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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Caribbean History in 2021

Martin Alonso Pomare Howard: Clamor of the Islands: Saint Andrew and Old Providence Under Colombian Rule by
Martin Alonso Pomare Howard: El Clamor de Las Islas: San Andres Y Providencia Bajo El Gobierno Colombiano by
Hermanos de vez en cuando: -Les pedí que te fusilaran.-¡Al decirlo me salvaste la vida! by Landau, David
Queer Freedom: Black Sovereignty by Lara, Ana-Maurine
La carta histórica: De Amaury a Caamaño by Aristy, Amaury Germán
Todos Heridos Por El Norte Y Por El Sur by Muller, Alberto
No Man's Land: A Political Introspection of St. Lucia by Reynolds, Anderson
La Verdadera República de Cuba (Large Print Edition) by Cao Mendiguren, Andrés
Por La Libertad de Cuba. Una Historia Inconclusa (Large Print Edition) by Carbonell Cortina, Néstor
Historia de Familias Cubanas VIII (Large Print Edition) by de San Juan de Jaruco, Conde
Historia de Familias Cubanas VII (Large Print Edition) by de San Juan de Jaruco, Conde
Twentieth Century Cuban Footprints in Massachusetts (Large Print Edition) by Montesino, Paul V.
The Weight Of My Dream: Thoughts on Rebuilding a Prosperous Haiti by Rho, Ralf S.
Migraciones Raciales: La Ciudad de Nueva York Y La Política Revolucionaria En El Caribe Hispánico by Hoffnung-Garskof, Jesse
Guerrilla Warfare by Guevara, Che
Caribbean Globalizations, 1492 to the Present Day by
Dangerous Creole Liaisons: Sexuality and Nationalism in French Caribbean Discourses from 1806 to 1897 by Couti, Jacqueline
El primer patriota: Parte 1 - Reseña by Aguilera, Sergio G.
Cuba: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Cuba y La Habana, la Revolución cubana y Fidel Castro by History, Captivating
La Revolución cubana: Una guía fascinante sobre la rebelión armada que cambió el destino de Cuba. Incluye historias sobre los líderes Fidel by History, Captivating
A Short History of Revolutionary Cuba: Revolution, Power, Authority and the State from 1959 to the Present Day by Kapcia, Antoni
La Revolución cubana: Una guía fascinante sobre la rebelión armada que cambió el destino de Cuba. Incluye historias sobre los líderes Fidel by History, Captivating
A Contested Caribbean Indigeneity: Language, Social Practice, and Identity Within Puerto Rican Taíno Activism by Feliciano-Santos, Sherina
Cuba: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Cuba y La Habana, la Revolución cubana y Fidel Castro by History, Captivating
The History of Jamaica: or, General survey of the antient and modern state of the island: with reflections on its situation settlements, inhab by Long, Edward
The Golden Age of Piracy: The Truth Behind Pirate Myths by Little, Benerson
The Pirate King: The Incredible Story of the Real Captain Morgan by Thomas, Graham A.
The British Navy in the Caribbean by Grainger, John D.
Lawless Waters: A Detailed History of the Life of Caribbean Pirates and the Golden Age of Piracy by Sieberg, Alex
¡El Yunque se levanta!: Interdisciplinarity and activism at the La Mina petroglyph site by Cauldwell, Rex, Rogers, Rhianna C., Schuetz, James W.
Miramar: calle 10 # 505 by Gonzalo, Mayda
El informe de Aguilera by Aguilera, Sergio G.
Plus de 500 ans d'histoire: où en sommes-nous ? by Fanini-Lemoine, Hervé
The Caribbean Front in World War II by Bolívar, José L.
Stirring the Pot of Haitian History: By Michel-Rolph Trouillot by
Epidemias en Puerto Rico: desde la viruela hasta el COVID-19 by Caldera Ortiz, Luis
The Caribbean Front in World war II by Bolívar, José L.
The Impact of Intervention by Calder, Bruce J.
Puerto Rican Arrival in New York: Narratives of the Migration, 1920-1950 by
Jamaican Diaspora by Maxwell, Janice
Ancestors of Hamilton Brown Slave Owner, Browns Town, Jamaica by Muir, Diana
Haiti: The First Black Republic by Derenoncourt, Frantz, Jr.
Cuba Y Su Cultura (Large Print Edition) by Shelton, Raul M.
The Colonial Landscape of the British Caribbean by
De lobos y corderos, Afirmación Socialista y la disidencia interna del Partido Socialista de Puerto Rico, 1915-1934 by Rivera, José R.
