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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Caribbean History in 2017

Cuba and Revolutionary Latin America: An Oral History by Kruijt, Dirk
Eluding Darkness by Charles, Raguel S.
An Aqueous Territory: Sailor Geographies and New Granada's Transimperial Greater Caribbean World by Bassi Arevalo, Ernesto
An Aqueous Territory: Sailor Geographies and New Granada's Transimperial Greater Caribbean World by Bassi Arevalo, Ernesto
Time and Words: Articles and Messages, 1947-1997 by
Pirates The Golden Age Of Pirates: The Colorful Characters that Terrorized the Seas by Pease, Steve
The Black Jacobins Reader by
The Black Jacobins Reader by
Suspect Freedoms: The Racial and Sexual Politics of Cubanidad in New York, 1823-1957 by Mirabal, Nancy Raquel
Suspect Freedoms: The Racial and Sexual Politics of Cubanidad in New York, 1823-1957 by Mirabal, Nancy Raquel
Guaro cuenta su historia by Valle de la Torre, Manuel R.
Sustainable Urban Agriculture in Cuba by Koont, Sinan
CIA's Internal Investigation of the Bay of Pigs Volume V by Agency, U. S. Central Intelligence, Pfeiffer, Jack
Historia de la Nacion Dominicana, Tomo 2: Desde la Implantacion de la Dictadura Unipartidaria Azul en 1879 hasta la Imposicion de la Autocracia de Tru by Conde, Leonardo
Frontiers of the Caribbean by Nanton, Philip
La Ciudad-Cosmos: Santo Domingo / San Juan - Siglos XVI-XVII by Robiou LaMarche, Sebastián
History of Florida by... Book 2. (English-Russian).: Myths and Heroes. 1511 - 1513 by Ashrafyan, Konstantin
El Tallit escondido: La presencia sefardita en Puerto Rico by Alicea Rivera, Ana
Introduction to the Pan-Caribbean by
Bayou of Pigs by Bell
The Caribbean Before Columbus by Keegan, William F., Hofman, Corinne L.
The Seven O'Clock Bell by Hunte, Philip O.
The Great Woman Singer: Gender and Voice in Puerto Rican Music by Fiol-Matta, Licia
The Great Woman Singer: Gender and Voice in Puerto Rican Music by Fiol-Matta, Licia
Madhouse: Psychiatry and Politics in Cuban History by Lambe, Jennifer L.
A Sunny Place For Shady Characters: Tales from St. Barth's "Le Select" Bar by West, D. Randy
Madhouse: Psychiatry and Politics in Cuban History by Lambe, Jennifer L.
Could You Be Loved: Rastafari-Reggae Bob Marley: Africa Scattered for Rhythm of Spirit of Oneness for the World by Mekfet, Tekla
Frontiers of the Caribbean by Nanton, Philip
Nuevos hallazgos sobre el origen de Coamo: Siglos XVI y XVII by Caldera Ortiz, Luis
Cuban Studies 45 by
Fidel: A Play in Two Acts by Nevaer, Louis
Exiled Cuba: A Chronicle of the Years of Exile from 1959 to the Present (Large Print Edition) by Chao, Raul Eduardo
Poets and Prophets of the Resistance: Intellectuals and the Origins of El Salvador's Civil War by Chávez, Joaquín M.
Peddlers All: Stories of the First Ashkenazi Jewish Settlers in Barbados by Kreindler, Simon
Interesting History of San Juan [Puerto Rico] by Stehr, Emily
The Cubalogues: Beat Writers in Revolutionary Havana by Tietchen, Todd F.
Sacrifice: Poems on the Indian Arrival in Guyana by Jailall, Peter
Energy without Conscience: Oil, Climate Change, and Complicity by Hughes, David McDermott
A Trip to Cuba by Ward Howe, Julia
Fidel Castro Reader: New, Updated Edition by Castro, Fidel
Rescatando a Martí: El esfuerzo incansable del hombre que desde el destierro consagró su vida a crear una Cuba con todos y para el bien de (Large Print Edition) by Chao, Raúl Eduardo
Global Culture, Island Identity by Fog Olwig, Karen
Histoire Philosophique Et Politique Des Établissemens Des Européens Dans Les Deux Indes. Tome 2 by Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas
Blue Coat or Powdered Wig: Free People of Color in Pre-Revolutionary Saint Domingue by King, Stewart R.
The Dominican Republic and the United States: From Imperialism to Transnationalism by Atkins, G. Pope, Wilson, Larman C.
The Memoir of General Toussaint Louverture by
Tula the Revolt by Leinders, Jeroen
Istwa across the Water: Haitian History, Memory, and the Cultural Imagination​ by Pressley-Sanon, Toni
Mexico's Cold War: Cuba, the United States, and the Legacy of the Mexican Revolution by Keller, Renata
Trujillo y yo by Abbes, Johnny, Inoa, Orlando
La revolucion de abril by de la Rosa, Jesus
The Experiential Caribbean: Creating Knowledge and Healing in the Early Modern Atlantic by Gómez, Pablo F.
