• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Catholicism in 2000

Mystery of Reason by Haffner, Paul
Bodies of Worship: Explorations in Theory and Practice by
Crux Ansata: An Indictment of the Roman Catholic Church by Wells, H. G.
Our Grounds for Hope: Enduring Words of Comfort and Assurance by Sheen, Fulton J.
The Joy of Being a Lector by Finley, Mitch
On Illustrious Men by St Jerome
Reasoning from the Scriptures with Catholics by Rhodes, Ron
Reading the Gospel by Dunne, John S.
Bible History: Of the Old and New Testaments by Schuster, Ignatius
Following Jesus Christ: Prayers and Meditations on the Passion of Christ by Hoagland, Victor
Sharing the Eucharist: A Theological Evaluation of the Post Conciliar Legislation by Wijlens, Myriam
French Catholicism: Church, State and Society in a Changing Era by Tippett-Spirtou, S.
Watch and Pray with Me by Rahner, Karl
Spiritual Genius of St. Therese of Lisieux by Guitton, Jean
Bernard of Clairvaux by Evans, G. R., Evans, Gillian R.
The Ground Beneath the Cross: The Theology of Ignacio Ellacuría by Burke, Kevin F.
Right and Reason: Ethics in Theory and Practice by Fagothey, Austin
St. Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous Medal by Power-Waters, Alma
An Aquinas Reader: Selections from the Writings of Thomas Aquinas by Clark, Mary T.
Living a Gentle, Passionate Life by Wicks, Robert J.
Towards a Liberal Catholicism: Psychology and Four Women by Morea, Peter
Year at the Catholic Worker: A Spiritual Journey Among the Poor by Ellis, Marc H.
A Life of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, Redemptorist by Von Stamwitz, Alicia, Hoegerl, Carl
Next Pope, the - Revised & Updated: A Behind-The-Scenes Look at How the Successor to John Paul II Will Be Elected and Where He Will Lead the Church by Hebblethwait, Margaret, Hebblethwaite, Peter
Concilium 2000/2: Creating Identity by
Catholic Converts: Culture and Conversation During Perestroika by Allitt, Patrick
When Women Become Priests: The Catholic Women's Ordination Debate by Raab, Kelley
The Chaste Passions: Defining Women Through Feminist Practice by Winstead, Karen A.
Hope of the Wicked by Flynn, Ted
El Cuerpo de Cristo by Casarella, Peter, Gomez, Raul
Your Child's Confirmation by Luebering, Carol
Augustinianism and Modern Theology by Lubac, Henri de, Dupré, Louis
Reading the Gospel by Dunne, John S.
The Aquinas Catechism: A Simple Explanation of the Catholic Faith by the Church's Greatest Theologian by Aquinas, Saint Thomas
Truth to Power: The Pope Has No Clothes by Pinchot, Michael
Through Fire and Flood: The Catholic Church in Fronntier Texas, 1836-1900 by Moore, James Talmadge
Knowledge of Christ by Moloney S. J., Raymond
The Register of John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury 1486-1500: III: Norwich Diocese Sede Vacante, 1499 by
Sacraments and Sacramentals by
Living Justice: Catholic Social Teaching in Action by Massaro Sj, Thomas
Schall on Chesterton: Timely Essays on Timeless Paradoxes by Schall, James V. S. J.
Christology from Within: Spirituality and the Incarnation in Hans Urs von Balthasar by McIntosh, Mark A.
The Mystical Priesthood of the Mother of God: Authority for the Ordination of Roman Catholic Women Priests by Taylor-Javier, Walda
Wisdom Has Built Her House: Studies on the Figure of Sophia in the Bible by Schroer, Silvia
Commentary on the Psalms, 1-72 by Theodoret of Cyrus
The New Jerusalem in the Revelation of John: The City as Symbol of Life with God by Malina, Bruce J.
The Aquinas Prayer Book: The Prayers and Hymns of St. Thomas Aquinas by Moser, Johann M., Aquinas, Saint Thomas, Anderson, Robert
We, the Ordinary People of the Streets by Delbrêl, Madeleine
Mother Seton and the Sisters of Charity by Power-Waters, Alma
Woman of Grace: A Bible Study for Married Women by Martin, Michaelann
Preaching the New Lectionary: Year C by Bergant, Dianne, Fragomeni, Richard N.
Parables for Preachers: The Gospel of Luke, Year C by Reid, Barbara E.
Why Believe?: Foundations of Catholic Theology by Flynn, Eileen
No Trace of Christmas?: Discovering Advent in the Old Testament by Dohmen, Christoph
While the Eyes of the Great Are Elsewhere by Biersach, William L.
Spirit of Flame by Peers, Edgar Allison
The Practice of Christian and Religious Perfection Vol III by Rodriguez, Sj Alphonsus
The Practice of Christian and Religious Perfection Vol I by Rodriguez, S. J. Alphonsus
The Practice of Christian and Religious Perfection Vol II by Rodriguez, Sj Alphonsus
A Free Society Reader: Principles for the New Millennium by
The Glories of Mary by Liguori, Alphonsus
Convergence by Bruder, Judith
In Good Company: The Fast Track from the Corporate World to Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience by Martin Sj, James
Being Catholic, Being American, Volume 2: The Notre Dame Story, 1934-1952 by Burns, Robert E.
A Child in Winter: Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany with Caryll Houselander by
My Grandfather's House: A Genealogy of Doubt and Faith by Clark, Robert
Growing Up Catholic: The Commemorative Catholic Jubilee Edition: An Infinitely Funny Guide for the Faithful, the Fallen, and Everyone In-Be by Kelly, Maureen Anne Teresa, Stone, Jeffrey Allen Joseph, Cavolina, Mary Jane Frances
Lesslie Newbigin: A Theological Life by Wainwright, Geoffrey
Black Madonnas: Feminism, Religion, and Politics in Italy by Birnbaum, Lucia Chiavola
Catholics USA: Will They Survive? by Cateura, Linda Brandi
Making a Heart for God: A Week Inside a Catholic Monastery by Aprile, Dianne
Destined for Liberty: The Human Person in the Philosophy of Karol Wojtya/John Paul II by Kupczak, Jaroslaw
Reforming the Church Today by Küng, Hans
The Theology of Priesthood by
The Essential Catholic Handbook: A Guide to Beliefs, Practices and Prayers by
Between Memory and Hope: Readings on the Liturgical Year by
Enkindled: Holy Spirit, Holy Gifts by Haase, Albert, Haase, Bridget
Liturgical Time and Space by
The Progress of Dogma: Being the Elliot Lectures, Delivered at the Western Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pennysylvania, U.S.A. 1897 by Orr, James
Perfect Fools: Folly for Christ's Sake in Catholic and Orthodox Spirituality by Saward, John
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius by Ignatius
Letters Against Murder Worship by Haas, Edward N.
Touch the Pain: The Servant Church in the 21st Century by McNamara, Bill
Two Letters for 1993 by Haas, Edward N.
Rethinking Catholicism in Reformation England by Wooding, Lucy E. C.