Cuban Memory Wars: Retrospective Politics in Revolution and Exile by Bustamante, Michael J.
Cuban Memory Wars: Retrospective Politics in Revolution and Exile by Bustamante, Michael J.
ENCUENTRO EN 1898. TRES PUEBLOS Y CUATRO HOMBRE (España - Cuba - Estados Unidos / Pascual Cervera - Calixto García - Theodore Roosevelt - Juan Gualber (Large Print Edition) by Castellanos, Jorge
Idea, Sentimiento Y Sensibilidad de José Martí (Large Print Edition) by Piñera Llera, Humberto
Historiología Cubana IV (1959-1980) (Large Print Edition) by Duarte Oropesa, José
HISTORIOLOGÍA CUBANA V (1980-2000 / La Revolución Traidora) (Large Print Edition) by Duarte Oropesa, José
A Generational Cry: Based on A True Story of the Haitian Revolution by Francois, Rose
The Dominican People by Sagás, Ernesto, Inoa, Orlando
Boricuas in Gotham: Puerto Ricans in the Making of Modern New York City by
Pioneers in the Tropics: The Political Organisation of Japanese in an Immigrant Community in Brazil by Staniford, Philip
Aerial Imagination in Cuba: Stories from Above the Rooftops by Boudreault-Fournier, Alexandrine
The Maps That Change Florida's History: Revisiting the Ponce de León and Narváez Settlement Expeditions by Macdougald, James
Cold Inside Us: The Thrilling Tales of Three Third World High School Teenagers by Smith, Tabitha
VIEJAS ESTAMPAS CUBANAS. Historias, costumbres y tradiciones de la Cuba Eterna (Large Print Edition) by Chao, Raúl E.
Life and Death on the Plantations: Selected Jesuit Letters from the Caribbean by
Nuclear Folly: A History of the Cuban Missile Crisis by Plokhy, Serhii
Cuban Studies 50 by
The Guise of Exceptionalism: Unmasking the National Narratives of Haiti and the United States by Fatton, Robert
Cuba Aborigen by Ruano, Jose A. Tony
Slave Traffic in the Age of Abolition: Puerto Rico, West Africa, and the Non-Hispanic Caribbean, 1815-1859 by Dorsey, Joseph C.
Off the Beach in the Caribbean: Travels in the Little Leeward Islands by Saraceni, Raymond A.
Mailboats of the Bahamas: 200 Years of Maritime History by Wiberg, Eric
Sugar, Cigars, and Revolution: The Making of Cuban New York by Pérez, Lisandro
Amaury. El Che Guevara de mi vida by Ramírez-Báez, R. A.
De retorno al pueblo viejo. by Ruano, José A. Tony
Vagos, desertores y presos políticos en el Presidio Provincial de Puerto Rico (Siglo XIX) by Tejada-Vega, Josefina V.
Racial Migrations: New York City and the Revolutionary Politics of the Spanish Caribbean by Hoffnung-Garskof, Jesse
Under My Skin: Discovering Blood & Biographies on a Budget by Buckley, Claudia
Dancing with the Revolution: Power, Politics, and Privilege in Cuba by Schwall, Elizabeth B.
Dancing with the Revolution: Power, Politics, and Privilege in Cuba by Schwall, Elizabeth B.
The Nixon Administration and Cuba: Continuity and Rupture by Karlsson, Håkan, Diez Acosta, Tomás
José Martí's Liberative Political Theology by de la Torre, Miguel A.
José Martí's Liberative Political Theology by de la Torre, Miguel A.
Setenta y nueve años de historia judicial en Ponce: Jueces de letras o alcaldes mayores: Los jueces de primera instancia en la justicia colonial, 1820 by Oquendo Rodríguez, Eli D.
Episodes of the Revolutionary War by Guevara, Ernesto Che
Presencia Historica de la Orden de Predicadores en Puerto Rico 1510-1903 by Rodriguez Leon O. P., Mario A.
