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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Catholicism in 1999

Nineteenth Century Scholasticism: The Search for a Unitary Method by McCool, Gerald A.
A View from Rome: On the Eve of the Modernist Crisis by Schultenover, David G.
Method and Catholic Moral Theology: The Ongoing Reconstruction by Salzman, Todd A.
The College Student's Introduction to the Trinity by Lorenzen, Lynne Faber
Liturgy and the Social Sciences by Mitchell, Nathan D.
Nuts & Bolts: A Practical, How-To Guide for Explaining & Defending the Catholic Faith by Staples, Tim
Francis of Assisi by de la Bedoyere, Michael
St. Ignatius of Loyola: Founder of the Jesuits by Forbes
Mary the Mother of God by Hoagland, Victor
Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ: Arranged for Proclamation by Several Ministers: In Accord with the 1998 Lectionary for Mass by Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
To Quell the Terror: The True Story of the Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne by Bush, William
Saint Rita: Saint of the Impossible by Otto, John
Dialogue Between an Orthodox and a Barlaamite by Palamas, Gregory
Lives of the Saints Boxed Set: Includes 870/22 and 875/22 (Large Print Edition) by Hoever, H., Donaghy, Thomas J.
Words of Comfort for Every Day: I Love You Lord: Minute Meditations Featuring Selected, Scripture Texts and Short Prayers to the Lord by Sullivan, Joseph T.
Iberian Fathers, Volume 3 Pacian of Barcelona, Orosius of Braga by Pacian of Barcelona
The Community of the Beautiful: A Theological Aesthetics by Garcia-Rivera, Alejandro R.
Saint Ignatius and the Company of Jesus by Derleth, August
Adoration: Eucharistic Texts and Prayers Throughout Church History by Guernsey, Dan
Enjoying God's Beauty by Navone, John
The Density of the Present: Selected Writings by Gutierrez, Gustavo
The Mystery of Christian Worship by Casel, Odo
The Ministry of Law in the Church Today by McKenna, Kevin E.
Upon This Rock: St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome in Scripture and the Early Church by Ray, Stephen K.
Life Is Worth Living by Sheen, Fulton
Mary and the Fathers of the Church the Blessed Virgin Mary in Patristic Thought by Gambero, Luigi
God: The Evidence: The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason in a Postsecular World by Glynn, Patrick
Crossing the Threshold of Love by Shivanandan, Mary
The Journey to God by Wall, Antoninus
Gift and Mystery: On the fifteth anniversary of my priestly ordination by Pope John Paul II
Encyclopedia of the Vatican and Papacy by Coppa, Frank
Praying with Benedict: Prayer in the Rule of St. Benedict Volume 190 by Vermeiren, Korneel
Selected Sermons, Prayers, and Devotions by Newman, John Henry
Does God Need the Church?: Toward a Theology of the People of God by Lohfink, Gerhard
Poor Therefore Rich: Carthusian Novice Conferences Volume 184 by A Carthusian
The Refashioning of Catholicism, 1450-1700: A Reassessment of the Counter-Reformation by Bireley, Robert
The Refashioning of Catholicism, 1450-1700: A Reassessment of the Counter-Reformation by Bireley, Robert
Catholicism and Anti-Catholicsm by
Washington and Rome: Catholicism in American Culture by Zöller, Michael
Kirche und Macht im römischen Trecento by Rehberg, Andreas
Journeys at the Margin: Towards an Autobiographical Theology in American-Asian Perspective by
Paul and Third World Women Theologians by Dornisch, Loretta C.
