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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Caribbean History in 2022

El 71: Anatomía de Una Crisis by Fornet, Jorge
Ten Days in Harlem by Hall, Simon
Jamaican Diaspora by Maxwell, Janice
Ay, Cuba!: A Socio-Erotic Journey by Codrescu, Andrei
A Return to Roots: Cubajans in Barbados by Marshall, Sharon Milagro
Trained to Kill: The Inside Story of CIA Plots Against Castro, Kennedy, and Che by Veciana, Antonio, Harrison, Carlos
Slave Empire: How Slavery Built Modern Britain by Scanlan, Padraic X.
History of the Revolution of Saint Domingue: Volume 1 by Dalmas, Antoine
Women in San Juan, 1820-1868 by Matosrodríguez, Félix V.
The Chinese in the Caribbean by
Turning Points: A Memoir by Smith, CD Derrick
Introduction to Reparation for Secondary Schools by Hemmings, Gabrielle D. L., Shepherd, Verene A.
Fatal Revolutions: Natural History, West Indian Slavery, and the Routes of American Literature by Iannini, Christopher P.
Istwa Across the Water: Haitian History, Memory, and the Cultural Imagination​ by Pressley-Sanon, Toni
Cuba Was Different: Views of the Cuban Communist Party on the Collapse of Soviet and Eastern European Socialism by Underlid, Even Sandvik
America's Last Fortress: Puerto Rico's Sovereignty, China's Caribbean Belt and Road, and America's National Security by Odishelidze, Alexander
Grenada: Revolution and Invasion by Payne, Anthony, Sutton, Paul, Thorndike, Tony
Tacky's Revolt: The Story of an Atlantic Slave War by Brown, Vincent
Mujeres Espiritistas en Puerto Rico (1880-1920) by Román-Odio, Clara
Cuba: Vivir entre ciclones: clima, mercancías y sostenibilidad by Curry-Machado, Jonathan
The Beast - The Devil's Friend by Larrier, Buddy
The Painting: A Novel Based on a True Story by Reid, Michael
The Painting: A Novel Based on a True Story by Reid, Michael
Dead Woman Pickney: A Memoir of Childhood in Jamaica by Brown, Yvonne Shorter
Histoire philosophique et politique dans les Indes occidentales (Éd.1784) by Raynal G T
The Life & Times of Alexander Hamilton: Two Apples that Fell from the Same Tree by Dodds, Robert Gary
The Life & Times of Alexander Hamilton: Two Apples that Fell from the Same Tree by Dodds, Robert Gary
Whom Shall I Fear?: Pushing the Politics of Change by Brown, Ewart
(Post-)Colonial Archipelagos: Comparing the Legacies of Spanish Colonialism in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines by Burchardt, Hans-Jürgen, Leinius, Johanna
Education Across Borders: Immigration, Race, and Identity in the Classroom by Cerat, Marie Lily, Sylvain, Patrick, Tamerat, Jalene
Julien Fédon: Revolutionary, Patriot and Insurrectionist - The Untold Story of a Mulatto Leader by Hall, Herman G.
Julien Fédon: Revolutionary, Patriot and Insurrectionist - The Untold Story of a Mulatto Leader by Hall, Herman G.
Las nuevas hijas de Eva: Testimonio by Montoto Mayor, Oscar
The Mambi-Land, or Adventures of a Herald Correspondent in Cuba: A Critical Edition by O'Kelly, James J.
The Mambi-Land, or Adventures of a Herald Correspondent in Cuba: A Critical Edition by O'Kelly, James J.