The Natural, Moral, and Political History of Jamaica, and the Territories Thereon Depending: From the First Discovery of the Island by Christopher Col by Knight, James
Richard Harding Davis' War in Cuba & Spanish-American War: the Articles, Letters and Experiences of One of America's Finest War Correspondents by Davis, Richard Harding
Richard Harding Davis' War in Cuba & Spanish-American War: the Articles, Letters and Experiences of One of America's Finest War Correspondents by Davis, Richard Harding
DEL IDEALISMO AL DESENCANTO.Todo comenzó cuando abordé el tren de Antilla a Santiago de Cuba. (Large Print Edition) by Alvarez, Jose
The Maps That Change Florida's History: Revisiting the Ponce de León and Narváez Settlement Expeditions by Macdougald, James
SHEROES of the Haitian Revolution by Bello, Bayyinah
Mailboats of the Bahamas: 200 Years of Maritime History by Wiberg, Eric
They Made a Difference: Memories of Mennonite Workers in Puerto Rico by Falcón, Rafael
A Concise History of the Caribbean by Higman, B. W.
Dougla in the Twenty-First Century: Adding to the Mix by Barratt, Sue Ann, Ranjitsingh, Aleah N.
Dougla in the Twenty-First Century: Adding to the Mix by Barratt, Sue Ann, Ranjitsingh, Aleah N.
Pequeño diario de la Gran Zafra by Larramendi Rodes, Carlos Julio
Cuba's Digital Revolution: Citizen Innovation and State Policy by
Colonial Debts: The Case of Puerto Rico by Zambrana, Rocío
Colonial Debts: The Case of Puerto Rico by Zambrana, Rocío
La resistencia antiesclavista de la mujer en Puerto Rico, 1806-1873. by Maldonado Jiménez, Rubén
Escaped from Paradise: Memories of the Cuba I Grew Up in and Escaped from by Viñas, Jose B.
Escaped from Paradise: Memories of the Cuba I Grew Up in and Escaped from by Viñas, Jose B.
Captives of Conquest: Slavery in the Early Modern Spanish Caribbean by Stone, Erin Woodruff
Cuba: Living Between Hurricanes: Climate, Commodities and Sustainability by Curry-Machado, Jonathan
Ahí hemos matado a un perro: El asesinato de Prudencio Méndez by Asencio Camacho, Luis
Black Women, Citizenship, and the Making of Modern Cuba by Brunson, Takkara K.
Las intervenciones extranjeras en República Dominicana en la modernidad sólida by Ramírez, Joaquín Alberto
Cultural Mobilities Between Africa and the Caribbean by
The Jamaica Reader: History, Culture, Politics by
War of Intervention in Angola: Volume 4 - Angolan and Cuban Air Forces, 1985-1988 by Matos, José Augusto, Cooper, Tom, Fontanellaz, Adrien
Patwa Proverbs Workbook by Wakefield, Latoya
The Contribution of Spain and Cuba to American Independence by Tejera, Eduardo J.
Windrush (1948) and Rivers of Blood (1968): Legacy and Assessment by
Pathways from Slavery: British and Colonial Mobilizations in Global Perspective by Drescher, Seymour
Practices of Resistance in the Caribbean: Narratives, Aesthetics and Politics by
LEONARDO DA VINCI & THE GUNS of COLUMBUS: The Sole Surviving Gun That Can Be Documented To Da Vinci Is A Gold & Silver Heraldically Adorned Matchlock by Brown, Rodney Hilton
LEONARDO DA VINCI & THE GUNS of COLUMBUS: The Sole Surviving Gun That Can Be Documented To Da Vinci Is A Gold & Silver Heraldically Adorned Matchlock by Brown, Rodney Hilton
Deepest Dye: Obeah, Hosay, and Race in the Atlantic World by Khan, Aisha
Racialized Visions: Haiti and the Hispanic Caribbean by
Outrage for Outrage: A History of Colonialism in Haiti and Its Legacy by Jean-Louis, Elie
Clásicos Cubanos de Los Años Decisivos (Large Print Edition) by Chao, Raúl
Free Puerto Rico by Campos, Pedro Albizu
The Caribbean Family: Examining Family Diversity in The Caribbean by Fyffe, Denise N.
On Bahamian History & Politics by Dames, I. Louis Roscoe
Maestra Voluntaria by Olema Garcia, Daura
Being La Dominicana: Race and Identity in the Visual Culture of Santo Domingo by Quinn, Rachel Afi
Surinamese Music in the Netherlands and Suriname by Weltak, Marcel
One Grand Noise: Boxing Day in the Anglicized Caribbean World by McGregory, Jerrilyn
Surinamese Music in the Netherlands and Suriname by Weltak, Marcel
One Grand Noise: Boxing Day in the Anglicized Caribbean World by McGregory, Jerrilyn
American Baroque: Pearls and the Nature of Empire, 1492-1700 by Warsh, Molly A.
