• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Caribbean History in 2000

Sugar and Slavery: An Economic History of the British West Indies, 1623-1775 by Sheridan, Richard B.
Cuba Today and Tomorrow: Reinventing Socialism by Azicri, Max
Cincuenta Lecciones de Exilio y Desexilio by Firmat, Gustavo Perez, Perez-Firmat, Gustavo
Sugar and Power in the Dominican Republic: Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the Trujillos by Hall, Michael R.
The Buccaneers of America by Exquemelin, Alexander O.
Caliban's Reason: Introducing Afro-Caribbean Philosophy by Henry, Paget
Arising from Bondage: A History of the Indo-Caribbean People by Ramdin, Ron
Haiti: State Against Nation by Trouillot, Michel-Rolph
Race and Politics in the Dominican Republic by Sagas, Ernesto
Race and Politics in the Dominican Republic by Sagas, Ernesto
The Cuban Democratic Experience: The Auténtico Years, 1944-1952 by Ameringer, Charles D.
Higher Education in the Caribbean: Past, Present and Future Directions by
Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies, 1624-1713 by Dunn, Richard S.
An Empire Divided: The American Revolution and the British Caribbean by O'Shaughnessy, Andrew Jackson
Slave Emancipation In Cuba: The Transition to Free Labor, 1860-1899 by Scott, Rebecca J.
Beyond Slavery: Explorations of Race, Labor, and Citizenship in Postemancipation Societies by Cooper, Frederick, Holt, Thomas Cleveland, Scott, Rebecca J.
Amerindians/Africans/Americans: Three Papers in Caribbean History by Branson, Susan, Turner, Grace, LaFleur, Gerard
Between Self-Determination and Dependency: Jamaica's Foreign Relations 1972-1989 by Henke, Holger
Empowering a Peasantry in a Caribbean Context: The Case of Land Settlement Schemes in Guyana, 1865-1985 by Greenidge, Carl B.
Maroon Heritage: Archaeological, Ethnographic and Historical Perspectives by
Christianity in the Caribbean: Essays on Church History by
History of the Virgin Islands of the United States: A by Dookhan, Isaac
The Hanging of Arthur Hodge: A Caribbean Anti-Slavery Milestone by Andrew, John
Community Formation: A Study of the Village in Postemancipation Jamaica by Reid, A. G., Reid, Audley G.
A Brief History of the Caribbean: From the Arawak and Carib to the Present by Rogozinski, Jan
The Mother of Us All: A History of Queen Nanny, Leader of the Windward Jamaican Maroons by Karla, Gottlieb
Between Slavery and Freedom: Special Magistrate John Anderson's Journal of St Vincent During the Apprenticeship by Anderson, John, Dailey, Barbara Currie
Crossroads of Empire: The Europe-Caribbean Connection 1492-1992 by Cobley, Alan G.
In the Shadow of the Plantation by
Sweetening Bitter Sugar: The Booker Reformer in British Guiana 1934-1966 by Seecharan, Clem, Campbell, Jock
The Birth of Caribbean Civilisation by
Caribbean Reasonings: After Man, Towards the Human by Bogues, Anthony
Islanders in the Stream: A History of the Bahamian People: Volume Two: From the Ending of Slavery to the Twenty-First Century by Craton, Michael, Saunders, Gail
Manuscript Sources for the History of the West Indies by Ingram, K. E.
The Empowering Impulse: The Nationalist Tradition of Barbados by
Cuba: Island of Dreams by Kapcia, Antoni
The Young Colonials: A Social History of Education in Trinidad and Tobago 1834-1939 by Campbell, Carl C.
Cuba: Island of Dreams by Kapcia, Antoni
Cuba, the Elusive Nation: Interpretations of a National Identity by
Partners in Peace and Prosperity: A Premier and a Governor in Bermuda by Moir, Allison
Cuba and the Politics of Passion by Fernández, Damián J.
La Agricultura Cubana 1934 - 1936: Regimen Social, Productividad y Nivel de Vida del Sector Agricola (Large Print Edition) by Echevarria Salvat, Oscar a.
The Portuguese Jews of Jamaica by Arbell, Mordechai
U.S. Protestant Missions in Cuba: From Independence to Castro by Yaremko, Jason M.
Homeward Bound: A History of the Bahama Islands to 1850 with a Definitive Study of Abaco in the American Loyalist Plantation Period by Riley, Sandra