Ninety Miles and a Lifetime Away: Memories of Early Cuban Exiles by Powell, David
The Policy of the Ford Administration Toward Cuba: Carrot and Stick by Karlsson, Håkan, Diez Acosta, Tomás
Cultural Inclusion by Morris, Floyd
Cultural Inclusion by Morris, Floyd
Monika Krause, Queen of Condoms: Memoir of a Sex Educator in Revolutionary Cuba by Krause, Monika
Island on Fire: The Revolt That Ended Slavery in the British Empire by Zoellner, Tom
Cuba: An American History (Large Print Edition) by Ferrer, Ada
Traveling to Bahamas. A Local Guide to New Providence and Nassau Paradise Islands by Jerry, Sampson Uzo
Heady Days - A Memoir of a 70s AdMan in T&T by Johnstone, Patrick
Borderless Empire: Dutch Guiana in the Atlantic World, 1750-1800 by Hoonhout, Bram
Jamaican Food: History, Biology, Culture by Higman, B. W.
The Negro's Friend; Sketches Or the History of Jamaica by Phillips, Wendell
Affect, Archive, Archipelago: Puerto Rico's Sovereign Caribbean Lives by Llenín-Figueroa, Beatriz
Historia clínica de un héroe by Céspedes, Norge
El Médico Chino by Fernández Galera, Amparo
How The Bahamas & Turks And Caicos Got Their Names by Bethel, Tellis A., Sr.
The Cuba that You Don't Know by Castro, Jesus
Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean: Ways of Being Non/Sovereign by
Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean: Ways of Being Non/Sovereign by
Borderline Citizens: The United States, Puerto Rico, and the Politics of Colonial Migration by McGreevey, Robert C.
A Brief History of the Caribbean: Indispensable for Travellers by Black, Jeremy
Engineering Vulnerability: In Pursuit of Climate Adaptation by Vaughn, Sarah E.
Engineering Vulnerability: In Pursuit of Climate Adaptation by Vaughn, Sarah E.
Cuando los héroes no son tan héroes: Militarización en Aguadilla 1939-1941 by Carrero Morales, Carlos J.
Jean-Claude Charles: A Reader's Guide by
Entre Minerva Mirabal, tú y yo: Lecciones de una heroína dominicana para la mujer de hoy by Mejía, Magdalena
Taíno Indian Myth and Practice: The Arrival of the Stranger King by Keegan, William F.
Pieces of the Past: A Stroll Down Jamaica's Memory Lane by Tortello, Rebecca
The St. Vincent Handbook Directory and Almanac, 5th Edition by
EL SUEÑO INCONCLUSO. Historia del Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil Cuba, 1959-1966: EL SUEÑO INCONCLUSO. Historia del Directorio Revolucionario E (Large Print Edition) by Figueroa- de Cárdenas, Javier
Sea and Land: An Environmental History of the Caribbean by Mulcahy, Matthew, Morgan, Philip D., McNeill, John R.
Comrade of the Revolution: Selected Speeches of Fidel Castro by Castro, Fidel
Historical Dictionary of Cuba by Kapcia, Antoni
¿POR QUÉ FIDEL ABANDONÓ AL CHE? Guevara: Valgo más vivo que muerto (Large Print Edition) by Muller, Alberto
The Yankee Comandante: The Untold Story of Courage, Passion, and One American's Fight to Liberate Cuba by Sallah, Michael, Weiss, Mitch
The Blackest Thing in Slavery Was Not the Black Man: The Last Testament of Eric Williams by
From Cable to Wireless: The Forgotten History of Telegraphy in Trinidad, 1871-1941 by Escalante, Richard M.
The Struggle for the Independence of Puerto Rico by Corretjer, Juan Antonio
Archiving Caribbean Identity: Records, Community, and Memory by
Isle of Devils, Isle of Saints: An Atlantic History of Bermuda, 1609-1684 by Jarvis, Michael J.
A Fragmented Caribbean Empire: Social, Political and Cultural Influences by Teelucksingh, Jerome
E Maravianan di Señor: Historia di Iglesianan Aliansa Evangélika di Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao. by
Walt Whitman and His Caribbean Interlocutors: José Martí, C.L.R. James, and Pedro Mir: Song and Counter-Song by Bernabe, Rafael
Cuba: Historia de la educación católica 1582-1961: Tomo I by Fernández Soneira, Teresa
CARTAS Y DOCUMENTOS DE CUBA QUE CUENTAN SU HISTORIA. Viejos Papeles de la Cuba Cotidiana (Large Print Edition) by Chao, Raúl Eduardo, Nodarse, Olga Isabel
Give Me Liberty: The True Story of Oswaldo Payá and His Daring Quest for a Free Cuba by Hoffman, David E.