The United States and Cuba: From Closest Enemies to Distant Friends by López Segrera, Francisco
The United States and Cuba: From Closest Enemies to Distant Friends by López Segrera, Francisco
The Experiential Caribbean: Creating Knowledge and Healing in the Early Modern Atlantic by Gómez, Pablo F.
The Paradox of Paternalism: Women and the Politics of Authoritarianism in the Dominican Republic by Manley, Elizabeth S.
The War for Africa: Twelve Months That Transformed a Continent by Bridgland, Fred
La presencia negra en Santo Domingo by Andujar, Carlos
The Lucayan Taîno: First People of the Bahamas by Riley, Sandra
Twice She Struck: The Story of RMS Rhone by Kent, Michael D.
De la Civilisation moderne by de Rémusat, Charles
La dictadura de Heureaux by Inoa, Orlando
Cuba's Revolutionary World by Brown, Jonathan C.
Republican Cuba. an Illustrated History of Cuba from 1902 to 1959 (Large Print Edition) by Chao, Raul Eduardo
The English Conquest of Jamaica: Oliver Cromwell's Bid for Empire by Pestana, Carla Gardina
Freedom and Resistance: A Social History of Black Loyalists in the Bahamas by Curry, Christopher
Rolando Masferrer En El País de Los Mitos (Large Print Edition) by Escalona -. Luque, Roberto
Hombres de Trujillo by Cruz Infante, Jose Abigail
Grandes Debates de la Constituyente Cubana de 1940 (Large Print Edition) by Carbonell Cortina, Néstor
City of Islands: Caribbean Intellectuals in New York by Brown, Tammy L.
Connecting Histories: Francophone Caribbean Writers Interrogating Their Past by Thomas, Bonnie
Exporting Revolution: Cuba's Global Solidarity by Randall, Margaret
Exporting Revolution: Cuba's Global Solidarity by Randall, Margaret
Histoire Philosophique Et Politique Des Établissemens Et Du Commerce Des Européens: Dans Les Deux Indes by Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas
Histoire Philosophique Et Politique Des Établissemens Et Du Commerce Des Européens: Dans Les Deux Indes by Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas
Cuban Émigrés and Independence in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf World by Muller, Dalia Antonia
Cuban Émigrés and Independence in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf World by Muller, Dalia Antonia
Sin miedo a Trujillo by Jaquez, Jose
Contrary Destinies: A Century of America's Occupation, Deoccupation, and Reoccupation of Haiti by Pamphile, Leon D.
Biografia de Trujillo by Infante, Fernando
Beyond Windrush: Rethinking Postwar Anglophone Caribbean Literature by
Island Shores, Distant Pasts: Archaeological and Biological Approaches to the Pre-Columbian Settlement of the Caribbean by
Empire's Guestworkers by Casey, Matthew
A summer on the borders of the Caribbean sea by Harris, J. Dennis
The Reinvention of Atlantic Slavery: Technology, Labor, Race, and Capitalism in the Greater Caribbean by Rood, Daniel B.
Rough Riders by Gardner, Mark Lee
La Habana bien vale unos Títulos: Una selección de artículos sobre Salud, Medicina y Educación Médica en Cuba by Gonzalez, Eloy a.
Confrontación: Lucha cívica, clandestinaje, guerrillas by Corzo, Pedro
Recuerdos: Memorias de una habanera de dos siglos (Large Print Edition) by Hernández, Magdalena
Priest and the Prophetess: ABBE Ouviere, Romaine Riviere, and the Revolutionary Atlantic World by Rey, Terry
C. Wright Mills and the Cuban Revolution: An Exercise in the Art of Sociological Imagination by Treviño, A. Javier
C. Wright Mills and the Cuban Revolution: An Exercise in the Art of Sociological Imagination by Treviño, A. Javier
The Lost Island of Columbus: Solving the Mystery of Guanahani by Pickering, Keith A.
Rescuing Our Roots: The African Anglo-Caribbean Diaspora in Contemporary Cuba by Queeley, Andrea J.
Steelpan Ambassadors: The US Navy Steel Band, 1957-1999 by Martin, Andrew R.
Republica de Cuba: El Nacimiento de una Nacion by Mutuberria Villarejo, Ricardo, Hurtado Consuegra, Plinio R.
Contested Bodies: Pregnancy, Childrearing, and Slavery in Jamaica by Turner, Sasha
Hebrew Israelite by 5 undeniable proofs: How you can know if you are a true Hebrew by Udennis, Trevor
A orillas del Mar Caribe.: Boceto histórico de la Playa de Ponce. Desde sus primeros habitantes hasta principios del siglo XX. by Oquendo Rodriguez, Eli D.