Mark 1-8:21 by Laverdiere, Eugene
The English Saints: East Anglia by Jones, Trefor
The Refashioning of Catholicism, 1450-1700 by Bireley, Robert
The Rhetoric of Pope John Paul II: The Pastoral Visit as a New Vocabulary of the Sacred by Melady, Margaret Badum
Anglicans in the Antipodes: An Indexed Calendar to the Papers and Correspondence of the Archbishops of Canterbury, 1788-1961, Relating to Australi by Unknown
Ishmael Instructs Isaac: An Introduction to the Qur'an for Bible Readers by Kaltner, John
The Rule of Saint Benedict: A Doctrinal and Spiritual Commentary Volume 54 by de Vogue, Adalbert
The Registers of Henry Burghersh 1320-1342: I. Institutions to Benefices in the Archdeaconries of Lincoln, Stow and Leicester by Bennett, Nicholas
Catholic Identity: Balancing Reason, Faith, and Power by Dillon, Michele
Catholic Identity: Balancing Reason, Faith, and Power by Dillon, Michele, Michele, Dillon
Padre Pio's Words of Hope by Dunn Bertanzetti, Eileen
God and Goodness: A Natural Theological Perspective by Wynn, Mark
Vision and Values: Ethical Viewpoints in the Catholic Tradition by
All Creation is Groaning: An Interdisciplinary Vision for Life in a Sacred Universe by
The Beginning of the Gospel, Volume 2: Introducing the Gospel According to Mark: (Mark 8:22-16:20) Volume 2 by Laverdiere, Eugene
Method and Catholic Moral Theology:: The Ongoing Reconstruction. by Salzman, Todd A.
The Eucharist by Chupungco, Anscar J.
Cassian the Monk by Stewart, Columba
Kirche, Staat, Nation: Raumgliederung Der Kirche Im Mittelalterlichen Europa by Schmidt, Hans-Joachim
Capitalism and Christianity: The Possibility of Christian Personalism by Bayer, Richard C.
Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ by Liguori, Alphonsus
A Catholic Modernity?: Charles Taylor's Marianist Award Lecture, with Responses by William M. Shea, Rosemary Luling Haughton, George Marsden, by
Faith Facts: Answers to Catholic Questions Vol. I by
Popery: The Foe of the Church and of the Republic by Van Dyke, Joseph S.
The Seven Storey Mountain by Merton, Thomas
Veil and Cowl: Writings from the World of Monks and Nuns by
The Smoke of Satan: Conservative and Traditionalist Dissent in Contemporary American Catholicism by Cuneo, Michael W.
Counter Reformation by
Counter-Reformation by
Women and Faith: Catholic Religious Life in Italy from Late Antiquity to the Present by
Halfway to Heaven: The Hidden Life of the Carthusians Volume 186 by Lockhart, Robin Bruce
Where the Two Roads Meet by Vecsey, Christopher
Western Monasticism: A History of the Monastic Movement in the Latin Church Volume 185 by King, Peter
From Advent to Pentecost: Carthusian Novice Conferences Volume 188 by A Carthusian
The Essential Catholic Prayer Book: A Collection of Private and Community Prayers by Bauer, Judy
Journal of a Soul: The Autobiography of Pope John XXIII by Pope John XXIII
The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth by Hahn, Scott
The Early Modern Papacy: From the Council of Trent to the French Revolution 1564-1789 by Wright, A. D.
Commonweal Confronts the Century: Liberal Convictions, Catholic Tradition by Editors of Commonweal Magazine, The
The Popes Against Modern Errors: 16 Papal Documents by
Silent Life by Merton, Thomas
New Man by Merton, Thomas
Las Moradas by De Jesus, Teresa
St. Gerard Majella: The Wonder-Worker and Patron of Expectant Mothers by Saint-Omer, Edward
St. Raphael: Angel of Marriage, of Healing, of Happy Meetings, of Joy and of Travel by Carol, Angela
St. Jude Thaddeus: Helper in Desperate Cases by Anonymous
Angels and Devils by Cruz, Joan Carroll
This Is the Faith: A Complete Explanation of the Catholic Faith by Ripley, Francis
In Our Darkest Hour - Morning Star Over America / Volume I - February 22, 1991 - December 31, 1992 by Roth, William L., Parsons-Heather, Timothy
Concilium 1999/5: 2000 - Reality and Hope by