La Cuba de Todos Los Días Para Los No Cubanos: Más Allá del Cliché del Resort by Jahani, Araz
Slave Empire: How Slavery Built Modern Britain by Scanlan, Padraic X.
Operation Pedro Pan and the Exodus of Cuba's Children by Shnookal, Deborah
Jewish Experiences Across the Americas: Local Histories Through Global Lenses by
The Paradox of Paternalism: Women and the Politics of Authoritarianism in the Dominican Republic by Manley, Elizabeth S.
Cuba: An American History by Ferrer, Ada
Unsilencing Slavery: Telling Truths about Rose Hall Plantation, Jamaica by Naylor, Celia E.
Listening to the Caribbean: Sounds of Slavery, Revolt, and Race by Munro, Martin
Drops of Inclusivity: Racial Formations and Meanings in Puerto Rican Society, 1898-1965 by Denis-Rosario, Milagros
A Frail Liberty: Probationary Citizens in the French and Haitian Revolutions by Liu, Tessie P.
Unsilencing Slavery: Telling Truths about Rose Hall Plantation, Jamaica by Naylor, Celia E.
Motores clásicos en Cuba 1899-2007 by García Pérez, Onelio
Today's The Day! The Mel Fisher Story by Tucker, Wendy
Jamaican Diaspora by Maxwell, Janice
Baracoa, periodismo y poesía (1881-1960) by Ruiz Guilarte, Willy Nelson, Montoto Mayor, Oscar
Mis Buenos Tiempos: Memorias de Estudiante by Cabrera Bosch, Raimundo
The Spanish-American War and Philippine Insurrection, 1898-1902: An Annotated Bibliography by Barnes, Mark
Today's The Day! The Mel Fisher Story by Tucker, Wendy, Fisher, Mel
The Wisdom of Rain by Sam, Eleanor P.
Long Shot: The Jackie "Pioneers" Robinson Reggae Story by Robinson, Inyaso
Destined to be hanged by A. Red, Ryan
Incertidumbre sobre los orígenes del linaje Ortiz de la Renta en Puerto Rico: Un breve ensayo by Acevedo, Ricardo Vélez
The Johnson Administration's Cuba Policy: From "Dirty War" to Passive Containment by Karlsson, Håkan, Diez Acosta, Tomás
Tread Carefully on the Sea by Bryant, David K.
The Occupation of Havana: War, Trade, and Slavery in the Atlantic World by Schneider, Elena A.
Freedom Roots: Histories from the Caribbean by DuBois, Laurent, Turits, Richard Lee
Tread Carefully On the Sea by Bryant, David K.
El Lyceum y Lawn Tennis Club: su huella en la cultura cubana by Montoya Deler, Whigman
Looking Forward: Comparative Perspectives on Cuba's Transition by
Healthcare in Latin America: History, Society, Culture by
Healthcare in Latin America: History, Society, Culture by
Nil Illegitimi Carborundum - A Memoir by Ronald Harford: Ronald Harford's Recollections of his Life as a Caribbean Banker by
ADOCTRINAMIENTO EN CUBA. Tres generaciones de cubanos sometidos a las tergiversaciones y falsedades del Marxismo Raúl (Large Print Edition) by Chao, Eduardo
La Pintura: Una novela basada en hechos reales by Reid, Michael
La Pintura: Una novela basada en hechos reales by Reid, Michael
La barriada de La Caridad: cuenta su historia by Aróstegui Aróstegui, Lilian María
Creole Religions of the Caribbean, Third Edition: An Introduction by Olmos, Margarite Fernández, Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth
Creole Religions of the Caribbean, Third Edition: An Introduction by Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth, Olmos, Margarite Fernández
Identity and Ideology in Haiti: The Children of Sans Souci, Dessalines/Toussaint, and Pétion by Mocombe, Paul C.
