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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Caribbean History in 2013

Juan Criollo (Large Print Edition) by Loveira, Carlos
Caribbean Slave Revolts and the British Abolitionist Movement by Matthews, Gelien
Radical Moves: Caribbean Migrants and the Politics of Race in the Jazz Age by Putnam, Lara
Captain Morgan: The Buccaneer Raid on Panama by Lyon, Rolf
Daybreak at La Higuera: Unraveling enigmas surrounding Che Guevara's Final hours at La Higuera (Bolivia) by Cerrato, Rafael
The Island of Cuba by Humboldt, Alexander Von
Anadyr: The End of the Cuban Revolution by Denk, Roger Porter
An Historical Account of the Black Empire of Hayti by Rainsford, Marcus
Cuba: Une Histoire by Guerra-Vilaboy, Sergio, Loyola-Vega, Oscar
Queen of the Virgins: Pageantry and Black Womanhood in the Caribbean by Oliver, M. Cynthia
Rastafari: A Very Short Introduction by Edmonds, Ennis B.
Oscar López Rivera: Between Torture and Resistance by López Rivera, Oscar
The Dominican Ceremonial For Mass And Benediction by
No Women Jump Out!: Gender Exclusion, Labour Organization and Political Leadership in Antigua 1917-1970 by Williams, Christolyn
The Cuban Revolution as Socialist Human Development by Veltmeyer, Henry, Rushton, Mark
Britain's Black Debt: Reparations for Caribbean Slavery and Native Genocide by Beckles, Hilary MCD
Cuba for the Misinformed: Facts from the Forbidden Island by Winter, Mick
On the Rim of the Caribbean: Colonial Georgia and the British Atlantic World by Pressly, Paul M.
On the Rim of the Caribbean: Colonial Georgia and the British Atlantic World by Pressly, Paul M.
Columbus's Outpost Among the Taínos: Spain and America at La Isabela, 1493-1498 by Deagan, Kathleen, Cruxent, José María
Britain's Black Debt: Reparations for Caribbean Slavery and Native Genocide by Beckles, Hilary MCD
Diary of Basil Nelson Longsworth, March 15, 1853 to January 22, 1854 by Longsworth, Basil Nelson
Decolonization in St. Lucia: Politics and Global Neoliberalism, 1945-2010 by Joseph, Tennyson S. D.
Guerrilla Warfare by Guevara, Ernesto Che
The Cuban Missile Crisis: The Threshold of Nuclear War by George, Alice
The Cuban Missile Crisis: The Threshold of Nuclear War by George, Alice
Les Colonies Françaises: Notices Illustrées. La Martinique by de Henrique L.
Les Colonies Françaises: Notices Illustrées. Notice Sur Madagascar by de Henrique L.
Free and French in the Caribbean: Toussaint Louverture, Aimé Césaire, and Narratives of Loyal Opposition by Walsh, John Patrick
Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion by August, Arnold
Free and French in the Caribbean: Toussaint Louverture, Aimé Césaire, and Narratives of Loyal Opposition by Walsh, John Patrick
Katherine Dunham's Journey to Accompong by Dunham, Katherine
Dreaming in Russian: The Cuban Soviet Imaginary by Loss, Jacqueline
Haytian Papers: A Collection of the Very Interesting Proclamations, and Other Official Documents by
The Hristena Disaster Forty-Two Years Later-Looking Backward, Looking Forward: A Caribbean Story about National Tragedy, the Burden of Colonialism, an by Browne, Whitman T.
The Christena Disaster Forty-Two Years Later-Looking Backward, Looking Forward: A Caribbean Story about National Tragedy, the Burden of Colonialism, a by Browne, Whitman T.
Haiti and the Americas by
Public Health in Jamaica, 1850-1940: Neglect, Philanthropy and Development by Jones, Margaret
Democracy in Latin America: Between Hope and Despair by Walker, Ignacio
Lettres Sur l'Esclavage Dans Les Colonies Françaises by Dugoujon, Casimir
Souvenirs Historiques de Guy-Joseph Bonnet, Général de Division Des Armées de la République d'Haïti: , Ancien Aide de Camp de Rigaud. Documents Relati by Bonnet, Edmond, Bonnet, Guy-Joseph
La Vie de J.-J. Dessalines, Chef Des Noirs Révoltés de Saint-Domingue, Avec Des Notes Très: Détaillées Sur l'Origine, Le Caractère, La Vie Et Les Atro by Dubroca, Louis
La Vie de Toussaint-Louverture, Chef Des Noirs Insurgés de Saint-Domingue, Suivie de Notes: Précieuses Sur Saint-Domingue by Dubroca, Louis
L'Indépendance d'Haïti Et La France, Par Charolais by Chauvet, Pierre-Louis-Honoré
Hating Empire Properly: The Two Indies and the Limits of Enlightenment Anticolonialism by Agnani, Sunil M.