A Concise History of the Caribbean by Higman, B. W.
El Naufragio de la Santísima Trinidad y Nuestra Señora de Atocha: Almiranta de la Real Armada de Barlovento. La Habana 1711. by Hernández Oliva, Carlos Alberto
The Man from Vilabuín: From Vilabuín, Lugo, Spain, to Havana Cuba, a true story of a Spanish émigré in the days just after the Cuban Independ by Chao, Raul Eduardo
The Lucayan Islands by Bethel, Tellis A.
Makandal: The Black Messiah by Derenoncourt, Frantz, Jr.
Teaching Haiti: Strategies for Creating New Narratives by
The Haitian Revolution, the Harlem Renaissance, and Caribbean Négritude: Overlapping Discourses of Freedom and Identity by Jenkins, Tammie
Santa Isabel Histórico y Cultural: Número 1 by Caldera Ortiz, Luis, Rivera de Jesús, Noemí
The Necktie Man: The Sentimental Journey of a Windrush Teenager & Trade Union Pioneer by Clarke, Navel
Writing the Caribbean in Magazine Time by Seligmann, Katerina Gonzalez
Jamaican Diaspora by Maxwell, Janice
Entangled Otherness: Cross-Gender Fabrications in the Francophone Caribbean by Hammond, Charlotte
Escape to Miami: An Oral History of the Cuban Rafter Crisis by Campisi, Elizabeth
Conversations with Super-centenarian Violet Mosse-Brown by Moss-Weir, Valomia
Cuba: An American History by Ferrer, Ada
Votes of the Honourable House of Assembly of Jamaica; 1796 by
The Buccaneers and Marooners of America: Being an Account of the Famous Adventures and Daring Deeds of Certain Notorious Freebooters of the Spanish Ma by Pyle, Howard 1853-1911
Captain William Kidd, and Others of the Pirates or Buccaneers Who Ravaged the Seas, the Islands, and the Continents of America Two Hundred Years Ago. by
The Development of the Leeward Islands Under the Restoration, 1660-1688: a Study of the Foundations of the Old Colonial System by
The History Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies.: To Which is Added, An Historical Survey of the French Colony in the Isl by Edwards, Bryan 1743-1800
The Logike of the Most Excellent Philosopher P. Ramvs Martyr: Newly Translated, and in Diuers Places Corrected, After the Minde of the Author by Ramus, Petrus 1515-1572, Macilmaine, Rollo
Haytian Papers.: A Collection of the Very Interesting Proclamations, and Other Official Documents; Together With Some Account of the Ri by
The Navassa Island Riot. Illustrated. Published by the National Grand Tabernacle, Order of Galillean Fishermen, Baltimore, Md. .. by Gordon, Columbus, Hall, Thomas I.
Caribbeana: Being Miscellaneous Papers Relating to the History, Genealogy, Topography, and Antiquities of the British West Indies; by
The Story of the Philippines: Natural Riches, Industrial Resources, Statistics of Productions, Commerce and Population; the Laws, Habits, Customs, S by Halstead, Murat 1829-1908
The Farewell Addresses of the Inhabitants of Jamaica to the Right Honorable Sir Charles Theophilus Metcalfe, Baronet, &c., &c., Governor of the Island by
The Buccaneers and Marooners of America: Being an Account of the Famous Adventures and Daring Deeds of Certain Notorious Freebooters of the Spanish Ma by Pyle, Howard 1853-1911
The Voyages and Adventures of Edward Teach, Commonly Called Black Beard, the Notorious Pirate: With an Account of the Origin and Progress of the Roman by Wilkinson, S.