Eusi Kwayana by Wilson, Eward
The Letters of Minerva Mirabal and Manolo Tavárez: Love and Resistance in the Time of Trujillo by Tavárez Mirabal, Minou
Blackening Britain: Caribbean Radicalism from Windrush to Decolonization by Cantres, James G.
The Cuban Sandwich: A History in Layers by Houck, Jeff, Huse, Andrew T., Cruz, Bárbara C.
Bahamian Rhapsody: The Unofficial History of Pro Wrestling's Unofficial Territory, 1960 - 2020 by Douglass, Ian
The Common Wind: Afro-American Currents in the Age of the Haitian Revolution by Scott, Julius S.
The Common Wind: Afro-American Currents in the Age of the Haitian Revolution by Scott, Julius S.
Try Not to Be Strange: The Curious History of the Kingdom of Redonda by Hingston, Michael
Dominion Over Palm and Pine: A History of Canadian Aspirations in the British Caribbean Volume 11 by Hastings, Paula
Dominion Over Palm and Pine: A History of Canadian Aspirations in the British Caribbean Volume 11 by Hastings, Paula
A Posthumous History of José Martí: The Apostle and His Afterlife by López, Alfred J.
The Letters of Minerva Mirabal and Manolo Tavárez: Love and Resistance in the Time of Trujillo by Tavárez Mirabal, Minou
Cuba's Digital Revolution: Citizen Innovation and State Policy by
En mi otra tierra: Crónicas de Guanajay by Guimeras Pareja, Gilda
Leyendas históricas de Venezuela by Rojas, Arístides
Via the Roundabout: The Scobie family's story of resolve and resilience from 1819 through Emancipation, the Colonial Era, and beyond. by Scobie, Beverly
How the Workers' Parliaments Saved the Cuban Revolution: Reviving Socialism After the Collapse of the Soviet Union by Ross, Pedro
How the Workers' Parliaments Saved the Cuban Revolution: Reviving Socialism After the Collapse of the Soviet Union by Ross, Pedro
Operation Pedro Pan: The Migration of Unaccompanied Children from Castro's Cuba by Gronbeck-Tedesco, John A.
The Wide Streets of Tomorrow: Essays & Speeches on Barbados, the Caribbean, and the African Diaspora by Comissiong, David A.
Nuclear Folly: A History of the Cuban Missile Crisis by Plokhy, Serhii
The Military of the Caribbean: A Look at the Defence Forces of the Anglo Caribbean, 1958-2022 by Phillips, Dion E.
Spanish Coloring Book For Kids - Let's go to Panama! English & Spanish by Sc Magic Creations
Inside/Outside: Adventures in Caribbean History and Anthropology by Price, Richard
Inside/Outside: Adventures in Caribbean History and Anthropology by Price, Richard
The Abyss: Nuclear Crisis Cuba 1962 by Hastings, Max
In a Sea of Empires by Mulich, Jeppe
Memories. Beautiful Cuba in Living Color: Memories. Beautiful Cuba in Living Color (Large Print Edition) by Chao, Raúl Eduardo
Smoker Beyond the Sea: The Story of Puerto Rican Tobacco by Baldrich, Juan José
Smoker Beyond the Sea: The Story of Puerto Rican Tobacco by Baldrich, Juan José
La Sierra de Luquillo, Puerto Rico by Ayala Guzman, Nereida
Guayanilla Y La Historia De Puerto Rico... by Nazario, José María
Trinidad: Its Geography, Natural Resources, Administration, Present Condition, and Prospects by de Verteuil, Louis Antoine Aimé Gaston
The History of the Island of Dominica by Atwood, Thomas
Trinidad: Its Geography, Natural Resources, Administration, Present Condition, and Prospects by de Verteuil, Louis Antoine Aimé Gaston
The History of the Island of Dominica by Atwood, Thomas
The History of the Island of Antigua, One of the Leeward Caribbes in the West Indies, From the First Settlement in 1635 to the Present Time: V.1; Volu by Oliver, Vere Langford
Jamaica in 1850; Or, the Effects of Sixteen Years of Freedom On a Slave Colony by Soulouque, Faustin, Bigelow, John
The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century by Haring, Clarence Henry
In Old Roseau. Reminiscences Of Life As I Found It In The Island Of Dominica, And Among The Carib Indians by
The Atrocities Of The Pirates by Smith, Aaron
The Atrocities Of The Pirates by Smith, Aaron
The History of the Island of Antigua, One of the Leeward Caribbes in the West Indies, From the First Settlement in 1635 to the Present Time: V.2; Volu by Oliver, Vere Langford
Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates by Pyle, Howard
The Buccaneers of America; by
Mémoires Du Général Toussaint L'ouverture, Écrits Par Lui-Même ... Précédés D'une Étude Historique Et Critique ... Avec Un Appendice Contenant Les Opi by Louverture, Toussaint
Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates by Pyle, Howard
The Interest of America in Sea Power Present and Future by Mahan, Alfred Thayer
History of Jamaica by Gardner, W. J.