Fault Lines by Bell, Beverly
Fault Lines by Bell, Beverly
Sitting On A Racial Volcano (Guyana Uncensored) by Lall, G. H. K.
Pétion Et Haïti, Étude Monographique Et Historique. Tome 5 by Saint-Remy, Joseph
Arbitrage Du Très Saint Père Le Pape Entre La République d'Haïti Et La République Dominicaine: , Sur L' Interprétation de l'Article 4 Du Traité Du 9 N by Haïti, Tribunal d'Arbitrage
Relation Des Glorieux Événemens Qui Ont Porté Leurs Majestés Royales Sur Le Trône d'Hayti: , Suivie Par l'Histoire Du Couronnement Et Du Sacre Du Roi by Prévost, Julien
Pétion Et Haïti, Étude Monographique Et Historique. Tome 2 by Saint-Remy, Joseph
Pétion Et Haïti, Étude Monographique Et Historique. Tome 1 by Saint-Remy, Joseph
Slavery and Antislavery in Spain's Atlantic Empire by
de l'Esclavage Aux Colonies Françaises Et Spécialement À La Guadeloupe by Tanc, Xavier
Essai Sur Henri-Christophe, Général Haïtien by Saint-Remy, Joseph
Pétion Et Haïti, Étude Monographique Et Historique. Tome 3 by Saint-Remy, Joseph
Pétion Et Haïti, Étude Monographique Et Historique. Tome 4 by Saint-Remy, Joseph
Histoire Philosophique Et Politique Des Établissemens. Tome 1: & Du Commerce Des Européens Dans Les Deux Indes by Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas
Histoire Philosophique Et Politique Des Établissemens. Tome 2: & Du Commerce Des Européens Dans Les Deux Indes by Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas
Undocumented Dominican Migration by Graziano, Frank
Insurrection de la Martinique: 22 Septembre-1er Octobre 1870 by Auguste Charles Henri Menche de Loisne (.
Lost Pirate Treasures of St. Croix by Boyd, John A.
Caribbean Political Thought - Theories of the Post-Colonial State by
Caribbean Political Thought - The Colonial State to Caribbean Internationalisms by
The Longest Romance: The Mainstream Media and Fidel Castro by Fontova, Humberto
Chinese Cubans: A Transnational History by López, Kathleen M.
El protocolo de la Miel y la Frontera Dominico-Haitiana: Notas para la historia de la frontera by Feliz-Sanchez, Danilo Arturo, Feliz-Camilo, Arturo
A Voyage to Virginia in 1609: Two Narratives: Strachey's True Reportory and Jourdain's Discovery of the Bermudas by Jourdain, Silvester, Strachey, William
Beyond a Boundary by James, C. L. R.
Haiti: Une Transition Bloquee by Roumain, Maryse Noel
Cuba, El Socialismo y Sus Exodos by Navarro Vega, Armando
Cuba, El Socialismo y Sus Exodos by Navarro Vega, Armando
Shade Grown Slavery: The Lives of Slaves on Coffee Plantations in Cuba by Van Norman, William C.
Shade-Grown Slavery: The Lives of Slaves on Coffee Plantations in Cuba by Van Norman, William C.
Caribbean Empire: The Impact of Culture, Literature and History by Teelucksingh, Jerome
Histoire Philosophique Et Politique Des Établissemens Et Du Commerce Des Européens. Tome 1: Dans l'Afrique by Raynal, Guillaume Thomas Francois
Choses Haïtiennes: Politique Et Littérature by Marcelin, Frederic
Général Nord Alexis. Tome 3 by Marcelin, Frederic
Général Nord Alexis. Tome 1 by Marcelin, Frederic
Général Nord Alexis. Tome 2 by Marcelin, Frederic
The Cuban Missile Crisis by History, Documentary
An Archaeology of Black Markets: Local Ceramics and Economies in Eighteenth-Century Jamaica by Hauser, Mark W.
Island Caribs and French Settlers in Grenada: 1498 - 1763 by Martin, John Angus
Cuban Economists on the Cuban Economy by
Ivor A. Stevens: Soldier, Politician, Businessman, and Family Man: The Man, His Times, and the Politics of St. Kitts-Nevis by Browne, Whitman T.
Ivor A. Stevens: Soldier, Politician, Businessman, and Family Man: The Man, His Times, and the Politics of St. Kitts-Nevis by Browne, Whitman T.