The Pirates of Panama: or; The Buccaneers of America, a True Account of the Famous Adventures and Daring Deeds of Sir Henry Morgan and Other by Williams, George Alfred 1875-
The Story of the Philippines: Natural Riches, Industrial Resources, Statistics of Productions, Commerce and Population; the Laws, Habits, Customs, S by Halstead, Murat 1829-1908
Certain Inducements to Well Minded People Who Are Here Straitned in Their Estates or Otherwise; or, Such as Are Willing, out of Noble and Publike Prin by Anonymous
A History of the Island of Mona, or Anglesey ... Being the Prize Essay to Which Was Adjudged the First Premium at the Royal Beaumaris Eisteddfod ... 1 by Llwyd, Angharad 1780-1866
The Jubilee Reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria in Jamaica. Being a Complete Account of the Principal and Important Events Which Occurre by Feurtado, Walter Augustus 1839-
The Buccaneers of America: a True Account of the Most Remarkable Assaults Committed of Late Years Upon the Coast of the West Indies by the Buccan by Sonnenschein, William Swan 1855-1931
A Topographical and Political Description of the Spanish Part of Saint-Domingo: Containing, General Observations on the Climate, Population, and Produ by Cobbett, William 1763-1835
The Argument That the Colonial Slaves Are Better off Than the British Peasantry: Answered From the Royal Jamaica Gazette of June 21, 1823 by Clarkson, Thomas 1760-1846
Jamaica in 1922: a Handbook of Information for Intending Settlers and Visitors With Some Account of the Colony's History by Cundall, Frank 1858-1937
Haytian Papers.: A Collection of the Very Interesting Proclamations, and Other Official Documents; Together With Some Account of the Ri by
The Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Barth. Sharp and Others, in the South Sea: : Being a Journal of the Same, Also Capt. Van Horn With His Buccanieres by Ayres, Philip 1638-1712 Ed
A History of the Island of Mona, or Anglesey ... Being the Prize Essay to Which Was Adjudged the First Premium at the Royal Beaumaris Eisteddfod ... 1 by Llwyd, Angharad 1780-1866
Cuba and the Cuba Railroad by
Votes of the Honourable House of Assembly of Jamaica; 1818 by
Nouveau Voyage Aux Isles De L'Amerique.: Contenant L'histoire Naturelle De Ces Pays, L'origine, Les Moeurs, La Religion & Le Gouvernement Des Habitans by Labat, Jean Baptiste 1663-1738
The Opportunity; or, Reasons for an Immediate Alliance With St. Domingo. By the Author of "The Crisis of the Sugar Colonies." by Stephen, James 1758-1832
Emancipation in the West Indies.: a Six Months' Tour in Antigua, Barbadoes, and Jamaica, in the Year 1837 by
Caribbeana: Being Miscellaneous Papers Relating to the History, Genealogy, Topography, and Antiquities of the British West Indies; by
The History of the Island of Dominica.: Containing a Description of Its Situation, Extent, Climate, Mountains, Rivers, Natural Productions, &c. &c. To by
The Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Barth. Sharp and Others, in the South Sea: : Being a Journal of the Same, Also Capt. Van Horn With His Buccanieres by Ayres, Philip 1638-1712 Ed
Remarks on Hayti as a Place of Settlement for Afric-Americans;: and on the Mulatto as a Race for the Tropics by Hunt, Benjamin S.
Field Notebooks: Cuba; v.5 (No. 198-238) by
Race Relations in Jamaica, 1833-1958, With Special Reference to British Colonial Policy by
Field Notebook: Cuba, 1941 August-1942 January; v.3 by Gonzales, A. Author
Field Notebook: Cuba, 1940 August-September by
Six Great Jamaicans; Biographical Sketches. by
Field Notebooks: Cuba; v.2 (No. 49-98) by
A Cuban Balance Sheet; Batista and Castro Regimes in by
Soviet Propaganda Activities in Cuba by
Field Notebook, Cuba and Jamaica, 1937, 1941, [1947] by Chapin, Edward a.
Field Notebooks: Cuba; v.1 (No. 1-48) by
A History of the West Indies: Containing the Natural, Civil, and Ecclesiastical History of Each Island: With an Account of the Missions Instituted i by Coke, Thomas 1747-1814
A True & Exact History of the Island of Barbadoes: Illustrated With a Map of the Island, as Also the Principal Trees and Plants There, Set Forth in Th by Ligon, Richard
Puerto Rico in Pictures by
Puerto Rico in Pictures by
The White King of La Gonave by Wirkus, Faustin 1896-1945
President Trujillo: His Work and the Dominican Republic; 0 by Besault, Lawrence de
Shakespeare and the Modern Theatre by Webster, Margaret 1905-1972
Shakespeare and the Modern Theatre by Webster, Margaret 1905-1972
Isles of Summer; or, Nassau and the Bahamas by Ives, Charles 1815-1880
Buonaparte in the West Indies;: or, The History of Toussaint Louverture, the African Hero by Stephen, James 1758-1832
The History of Puerto Rico,: From the Spanish Discovery to the American Occupation, by Brumbaugh, Martin Grove 1862-1930
Trujillo: the Last Caesar by Espaillat, Arturo R.
Votes of the Honourable House of Assembly of Jamaica; 1797 by
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