Slave Families and the Hato Economy in Puerto Rico by Stark, David M.
The Grenada Revolution: What Really Happened? by Coard, Bernard
Deadly River: Cholera and Cover-Up in Post-Earthquake Haiti by Frerichs, Ralph R.
Spirit of the Cane by Brown, Jared M., Miller, Anistatia R.
Dictadura: Odio, guerra, complicidad internacional. by Aviles, Simon
La obra de la revolución cubana: Aspectos relevantes entre 1952 y 2016 (Tomos I y II) by Castro Formento, Manuel
Martha Angela: Onvindbaar, maar niet afwezig by Anthony, Julino Willem
To Be Free and French by Semley, Lorelle
Sponsored Migration: The State and Puerto Rican Postwar Migration to the United States by Meléndez, Edgardo
Sponsored Migration: The State and Puerto Rican Postwar Migration to the United States by Meléndez, Edgardo
Jose Marti, the United States, and the Marxist Interpretation of Cuban by Ripoll, Carlos
Cuban Insurrection 1952-1959 by Bonachea, Ramon L.
The Cultural Politics of Obeah by Paton, Diana
Haiti Will Not Perish: A Recent History by Deibert, Michael
Haiti Will Not Perish: A Recent History by Deibert, Michael
Historical Dictionary of United States-Caribbean Relations by Braveboy-Wagner, Jacqueline, Griffin, Clifford
SOLTANDO SORBOS DE VIDA. Entrevistas Cuba en el exilio (1998-2013) (Large Print Edition) by De La Paz, Luis
Secret Cures of Slaves: People, Plants, and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World by Schiebinger, Londa
Secret Cures of Slaves: People, Plants, and Medicine in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World by Schiebinger, Londa
Race, Reality, and Realpolitik: U.S.-Haiti Relations in the Lead Up to the 1915 Occupation by Sommers, Jeffrey
Bahamas Bucket List for Divers: Bimini Edition by Riley, Nathan
Colonial Relations by Perry, Adele
Fundador de la República: Federico Pérez Carbó y sus combates por la independencia de Cuba (1855-101) - Black and White Edition by Bolivar Fresneda Phd, Jose L., Simon Arce Phd, Rafael Angel
Spirit of the Cane by Brown, Jared M., Miller, Anistatia R.
World War II and the Caribbean by
California and Hawaii's First Puerto Ricans, 1850-1925: The 1st and 2nd Generation Immigrants/Migrants by Lopez, Daniel M.
The Caribbean and the Wider World: Commentaries on My Life and Career by McIntyre, Alister
Resisting Paradise: Tourism, Diaspora, and Sexuality in Caribbean Culture by Nixon, Angelique V.
Nostalgias de tinajón: Escenas camagüeyanas de los años cincuenta by Pelaez Leyva, Eduardo F.
Those Who Passed By: Stories from 70 years at the Mission on the Kenscoff Road by Turnbull, Eleanor
Surviving Slavery in the British Caribbean by Browne, Randy M.
¿Indígenas de Cuba en el siglo XIX? by Nunez, Ferran
Historia del desarrollo de la educación en Lajas by
Frank País y la revolución cubana by Alvarez Ph. D., Jose
The Service of My Love: Speeches from the Distinguished Career of E.P.G. Seaga by Seaga, Edward P. G.
Cuba Libre: A 500-Year Quest for Independence by Brenner, Philip, Eisner, Peter
Cuba Libre: A 500-Year Quest for Independence by Brenner, Philip, Eisner, Peter
Undead Uprising: Haiti, Horror and The Zombie Complex by Cussans, John
Report on the Troubles of Saint Domingue by Tarbe, Charles
Historia de los ciclones y huracanes tropicales en Puerto Rico by Caldera Ortiz, Luis
Encyclopedia of Nevis by Corfield, Justin
Havana Without Makeup: Inside the Soul of the City by Portocarero, Herman
Poesias postumas del malogrado poeta Juan Clemente Zenea by Justo, Zaragoza
Defining the Caymanian Identity: The Effects of Globalization, Economics, and Xenophobia on Caymanian Culture by Williams, Christopher A.