Trajectories of Freedom: Caribbean Societies, 1807-2007 by
What Lies Across the Water: The Real Story of the Cuban Five by Kimber, Stephen
History of the Caribbean: Plantations, Trade, and War in the Atlantic World by Moya Pons, Frank
British Capitalism and British Slavery by Williams, Eric
Puerto Rico: The Four-Storeyed Country and Other Essays by Gonzalez, Jose Luis
Puerto Rico: The Four-Storeyed Country and Other Essays by Gonzalez, Jose Luis
Les Commissaires Sonthonax Et Polverel: La Révolution À Saint-Domingue by Sciout, Ludovic
The History of Mary Prince: A West Indian Slave Narrative by Prince, Mary
State Capitalism and World Revolution by Dunayevskaya, Raya, Lee Boggs, Grace, James, C. L. R.
From Plantations to University Campus: The Social History of Cave Hill, Barbados by Marshall, Woodville
The Grinder: One Community's Journey Through Pain and Hope from the Great Haiti Earthquake by Rainboth, Lee
The History of the Saxons Junkanoo Group (The Early Years): Stories of a Forgotten Bahamian Culture by Francis Jl, Emmanuel W.
Test Your Jamaica IQ: BLACK & WHITE Version by Hart, Nina
Sacral Grooves, Limbo Gateways: Travels in Deep Southern Time, Circum-Caribbean Space, Afro-Creole Authority by Cartwright, Keith
The Jamaicans: Children of God in the Promised Land by Bryan, Basil K.
Sugar in the Blood: A Family's Story of Slavery and Empire by Stuart, Andrea
Bicentenario de Utuado by Jiménez Editor, Rubén Maldonado
Cuban Revelations: Behind the Scenes in Havana by Frank, Marc
Caribbean Backgrounds and Prospects by Jones, Chester Lloyd
Fidel Castro: Rebel, Liberator or Dictator? by DuBois, Jules
Fields of Sleep: And People of the Darkness by Vivian, E. Charles
Subjects or Citizens: British Caribbean Workers in Cuba, 1900-1960 by Whitney, Robert, Laffita, Graciela Chailloux
Imagining Caribbean Womanhood: Race, Nation and Beauty Contests, 1929-70 by Rowe, Rochelle
La Iglesia Catolica en Puerto Rico ante la invasion de Estados Unidos de America by Hernandez Aponte, Gerardo a.
The Cuban Speech: The United States Goes to War with Spain, 1898 by Soini, Wayne
The Cuban Speech: The United States Goes to War with Spain, 1898 by Soini, Wayne
Prostitution, Modernity, and the Making of the Cuban Republic, 1840-1920 by Sippial, Tiffany A.
Najaso: A Catalyst For Change: A History of the National Association of Jamaican and Supportive Organizations (NAJASO), Inc.,1977-2012 by Muschette-Kirk, Carol R.
The U.S. Military Response to the 2010 Haiti Earthquake: Considerations for Army Leaders by Wermuth, Michael A., Cecchine, Gary, Morgan, Forrest E.
Everyday Life in the Early English Caribbean by Shaw, Jenny
Everyday Life in the Early English Caribbean: Irish, Africans, and the Construction of Difference by Shaw, Jenny
The Pirate Santos: Curse of the Treasure Coast by Mesmer, Patrick S.
No Man's Land: Jamaican Guestworkers in America and the Global History of Deportable Labor by Hahamovitch, Cindy
The Proceedings of the Governor and Assembly of Jamaica, in Regard to the Maroon Negroes by The Govenor and Assembly of Jamaica
A Lady in Jamaica 1879 by Trice, Martha Jefferson
Etnografía, Política Y Poder a Finales del Siglo XIX: José Martí Y La Cuestión Indígena by Camacho, Jorge
The Guild of Students at the University of the West Indies, St Augustine, 1962-2012 by Peters, Dexnell G. L., Pantin, Shane J.
Identity, Political Freedom, and Collective Responsibility: The Pillars and Foundations of Global Ethics by Souffrant, E.
History of Mary Prince: A Slave Narrative by Prince, Mary
Identity, Political Freedom, and Collective Responsibility: The Pillars and Foundations of Global Ethics by Souffrant, E.
Plantation to Nation: Caribbean Museums and National Identity by
Farewell, Fred Voodoo: A Letter from Haiti by Wilentz, Amy
Haitian Modernity and Liberative Interruptions: Discourse on Race, Religion, and Freedom by Joseph, Celucien L.
Union Island, Caribbean Paradise, Then & Now by Stewart, Josiah
Lajas, desde los amerindios hasta el siglo XIX: Historia, sociedad y cultura de un pueblo by Padovani, Lydia, Crespo Vargas, Pablo L.