Utilla, Past And Present: Including Article On H.m.s. Psyche At The Bay Islands, With Illustrations by Rose, Richard H.
Historia De Puerto Rico by
Obeah: Witchcraft In The West Indies by
Histoire D'haiti; Volume 2 by Madiou, Thomas
Histoire D'haiti; Volume 1 by Madiou, Thomas
Historia Geográfica, Civil Y Natural De La Isla De San Juan Bautista De Puerto Rico by Lasierra, Íñigo Abbad Y.
The Danish West Indies Under Company Rule (1671-1754) With a Supplementary Chapter, 1755-1917 by Westergaard, Waldemar
Historia Geográfica, Civil Y Natural De La Isla De San Juan Bautista De Puerto Rico by Lasierra, Íñigo Abbad Y.
Mémoires Pour Servir A L'histoire D'haïti by Louis, Boisrond-Tonnerre
The History Of Jamaica: Or, General Survey Of The Antient And Modern State Of The Island: With Reflections On Its Situation Settlements, Inhab by Long, Edward
Stark's History and Guide to the Bahama Islands by Stark, James Henry
Histoire D'haiti; Volume 3 by Madiou, Thomas
The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century by Haring, Clarence Henry
Historia Moderna de la Republica Dominicana by Garcia, Jose Gabriel
History of Jamaica by Gardner, W. J.
Utilla, Past And Present: Including Article On H.m.s. Psyche At The Bay Islands, With Illustrations by Rose, Richard H.
Notes On The History Of The Jews In Barbados by
Notes On The History Of The Jews In Barbados by
Histoire D'haiti; Volume 1 by Madiou, Thomas
Historia Moderna de la Republica Dominicana by Garcia, Jose Gabriel
The History of the Island of Antigua, One of the Leeward Caribbes in the West Indies, From the First Settlement in 1635 to the Present Time: V.2; Volu by Oliver, Vere Langford
Histoire D'haiti; Volume 3 by Madiou, Thomas
The Interest of America in Sea Power Present and Future by Mahan, Alfred Thayer
In Old Roseau. Reminiscences Of Life As I Found It In The Island Of Dominica, And Among The Carib Indians by
The History of the Island of Antigua, One of the Leeward Caribbes in the West Indies, From the First Settlement in 1635 to the Present Time: V.1; Volu by Oliver, Vere Langford
Historia De Puerto Rico by
Le systeme colonial devoile by Vastey, Pompée-Valentin
Where Black Rules White: A Journey Across and About Hayti by Prichard, Hesketh Vernon Hesketh
La vocation de l'élite by Price-Mars, Jean
Where Black Rules White: A Journey Across and About Hayti by Prichard, Hesketh Vernon Hesketh
The History Of Jamaica: Or, General Survey Of The Antient And Modern State Of The Island: With Reflections On Its Situation Settlements, Inhab by Long, Edward
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