To Be Free and French: Citizenship in France's Atlantic Empire by Semley, Lorelle
The History of Jamaica: Or, general survey of the antient and modern state of the island: with reflections on its situation settlements, inhab by Long, Edward
Trujillo: The Death of a Dictator by Deiderich, Bernard
Inward Hunger: The Education of a Prime Minister by Williams, Eric
Orishas The Children`s Book (Spanish Edition): Basic understanding of different Orishas by Gonzalez, Hector A., III
The Walker Brothers And Their Legacy: Three Black Soldiers In World War One by Gleave, David, Downer, Maria
Fidel Castro: A Life From Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Pido La Palabra: Opiniones en La Habana (Large Print Edition) by Márquez, Orlando
Cuba: La Revolución de 1933, El Golpe de Estado de 1952, Y La Represión del Comunismo.: Memorias del Mayor General Martín Dí (Large Print Edition) by de La Cova, Antonio Rafael
Histoire Philosophique Et Politique Des Établissemens Et Du Commerce Des Européens: Dans Les Deux Indes. Tome 6 by Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas
Histoire Philosophique Et Politique Des Établissemens Et Du Commerce Des Européens: Dans Les Deux Indes. Tome 1 by Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas
Sueños Y Pesadillas de Un Cura En Cuba: ¿El Futuro de la Iglesia En Cuba? (Large Print Edition) by Rodríguez, José Conrado
Caribbean Island Movements: Culebra's Transinsularities by Cubero, Carlo A.
Cuba, Hot and Cold by Miller, Tom
History of Cuba: Cuba Libre! Cuban History from Christopher Columbus to Fidel Castro by Fernando Alvarez, Carlos
Incidencias, confidencias y divergencias de un historiador by Acebo Meireles, Waldo
El antiguo Cementerio Guiriguivi: Estudio de su espacio en San Juan de Puerto Rico (1530-2017) by Frontera Munoz, Nelida M.
The Colonists Manifesto by Marthone, Weiner
Netherlands Antilles: The People, History and Cultural differences, Tourism by Dean, Stephen
The Danish West Indies In Black And White by Corneiro, Enrique
Slavery and Historical Capitalism during the Nineteenth Century by
Say To These Mountains: A biography of faith and ministry in rural Haiti by Turnbull, Elizabeth
Municipio La Salud: Historia, cultura y tradiciones de un municipio habanero by Cabrera Mas, Ignacio
Making Waves: How the West Indies Shaped the United States by Jacob, Debbie
Cuba: estampas de las contiendas de emancipación by Leon, Rene
Who Owns Haiti?: People, Power, and Sovereignty by
In Defiance of Boundaries: Anarchism in Latin American History by
American Tropics: The Caribbean Roots of Biodiversity Science by Raby, Megan
American Tropics: The Caribbean Roots of Biodiversity Science by Raby, Megan
Race and Class in the Colonial Bahamas, 1880-1960 by Saunders, Gail
Resumen de la historia de Venezuela by Bello, Andrés
El Caballo de Oro by Morgan
Commitment Beyond Rules: Franciscans in Colonial Cuba, 1531-1842 by Cabrera, Arelis Rivero
Honoring Ancestors in Sacred Space: The Archaeology of an Eighteenth-Century African-Bahamian Cemetery by Turner, Grace
Anatomy of Race Politics: Economics & Violence Against Diaspora Indians by Singh, Seopaul
Anuario Histórico Cubanoamericano: No. 1, 2017 by Acosta, Ivan, del Risco Arrocha, Enrique, Acosta, Antonio a.
Creole Clay: Heritage Ceramics in the Contemporary Caribbean by Fay, Patricia J.
Island People: The Caribbean and the World by Jelly-Schapiro, Joshua
Caribbean Creolization: Reflections on the Cultural Dynamics of Language, Literature, and Identity by
Paradise Destroyed: Catastrophe and Citizenship in the French Caribbean by Church, Christopher M.
Punishing the Black Body: Marking Social and Racial Structures in Barbados and Jamaica by Harris, Dawn P.
Colouring the Caribbean: Race and the Art of Agostino Brunias by Bagneris, Mia L.
The Legacy of the Early East Indian Immigrants in Grenada's 'Three Jewels' of St. Mark: Diegopiece, Fountain, Red Mud.: A narrative by Wilbur E.K. Ada by Adams, Wilbur E. K.
The Abuelos: Cuban Oral History (Large Print Edition) by Fernández, José B.
Tourism and Language in Vieques: An Ethnography of the Post-Navy Period by Galanes Valldejuli, Luis
Inicios del Independentismo En Cuba: Las Conspiraciones de 1809 Y 1810 (Large Print Edition) by Fernández Álvarez, José Ramón
Syncing the Americas: José Martí and the Shaping of National Identity by
Ayiti's Foreboding - The Conjurer of Espanola: 500 Years of Haitian History and Haiti's Remarkable Resolve by Ostermann, Eva
The Man Who Came to London by Cookson, A. S.
Literary Primitivism by Etherington, Ben
La mujer dominicana en Puerto Rico: Su integración al campo profesional (1961-1975) by Perez Nivar, Santa a.
Rafael Martínez Nadal: El nacionalismo de un estadista by Rosario Crespo, Melvin
The Cinema of Cuba: Contemporary Film and the Legacy of Revolution by