of Exile: Poems by Rodríguez, Aleida
Garden of Exile: Poems by Rodríguez, Aleida
From Glory to Disgrace: The Haitian Army 1804-1994 by Avril, Prosper
Insurgent Cuba: Race, Nation, and Revolution, 1868-1898 by Ferrer, Ada
Culture and Customs of the Dominican Republic by Brown, Isabel Zakrzewski
Real Life in Castro's Cuba by Moses, Catherine
Real Life in Castro's Cuba by Moses, Catherine
Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis by Kennedy, Robert F.
American Sugar Kingdom: The Plantation Economy of the Spanish Caribbean, 1898-1934 by Ayala, César J.
Culture and Customs of the Dominican Republic by Brown, Isabel Zakrzewski
An Appeal to History: The Truth about a Singular Lawsuit by Lisarelli, Danial Francis, Avril, Prosper