• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Catholicism in 1995

The Jesuit Mystique by Letson, Douglas
Tractates on the Gospel of John, 112-124; Tractates on the First Epistle of John by St Augustine
Ethics in Pastoral Ministry by Gula, Richard M.
Daily Reflections with Jesus: 31 Inspiring Reflections and Concluding Prayers Plus Popular Prayers to Jesus by Meyers, Rawley
Catholic Prayers and Devotions by Hoagland, Victor
St Philip Neri: A Portrait by Bouyer, Louis
Novenas Favoritas a Maria by Lovasik, Lawrence G.
The Immaculate Conception: Patroness of the Americas by Winkler, Jude
The Way of the Cross: According to the Method of St. Francis of Assisi by Anonymous
Our Guardian Angels: St. Joseph Carry-Me-Along Board Book by Brundage, George
Our Blessed Mother by Brundage, George
Apologia Pro Vita Sua by Newman, John
De Doctrina Christiana: A Classic of Western Culture by
Explorations in Metaphysics: Being-God-Person by Clarke, S. J. W. Norris
Explorations in Metaphysics: Being-God-Person by Clarke, W. Norris
The Recovering Catholic by Meehl, Joanne H.
Indian Freedom: The Cause of BartolomZ de las Casas by de Las Casas, Bartolomé
Church: A Spirited Communion by Lawler, Michael G., Shanahan, Thomas J.
On Loving God: Volume 13 by Bernard of Clairvaux
The History of Black Catholics in the United States by Davis, Cyprian
The Substance of Things Hoped For: Short Fiction by Modern Catholic Authors by Breslin, John
Tejano Religion and Ethnicity: San Antonio, 1821-1860 by Matovina, Timothy M.
The Register of John Kirkby, Bishop of Carlisle, 1332-1352, II by
Religion, Politics and Preferment in France Since 1890: La Belle Epoque and Its Legacy by Larkin, Maurice
Liturgical Inculturation: Sacramentals, Religiosity, and Catechesis by Chupungco, Anscar J.
Religion and Disability: Essays in Scripture, Theology and Ethics by Bishop, Marilyn E.
Communion of the Saints: Foundation, Nature, and Structure of the Church by Garijo-Guembe, Miguel M.
Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica by U S Catholic Church
The Golden Legend, Volume I: Readings on the Saints by De Voragine, Jacobus
The Golden Legend, Volume II: Readings on the Saints by De Voragine, Jacobus
Glaube und Religion in der Säkularisierung by Schlögl, Rudolf
Where Thousands Fell by Leonard, Williams J.
Diary of A City Priest by McNamee, John P.
Popular Piety in Late Medieval England: The Diocese of Salisbury 1250-1550 by Brown, Andrew D.
Ireland and the Vatican: The Politics and Diplomacy of Church-State Relations, 1922-1960 by Keogh, Dermot
The Sources of Christian Ethics by Pinckaers, Servais
Writing Women in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain by Surtz, Ronald E.
Pope John Paul II and the Church by Hebblewaite, Peter
Lives of the Saints: For Everyday in the Year by Butler, Alban
What Catholics Really Believe: Answers to Common Misconceptions about the Faith by Keating, Karl
Saint Francis of the Seven Seas by Nevins, Albert J.
Restoration & Renewal by Eagan, Joseph F.
Treatises and Pastoral Prayer: Volume 2 by Aelred of Rievaulx
Companion to the Prayer of Christians: Reflections and Personal Prayers by Burke, John
Catherine McAuley Tradition Mercy by Sullivan, Mary C.
Catherine McAuley and the Tradition of Mercy by Sullivan, Mary C.
The Papacy, Scotland and Northern England, 1342 1378 by Barrell, A. D. M., Barrell, Andrew D. M.
Violence and Miracle in the Fourteenth Century: Private Grief and Public Salvation by Goodich, Michael E.
Why You Can Disagree and Remain a Faithful Catholic by McCormick, Richard, Kaufman, Philip S.
Method in Ministry: Theological Reflection and Christian Ministry (revised) by Whitehead, James D., Whitehead, Evelyn Eaton
St. Martin de Porres: The "Little Stories" and the Semiotics of Culture by Garcia-Rivera, Alex
The Life of St. Benedict: The Great Patriarch of the Western Monks (480-547 A.D.) by Great, Gregory
Jonathan Edwards and the Catholic Vision of Salvation by Morimoto, Anri
Crossing the Threshold of Hope by Pope John Paul II
Lord, Hear Our Prayer: Prayer of the Faithful for Sundays, Holy Days, and Ritual Masses by Cormier, Jay
Blessings: Transforming My Vietnam Experience by Yost, Don
Thy Will Be Done!: Letters of St. Francis de Sales by De Sales, Francisco
Why Do Catholics Do That?: A Guide to the Teachings and Practices of the Catholic Church by Johnson, Kevin Orlin
Catholic Devotion in Victorian England by Heimann, Mary
Hidden Friends: Growing in Prayer by The Carmelites of Indianapolis
Black Elk's Religion by Holler, Clyde
The Meditations of Guigo I: Prior of the Charterhouse Volume 155 by Guigo
Eros and Allegory: Medieval Exegesis of the Song of Songs Volume 156 by Turner, Denys
Seven Bells to Bethlehem: The O Antiphons by Treanor, Oliver
In the Beginning...': A Catholic Understanding of the Story of Creation and the Fall by Benedict XVI, Pope
The Trial of God: (As It Was Held on February 25, 1649, in Shamgorod) by Wiesel, Elie
Liturgy, Sanctity and History in Tridentine Italy by Ditchfield, Simon
The Scent of Jasmine: Reflections for Peace in Everyday Life by McCarthy, Patricia
Sorrow, the Sacrifice, and the Triumph: The Apparitions, Visions, and Prophecies of Christina Gallagher by Petrisko, Thomas